A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 51


"Hey girl, you miss me?" Roxy cooed, before kissing a cowgirl that had come up to her eagerly. This was, Akane knew, the one cowgirl that Roxy had been fucking exclusively for a few months, and...

Akane couldn't help it: this cowgirl looked a lot like herself, and the fact that it was this one that Roxy picked as the one she was gonna fuck was simultaneously flattering and gutbusting. For months, Roxy had wanted so badly to fuck Akane that, despite refusing to actually do it, she then picked the cowgirl that reminded her the most of Akane and fucked her instead.

God, Roxy was such a horny idiot. Akane loved her.

"So... what, precisely, is our role, here?" Nicky asked.

"Honestly, you don't have one," Roxy said. "The only thing we really can do today is have this here cowgirl knock up that there bunnygirl-" Roxy nodded at her bunnygirl, one of the two entire monstergirls in Roxy's very anemic "ranch." "-and then give it a few days for the litter to be born. You're... mostly just here because you followed me in here, really."

"Hey now," Akane protested, "I am here to watch that bunnygirl get absolutely railed."

"That's a bit optimistic," Roxy said. "You and I know damn well that these cowgirls are about as pillow-princess-y as Nicky is."

"Hey!" Nicky protested.

"Anyway, Bunny, c'mere," Roxy said, gesturing over her bunnygirl, who obediently trotted over. "So, at some point, I'm gonna wanna automate this, because I will manage to lose interest in a herd of eagerly fuckable bunnygirls with fat tits, and I would like it if they'd still be more-or-less fine after I move on to the next project."

"Uhhh," Akane began, fully aware that what Roxy had just said was ridiculous.

"Did you know that monstergirls go into a bit of a trance when you milk them?" Roxy said. "Lisa told me, and even demonstrated it. She claims it's perfectly safe in the long term, as long as she's got food and water."

"Huh," Akane said. "Right, yeah, the milking trance, that is a thing, but... I mean, it only lasts while they're being milked."

"This latex bodysuit Roxy made for me can milk me automatically," Lisa said, pointing at her tits. "She made it in, like, a half hour, so I bet she can make a bunch more of 'em, too."

"Gonna need a lot of them if there's gonna be one for every monstergirl in your ranch," Nel pointed out. "Bunnygirls tend to make a lot more bunnygirls in pretty short order."

"I've already got ideas for cranking 'em out," Roxy said.

"Also," Akane added, "you do still have to feed the bunnygirls."

"I can just hook up a feeder tube between their nipples and their mouths," Roxy said. "Even with just Lactation 1, they'd make enough milk every day to feed themselves and have excess leftover for... whatever I want bunnygirl milk for. I guess it might be interesting to run some tests to figure out if bunnygirl milk is useful for anything that cowgirl milk doesn't already do better? Iunno. I'll figure something out. In the meantime, though..." Roxy kissed the bunnygirl- apparently already named Bunny because Roxy was exactly as creative as Akane's parents were- and began to work her up.

Akane hooted and cheered, and watched eagerly as Roxy pulled back from the panting, blushing bunnygirl, before pushing her up against the cowgirl.

"That does raise something of a question," Elendar said. "How are you supposed to convince a pair of unawakened monstergirls to breed with each other?"

Roxy wordlessly grabbed the bunnygirl by the hips, picked her up, and set her back down, pussy-first, on the cowgirl's cock.

"...Fair enough," Elendar said.

"There's other ways to do it," Akane said. "Roxy could have just jerked the cowgirl off into a condom, then squirted the condom's contents up the bunnygirl's pussy, but... well, this way is a lot more fun."

"Plus, there's other ways of coaxing unawakened monstergirls into doing what you want," Roxy said. "However, I'm a Level 4 Paladin and can literally just pick up a monstergirl and make her do what I want, so..." Roxy shrugged.

"I'm not sure I believe you," Akane said. "I need you to demonstrate it again, just to be sure."

Roxy rolled her eyes, but still walked towards Akane, putting an undeniable giddiness in her heart.

Roxy kissed Akane, and then grabbed Akane by the hips, preparing to pick Akane up and then fuck her. Akane leaned into the kiss, moaning a little, and moaning a little louder as Roxy did, in fact, pick her up... before yelping as Roxy pulled Akane out of the kiss, and then turned her around.

"Oooh, from behind?" Akane asked.

"No," Roxy said, before putting Akane back down, right onto Lisa's cock.

"Oh fuck that feels good," Lisa whimpered. "Ooooohhhh, fuck she's so warm..."

"...Works for me," Akane said, her legs already wrapped around Lisa's hips. She'd been hoping she'd get a chance to ride the foxgirl since the moment she'd laid eyes on the saucy little vixen, so if that chance came a little early, she wasn't gonna complain.

See, Akane's dirty little secret was that, in truth, she was not another dainty little submissive like all the others. Akane was, in fact, more dominant than not, and for pretty much anyone except Roxy, it was Akane who was in charge of Akane getting fucked.

(She briefly wondered if her more dominant leanings meant she was a trans alpha, but discarded that quickly; if Nicky was proof of anything, it was that an alpha was perfectly capable of being submissive and breedable, and clearly, the reverse was also true. Moreover, Akane liked being desired as an omega, as well as having a pussy. Enchanted strap-ons were available, so Akane could (and did) try, she just... didn't care for it. If someone really wanted her to penetrate them, she'd more likely send them to Roxy than even temporarily don a dick.)

And so, legs around Lisa's hips, Akane started to hump and pump.

The vixen didn't stay standing for long; it wasn't that she couldn't support Akane's weight (she'd almost definitely had maxed-out base stats fucked into her by Roxy already, and even with just base stats, maxed out strength was enough to easily pick up and carry an adult humanoid), but more that Lisa was getting to use her cock as intended for the first time, and her legs were shaking from the sheer joy of it all. Which, for Akane, was actually an experience she'd had before, with Nicky; memory rushed back, and Akane shifted a little as she rode Lisa to the ground, using a bit of off-the-cuff telekinesis to cushion the fall.

If Akane's memories of riding Nicky taught her anything, it's that Lisa, in the eagerly submissive role, would want to have her more omega-like features emphasized and acknowledged; that she would want to feel like an omega, despite having her dick inside an actual omega. And with that... she went to work.

(Roxy would probably take issue with how Akane phrased the idea, but there were a few reasons Akane didn't really care. One, Roxy was a bit of a gender deviant by this world's standards (alphas didn't typically have fat, juicy tits that'd be at home on an omega, and yet Roxy had done that to herself on purpose), and also probably by her own world's standards. These heterodoxies may give Roxy some fascinating and unique insights, but it also made her more than a little pedantic. Second, Roxy would still agree with the sentiment, she would just disagree with the framing; nobody could seriously argue that Roxy didn't love plowing a girl with killer hips and perky tits, or that she didn't call Nicky "Princess" and put her in the most cleavagey, tits-out outfits ever devised, nor could one claim Roxy didn't know the effects this had on her girls. And third... Akane wasn't saying any of this shit out loud, and so there wasn't any phrasing for Roxy to object to. Sure, Akane's internal monologue did in fact manifest as actual words, but that was besides the point.)

Akane leaned forward, once Lisa's back was flat on the floor, and kissed the foxgirl, deep and hungrily, even bringing a hand up to caress up the side of Lisa's face, trailing from the chin up to the cheek, stopping just below Lisa's human ear.

(Despite it being something she'd grown up seeing on her dad, the cowgirls, and the few other monstergirls she ran into (it was, in Akane's mind, a crime that humans, the most boring flavor of awakened people, were the most common), the fact that most monstergirls had four ears instead of two was unsettling as hell, every now and then.)

Akane's hand went further up, brushing back Lisa's silky, sinfully soft hair, before coming to rest on one of her fox ears, which twitched in her loose grasp, brushing the downy fur against Akane's hand in a delightful quivering. And as Akane tighened her grip, bearing down on the thin, flexible membranes from which all this beautiful fluff sprouted, she could feel Lisa working herself up at lightning speed. Barely three gentle up-and-down rubs with her thumb were all Akane got in before Lisa whined and squealed into the kiss, and came inside her. Akane had honestly forgotten about Lisa's skintight jumpsuit before now- it was supremely thin, and had a tactile feel near-identical to skin, yet now, it made itself known as the suit ballooned out around Lisa's tip, filling up with her hot, thick cum.

"Enjoy yourself?" Akane asked, pulling herself back from the kiss, but only barely; she was still nose-to-nose with Lisa.

"What is it with you guys and my ears?" Lisa whined. "They're so sensitive..."

"That's why we grab 'em," Roxy said. "It's not just that they're soft and squishy triangles of fuzz, it's also the fact that you lose your mind when we touch 'em."

"Yeah, but I've got tits for that, too," Lisa said.

"Everyone in this room has big fat tits," Roxy said. "You're the only one with fluffy ears."

"Shhh, don't listen to her," Akane cooed, bringing her hand back down, and her other hand up, before resting them both on Lisa's boobs. "Some of us can appreciate your killer rack, too, not just your ears."

"Glad to see someone appreciates me," Lisa said, shooting a haughty look at Roxy.

"I literally woke you up this morning by fucking your tits, how much more attention do you want me to give them?" Roxy asked.

"The fact you aren't sucking my nipples right now is an atrocity and a crime against all of humanity, especially me."

Akane grinned a little. She may not have cum yet, but... well, one, there would very likely be more opportunities to get fucked as the day went on, and two, she still got a big hit of satisfaction from her time with Lisa. Dominant she may be, but she still loved the fact that Lisa had enjoyed her so much, the vixen hadn't been able to last even five minutes.

Nonetheless... She was hopeful she'd get to cum, next time.

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