A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 52


"Alright, well, that's pretty much all I can do with Rancher today," Roxy said as she settled down at a table.

Roxy's room, once upon a time, had been an ordinary bedroom. A ten foot cube, roughly- the ceiling wasn't quite that high, and the walls weren't precisely that far apart, but... thereabouts. Roxy's old bed, sized for a single person, was about three feet by seven feet, and the rest of the space was taken up by a desk, a simple wooden chair, and a mat for daily calisthenics.

Today, however, Roxy had reached the point where she was a Level 5 Wizard with all three crafting classes, and she had damn well used them. Her room was now far, far more spatially-expanded, being about as big as a farmer's house, and with even more furniture.

Right now, everyone was seated at a big, round table, about three feet across, in chairs made of thin wooden poles and canvas slings. Lisa had the best seat, that being Roxy's lap, and a twinge of jealousy shot through Nicky. Was Roxy going to replace her? Did Roxy's need for a busty girl with a dick to keep as a pet only extend as far as one pet? Nicky may have bigger tits than Lisa did, true, but Lisa had a more conveniently-fuckable hole, and also didn't have the political nightmare of being in Vega's line of succession.

Nicky forced herself to calm down; Lisa was the new girl, and so it was only natural that Roxy was giving her special treatment right now, especially as she'd awakened less than 24 hours ago. They'd reach an equilibrium soon enough.

"Let's talk crafting," Roxy continued. "Everyone at this table besides the Familiars has at least one crafter class, so let's see if we can suss out what the Succubus and Incubus classes add as far as crafting synergies go. Nicky, you're the Blacksmith, so would you mind telling me what sorts of crafting recipes you've unlocked since getting the Succubus class?"

Ah, right, that.

"I... haven't been paying much attention to Blacksmith as of late," Nicky said. "I did a few swords as practice to make sure I could make a usable sword, but... after your dart guns, I set it aside, thinking I'd get back to it when I had time. Meaning, after exams."

"I see, I see," Roxy said. "Well, we aren't doing anything else today, so... go ahead and look through your mental library, see if there's anything new."

Nicky nodded, and started to review her options. A lot of it looked familiar, but-

"Ah," Nicky said, nodding. "I can make sex toys, lingerie, and... a very wide assortment of fetish gear, including chainmail bikinis."

Roxy nodded back, and conjured an illusory blackboard, floating in the center of the table, pointed straight at Nicky. It'd be illegible for anyone else, th- hrm. Nicky tilted to the side, and the blackboard tracked her head, staying perfectly oriented. Chances were, it looked this way to everyone. On the board itself, some text appeared:


-Sexy apparel

-Sex toys

"That's consistent with what I've found in my own crafting library, as far as Blacksmith goes," Roxy added. "I think Incubus and Succubus are pretty much interchangeable, for stuff like this. Next, let's do Alchemist." More text appeared on the board. "Any questions?"


-Transformation potions

-Trait potions

-Based on milk and cum

-Silicone, condom-grade latex, catsuit-grade latex, other sexually-useful materials

"I thought you invented silicone," Akane said.

"Turns out, I did not," Roxy said. "I was just following a multi-variant recipe that gave me enough feedback to think I simply understood everything going on."

"Can you elaborate on the transformation potions?" Nel asked.

"So, there's two kinds, one of which is breed-agnostic," Roxy said. "That's potions that fine-tune the shape of your body- potions that make your tits bigger, or puts a knot on a dick that didn't have one, or gives you a pussy. That sort of thing. It uses milk and cum as ingredients, but, it is not picky about what kind of milk and cum you use. And then there's the other type of transformation potion, which can turn someone into an elf or a bunnygirl or whatever."

"The first kind... what sorts of physical transformations can it not do?" El asked, stroking her chin.

"Can't give people new appendages, aside from a dick," Roxy said. "Can't make their hands furry, or... well, basically, it's limited to the realm of human plausibility. I can't make a potion to give someone four arms, because humans don't typically have that many arms."

"And now for Mystic Artificer, right?" Akane asked.

"Eyup," Roxy said. "What've you noticed? Since, y'know, Artificer is your only crafting class?"

"I can enchant stuff to do the Succubus sex magic stuff," Akane said. "Like a cockring that makes you cum enough to fill a bucket, or one that makes your partner cum when you do."

Roxy nodded, and added more text to the board.


-Sex magic as enchantments

"And now, for the three-way synergies I've noticed," Roxy said, closing her eyes.


-Enchanted sex toys

-Enchanted sexy apparel

-Enchanted sexy armor (huge deal)


-Silicone sex toys with realistic textures

-Latex condoms and bodysuits


-Potion effects as enchantments

-Possible pathway to potion effects as Wizard spells

"I am curious about the enchanted sexy armor thing," Akane began.

Nicky remembered that she was a Mystic Artificer now, too, and so started rifling through her library to figure out what that could be.

"But a way to turn potion effects into Wizard spells would be huge," Akane continued. "Not just because you've got insane potions."

"It would be, yes," Roxy said, nodding. "Among other things, it might help find a way to go the other way, and turn a Wizard spell into a potion effect. A flask of [Fireball] would be a pretty big deal, I think."

"Alright, I'll bite," Nel said. "What's the big deal with sexy armor enchantments?"

"A chainmail bikini can be enchanted to provide its full protection everywhere on the wearer's body, not just where the armor actually is," Nicky said.

"Exactly," Roxy said. "And what this means is that we can potentially make armor out of higher-tier metals that'd be too heavy for us to wear a full suit of, but which would be just fine if you were only wearing a tiny amount of it. Because, well... we would be wearing only a tiny amount of it."

"...Okay, yeah," Nel said. "That's... that's a big deal. I... fuck, that might completely shut down a Thief's ability to do any damage, wouldn't it? We don't shove our swords straight through a breastplate, we shove it through a gap between the pauldron and the breastplate, but if this covers every last gap..."

"It might not," Nicky warned. "Moreover, I should note that there are still downsides that would make a full suit preferable, if we were capable of wearing it. Namely, smaller amounts of material can hold smaller amounts of enchantment, and some of that sharply limited enchanting budget is already spoken for."

"Still," Akane said. "We've just discovered a way to make me go into a dungeon with only two coins of adamantine glued to my nipples and have it be a good idea."

"She speaks the truth," Roxy said, nodding. "Anyhow! Does anyone have anything to add to the chart?"

"What exists in terms of four-way synergies, of Incubus, Alchemist, Blacksmith, and Mystic Artificer?" El asked.

"Honestly, nothing," Roxy said. "I can enchant those realistic sex toys, but so could Akane or Nicky or Nel, and those enchantments aren't anything special for that four-way intersection. I mean, yeah, I could make a chainmail bikini that's enchanted to turn its wearer into a stacked-as-fuck cowgirl who's leaking milk through the bikini, but each of those components is present at a lower level."

"May I-" Nel began.

"Yes, I'll make you an enchanted collar that does exactly that," Roxy promised. Nicky carefully noted Nel's milking fetish, and filed that away for later. Perhaps it could inspire a milkmaid-themed blowjob later on... "Anyone else?"

"Are you gonna make me get a crafting class?" Lisa asked.

"We've got enough crafting bandwidth that we don't need more crafters," Roxy said. "If you did take up Blacksmith or whatever, it'd be for your own personal enrichment."

Nicky suppressed a grin; she was a crafter, and that was a connection with Roxy that Lisa seemed unwilling to usurp.

"Now... anything else?"

"What's next?" Nicky asked.

"Well, I'm going to start working on an enchanted device that's largely orthogonal to the whole Incubus synergy thing," Roxy said. "I've gotta crank out a bunch of those milking collars, and like hell I'm making every one of them by hand, so I'll make a machine to do it for me."

"...You can do that?" Nel asked.

"Yep!" Akane said. "One of the things Mystic Artificer does is turn a specific expression of any class ability into an enchantment; it can enchant a hammer with a Blacksmith recipe to turn a bar of iron into a sword blade, and it can enchant something to apply a specific set of enchantments to something else. That's actually a major part of enchanted bows and guns- some of them enchant the projectiles themselves, right before they're fired."

"And I'm going to use that to the hilt," Roxy said. "It's gonna drink magic like water, but... well, I'll figure out a solution. It might look like asking Cecilia for a favor."

"I think I might try my hand at making some of that enchanted armor," Nicky said. "No point in waiting, and... well, I'd like to wear some."

"Fair enough," Roxy said, nodding. "If you need materials or magic potions, I've gotcha."

"I'll take you up on that," Nicky said.

Pretty much the only thing that'd make this project better is if she could do it with Roxy, but... well, she supposed she could make her new, slutty delving gear a surprise to Roxy.

And with that bit of encouragement, Nicky started brainstorming ideas, preparing to turn a dollop of adamantine- or maybe just mythril to begin with, as adamantine would be incredibly difficult to work- into enchanted, armored lingerie.

She settled on an idea, moved over to Roxy's secondary Blacksmithing workstation, and got going.

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