A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 57


"Alright, we're all clear," Roxy said, as Anzerath signed the contract. "So, you wanted to know how I'd use your dick to make more dragongirls without doing any breeding, right?"

"Eyup," Anzerath said, nodding. "How... the fuck?"

"I can make special potions from the milk and cum of monstergirls," Roxy said. "These potions can be as simple as causing basic physical transformations, either temporary or permanent, or it can do far more advanced things like grant the drinker a Trait. I have, in this way, gone from a perfectly ordinary baseline human to a half-elf who will live for five hundred years, has three extra class slots, and has Trickster as an inherent class. And I can do that to other people, too. However! While the Sorcerer class is the big deal about dragongirls, they're still desired for other reasons, and also, people are gonna ask a lot of awkward questions if I start selling bunnygirls with the Sorcerer Trait. And that's where the last kind of potion comes in: a potion that changes a monstergirl's breed! With this, all I need to do is milk you once, and then within the day, I can turn a breeding population of bunnygirls into a breeding population of dragongirls!"

"...I see," Anzerath said slowly, before blinking. "Wait, milk and cum?"

"Hence the potion to give you a dick," Roxy explained.

"I mean, I get that, but... you do know I'm not lactating right now, right?"

"Correct. Not right now," Roxy said, matter-of-factly. "We'll change that for the milking session, and then you can decide whether or not you keep any of the changes."

Anzerath paged through her short-term memory, and recalled that Roxy had said she could make potions that physically transform people, as well as grant Traits. It wasn't exactly a stretch of the imagination that Roxy could, in fact, induce lactation so casually.

"...Well... fair enough, I suppose," Anzerath said. "So, um... the milking session. How does that...?"

"There's options," Roxy said. "I can give you a pair of buckets and a room with no windows and a door that locks, and you jerk off into one bucket and milk your tits into the other. Or, you can have the kind of mindblowing sex that's only possible when one of the people involved has the Incubus class, which revolves around sex magic, and the milking stuff is just an excuse for the sex. Plus, y'know, a whole spectrum in-between. I've milked cowgirls every day for the past year or so, so I've gotten pretty good at grabbing and squeezing some fat fuckin' tits while keeping it casual and unhorny."

Anzerath screamed internally.

"You... didn't mention a sex magic class," Anzerath said.

"I didn't, did I?" Roxy mused. "Well, it's fairly simple, really: I've got the Incubus class, which lets me do intuitive sex magic, and which also unlocked the potion recipes that let me do all this insane bullshit. Oh, wait, that does remind me of something that may be a sticking point- to unlock dragongirl potion recipes, I'll need to drink some dragongirl milk straight from the tap, which, uh... does mean you'd have to tolerate me sucking your nipple."

"I'm... perfectly alright with that," Anzerath said. "Um... would it be possible for me to receive the sex magic class, in return for my fluids?"

"You can receive a variant of it called Succubus, but that requires me to cum inside you."

"I'm alright with that too," Anzerath said.

"Great. Well, if you're eager to get fucked, then we don't need to wait if you don't want to."

"We can..." Anzerath swallowed. "I mean, in here?"

"You would not be the first omega I bent over this specific workbench," Roxy said wryly.

Dammit, why was Anzerath getting so worked up over this? She was a Level 14 Sorcerer! She outleveled this random-ass Alchemist by a factor of three! And yet, here she was, blushing like a teenager and talking in circles about what she really wanted. She was an Ironborn, for fuck's sake, and it was time she acted like it.

And with that, Anzerath grabbed the neckline of her dress and ripped it down the middle discarding the halves to either side and leaving her naked in front of Roxy. It was, Anzerath was pretty sure, what Cecilia would do. Probably. Anzerath actually had no idea how, specifically, Cecilia went about getting laid.

"So, you wanna get on your knees and drink a potion for me, or should I skip that bit and just put a magic collar on you?" Roxy asked, shattering the false confidence that Anzerath had mustered by channeling Cecilia.

"I- that- you-" Anzerath spluttered and stammered, before catching herself, and catching her breath. "...Lisa made the collar look really good."

"Good girl. A collar for you, then. It's enchanted to have the same effects as the potions- if you decide you want to keep it, I'm sure we can arrange something."

Anzerath held her tongue, knowing she would just embarrass herself further if she said anything, and instead simply stood still, save for a shiver as Roxy wrapped that collar around her neck and closed it with a click.

"Beautiful," Roxy murmured, lifting Anzerath's chin with the lightest brush of a knuckle to admire her handiwork. "Well, Anzerath, you've now got a fully functioning cock, and a rack full of milk. What say we put those to work, eh?"

Anzerath nodded jerkily.

"Now..." Roxy trailed off, humming and tapping her chin. "...I can tell you're nervous. We can take our time if we need to, I'm in no rush. However long it takes for you to decide how you'd like to do this."

Anzerath whined a little. It wasn't fair that Roxy was this calm and collected and composed, and, and all these other words for "knows what she's doing" that started with C. That Roxy was so confident- see, there was another of those C words- that she was able to gracefully handle Anzerath being such a nervous wr-

"Of course, if you take longer than five minutes to work yourself out, I'm gonna call Akane in here and have her give you some tips," Roxy said, derailing Anzerath's train of thought.

"Akane?" Anzerath asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Another omega, and my first girlfriend," Roxy said. "Almost as tall as me, but still got that classic ideal omega figure and proportion. Enthusiastically and anarchically horny; I'm pretty sure if I called her in here, it'd take all of ten seconds for her to shove your face between her tits or something like that."

"Um." Anzerath felt her face heat up, and thanked her darker skin for hiding what surely must've been an embarrassingly dark blush from Roxy. "...Maybe. Maybe next time." She had, oddly enough, never particularly considered the notion that she'd actually want to fuck other omegas; it wasn't heavily stigmatized in Dornish culture, but it wasn't the norm, and she'd... well, she'd rather thought that her finding other omegas attractive was simply a consequence of having eyes.

However, the fantasies she was now entertaining of a tall omega shoving Anzerath's face into her cleavage while she fingered the poor, helpless dragongirl to as many orgasms as she felt like inflicting were all very... persuasive.

Still, though. That wasn't what she was here for.

"I... Can you please just do something?" Anzerath continued.

Roxy nodded, and swept Anzerath up into her arms, pressing a kiss to the dragongirl's lips. Despite Anzerath having literally asked Roxy to do this, and Roxy doing it without any particular speed, it still caught her by surprise, and made her flinch a little before realizing what was going on, and melting into the kiss.

The hands slowly working up and down her back, coming to rest at the base of her wings and gently feel those out... It was a magical experience, more so than the kiss itself, really. Anzerath had never felt ugly, necessarily, but neither had she ever particularly felt... well, desired. The prevailing sentiment seemed to be that she was untouchable; that she was under the 'protection' of several powerful people, who wanted her sexuality to be put solely towards trying to make more of her kind.

Roxy was the first person to kiss her in a non-familial way, although...

Anzerath pulled back from the kiss, and caught her breath.

"Something wrong?" Roxy asked.

"Roxy, I... what do you want, here?" Anzerath asked.

"Well... if I'm being perfectly honest, I would really like to fuck the sexy dragongirl with big tits and a collar, but if she's not feeling it-"

"I- I am," Anzerath said, interrupting her. "I just... I needed to hear that."

"...Oh?" Roxy asked, her eyebrow arching as her lips began to curve upward at the corner. "Oh, does my beautiful little dragon need to be told what she is? That she's gorgeous, with a killer body?" As Roxy said this, she let her hands glide down Anzerath's back, to grab her hips and pull the two closer, rubbing her cock against Anzerath's belly- good gods Roxy was tall- through her robe. "Does she need to be told that I want nothing more than to slide myself inside her and make her scream? That I am desperate to get my hands on those fat, milky tits of hers? That right here and now, my highest aspiration is to hike her up, throw her flat on this table, pin her down by those wings and make her scream?"

Anzerath was worried that she'd somehow lost control of her bladder and pissed herself, but nope, her pussy was simply that wet right now, just from hearing Roxy say those things.

"Well," Anzerath said, trying to channel Cecilia once more. "What are you waiting for? Do it."

This time, Roxy did move with speed, lifting Anzerath up by the hips before- with a touch of magic to part her robe- spearing her cock into Anzerath's soaking wet folds, spreading them apart and filling her like she'd never been filled before. Anzerath owned a dildo, of course, but it was sized after an ordinary alpha, and was already a nice, deep stretch. Roxy, however, was a lot bigger than that, and if it weren't for her levels, Anzerath would've sworn she'd have broken by now.

But, there was no breaking here. There was a sort of burn behind the stretching, but not a painful one by any means, and it actually reminded Anzerath of the pleasant sensation of a good workout- mixed in, of course, with the far stronger pleasure of getting fucked.

(It was a small point of regret that Anzerath's first time was with someone who had a strong command of sex magic. She had no idea if it was normal for an omega to feel no real pain at a twelve inch cock going inside them, or if it was Roxy massaging the rules of reality for the sake of a good time. However, this was a very small point of regret, because otherwise, Anzerath was absolutely loving having such a huge cock inside her.)

Roxy, after a few experimental thrusts, aided by her hands to move Anzerath in time with her own hips, nodded in satisfaction, and threw Anzerath back, laying her out flat on Roxy's workbench, arms and wings and hair and breasts splayed out for the alpha's admiration, which she took a moment to do. Then, leaning forward and tightening her grip on Anzerath's hips, she started thrusting in earnest.

Anzerath moaned, loud and lewd, without realizing she'd done it; the moment she did, her eyes went wide and she clapped a hand over her mouth.

"Let it all out, doll," Roxy grunted, her voice having dropped into a husky register. "I want to hear how good it is for you. I want to hear you scream. Got it?"

Anzerath nodded wordlessly, not trusting her own voice. It was embarrassing to let herself be so loud like this; she feared she'd get caught, and be embarrassed by it. but... well, she wasn't in her room in Gianna's house anymore, and Roxy clearly wasn't going to think less of Anzerath for being horny.

Roxy hit a particularly sensitive spot, and Anzerath let out a sharp yelp, which made Roxy pause, clearly worried she'd hit a bad sensitive spot.

"Do- do that again," Anzerath pleaded, and Roxy nodded, before doing just that, drawing another yelp out of the dragongirl.

Roxy settled into a new rhythm, and Anzerath's yelps faded away- she wasn't being surprised by the sensation anymore, and the high yelps melted into low moans, slooowly climbing back up and up and up as Roxy got her closer and closer to the edge, the alpha's own breathing starting to grow more and more labored as well.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of endless bliss, Anzerath reached her peak, and every muscle in her body clenched at once in anticipation. One last thrust from Roxy, and she was over the edge, her mind going blank as pure, distilled joy washed over her... and, also, cum; in all the excitement, Anzerath had forgotten about her brand new cock, which had just painted her belly, the underside of her tits, and some of her cleavage with a fresh coat of her own cum.

Speaking of her belly... it was notably swollen now, from the genuinely prodigious load that Roxy had filled her with, and if that swollen stretching she could feel near the mouth of her pussy was any indication, it'd be a while before it got a chance to come back out.

Anzerath sighed blissfully. If this was what it took- getting pinned down and fucked, not bred, but fucked, by a tall alpha who couldn't get enough of her, even reaching up to fondle her tits in the afterglow- then Anzerath would've happily agreed to being constantly pregnant to make more dragongirls. But... she'd be just fine with doing this for no reason, too.

Just as long as she could keep getting more.

"...Roxy?" Anzerath asked, taking her chances.

"Yes?" Roxy asked.

"Will you..." Anzerath withdrew the Familiar Slot Unlock Gianna had given her. "...Will you take me as your Familiar?"

Roxy examined the marble, then took Anzerath's hand in her own, and activated the item.

"I will."

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