A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 58


Traits didn't always work exactly the same for the awakened as they did for the unawakened. For example, unawakened monstergirls typically lived about eight years, and while Long-Lived granted the awakened roughly double their lifespan per level, it worked completely differently for the unawakened; Long-Lived 1, which "should" have granted a lifespan of around twenty years, instead granted a lifespan of around sixty, making for a pet that'd live long enough to be passed down to grandchildren.

More relevantly, Litter Size 3, for an unawakened bunnygirl, would result in a guaranteed litter of eight offspring. For the awakened, however, it simply increased the odds of multiple children per pregnancy. Not by an inconsiderable amount, mind; for the baseline awakened, there was a one in one hundred chance of having twins, and then a further, compounding, one in ten chance for another child. At Litter Size 1, the odds of having twins was only one in ten; at Litter Size 2, it was a guarantee, with a one in ten chance of having triplets, and a one in a hundred chance of quadruplets. And at Litter Size 3, triplets were a guarantee, with a one in ten chance of a quadruplet.

So, when Haruna finally threw her wife to the bed, and pinned her down and knocked her up, it would be with the knowledge that, yes, they would be having a lot of children at once, but... not so many that they'd be impossible to raise even with her expanded, extended household.

Haruna and Usagi had always wanted more kids, anyhow. They were just... catching up on lost time, was all.

Of course, it wasn't like this was their only option. As a Level 6 Rancher with a Level 5 Mystic Artificer as a familiar, Haruna could have- and did- make Usagi fashion a magic item for influencing the breeding process. That collar Usagi was wearing, and looking so good in, could've suppressed the effects of Usagi's Litter Size 3 Trait, and even just outright guaranteed that they would have only a single child. However... after some thinking, they decided they wanted three kids. Some more Rancher magic could guaranteed an alpha, a beta, and an omega, and that sort of "grid-filling symmetry" was something Roxy had accidentally taught her to enjoy.

Also, the fact that Haruna's early-twenties baby fever hadn't really gone away, even after giving birth to Akane, and Usagi had a similar craving for more children.

A knock came from the door, and Haruna blinked. She... was about to get to the part where she finally gave Usagi the children they'd been wanting this whole time, but... Haruna shrugged, throwing a blanket over Usagi's naked form and a yukata (having to remake her whole wardrobe had been annoying, but ultimately, she found she liked being taller, and even liked having bigger tits) on herself, and opened the door, perhaps a little too horny to bother with making sure her yukata was actually covering those aforementioned bigger tits.

"Roxy?" Haruna asked, before glancing at the bunnygirl beside her. "Who's this?"

"Cecilia Ironborn," the bunnygirl said. She wasn't one of Roxy's young, twenty-something haremettes; if Haruna had to guess, Cecilia was at least thirty and probably closer to mid-to-late 40s... wait, no, Haruna recognized that name; Cecilia Ironborn was fifty three as a matter of fact, making her actually a good few years older than Haruna.

"I recognize that I'm interrupting something, but... well, you'd want to be interrupted for this, I'm pretty sure," Roxy said. "Can we come in, explain what's going on?"

"...Sure, why not," Haruna said, shrugging and taking a step back. "Honey, it's Roxy, if you wanted to wiggle your boobs at her again."

There was a rustle of cloth as the blanket was tossed aside, Usagi probably sitting up straight on the bed and pawing herself for Roxy's benefit.

"It's nice to see you and your tits again, Usagi," Roxy said, nodding. "Anyhow, I've got another familiar now, and more specifically, it's Anzerath Ironborn, Cecilia's little sister."

"I'm jealous," Usagi said. "Couldn't you have stolen me to be your next familiar?"

"Akane doesn't want to be in the same harem as her parents," Cecilia reminded her, as though Usagi forgot. Honestly, Haruna couldn't tell if Usagi wanted to be Roxy's bitch because or despite the taboo of cuckolding her own daughter. "Likewise, Anzerath's like a little sister to me, and as much as I like Roxy, both as a friend and a lover, I'm also not willing to be in the same harem as my sister. So... I'm looking for new people to fuck. You two interested?"

"Oh hell yes," Usagi said, before inhaling sharply, remembering that Haruna should also be consulted.

"I'm interested," Haruna said, deciding to indulge her wife, and not at all because a tall bunnygirl with a big dick and bigger tits had her acting unwise.

"However, that leads me to a wrinkle in this whole affair," Roxy added. "Akane and I have both already fucked Cecilia, so if that squicks you out..."

"Akane's the one who's squeamish about a dick having ever touched the both of us, not me," Haruna said with a shrug. "As long as Cecilia is no longer fucking my daughter... well, it's hardly like she can unfuck Akane, and I don't see a reason to reject her because of things that happened in the past."

"I'll live," Usagi added.

"Also, there's a second, possibly bigger wrinkle," Roxy added. "I did some testing, and the Succubus class, with its many lovely benefits, can only be transmitted by someone with the Incubus class. And... well, since I fulfilled a life-long fantasy of Akane's, she's graciously granted me a one-time pass. If the two of you wish to have the Succubus class as well, then I have permission to fuck the both of you, this one time, on the grounds that none of us ever talk about it, ever."

"...She's out for the day, I take it?"

"And the night, possibly the next day too... Really, she's staying with Nel until I've gotten all of my pent-up milf lust out of my system and give the all-clear."

"I see," Haruna said, turning to look at Usagi, who had a pleading look in her eyes and a heavy blush in her cheeks. "Well... excellent timing, Roxy. We were just about to make Akane into an older sister."

"We can do that later, after you're done, if you'd prefer," Usagi added.

"Yeah, let's... do that afterwards," Roxy said, coughing. "I mean... to make you into a Succubus, I do need to cum inside you, and I've only got the one dick, so..." Roxy shrugged, helplessly. "I guess whoever I'm not actively banging can bang Cecilia? I don't know- you're all grown women, I trust you to be able to entertain yourselves. What the fuck am I even saying."

"Aw, is someone intimidated?" Usagi cooed. "C'mere, honey, and let me fix that for you. I don't bite." She punctuated that by leaning back and spreading her legs.

"...Well, someone wants to go first," Roxy said dryly. "Haruna, Cecilia..?"

"We've already fucked," Cecilia said. "Besides, I'm already a Succubus. This is just me kissing your dick goodbye. With the inside of my pussy."

"Usagi's wanted your cock inside her far longer than I have," Haruna said. "Have fun."

And with that, Roxy shed her robe, revealing the curve of her shoulders as they began at her biceps and ended at her neck, the subtle narrowing of her waist and slight flare of her hips, the unsubtle swell of her breasts, those long, muscular legs, that taut, round ass... and, of course, that big, juicy, foot-long cock with a pair of fat, meaty nuts hanging from the base.

And in the time it took Haruna to properly drink in the sight of a young, naked, searingly-hot alpha, Roxy had climbed onto the bed, grabbed Usagi's hips, and started lining herself up with the bunny's rabbit-hole.

Haruna couldn't believe Roxy had suggested that she distract herself by fucking Cecilia while Roxy was busy. Haruna hadn't turned over her entire life for Usagi because she found the bunny unappealing; Usagi was fucking sexy, and this wouldn't be the first time Haruna eagerly watched Usagi get pinned down and bred.

Oh, how wonderful it'd be if Roxy did manage to properly breed one of them. With two betas in the room, there was a plausible, non-Roxy father for all cases, but Haruna would know.

"Yessss," Usagi hissed, as Roxy grabbed her tits. "More, harder, please, I need it, I need it so bad, breed me breed me breed me-"

Roxy silenced Usagi with a kiss, but the damage was done. Haruna and Usagi weren't the only ones who liked the idea, apparently; Roxy's humping and pumping was faster, less controlled, taking on an almost feral quality.

"Do it," Haruna added, stroking her cock with one hand, and playing with her balls and clit with the other. "Breed that bunny. Put a baby in her, save me the trouble. You know you want to."

Roxy didn't respond, not even with a rude hand gesture. Her hands were too busy kneading Usagi's tits and using them as handholds, after all. She just started fucking faster, and harder, kissing more deeply and hungrily. Her movements started to get jerky, and Haruna could see her breathing grow heavier, more labored.

Roxy hilted herself inside Usagi, her cock making a visible bulge in the bunny's belly, before filling her up with enough cum to make her look already pregnant. A few flashes of insight crossed her all at once; the strangest was the notification that Usagi, her familiar, had just gained a new slotless class.

Well, that was what Roxy had said she was here for, but... still, it was strange, and unfamiliar. Succubus wasn't exactly a well-known class, after all.

With a grunt of effort and a flash of spellwork, Roxy pulled herself out of Usagi, keeping that bucketload of cum sealed inside Usagi's pussy with a bit of sex magic. She pulled back a little, took a good look at the look on Usagi's face, and then gave her another, sweeter, kiss... and, of course, a quick squeeze of the breasts.

"I've decided Cecilia is next, because she didn't interrupt me with breeding kink dirty talk," Roxy said primly, as she sat up, her knot starting to deflate even as the rest of her cock stayed erect.

"That wasn't just dirty talk," Usagi said. "Haruna and I can make more of our own babies whenever we want. You're only here for today."

"...I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," Roxy said. "Cecilia, you ready?"

"Ready," Cecilia said, saluting and spreading her legs for Roxy.

Roxy wrangled and manhandled Cecilia into the middle of the bed, slamming her backside-down into the mattress, hiking up her hips, and immediately starting to plow her. No hesitation, no mercy, no warmup- the time for foreplay had come and gone, and Roxy was here to make those tits bounce like bunnies.

"Oh fuck," Cecilia moaned. "Oh, oh yeah, right there, harder, hard- fuck! Yes! Breed me! Fill me up! Give me your babies!"

"You're just one big stereotype, aren't you," Roxy said dryly, as she nonetheless kept fucking Cecilia, bulging her stomach and bouncing her breasts.

"Give the lady what she wants, Roxy," Usagi said, rubbing her clit as she watched.

"Do itttt..." Haruna urged.

"Good christ are you people horny."

"Oh, I'm sorry, are we being too lewd while you hike a woman's legs onto your shoulders and fuck her?" Usagi asked. "Are you just impregnating her platonically and wish we'd stop jumping to conclusions?"

"I hate you," Roxy said.

"Cry all you want, you can't un-breed me," Usagi said.

Despite the banter and shit-talking, Roxy finished pretty quickly this time, too, but this time with some visible evidence that her partner had cum, too- indeed, Cecilia sure sprayed a lot of cum all over herself, mainly- but not exclusively- her tits and her face.

"Hooo... Oh fuck. I'm... gonna be honest, I want to keep this going as long as I can, but... for some reason, this is taking a lot out of me," Roxy said, wiping her brow as she slowly extricated herself from Cecilia. "Haruna, once I've done you, would you mind if I just... took a quick nap on the far side of the bed? You three can do whatever you want with each other, I don't care, but... yeah."

"Of course, Roxy," Haruna said, nodding. "Take all the time you need. Are you going to need the nap now, or..?"

"I think I've got one more in the chamber, but... after that, I'm taking my break." Roxy sighed. "But first, Haruna."

"Don't worry too much about me," Haruna said. "Even if I don't cum, I've got-"

"I have sex magic. You cum when I want you to cum. I'm not trying to hold out for jack shit."

Haruna tucked away that tidbit about the Incubus/Succubus class's sex magic, and leaned back, spreading her legs for Roxy.

She yelped a little as Roxy flipped her over onto her front and pinned her down, Roxy's hard cock slipping between Haruna's legs and rubbing against the inside of her thighs. Roxy reached around, grabbing Haruna's chest roughly, and, without hands, drew her hips back and lined up her cock with Haruna's pussy, and thrust herself in powerfully.

"Lemme guess," Roxy said as she pounded and groped, her voice dropping into a husky register. "You want me to breed you, huh? To get you pregnant? To pin you down and knock you up?"

"M-mhm," Haruna whimpered, nodding.

"Is that what you really want?" Roxy asked.

"More- more than anything," Haruna pleaded. "Please, Roxy, I- please!"

Roxy withdrew a hand, letting Haruna's right boob rest and recover from its assault, before Haruna yelped, that hand having been pulled back to smack Haruna's ass.

"Convince me," Roxy said.

"Please, I'm ready for it," Haruna rambled. God, Roxy's cock was amazing, it was doing insane things to her... "I've got big tits, my hips are so amazing, I was made for breeding, and I want you to be the one to breed me with that giant fucking cock of yours, please, I'm-"

"As you wish," Roxy said, blowing her load inside Haruna, forcing Haruna to cum with her.

Haruna, through her senses as a Rancher, could feel it as it happened. Roxy might have been sterile when she walked in the room, thanks to her Incubus abilities, but when Usagi begged to be bred and knocked up... well. Roxy wanted to, on some level, and so... she did. Haruna wasn't familiar-bonded with Cecilia either, but if Roxy had bred one bunny, why not the other? And now, when it was Haruna's turn for breeding, she could feel it happen, and just what Roxy was doing.

Haruna was now pregnant with a single, olive-skinned bunnygirl omega, possessed of all sorts of valuable Traits, like Long-Lived 3, Inherent Class: Trickster and Sorcerer, Extra Class Slots 3, and Breed Speed and Litter Size 3- all traits that could have been inherited from Cecilia, and simply... weren't. The only discrepancy was that the baby wasn't a beta- Haruna and Cecilia were both betas, and two betas could only make more betas. But... well, Haruna hadn't been born a beta, so there was an excuse there. Nobody else had to know these children were Roxy's.

"Okay," Roxy said, looking tired and relaxed. "Naptime for me. You three go ahead and knock each other up or whatever you were gonna do without me. Feel free to wake me up if you want, but you better do it with boobs in my face and my cock in your mouth."

...Not even Roxy had to know.

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