A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


    “Halt!” Hector called out across the group. “So, who wants to try using their offhands in a practice fight?”

    Several of the youths in the sword group stepped forward, Kass among them. After Milo gave him a lesson, he left to go supervise the other groups, giving Kass an opportunity to examine his skills.







Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level


















    He had gained two new proficiencies- Sword and Claw. Apparently, that meant he was half as good with each of them as he was with his spear. He was beginning to understand how Lilith managed to pick things up so quickly; and now he was getting the same benefits. He’d hit level five, which he remembered as the point at which Lilith could permanently grant him an ability. He wasn’t sure which to try and get, between her healing spell and her natural regeneration. Both appealed to him. 

But for now, he was going to fight. No magic, just steel. The way he’d always fought, always been trained to fight.

“Can I be one of the first fighters?” he called out, walking over. “I think I’ve gotten the hang of these claws.”

“Sure, I’ll fight ya,” one of the other youths volunteered. His name was Nabal; Kass didn’t talk to him much, but he’d heard him. Nabal was large, boastful, and had enough strength to back at least some of his claims up. A good opponent to test Kass’s magically enhanced abilities against. He held a small shield-a buckler- in his offhand.

“Okay, that’s the first two fighters,” Hector called. “Nabal- here’s a chalk-sword. How many hits do we go for?”

“I’ll let Nabal choose,” Kass said.

“Alright, then.” Nabal smirked, evidently thinking Kass would be an easy target. A fair assumption, considering Kass hadn’t impressed the previous days. “Three hits.”

“Three hits it is,” Hector said. “On one-



When the signal was called, Kass and Nabal started moving. Gripping his longsword in both hands, Kass leapt forward, his [Bestial Strength] paying dividends. He moved fast- faster than Nabal expected. Kass brought the blade down, but Nabal still managed to deflect with his buckler. The deflection knocked Kass off-balance, and out of the air. Luckily, he managed to land on his feet, and jumped back before Nabal could slash at him.

“Gotten faster, huh?” Nabal chuckled

“Faster than you,” Kass retorted.

    Instead of responding, Nabal moved forward, slashing from the side. Kass brought his sword to deflect, hearing the clang of metal, then taking his offhand to swipe with his claws.Nabal tried to block with his buckler, but Kass thought quickly. Instead of using his claws, he grabbed the edge of Nabal’s shield and pushed it away, then swiping. The moment his claws connected, Kass jumped away again, his sword’s block against Nabal about to fail.

    “First hit to Kassander!”

    “Beat him up, Nabal!” The crowd around started yelling. 

    Nabal assumed a lower stance, preparing for Kassander’s next strike. Kassander himself was measuring the distance, trying to evaluate Nabal’s next move. During the first few meetings of their blades, Kass was also measuring how far he could jump, and how fast. When Nabal started to move forward, Kass jumped to the side. The moment his feet hit the ground, he jumped again, flashing past Nabal and striking him on the back as he passed.

    “Second point to Kassander!” 

    “That’s it,” Nabal growled. “You’re going down!” Nabal rushed towards Kass, his sword held high. When Kass tried to dodge out of the way, however, Nabal’s sword moved, hitting Kass in the side, interrupting his jump and sending him tumbling.

    “Point to Nabal!” Hector called, the crowd re-energized.

    When Kass looked up, Nabal was already upon him, bringing his sword down. Thinking quickly, Kass kicked himself away, slashing at Nabal’s leg with his claws, Nabal crying out in pain despite the claws being blunted.

    “Match goes to Kassander!”

    “I want a rematch.”

    “I don’t,” Kass said.

    “Coward,” Nabal spat.

    “Nabal,” Kass replied, “I just beat you without breaking a sweat. Why would a second match be any different?”


    “If anyone else wants to try, I welcome the practice,” Kass called out, excited from the victory.


-    -    -

    After training had ended, Kass and Lilith started to walk back towards the house, discussing the day.

    “Saw a little of your fights,” Lilith commented.

    “You did?”

    “Yeah. Quite the jumping skill.”

    “Apparently, that [Bestial Strength] skill increased my leg strength. I definitely feel lighter on my feet than before,” Kass replied.

    “Huh. Just leg strength?”

    “Well, just leg strength at this level. That reminds me, though. When we get back, all three of us need to have a conversation,” Kass said, suddenly a lot more serious.


    “So, what did you want to talk about?”

    “Well, it’s like this,” Kass said. “I’ve- realized that the bestial features I’m going to attain are somewhat inevitable. I think we need to discuss things with Milo, to ensure our future and safety.”

    “Lilith’s already told Milo about her magic,” Amelia said.

    Her magic. He doesn’t know that she can make other people, what was the term, ‘futanari’, or that she’s already done so.”

    “What do you propose, then?”

    “We explain first that she can and has granted magic to other people,” Kass replied. “Then, depending on how he reacts, we decide whether or not to reveal the method and extent of the changes.”

    “And we cant… postpone this?” Lilith asked anxiously.

    “No, we can’t. There’s only two days left until the raid, and if we intend to use our magic during the raid- which I do- we need at least Milo knowing about it. Furthermore, the longer we wait, the higher the chance of someone finding out by accident and reacting- poorly.”

    “Like you did?”

    “Yes, like I did,” Kass admitted. “We need as much control over the situation as possible, and it’s best to be in control of when we explain the situation to Milo. I’ve got half an hour before Ostenfeld expects me, so I suggest we quickly go over what we’re going to say and then go say it.”

    “Alright,” Amelia agreed.

    “Okay, so here’s what I’m thinking…”

    A while later, the three made their way to Milo’s house. “Hello? Milo?”

    “Who is it?”

    “Lilith, the priestess. Kass and Amelia are here too. We- have something we need to discuss.”

    “Come on in.”

    As the trio entered Milo’s house, Milo was sat at the table, clearing away some parchment.

    “So, what is it?”

    “There’s- something I’ve hid from you,” Lilith admitted.

    “It feels like we’ve had this conversation already,” Milo said. “I hope this won’t be a continuing thing.”

    “The- the thing is… about my magic. Our magic.”


    “I… I have the ability to give other people magic,” Lilith said. “I’ve given magic to Kass and Amelia already.”

    “Oh,” Milo said, surprised. “Well, that’s something.”
    “I think it has something to do with the fact that my goddess is alive. We’re telling you this because- We want you to know, and we want to use our magic to help. Kass does.”

    “I gained magic last night,” Kass said. “I can see the same things she does.”

    “Hm. Does this mean you could give everyone in the village magic?”

    “Theoretically,” Lilith said. “But, the thing is, there are… side effects.”

    “We’re telling him?” Amelia asked.

    “We are,” Lilith said. “The side effects of becoming a follower of Medenta, my goddess, involve… a physical transformation.”

    “A transformation into what?

    “Into a futanari. That is,” Lilith breathed, readying herself for his reaction, “a woman with a penis.”

    Milo froze. “Pardon me?”

    “Medenta is a goddess of good, but also one of sex and sexual desire,” Lilith said, extrapolating from what she knew. “To become a follower of Medenta is to not only gain magic, but also to have your body reach the theoretical pinnacle of sexuality, becoming a futanari, as something between both sexes.”

    “And- you three are all-” Milo said, pointing to the trio.

    “Yes. We’ve all been altered by magic. It’s not all that noticeable currently, though.”

    “Currently. Meaning these changes are still ongoing.”

    “Yes. Like I said, Medenta is a goddess of sex. So what that means for her followers is that they gain power through sex, which can alter their body further.”

    “Ah,” Milo said.

    “In my case,” Kass said, “The magic enhances my physical ability, and supposedly makes my constitution more beast-like. It hasn’t done much yet- I’m just a bit stronger and hairier- but that might end up changing.”

    “Why would you choose that for yourself?”

    “I wanted to be stronger- needed to be stronger. Strong enough to save my sister. I thought this was the best way to do that,” Kass said.


    “We’re telling you this because we want to make sure that we can protect ourselves- protect Amelia.”

    “I can take care of myself-”

    “But you shouldn’t have to,” Kass said. “Once our parents died, I decided I would be strong- strong enough to protect you and Andra.

    “But I wasn’t,” Kass said, almost on the verge of tears. “The goblins took her and I have lived every day since then- every day scared that I would lose you too.

    “But now, I have magic, and I’m going to use it. I’m going to save my sister. I just want to make sure that we have somewhere to come home to.”

    “Alright, Kassander.”

    “You’ll help us?”

    “I’ll vouch for your character, if it ever comes to that. I wasn’t sure, but that speech convinced me. You’re the same Kassander you always were, and I’ll make sure your family stays safe.”

    “Thank you, sir.”

    “And I thought I told you to not call me sir.”

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