A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Bestial Strength

When Kassander awoke, it was to a somehow larger puddle of cum than the one he cleaned up before falling asleep last night. Luckily, he hadn’t tied his loincloth up before succumbing to his exhaustion, or all that cum might have ended up stuck in there. “What the hell?” Looking outside, it was still a while before sunrise. Kass never used to wake up before sunrise. Trying to cast the spell Lilith gave him, it didn’t work. “Damn time limit. What the hell happened? Was I orgasming in my sleep all night?”

    “Something like that,” a voice said from the doorway. Lilith stood there, wearing a dress embroidered with strange flowers.

    “What. Happened?” Kass asked, his voice a deep semi-growl.

    “Open your menu. Check the ‘SP’ section,” Lilith said, smirking her damn smirk.







Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level


















    Clicking on ‘SP’, a window came up that explained.

Sex Points (SP)

To be a follower of Medenta, a futanari, is to be the peak of sexuality. Sex Points measure desire for sex and sexual release, and as they become full, followers of Medenta become more and more sex-crazed, prioritizing release over anything else. Increases at a variable rate based on how arousing the situation is.

    “Is- is this why I felt so- last night?”

    “Probably. You didn’t actually cum that much, for your [Cum Volume] skill. I’d say this is like a liter and a half, about 15 cumshots. I typically reach the fifties, by my estimate.”

    “Why do you think that might be?”

    “Probably because you’ve got more restraint than me,” Lilith said, casting the cleaning spell to get rid of the puddle.

    “Didn’t feel like it last night,” Kass muttered.

    “Eh, last night you were going through a lot of changes. Probably a lot more aroused than normal. Still, just in case, I’m going to give you a spell for the day.”

    “What spell?”

    “It’s called [Suppress Arousal]. It lets you reduce your SP temporarily, but be careful-they’ll come back when the spell’s up.”

    “Thank you.”

    “No problem. Seeya,” Lilith said, walking out the door.

    Standing up, Kass realized that he had been naked during the whole conversation.



    After putting on his clothes (and struggling momentarily with getting his pants over his thighs), Kass quickly grabbed a slice of bread, spread some butter on it, and made his way to the village center, eating the bread on his way. When he got there, Lilith had already got her daggers, and he moved to go pick up his sword, still wishing he could just use a spear. He understood why it was best for him to learn how to use a sword, but spears just felt more comfortable in his hands.

    From the front of the sword group, Hector, the old man in charge, began lecturing. While Kass heard what he was saying on some level, his brain was thinking more about last night. The new and electric pleasure. How incredible it felt. The knowledge that it could feel better. Trying to push the impure thoughts out of his mind, Kass attempted to listen closer to Hector’s lecture.

    “Today, we’re going to be discussing offhands. When you use a lighter sword like the ones we have here, you can hold it in one hand and have a secondary weapon in your other hand. Some traditional secondary weapons include small shields or knives.” Gesturing to two crates of weapons, Hector continuted. “Look through the crates and pick out one that suits you. Then, we’ll continue.” As the youths swarmed forward, picking through the various weapons, Kass found himself drawn to one in particular.

    Reaching into the crate, Kass pulled out a set of deep black blades, affixed to a leather strap. Pulling the leather strap over his palm, the blades fit nicely over his knuckles, like false claws.

    “Ooh, those look nasty,” another youth said upon seeing the weapons.

    “Ah, interesting,” Hector said, having walked over. “I’m not sure the best techniques for those. Maybe Milo knows how to use them effectively. Hey, Milo!”

    Upon hearing his name, Milo walked over, appraising the situation. “So, you want to try and use claw-knives?”

    “They interest me, sir,” Kass said, standing to attention.

    “The claws are quite the brutal weapon. They’re short-range, and are used mostly offensively. They don’t have the same blocking power as a buckler or dagger. However,” he continued, “They let you have another degree of flexibility, as they’re very light and you don’t need to hold onto them. Therefore, to make the most out of them, it’s best to practice how to shift your grip, using two hands on your sword when necessary and one hand when you need to use the claws. I personally haven’t used them in a while, but I still remember enough to teach someone.”

    “Thank you, sir.”

    Looking through the box of blunted chalk weapons used for sparring, Milo pulled out another set of claws. “Use these for our practice. You can’t really practice the claws without getting up close and personal, and it’d be best to make sure nobody was seriously hurt.”

    “Yes, sir.”

    “And stop calling me sir, I hate it.”

    “Yes, si-Milo.”

    “Better,” Milo said, slightly grinning. Pulling out two blunted swords, he tossed one to Kass. Taking the other in his hand, he pulled his greatsword off of his back and planted it firmly in the ground. It was a powerful thing, Milo’s greatsword; almost as tall as Milo and a foot and a half broad. When Milo first came to the village, several had tried to lift it, only a few could even get it to leave the ground. The sword’s handle was interesting, too; it was built into the blade, two feet of handle so any man could comfortably get both hands on it. The few times someone had seen Milo used it, there were tales of him wielding it one-handed; of his slices chopping through trees in one blow. Kass wasn’t sure how many of the stories were true, but if anyone could do it, it’d be Milo.

    “So far, Hector’s just taught one-handed technique, right?”

    “That’s right.”

    “Alright. When you fight with the claws, you’ll want to keep your main hand close to the guard, with space for the offhand to grab on below. The second hand helps keep your grip steady and lets you make more powerful attacks. Now, when do you think you should switch from two hands to one to make the best use of the claws?”

    “When you need to defend against someone at close range?” Kass hazarded.

    “Wrong. The claws are most useful when your sword is locked with theirs. It lets you take your hand off of your sword to swipe at them. You use two-handed technique when possible, and if your sword is occupied, you use the claws. These claws aren’t good defensively; if you’re not trained, you’re just as likely to deflect their blade right into your hand. There are ways to defend with claws, but not with the one’s we’re using.”

    “Would those ways involve having the metal extend to cover your hand?”

    “They would,” Milo said. “But that’d require a weapon more custom-made than what we have here.”

    “I could probably make something with Mister Ostenfeld’s help.”

    “Maybe, but for now let’s make sure the claws are right for you. I’m going to give you a crash-course on two-handed techniques, then see if you can use the claws properly to switch between the two.”

    Acolyte [Kassander] has unlocked [Sword Proficiency].

    Acolyte [Kassander] has unlocked [Claw Proficiency].

    Acolyte [Kassander] has reached Combat Level 5. Grant Skill? Grant/Postpone

    Looking at the set of pop-ups informing her of Kass’s progress, Lilith smiled. It’d be best to get Kass’s opinion on what he wants his skill to be, she thought, clicking [Postpone] on the pop-up and waving away the others before standing up to rejoin the dagger fighting.

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