A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


Going into his room, Kass sat down on his bed. Taking off his leggings and getting ready to sleep, he took stock of his body. He had felt his body’s changes, but still hadn’t actually seen them. 

Taking off his shirt as well, he looked down at his chest. While he knew that he had grown breasts, they were so small you might not notice them if you weren’t told they were there. Looking at his arms, they were slightly slimmer, but not by much. There was also a small amount of body hair stretching from the backs of his palms almost to his elbows. It wouldn’t be noticeable if not for the fact that the body hair was darker than his typical reddish locks.

Looking downwards, his loincloth still covering his nethers, he saw that while his legs were smoother, they weren’t thinner; his thighs had increased in size noticeably, and there was some more dark body hair all across his legs, though it tapered off before reaching his nether region. He still wasn’t sure what type of animal he was, but he figured that checking that Menu may clear that up. Opening it up, he clicked on the [Beast-Kin] panel.

Beast-Kin (Unknown Type)

Major Enhancement

Grants animal features.

Starts slight, progresses as Sexual Level increases.

Increases physical ability.

Grants [Bestial Strength].

    “Well, that’s useful,” Kass grumbled. Still, since he had his menu open, he might as well check other things. Opening his skills, he looked at [Bestial Strength].

Bestial Strength

Type: Special/Passive

Level: 1

A measure of your enhanced, animalistic strength. Increases as you gain more animal features. Scales with Sexual Level.

Does not increase Combat Level.

Leg strength increased by 10%.

Level: 2

Leg strength increased by 15%.

General strength increased by 5%.

[Beast Proficiency] unlocked.

    “So, that increases strength. But it increases when my Sexual Level does…” While his mind was on his Sexual Level, he checked out some of his other skills.

Thigh Size

Type: Thighs/Passive

Level: 1 (0%)

A pair of semi-thick thighs. Increases by exercising legs and thighs.

Level: 2

A pair of rather thick thighs. You could probably squeeze an orange with these.

    “Who writes these? The Goddess?”

Cum Volume

Type: Penis/Balls/Passive

Level: 1 (0%)

You ejaculate 100ml of semi-thick cum for every climax. Increases by ejaculating.

Level: 2

You ejaculate 200ml of thick cum for every climax.

    “How much is a ‘ml’? This description is useless to me,” Kass sighed. “Still, doubling if I level up? If I were as sex-obsessed as those two, that could end up a real problem.”

    Unable to avoid the issue any further, Kass loosened his loincloth, looking at his undeniably improved dick. It was quite a bit longer than last he saw it. Additionally, there was a smallish ring-like shape at around halfway, and his balls had also increased in size; most likely the result of that [Cum Volume] thing. However, the biggest change was seen when he pushed aside his dick and balls, handling them gingerly due to the newly increased sensitivity.

    Looking below his male genitals, he saw that he did, indeed, have a vagina. Upon seeing it, his mind started to stray, wondering how good it might feel to finger or fill it… 

    “No!” he said. “I am not going to descend to their level of depravity.” However, his dick had already started to harden.

    “Hey, Kass, are you-”

    “Gah!” Kass startled at Lilith’s intrusion into his room, attempting to hide his exposed body. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

    “Coming from the guy who walked in on me and Amelia fucking. Why, were you doing something you don’t want me to know about?” she smirked.

    “N-no! Just… examining the changes.”

    “What sort of changes?” Lilith asked, giving Kass a sultry look. “Your improved dick? Your thighs?” Leaning in, Lilith whispered in Kass’s ear, her hot breath making him feel… things. “Your pussy?”

    “I’m not as… depraved as you,” Kass said, trying to convince himself as well as her.

    “Really? You really don’t want to know what it’d feel like to have someone stick their dick in you? You really don’t want to feel the sublime pleasure of climaxing from your dick and pussy at the same time?” Lilith asked, lightly caressing Kass’s thigh, moving closer to his nethers.

    “No. I do not. I do have a… question for you, though.”

    “What question might that be?”

    “H- how much is 100ml?” Kass asked, his face and body feeling oddly hot.

    “About half of the cup you drank. Why are you asking?” Looking at the menu Kass still had open, her smile grew yet further. “Oh, were you trying to figure out how much you’ll cum? There’s an easier way than asking me, you know.”

    “Ask your question, and leave,” Kass almost panted, his peculiar heat rising and rising.

    “I came in here to ask what you did for stopping your dick from swaying around, since Amelia wasn’t sure. But based on observation, I guess you use some sort of tied loincloth. Thanks for the help!” Lilith said teasingly, leaving the room.

    Despite Lilith leaving, Kass’s heat didn’t dissipate. Try as he might to resist it, he felt an overwhelming urge to orgasm-to fuck-to breed. “No!” he said. “You are- ahn- better than this!” But do you want to be, a little voice in his head asked. Why deny yourself pleasure? Why pretend you don’t want it? Nobody will judge you.

    Kass tried to think of anything else, anything not depraved. The night outside. Tomorrow’s training. His erect nipples-Goddammit! Exhausted from the heat and the effort of resisting his urges, Kass’s hand started to move towards his dick. He tried to stop it, but was too tired to do so.

    The moment Kass’s hand touched his dick, he felt electricity arc all throughout his body, and he came almost instantly, spraying large amounts of cum out of his almost painfully erect phallus. 

    Once he had came once, he could muster up no resistance to trying to cum again, his bestial urges fully winning out against any higher brain function. He fully grasped his dick, the sensitivity making him cum again, and started rubbing it. The ring had bulged up to the point that it would have interrupted his masturbating if not for the liberal precum acting as an impromptu lube. 

    Still not satisfied, his other hand moved towards his new vagina. Acting on instinct, he began to finger the opening. As his fingers entered his pussy, it was as if an electric circuit was completed. The pleasure from his pussy made him cum from his dick, which in turn made him finger himself harder and deeper.

    As he lost himself in the throes of pleasure, he felt his odd heat slowly dissipate, and the puddle of cum on his bed grow. Soon enough, exhausted from the pleasure he was, he managed to recall himself enough to cast [Clean-Up], making the large puddle disappear. As he fell into a deep slumber, he thought to himself.

    At least that’s over.

-    -    -


In Amelia’s room, Lilith and Amelia were having their usual lovemaking, Amelia riding Lilith’s dick while the two talked.

    “Did Kass tell you what you needed to know?”

    “I figured it out, but he was- ahn- occupied. Turns out he just uses some sort of loincloth. We should be able to use- ahn- something similar, at least until I can sew something nicer,” Lilith said, moaning ittermintently whenever Amelia made her cum.

    “‘Occupied’, huh?” 

    “Yeah, examining his new body. He was trying to resist doing anything, but I’m not- ahn- sure if he succeeded.”

    “Yes, I- ahn- suppose the SP would have made it difficult,” Amelia said.

    And, to be fair, I tried my [Seductive Touch] on him. I wasn’t sure how it would work, but apparently all it did was make him a bit hornier. 

    [Level up!]

    “Oh, a level up. I can get that [Grant Power] skill now.”

    “You can?” Amelia said, stopping her movement.

    “Yeah. Not sure what skills to give you, though,” Lilith said. “I mean, [Clean-Up]’s a good one, but not sure what skills I have that’d be good for you.”

    “Well, we don’t have to decide that just yet. For now, just having that spell would be helpful so you don’t have to keep casting [Bestow].”

    “True.” With that, Lilith purchased the skill, and a pair of pop-ups appeared.

    Acolyte [Amelia] has reached Sexual Level 5. Grant skill? Grant/Postpone

    Acolyte [Amelia] has reacehd Sexual Level 10. Grant skill? Grant/Postpone

    “There we go,” Lilith said, clicking Grant on one and Postpone on the other. After clicking Grant, another window popped up, showing her current list of skills. Selecting the [Clean-Up] spell, the window disappeared, with a new one appearing in front of Amelia.

    You have been granted the skill [Clean-Up].

    “Did that increase your level any?” Lilith asked, looking at Amelia’s skill list.

    “Apparently not. It’s in italics, and it says that it won’t increase my level.”

    “Guess that makes sense,” Lilith said. “Well, it’s late. We should probably go to sleep for the night.”

    “Yeah, I suppose.”

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