A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


“Lilith?” Amelia called.

“What is it?”

“I was checking my leveled-up skill, and there’s something you should see.” Pulling up the menu, she turned it towards Lilith.

Milk Quality

Type: Breasts/Passive

Level: 2 (21%)

Your milk tastes good enough to regularly drink, and speeds up healing. Milk stays fresh for 24 hours. Increases by having your milk consumed.

Level: 3

Drinking your milk can replenish MP. Milk stays fresh for 2 days.

“That’ll be helpful,” Lilith said. “I was wondering what sort of thing they meant by ‘MP replenishing items’. What’re we planning for dinner?”

“I was just going to serve some salt pork with bread. I don’t have any good ideas,” Amelia said.

“We could always try a cream sauce…”

“What do you- Oh.”

“You said you don’t have any good ideas,” Lilith teased.

“I’m not using my breast milk as a cooking ingredient,” Amelia said. “It’d be too hard to get the right amount.”

“Well, if that’s the only objection…”

“Oh, that reminds me. I mentioned how my [Suppress Lactation] skill leveled up…”

Suppress Lactation

Type: Breasts/Active

Level: 2 (25%)

Cost: X MP

Temporarily stops lactation for a period of X hours. Milk still builds up inside your breasts, and will be released when the skill stops being active. Milk builds up at a 90% rate.

Level: 3

Temporarily stops lactation for a period of X hours. Milk still builds up inside your breasts, and will be released when the skill stops being active. Milk builds up at a 80% rate. While the spell is active, you can selectively release specific amounts of milk.

Looking at the skill, Lilith smiled. “So maybe not tonight, but soon…”

“Maybe,” Amelia said. But for now, just salt pork and bread.”


A little while later, Kass came into the house. “What’s for dinner?”

“Just salt pork and bread,” Amelia sighed. “Could you sort out the table?”

“Sure thing,” Kass said, pulling out a few wooden plates and utensils. “How were your days, you two?”

“Well, I found an Ehancement that might be to your liking,” Lilith said.

“Is it going to be something depraved?”

“No, actually. It just grants light animal features.”

“You want to turn me into a monster,” Kass said, frowning.

“No, actually. It says that the changes start slight, barely noticeable, but progress as you have sex. So if you don’t have any sex, then the changes shouldn’t ever reach beyond a little extra body hair.” That is, if you were able to resist.

“Amelia, is she telling the truth?”

Pulling up the menu for [Beast-Kin], Lilith showed it to Amelia, who read through it. “This looks like everything she said,” Amelia said. “It even mentions that it improves physical ability.”

“Alright,” Kass said. “What would I have to do?”

“Well, the spell just says ‘A willing target who is currently filled with your seed’ must ‘declare their desire’. So you’d have to get my cum inside your body one way or the other.”

“Of course,” Kass groaned.

“If you want me to make it easy I can go cum in a cup and you can drink it,” Lilith offered.

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.”

“I mean, it’s your choice. You could also just not have magic.”

“Can we at least postpone this conversation for after dinner, so I don’t ruin my appetite?”

“Hey, my cum doesn’t taste bad. It’s sweet, like vanilla.”

“Of course you would know that.”

Stopping the conversation, they went back to eating dinner in silence.

This is awkward.


A little later, once everyone had finished eating, Lilith figured it was ‘after dinner’ enough to continue the conversation. “So…”

“Here’s my cup,” Kass sighed. “Go do it somewhere I can’t see.”

“I’m going to clear up the table,” Amelia said.

Taking the cup, Lilith went into Amelia’s room. Now, how to do this. I don’t know how much cum he’ll need inside him, so I might as well get as much as I can. After a moment’s thought, an idea came-heh- to her. If I cast [Clean-up] and then cancel it once all the cum’s in the orb, it should stay together; long enough for me to get it into the cup, at least. Her plan sorted out, Lilith sat down and lifted up her dress. Grabbing her dick, she started to rub it, fondling her balls to speed up the process. Soon enough, she came, spurting plenty of cum everywhere.  After a few more cumshots, she felt she had enough. Picking up the cup, she cast [Clean-Up], and held the cup underneath the forming orb. Before it started to shrink, she thought of canceling the spell, severing the connection and letting the cum orb drop into the wooden cup, filling it almost to the top. Can’t forget to get the Enhancement, she thought, quickly purchasing [Beast-Kin]. Readjusting her dress, she took the cup back into the main room, where Kass was helping Amelia clear the table.

“Bon Appetit,” Lilith called, holding out the cum-filled cup.

Taking the cup, Kass looked apprehensively at it, before taking a big swig. After swallowing and wiping his lips clean, he looked at Lilith. “Is anything supposed to happen?”

“You have to declare your desire to join the religion.”

Kass sighed. “I want magic. Good enough for you?”

“Let’s find out,” Lilith said, casting [Proselytize]. The golden glow began to cover Kass’s entire body, to his surprise, as a window popped up in front of Lilith.

Select Enhancement

-Horse cock

-Brood Mother

-Infinite Cum


-Others not unlocked-

Selecting [Beast-Kin], Lilith had a thought. What sort of animal is he going to be? Dog? Cat? It’d be pretty funny if he ended up a rabbit with how much those things fuck. Soon enough, the glow dissipated, and… Kass didn’t really look any different. “That was… underwhelming,” Lilith said. “Feel any different?”

“Well, my arms and legs feel a bit hairier, but aside from that and the new orifice in my body, more or less the same.”

“Really? No boobs or anything?”

“Were you hoping for me to transform more drastically?”

“No…” yes.

“Check your menu,” Amelia called.

“Oh, yeah. Just think of it opening and it should,” Lilith said.

“Just think it..” When the translucent pane appeared, Kass startled, before looking through it.







Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level

















“Oh, your levels are different from how mine started,” Amelia commented, looking over Kass’s shoulder.

“If you click on Skills, it’ll show what specific skills you have,” Lilith added.

Obliging, Kass opened up his skill screen.

also, until further notice, Kass still thinks of himself as a he and therefore will be referred to with he/him pronouns.

  • Breasts  (Total level 0)
    • Size (Lv. 0)
  • Thighs (Total Level 1)
    • Size (Lv. 1)
  • Vagina (Total level 0)
    • Fertility (Lv. 0, OFF)
  • Penis (Total level 2)
    • Size (Lv. 1)
    • Balls (Total level 1)
      • Cum Volume (Lv. 1)
      • Fertility (Lv. 0, OFF)

“It’s all sex things, huh?”

“If you scroll down, it should show non-sex things.”

  • Swordplay (Total Level 2)
    • Spear Proficiency (Lv. 2)
  • Magic (Total Level 0)
  • Toughness (Total Level 1)
    • Bestial Strength (Lv. 1)

“All this and I still don’t get magic?”

“I didn’t start out with any magic either,” Amelia assured him. “You have to practice spells to get more spells.”

“How do I get spells to practice, pray tell?”

“I have a skill that lets me temporarily give Acolytes access to spells,” Lilith said. “Not sure about more permanent things.”

“Ah. Could you give me a spell that I could practice, then?”

“Sure thing,” Lilith said, casting [Bestow]. “I gave you that spell me and Amelia use to clean up our messes. You might need it, with your increased cum volume.”

“I’m not as relentlessly horny as you two,” Kass said. “Why not give me the healing spell you used?”

‘Not as horny’? Just wait, buddy. “Well, as nobody’s hurt, I figured it’d be redundant. I should check the permanent options, though,” Lilith said, opening her own menu.

“Why is your combat level higher than mine?” Kass asked, looking at Lilith’s stats.

“Magic. Also, that reminds me. I should buy a few more Combat skills.”

Looking through the skill store, Lilith found something that would fulfill both things.

Grant Power

Type: Faith/Active

Level: 1

Allows you to permanently grant an Acolyte a skill or spell you own. You can only grant one skill for every five levels the Acolyte has of the appropriate type.

Requirements: At least 2 Acolytes. Cost: 1 CLP and 1 SLP.

“This seems useful. I wouldn’t be able to give you a spell yet though, Kass.”

“I could get two skills, though,” Amelia mentioned. “My level’s at 11.”


“Yeah, see?”







Follower of Medenta

Major Enhancement

Brood Mother

Combat Level


Sexual Level


















“Oh, that’s higher than I thought,” Lilith said. “Although, I don’t have any SLP to buy the spell.”

“We can fix that tonight,” Amelia said.

“I’m going to bed,” Kass said.

“Me too,” Lilith said, going towards her room before Amelia grabbed her wrist.

“Come to mine. We don’t have to hide our relationship from Kass anymore.”


So I know I said I was going to slow down updates but oopsy whoopsy I wrote this very quickly. Basically, updates are going to be semi-sporadic but usually daily i guess.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.