A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


“Hey, Amelia.”

“Hello, dear,” Amelia answered, looking up from her embroidery.

“So, I have a question,” Lilith said.

“Go ahead.”

“Do you have lingerie in this world?”

“I don’t know what that is, so I’m going to assume no…?”

“Like panties, bras, those sorts of things. Do you not have them?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, dear.”

“Ah. How do I explain bras? Okay, imagine, like, something you wear around your chest that supports your breasts to prevent them from sagging or jiggling around when you move. Do you not have those?”

“No, no we don’t. It sounds useful, though.”

“Ah. I’m guessing you don’t have anything for genitals, either.”

“No, not really.”

“Ah. Well, I guess I’m going to have to try and make my own lingerie. Maybe my [Embroidery] skill will translate to sewing. Do you have any scrap fabric I can use?”

“A little,” Amelia said, going over to her sewing chest. “Would this work?” she said, pulling out a length of plain fabric.

“It should. Let me see…”


After an hour of work, Lilith had succeeded in making… something. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it certainly wasn’t a bra. Sighing exasperatedly, she threw it away, and had a pop-up appear the moment it hit the floor.


Type: Job/Handicrafts

Level: 2 (0%)

Ability to sew, create, and repair garments and fabrics. Improves with practice. Improves faster if [Embroidery] at higher level. Allows replication of simple designs.

Level: 3

Able to work faster and use less fabric.


“What?” Amelia asked, leaning over to look at the pop-up.

“Making that failure let me level up and get a [Sewing] skill,” Lilith explained. “Apparently my embroidery being higher meant that [Sewing] leveled up faster, too. Let me see if I can make something better now.” Picking out some more fabric, Lilith began anew.


After another hour of work, Lilith had succeeded in making an actual bra. “So it’s something like this,” she said, turning to show Amelia.

“Ah. Are you going to put it on right away?”

“Might as well. You know, see if it fits,” Lilith said, taking off her dress. Since she didn’t have the resources to create any sort of clasp, she just tied the straps behind her. Letting go, while the sizing felt slightly off, it was pretty good for a first attempt.

“You know, I didn’t really expect that to work all that well,” she said.

“Well, shall we see if it withstands more… vigorous movement?” Amelia said, caressing Lilith’s bare leg and drawing attention to the fact that Lilith’s dick had only gotten harder over the two hours of work.

“I see no reason not to.”

With that, Amelia removed her own dress, her dick just as hard and her larger breasts the clear sign of her having suppressed her lactation once more.

“May I?” Lilith asked, pointing to Amelia’s breasts.

“Please do, I’ve had to keep them like this for a while. I released them earlier when I had to re-cast the spell, and they let out a ridiculous amount. Luckily, not enough to level up the rate, but enough to let my spell level up,” Amelia sighed.

“Thank you very much,” Lilith said, getting her mouth around one of Amelia’s nipples. When Amelia released the spell, Lilith felt the torrent of milk even more this time, but it was sweeter. The sensations felt by both parties caused them to cum almost instantly. When Lilith had to take her mouth off of Amelia’s nipple for fear of choking on the milk, the flow kept going for a few seconds, before slowing down.

[Milk Quality] has leveled up!

“Ohh, I needed that,” Amelia moaned.

“So, since you’re pregnant,” Lilith asked, “Do you want to be the top or the bottom?”


“Oh, right, terminology from my world. Top is the penetrator, bottom is the one getting penetrated.”

“Well, in that case, I feel like being the ‘Top’. I got to do it once, and it was quite enjoyable.”

“In that case…” Lilith laid back and spread her legs, displaying her vagina to Amelia. After Amelia rubbed some milk on her dick for makeshift lube, she thrust into Lilith. Thrusting back and forth, the movement made Lilith’s dick sway back and forth, intermittently spurting cum.

“How’s -ah! Your bra holding up?”

“Surprisingly well. You must not be thrusting hard enough,” Lilith teased.

“Oh, you want it harder? How-about-THIS!” Amelia began thrusting even harder, and looped her arms around Lilith’s legs. While thrusting, Amelia began to move Lilith back and forth at the same time, allowing her thrusts to seem more powerful.

“Hard-enough-for-you?” Amelia said, panting from the exertion.

In lieu of a response, Lilith just moaned, her dick cumming even more often.

After the two had tired themselves out, Lilith cast the [Clean-Up] spell and Amelia cast her [Suppress Lactation], Lilith took Amelia’s dick out of her pussy, and examined her bra.

“Held pretty nicely.”

“I’m going to have to try and make one of my own,” Amelia said. “What did you do in your old world for genitals?”

“Mostly, we just used something form-fitting but slightly stretchy so it’s not painful when it gets hard. At least, that’s what I mostly used. Do you have any elastic fabrics?”

“The closest would be cotton, I think, but nobody grows it around here. I do have a little, but I’d suggest you make sure you can make something like what you’re thinking before using it up.”

“Good move,” Lilith said. “Hey, should we start preparing dinner?”

“Oh, right.” Putting on her dress, Amelia left the room to start work.

I should check my levels, Lilith thought.








Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

8 (23%)

Sexual Level

15 (65%)

















Hmm, close enough that I could logically get that Penis enhancement. Speaking of Enhancements, let me check to see if there’s anything else in that store that Kass wouldn’t object to. Looking through the pages, she soon found something.


Major Enhancement

Grants animal features.

Starts slight, progresses as Sexual Level increases.

Increases physical ability.

Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock? Yes/No

Hmm, that looks good. And if I get this I should be able to get Penis Length next level… wait, wasn’t there a level requirement on that? Looking at the skill, it said that she needed a penis level of 3; hers was only 2, from her [Penis Length] and [Cum Quality] skills. Eh, it’s not too necessary. I’ll check with Kass if this Beast-Kin thing would suit him. Lilith smirked. And besides, it could be pretty hot. Not buying the skill for now, Lilith readjusted her new bra, pulled on her dress, and went into the kitchen to help Amelia prepare dinner.

It was pretty hard for me to get this chapter out on time. I think I might slow down the schedule to only every other day.

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