A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Delicious Milk

After Amelia called out that dinner was ready and Lilith went to set the table, Kass was left alone, pantsless and thinking. Thinking about the pleasure he had just felt, greater and deeper even than the last night. About that strange, furious haze as he had felt his control slipping away. If he had felt such pleasure even then, to be in full control of his faculties during sex must be a divine experience. And that had only been one of his genitals! He had tried not to think about it much, but he was in fact in possession of a vagina. Could it possibly feel even better? And what if both were pleasured at the same time? 

    Trying to push the thought out of his mind, he went to get his pants from where they lay discarded on the bed, noticing the sway of his newly enlarged balls. Maybe one of those things Lilith mentioned could be useful. 

    Trying to pull on his pants, he felt resistance at the hips; he’d had enough trouble getting them on when it was just his thighs that had grown, but now that his rear was expanded too, the pants just didn’t budge.

    After a while more of fruitless attempts to dress himself, Kass heard Amelia call from the main room.

    “Are you all right in there?”

    “Fine! Just trying to- gah- get my pants on!”

    “Oh, is your ass too big?” Lilith called. “I mean, I don’t care if you come out here naked.”

    I am not going naked, you- you-

    “It was a joke, man. Do you want me to lend you a dress for tonight?”

    “...Yes, thank you. I can figure something else out for later.”

    “Got it. One sec, Amelia.” Soon, Kass heard the sound of Lilith walking around, before seeing her appear in the doorway, holding a plain dress. “Here you go,” she said, tossing the dress to Kass. “Take off your shirt.”

    Catching it, Kass hesitated for a moment. “What?”

    “Shirt. Off. The dress’ll already cover your chest, and it’d probably be real uncomfy to wear both at once. Do you want me to look away?”

    “Just- give me a second.” As Kass pulled his shirt past his head, he suddenly saw Lilith standing in front of him, disturbingly close.

    “What are you doing?” he yelled, startled.

    “Looking at your boobs,” she said, bluntly. “They’re barely there, but I can kinda see if I look closely.”

    “Wha- why?”

    “Several reasons. One, I wanted to see if they’ve grown any after you leveled up. Two, you didn’t say I couldn’t look. Three, I like breasts.”

    I do not have-”

    “Look. Dude. (Should I still call you ‘dude’? Is that offensive?) Based on cursory examination, you do, in fact, have breasts. Moreover, based on- other growths,” she said, her eyes flicking to Kass’s lower body momentarily- “there’s a good chance they’re going to grow. I mean, you can still identify however you want and I will be cool with it but you do have breasts and sooner or later you’ll probably have to accept that fact.”

    “You are… talking very fast, and I do not understand some of the things you’re saying.”

    “Oh. Right. High-level gender stuff. Basically, your body is changing and accepting those changes is probably going to be the best way to get through it.” That might be a bit hypocritical, considering the fact that I used magic to alter my body, but the point still stands. “Anyway, I guess that doesn’t matter for now, but think on it.”

    “..Can you please leave me alone for now? So I can… put on this dress?”

    “Oh, yeah. Sure,” Lilith said, leaving the room.

    A while later, Kass came to the table, wearing the dress and looking slightly uncomfortable.

    “So, what’s for dinner?”

    “We wanted to try another creamy soup,” Amelia said. “So, we made some soup. There’s bread, too.”   

    “Are you alright, dude?” Lilith whispered. “It’s just you don’t exactly look ‘at ease’ in that dress.”

    “It’s- this feels wrong,” Kass said. “This dress- on me- feels wrong. And I can’t wear my goddamn pants because my thighs are too big.”

    “Oh. Look, if I forced you into this-”

    “Don’t worry. This- this isn’t your fault. I’ll figure something out. Let’s just eat dinner right now.”

    “Okay, dude. If you’re sure.” With that, everyone returned to drinking the soup, which was admittedly quite delicious.

    After a few minutes, most of the soup had been eaten, and a pop-up appeared in front of Amelia.

    [Milk Quality] has leveled up!


    “Yes, Kass?”

    “Why did your skill level up when we were just eating soup?”

    Amelia was silent.

    “Amelia, does that skill mean ‘milk’ as in your breast milk?”

    Amelia was silent.

    Amelia, did you put your breast milk in the soup?

    “Yeah, but there was a good reason,” Lilith said.

    “Wha- what good reason? Why is my sister lactating? Is she pregnant? Did you impregnate my sister?”

    “I mean, yeah? But also one of her skills means that she just, like, constantly lactates.”

    “She’s- she’s not lactating now!”

    “I am in fact here as you two talk about me,” Amelia said. “So, I have a skill that means I constantly lactate, and another spell that lets me sort of… ‘plug up’ the rate at which I produce milk.”

    “Alright,” Kass said, having calmed down a bit. “But… why would you put your breast milk in the soup?”

    “Well, it tastes good,” Lilith said. “But I think you’d understand if you took a look at Amelia’s [Milk Quality] skill.”

Milk Quality

Type: Breasts/Passive

Level: 3 (0%)

Your milk tastes good enough to regularly drink, and speeds up healing. Drinking your milk can replenish MP. Milk stays fresh for 2 days. Increases by having your milk consumed.

Level: 4

Your milk tastes subtly different to each person to make it more delicious. Milk stays fresh for 3 days.

    “Wait, it speeds up healing?”

    “And replenishes MP,” Lilith said. “It increases by being consumed, so we thought if we used it to make tonight’s soup we could reach this level.”

    “Oh. Well, that makes sense. And that would be useful. If I had a spell, that is,” Kass said, evidently still a bit annoyed about not having access to magic.

    “Well, we’ve still got one more day of training. You might get it tomorrow,” Lilith said in an attempt to comfort him.


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