A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

The Night

This chapter's pretty short and not much happens, but I wanted to get something out.

Soon enough, everyone had finished up dinner and a quick dessert of fruit, Kass and Amelia returned to their rooms, Kass pulling off the dress the first chance he had.

“Hey, Kass-”

“Agh! Why are you always standing in my doorway whenever I think I’m alone?”

“So,” Lilith said, ignoring the question, “I had an idea. I could make you a pair of pretty loose pants, combined with a belt, and that way you’d be able to put on the pants and then get them the right level of tightness. It should even work if you get any bigger back there.”

“You’re being uncharacteristically nice.”

“Am I not normally nice?”

“Normally everything you do seems to be some sort of coercion to make me have sex with you.”

“Really? Everything?”

“In the past two days, you have; gotten me to drink your cum, came to my room at night to try to convince me to have sex with you, came to my room in the morning to ogle me-”

“Yeah, but that’s only in the past two days. I’ve been here for, like, four.”

“The first two days, we didn’t talk much.”

“True. But this isn’t an attempt to have sex with you. I mean, unless you wanted to-”

You’re doing it again.

“Oh. Yeah. Does that make you uncomfortable?”

Yes, it makes me uncomfortable that my sister’s girlfriend is constantly trying to have sex with me. Why would it not?”

“You know, it’s kind of interesting that you’re o.k. with the fact that I’m having sex with your sister. You know, the whole ‘two women in love’ thing.”

Kass sighed. “I figured that was the least deranged part of the whole situation, when compared to… everything else about you.”

“Huh. Anyway, the pants thing. Is there, like, any good cloth or something you would want me to use?”

“Nothing in particular. Just- could you make it a similar color to my normal pants?”

“Sure. Could I borrow a pair so I can compare cloths and textures?”



“What are you up to?” Amelia asked, lying in bed when Lilith came in holding a pair of Kass’s pants.

“Emergency sewing project,” Lilith said. “I wanted to make Kass a pair of pants for tomorrow. Do we have any fabric that’s like this one?

“That’s just some ordinary woolen fabric. I’ve got a few different colors in the fabric chest.”

“Thanks.” After quickly rummaging through fabrics, Lilith found a piece of the right-colored fabric. “You can go to sleep if you want,” she said. “This might take me a while.”

“Alright,” Amelia said, yawning and turning over.


Soon enough, Lilith had managed to sew together some large-ish pants that should probably work for a few more levels. Going back to Kass’s room, she hesitated, then decided to knock on the doorframe to make sure she didn’t walk in on anything. Again.

“Hey, you there?”


“I finished the trousers. They should work for tomorrow,” Lilith said, opening the door and proffering the clothing to Kass.

“Thank you.”

“No worries. It’s kinda my fault this happened, so…”

There was an awkward pause.

“Well, see you tomorrow.”


Entering her and Amelia’s shared room, Lilith saw Amelia lying in bed, or to be more accurate, a lump of blanket that Amelia was most likely underneath.

“Hey, you awake?” Lilith asked, quietly slipping into bed beside Amelia.

“Barely,” Amelia yawned. “I’m pretty tired.”

“Okay. Do you want to have some quick sex before going to sleep?”

“I am suddenly less tired.”



In the morning, Lilith and Amelia awoke, Lilith checking her status to see that she had leveled up from the night of lovemaking.








Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

9 (4%)

Sexual Level

17 (85%)




















Ooh, another level. And one more on the way soon! “Should I use these next two levels to get a breasts level and then [Discreet Beauty], so I can gift that one to you?” Lilith asked, turning to Amelia.

“Your choice,” Amelia said. “Today’s the last day before the raid, so I’d save it in case something comes up.”

“True.” With that, Lilith got out of bed, pulled on her dress, and went outside, where Milo was speaking to all the assembled warriors.

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