A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


“So, should I go tell Milo to come here?”

“I’ll go with you,” Lilith said. 

“You don’t trust me?” Gabriel asked.

“It’s more that Milo might not,” she explained. “If I go along with you, I’ll tell Milo our plans and you can tell the knights yours.”

“My plans… meaning you’re amenable to me staying here?”

“Yeah. I want to make this world a better place, and you said you do too. If we share the same goals, there’s no reason for us not to work together.”

“Alright then. Let’s get going,” Gabriel said, walking out the door of the old church.


- - -


“Hey, Milo!”

Turning around, Milo saw Lilith and the knight waking towards him.

“Did everything go alright?” he asked, directing the question towards Lilith.

“Yeah. We talked for a bit, and he asked if he could stay here.”

Milo’s face took on that blank appearance faces often do when those who wear them hear something completely out of left field. “And… what did you say in response?”

“I said he could, but I wanted your opinion on the matter too.”

“What’s your reasoning behind wanting to stay here?”

“I swore an oath to protect the people, and I believe that staying in this village is the best way to do that.”

“A noble goal. Why do you hold that opinion?”

“Lilith’s magic. From what she’s told me, there’s no known limit to what she could do. Her abilities could help improve the lives of many- and I believe that, by staying here, I could help her do so.”

“Would you intend for any of the other knights to join you in that endeavor?”

“N-no, that wasn’t the plan,” Gabriel said.

“Good. Your presence will already test my patience. Just know that if you do anything to make me suspect your intentions aren’t as you told us, I will act accordingly.”

“So I can stay?”

“For now,” Milo said. “Tell your cohorts as much, then have them leave this place.”

“Alright. Thank you,” Gabriel said, going past Milo to meet with the other knights.


- - -

Back in the church, Amelia, Kassander, and Gorse were sitting on the benches, staring at each other awkwardly.

“She forgot we can’t speak to Gorse again, didn’t she?”

“I’m assuming. Next time I can, I’m getting a [Comprehend Languages] skill. I might not be able to speak to her, but at least she’ll be able to speak to us.”

- - -

A bit away from the front gates, Pender, Jonah, and Seth were preparing for the travel back to the castle they had came from; still not knowing whether Gabriel would be joining themm.

“I’m back, you three.”

Turning towards the source of the voice, they saw Gabriel, carrying his helmet under his arm.

“How did it go, then?” Jonah said.

“Milo says that you three have to leave now.”

“Implying you don’t,” Pender said.

“I talked to Milo and the priestess, and they’ve agreed to let me stay- for now,” Gabriel explained. “I’m going to try and figure out as much as I can regarding the darkness and their powers, and then send you a letter when the time is right.”

“So you’re really going with this plan,” Seth sighed.

“Not with Jonah’s scheme,” Gabriel denied. “But-”

“I object to it being called a ‘scheme’,” Jonah interjected.

As I was saying,” Gabriel continued, “but I do see the merit in forming a positive relationship with these people.”

“So, when should we expect your first letter?”

“Not sure. Perhaps a week or two from now.”

“It’ll take us nearly half that time to return to the castle,” Pender half-whined.

“Then you’ll only have to wait half a week for my first letter,” Gabriel pointed out.

“True. In that case, let’s be on our way, so that half a week-wait arrives sooner,” Jonah said, readjusting his armor one final time.

“That’s not how that works, Jonah.”

“You think I don’t know that? I was trying to make a joke, Seth!”

“Stick to making treacherous plans, then. Your jokes need work.”

“Oh, now you want me to make the plans?”

“No, I- oh, forget it. Let’s just leave.”

- - -

“Are they on their way now?”

“Yeah, they should be heading back to Redmont Stronghold as we speak.”

“Redmont?” Lilith asked, this being the first time she’d heard any names of places- it was always ‘the village’ or ‘the camp’.

“The nearest fortification,” Milo explained. “About four or five day’s trek from here- That’s where I sent my letter asking for assistance, and therefore I’m assuming that’s where you arrived here from,” he finished, looking to Gabriel on the last part.

“Correct. From there, I don’t know how long they’ll stay there, if at all, but they said that was where they were going.”

“Alright. In that case, I’d suggest you find someplace to stay. I don’t know if there are any spare rooms, but it’s possible someone would let you sleep on a cot.”

“The rooms in the church aren’t in use- maybe he could use one of those?” Lilith pointed out.

“Good idea. I’ve got a bedroll in my pack, so I can set that up in one of those rooms.”

“Oh, yeah- Gorse woke up a while ago, so Amelia brought her to the church,” Lilith interrupted. “We haven’t started asking her any questions yet, since I wanted to see if you wanted to ask her questions yourself.”

“Ah. In that case, let’s go and ask those questions.”

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