A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Language Barriers

It was an alright face. Short blonde hair, alright jaw, remarkably clean-shaven. If you were into that sort of thing, you might call it handsome- but not sexy.

Lilith was not into that sort of thing, and Gabriel’s face was therefore neither handsome nor sexy by her judgement.

“Are you going to say anything? I’m starting to feel a bit self-conscious.”

“Oh- sorry. I was kinda expecting some scars or anything- like Milo has.”

“I wear a helmet in combat. I’m not going to have any facial scars.”


“Anyway, back to what we were discussing,” Kass said. “What’s your reasoning for wanting to stay here?”

“Well, we’re still unsure as to what caused… whatever was going on at the camp. I figured that staying nearby would be the best way to get more information.”

“And what would you do with that information?”

“That depends on what it turns out to be. If there’s the possibility of more monsters like that wyrm appearing elsewhere, I’ll let the other knights know, so that they’d be able able to deal with those monsters wherever they appear.”

“If that turns out to be the case, would you head back to the capital?” Lilith asked.

“Again, that depends,” Gabriel said, aware that he was probably very close to losing whatever goodwill he might have with the two magicians.

“What’s your real goal here? You don’t seem interested in magic,” Kass said. “Are you trying to spy on us?”

If not for the fact that he was completely right, Gabriel would think Kass overly paranoid. “As a knight, I took an oath to protect and serve the people of this kingdom. I believe that staying here would be the best way to uphold that oath.”

“And why is that?” Lilith asked.

“One way or another, you’re going to bring some big changes to this world. I’m hoping that, by staying here, I can increase the chance that those changes are for the better.”

- - -


Gorse was very confused. The last thing she remembered was fainting away from blood loss, and now she was… where was she, actually?


She was laying down on a soft surface, in a room with wooden walls. She wasn’t imminently dying, which means that Lilith had dealt with the dark monster.. Beyond that, Gorse couldn’t confirm anything else.


Attempting to sit up, she realized that she was still suffering the effects of the blood loss, and quickly fell back down onto the soft surface.

Soon enough, she heard the creaking of a door, and soon a human woman came into view- her hair the same shade of red as the one Gorse met back at the camp.


As the woman began to speak, she seemed to realize something- something that Gorse also realized. To Gorse, the woman’s words were no more comprehensible than the sounds of wild animals- and it was likely that anything Gorse said would be just as confusing. 


After a moment of staring, the woman sighed and closed her eyes.


- - -


“Shouldn’t Amelia be back by now?” Kass said, turning to Lilith. “I mean, our house isn’t too far from here.”

“Yeah. I hope nothing happened,” Lilith said, activating [Telepathy].

Is everything-

I can’t speak Goblin, Lilith.

Oh- yeah, that would be a problem. Should I come over?

Well, there’s nothing else to do, is there?

I mean, I have one other idea.

Which is?

If I say something in Goblin, could you tell her?

I mean, I could try.


- - -


<Can understand you me?>

Despite the woman’s hesitant, shaky voice, Gorse understood her- much to her surprise.

<Yes, I can. You speak Goblin?>

<Words from Lilith. Can take you her?>

<Are you asking if you can take me to her? Because if so, yes.>


The woman tilted her head to the side for a moment, then reached down to pick up Gorse, supporting her head with one arm, before standing up, walking to the door, and saying something under her breath in Human as she realized both her hands were being used to carry Gorse and she couldn’t open the door.


After quickly setting Gorse back down, opening the door, then picking up Gorse again, the woman took Gorse outside.


- - -

As the red-haired woman took Gorse through the village, she did her best to turn her head and look around; with nowhere else to go, she would most likely be staying here for quite some time.


The village was very different from the camp she used to live in; where goblins would have set up tents, the humans had erected wooden houses with stone chimneys. The sun hung in the sky, slowly making its way downwards.


Eventually, after her carrier made a turn, Gorse saw a building different from the others- larger, but also more decrepit. The doors hung open, luckily, so the woman went inside, where Gorse saw three figures she recognized.

- - -

Upon hearing the church doors open slightly, Lilith turned to see Amelia coming through, carrying Gorse bridal-style.

“Everything go alright?”

“Well, once you helped us get past the language barrier, it all went smoothly. Amanda was still asleep, last I checked, so I didn’t have to explain to her, and I didn’t run into anyone else on my way over here.”

“That’s good,” Lilith said. “Milo wanted to know what info Gorse had for us, so do you think we should get him over here to listen while we ask her questions?”

“That seems like the best way to do it,” Amelia said, after a moment’s thought. “Should I go and tell him that?”

“I was actually going to head that direction anyway,” Gabriel said, standing up from his bench. “I can tell him what you’re thinking.”

Amelia turned to him, not having noticed he was there. “Who are you?”

“My name’s Gabriel. I heard that one of my comrades accosted you earlier, and I’d like to apologize on his behalf-”

“Why is he here?” Amelia asked Lilith.

“He wanted to discuss the possibility of staying here.”

“What, with the rest of those knights?” Amelia said, not pleased at the prospect.

“No, just him. Says he’s trying to get more info regarding what went on at the camp.”

“And do you believe him?”

“For now.”

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