A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Dual Perspective

Striding out for training, Lilith grabbed her daggers from the rack, and went over to Casey and the other dagger users. Now that she had actually gotten the [Proselytize] skill, her mind wandered to what other people would look like as futas. Casey already had the long hair for it.

    “Alright, today we’re going to be doing a few more advanced maneuvers, before moving into inter-weapon sparring. If I just teach you how to fight dagger users, it won’t be useful against the goblins.”

    Getting into a new stance, Casey continued. “One of the most important things to keep in mind in combat against multiple enemies is to avoid getting surrounded. No human can maintain a full 360 degrees of focus, so getting an enemy in your blind spot is a serious problem. This stance allows you to turn easier, but it’s less useful against a single opponent. Once you feel you’ve gotten everything from yesterday down, try and form a semi-large group to simulate multi-person combat. Try and rotate who’s the single in a group.”

    Lilith and Dylan ended up paired together again. “Do you think we’ve gotten everything from yesterday down?”

    “More or less,” Dylan said. Turning away from Lilith, he called two other youths over; both with dirty-blond hair. “These two are Adrian and Jens. Adrian and Jens, meet Lilith. She’s the priestess who escaped from the goblins.”

    “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Madame,” one of the two said, going into an exaggerated bow.

    “Ignore Adrian,” the other said, giving him a quick smack on the head. “He’s just being stupid.”

    “I was being respectful, Jens,” snarked Adrian.

    “In a stupid way. Anyway, who wants to be the single first? Dylan?”

    “Yeah, sure. I’ll go pick up the chalk knives,” Dylan said, going over to Casey. After a quick conversation, Casey handed Dylan four sets of blunt knives.

    “So, what rules do we go by? You have to get three hits on me, but I just have to get one on each of you?”

    “Let’s double it. Six and two,” Jens said.

    “Alright. Catch.” Dylan tossed knife sets to everyone, and then they arranged in a rough semicircle around him.

    “On three. One, two…”

- - -

    Amelia had been sat in her room for some time now, working on her sewing. She’d just about finished adjusting one of her dresses. Intending to test the size, she pulled off the dress she was wearing, and noticed that her dick was getting erect. Trying to ignore the sensation for now, she put on the adjusted dress, her bust now having plenty of space. She wondered if she could do other magic, or only the spells Lilith gave her. Maybe there would be something about it in her Menu. Clickin on the ‘Mag’ option, which she assumed was a shortening of magic, she saw the following window.



As a follower of Medenta, you are blessed with magical power. Mag is a measure of your prowess with this power. Through practice, you may learn and develop new magical spells.

    “That’s annoying. It says practice, but I don’t have any spells I can practice! Well, aside from the spell Lilith gave me temporarily to clean up after myself…” Pulling up her dress and looking at her erect dick, she had a thought. “I might as well. It’s not like it’s going to get less erect otherwise…” Tentatively grabbing her shaft, the sensation sent a shock of pleasure throughout her body. Is this what Lilith felt like, all the time? Remembering how she initially saw Lilith do it, she began to move her hand up and down. Feeling the buildup of cum go through her dick, she sped up, until she orgasmed, her cum splattering all over. Her dick still hot and erect, she prepared to make herself cum again, when she noticed a strange wetness around her chest area. Looking down, she saw two dots of wetness on her dress roughly around her nipples. Apparently, her orgasm caused her breasts to lactate slightly. No reason in getting a perfectly good dress wet, she thought, taking the dress fully off. Sitting naked in the room, her dick and nipples both erect, she began jacking off again. This time, her spare hand had something to do.

As she jacked off, she grabbed her boob with her other hand, the secondary stimulation causing her to orgasm even faster this time. Opening her menu, she saw that her SP was still at around seven, so she decided to orgasm once more. Before she did so, however, she brought the hand that had been holding her breast up to her mouth, licking the milk off of her palm. It was surprisingly sweet. Quickly testing if there was any more on her other nipple, there was. She quickly licked that too, and then got back to the task at hand. This time, when she rubbed her dick, she used her other hand to fondle her balls; another pleasure formerly inaccessible to her.

She soon reached orgasm for the third time, adding to the cum splatter in front of her. Thinking of the spell Lilith gave her, she soon saw the cum float into an orb, with the milk stains still on her dress going with them. Seeing the fluid orb disappear, several messages popped up.

New skill unlocked!

New spell unlocked!

- - -

    “All right, who wants to be the single next?” Dylan wiped the sweat from his brow, looking around at the other three.

    “I’ll try it,” Jens said. “Don’t expect me to put on as good of a show, though.”

    “It wasn’t that impressive,” Dylan said, evidently pleased by the compliment.

    “We got, like, two hits on you.”

    “It was three, Adrian. Don’t sell yourselves short.”

    “We could say the same to you,” Lilith said. As everyone got into position and brushed off the chalk marks, Lilith tried to think of a time to check out her combat level.

    “On three,” Jens said. “One…”

    Lilith’s grip tightened around her daggers.


    Her body felt like a wound-up spring, ready to move at any time.

    “Three!” At the final word, all four started to move. Adrian moved around Jens, attacking him from behind. Meanwhile, Lilith attacked from the front, stopping Jens from defending against Adrian’s assault. In retaliation, Jens managed to get an attack against Lilith, but Adrian’s attacks were already taking a toll. Getting a second attack agaisnt Lilith, she left the fight, being ‘dead’. Turning around to Adrian, Jens managed to block some of the attacks and getting a slash against the other blonde boy. 

    Unfortunately, Dylan was there. He didn’t have the silken speed of Casey, but his slashes were powerful and quick enough that Jens simply couldn’t deflect every attack. Adrian attempted to get a cheap attack off, but Jens reacted fast enough to stab Adrian a second time, sending him out of the fight too.

    While Jens and Dylan fought with a constant sound of metal against metal, Lilith took the opportunity to look at her menu.







Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

5 (26%)

Sexual Level

13 (13%)

















Nice! Let’s see if there are any skills that’d help me against multiple opponents. I’d like that Spin Slash, but I don’t think my Dagger level is high enough. Let’s see if I can find another.

Disarming Strike

Type: Swordplay

Level: 1

Cost: 1 MP

Attempt to disarm an opponent. Chance to succeed increases with level.

Requirements: Level 5 Combat. Cost: 1 CLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No

    Perfect! Buying the skill, she looked up at the fight. Yet again, Dylan had won, but at least he looked seriously tired.

    “Can I be the single this time?” Lilith asked, standing up.

    “I’ll go after you,” Adrian called. As the group arranged themselves once more, Lilith made the call.

    “One, Two…”

which character do you think should be the next Acolyte?

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