A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


Amelia looked through the new things she had unlocked, still feeling the latent pleasure of her masturbation.


Type: Breasts/Passive

Level: 1 (22%)

Your breasts naturally produce milk at a slow rate. Levels up by producing more.


Suppress Lactation

Type: Breasts/Active

Level: 1 (0%)

Cost: X MP

Temporarily stops lactation for a period of X hours. Milk still builds up inside your breasts, and will be released when the skill stops being active.

Realizing what this meant, Amelia was a little fearful. Constant lactation? And if she constantly produces milk, the skill would level up no matter what, and most likely start producing even faster! At least the spell would be helpful, but the milk would still build up, and be eventually released. Hopefully leveling that one up would make it work better.

Looking down, Amelia saw that milk was, indeed, slowly leaking from her nipples. It wasn’t a massive amount, but it was noticeable, and constant. Deciding to at least plug the flow until she could discuss it further with Lilith, she poured 3 MP into the skill. The flow ceased immediately. Looking at how much that increased the spell’s level, she closed and reopened the window.


Suppress Lactation

Type: Breasts/Active

Level: 1 (60%)

Cost: X MP

Temporarily stops lactation for a period of X hours. Milk still builds up inside your breasts, and will be released when the skill stops being active.

Level: 2

Temporarily stops lactation for a period of X hours. Milk still builds up inside your breasts, and will be released when the skill stops being active. Milk builds up at a 90% rate.

“Ah, so higher levels make the milk also produce at a lower rate.” That question resolved, Amelia decided to check if she could see other skills that she could unlock, to prevent nasty surprises in the future. And indeed, there was one.


Milk Quality

Type: Breasts/Passive

Level: 0 (15%)

Increases by having your milk consumed.

Level: 1

Your milk tastes good enough to regularly drink.


“Wait, is that consumed by a child or just in general? Well, I guess that’s one way to get rid of the stuff.” Putting her dress back on, she got back to her embroidery.

- - -

“Three!” Lilith called out, and the blur of movement began. Dylan’s probably the biggest threat. He picked up more than just basic theory from Casey. Turning towards Dylan, the youth was already attacking.

[Disarm]! Lilith thought, and felt her body move on its own; she quickly knocked one of Dylan’s blades away. Stunned by the quick maneuver, Dylan was unguarded; Lilith quickly slashed with one blade, then the other. Two strikes, and one opponent down.

Unfortunately, the other two weren’t sitting around; Adrian slashed at her, and when she turned to counter, so did Jens. The two were flanking her, making it hard to focus on either one. When Adrian attacked again, however; he overextended, Lilith took the opportunity to get a hit on him. Expecting a slash from Jens, she readied another [Disarm], and when the attack came, Lilith spun his blade out of his hand. 

Jens, however, was prepared. He used his remaining blade to stab at Lilith, leaving both a chalk mark and a bruise. Adrian followed up, getting another attack in; but Lilith managed to slash him in retaliation, sending him out of the fight too.

Two hits on either of us, and we lose. And he’s only got one blade. With her skill-enhanced dagger proficiency, this was Lilith’s fight to win. Unfortunately, Jens could fight dirty. When Lilith lunged towards him, he used his free hand to throw some of the crumbly dirt at her, obscuring her vision. By the time Lilith could clear her face, Jens had gotten over to where Lilith’s disarmament had knocked his dagger. 

Now fully armed, he rushed back over to Lilith, beginning an onslaught of blows. Her proficiency was one thing, but Jens had the kind of strength you only get from doing backbreaking fieldwork all your life. No showy, muscly, gym-bod. Just simple strength devoted towards a simple purpose. His tough strikes knocked away Lilith’s blades, slashing her. However, before he could hit her a second time, she used her [Fade Slash] to dodge. The strike hit Jens, but he kept attacking. After getting a bit of distance, Lilith lunged at Jens, hoping to finish the match in one clean strike. 

Unfortunately, her focus was broken when a pop-up appeared in front of her face, blocking her view of what Jens was doing. His dagger reaching through the window, Jens struck Lilith, winning the bout.

“Oh, that was cheap, Jens!” Dylan said, having picked up his dagger.

“The dirt was a tactic,” Jens said. “When we fight the goblins, they will not play by any rules.”

“Sorry about Jens,” Adrian said. “This mission is important to him. His sister was one of the ones who went missing.”

‘His’ sister, not ‘our’ sister. “Are you two not related?”

“Nah, we just hang out a lot. Add that to the hair color, and it’s an easy mistake to make.”

“Huh,” Lilith said, quickly glancing over at the unfortunately-timed popup.’


Acolyte [Amelia] has acquired skill [Lactation].

Acolyte [Amelia] has acquired spell [Suppress Lactation].

Oh, so it shows me whenever an Acolyte learns a skill or spell. Useful, except in this circumstance. If Amelia’s [Lactation] skill is the same as that one I saw, she’s going to need that spell. 

“Alright, me next,” called out Adrian.

- - -

Having finished her embroideries, Amelia began to think about lunch; Kass and Lilith would be finished with their training soon. Standing up to go check what food they still had, she noticed that her dick was, once again, hard, to the point that she could see the shape of her erection through her dress. 

Figuring it would be best to get it soft before Kass noticed, she pulled up her dress and exposed her penis to the air. Rubbing it, she started faster than before. Grabbing her breast, she wondered if she could cum just from stimulating her breasts. But that was an experiment for another time. 

When she came, she felt an odd sensation. Her breasts didn’t spurt out any milk, but they did feel slightly heavier. Apparently, the milk that came out when she ejaculated would also be suppressed. Moving on, she decided to use her vagina as additional stimulation this time. Cumming a second time, she noticed that her dick had softened enough that it wouldn’t be noticeable under her dress, so she decided to stop for the moment and continue when Lilith was back.

Pulling her dress back on and standing up, she definitely noticed her breasts were weighed down by the milk. She’d have to do something about that soon. Now, what to make for lunch. Maybe a cream soup? Something with cheese?

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