A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Falling asleep

As Kass made his way home, carrying Gorse, he again wished that he had gotten Lilith to give him [Comprehend Languages]- he’d just had to spend entirely too long attempting to explain things to Gorse through charades, and he still wasn’t completely sure everything translated correctly.

At the very least, since he was occupied with that, he wasn't the one who had to explain everything to Amanda; Amelia had done that, and the two had made their way home a bit before Kass.

Most everyone had also gone home after Kass and Amelia had explained the basic spells, so he didn’t have to worry about anyone else seeing Gorse on their way home. That discussion could be saved for tomorrow.

Regardless, he made his way home quickly, where he saw Amanda and Amelia sitting at the table.

Upon noticing Amanda, Gorse startled, and began speaking- repeating one thing over and over.

“Wh-what is she saying?” Amanda worriedly asked.

“Wish I knew. Lilith’s the only one with [Comprehend Language].”

“O-oh. I’m… going to go to bed now,” Amanda said, awkwardly standing up and going into her room.

“How’s she holding up?” Kass asked, turning to Amelia.

“Not sure,” she sighed. “I mean, she came back from being kidnapped and used as a broodslave, and now she has to deal with all this, and now one of her kidnappers is going to be staying here- at least for tonight. She’s been putting on a brave face, but I’d understand if she’s having a rough time.”

“Yeah. Hopefully, there’s something we can do for her tomorrow to help.”

“Hopefully. Well, I’m going to go to bed too. It’s been a long day.”

“I feel that. Honestly, if Lilith just passed out from all the fighting, I’d understand.”


Going into his bedroom, Kass gently set Gorse down on the pillows before stripping the bedding off of his bed and arranging it into a sort of nest on the floor. Then, he scooped up Gorse and the pillow she was laying on and laid them down in the center of the blanket nest, before stripping off his outerwear and laying on his mattress. 

We’ll have to figure out something better tomorrow. As much as he’d like to have his bedding, he figured that she needed it more than he did, and he didn’t want to risk doing something untoward in his sleep.

- - -


Amanda lay awake in bed. Her earlier nap had left her unable to fall asleep now, so she was now alone with her thoughts.


And she had a lot of thoughts to be alone with.

On that day, when she thought she was just going for a leisurely stroll in the woods, her life had shattered; and even now that she was home, it felt like all the pieces hadn’t been put together properly. Now that she had time to decompress, her strength broke.

Why did this have to happen to me? Why did nobody save me earlier? Why is Lilith here? Why did she bring back a goblin? Why does nobody care about the goblin? Why does it have to be in my house? What happened to make this one worth saving? Why did it have to be the one who oversaw me? Am I pregnant? Will I have to give birth to a half-goblin? Will it hurt? What will happen to it? What will happen to me? Why do I have a dick? Where did this new goddess come from? What will happen tomorrow? 

As these thoughts collided and fought for space within Amanda’s head, she fell asleep, for lack of anything else she could do.

- - -


In her own room, Amelia had a problem. 

For the past week, she’d been spending every night fucking Lilith. Tonight, she was sleeping alone, but she still felt the need to get her SP down before going to bed.

She’d stripped naked before getting into bed as usual, but she now lay atop the covers, her dick pointing skyward as it pulsed with need.

Well, this is at least a good opportunity to test out that [Condom] skill, she thought to herself. Making a ring with her fingers, she pulled it down over her sensitive shaft, covering it in a gossamer-thin film.

As she did so, the stimulation from her fingers caused a small bead of precum to emerge from her tip.

That felt… good. Maybe if I use more pressure?

Grabbing her dick in her hand, she began stroking her hand up and down her phallus, first slowly, then with increasing intensity as her pleasure reached climax.

The condom did its job perfectly as it swelled to accommodate Amelia’s load, with the milky-white cum inside hanging off the end of her dick.

Well, time for round two.

- - -

In his own room, Kass was fast asleep, expecting his body to take care of itself and just leave him to deal with cleanup in the morning.


His dick was moments away from "taking care" of itself, standing straight up with a bead of pre staining his sheets, when the sheets were pulled away- and something else replaced them atop his dick.


Some time later, Kass blearily opened his eyes, something having jostled him awake.


When his eyes refocused, he realized what was shaking- he was, having been unconsciously thrusting into the goblin impaled atop his crotch.


Panicking, he half-sat up, attempting to remove Gorse- worried that he had somehow began fucking her in his sleep- when she grasped hold of his hands and said something in Goblin tongue.

Taking a further look around, Kass noticed a few things. For one, his bedsheet was still over his feet. He hadn't gotten up, even unconsciously. Second, she was most definitely enjoying herself- and, given how she stopped him from pulling her off, and was in no hurry to get back to sleep herself, she had positioned herself upon his dick of her own volition.

Well, if I'm not getting back to sleep for a bit, and she started this, I might as well be a bit more active. Positioning his hands around her hips, he lifted her up, just to his phallus's medial ring, before bringing her back down, shoving his dick even further inside her, as the bulge in her abdomen demonstrated.

The action brought both of them to orgasm, with Gorse moaning wordlessly, but evidently pleasured.

With Kass's first orgasm in a while, his dick softened, and Gorse fell forward without the erection inside her keeping her upright. Her head landed upon Kass's burgeoning breasts, with her own pair rubbing against his abdomen a bit below.

This is nice, Kass thought, holding Gorse closer to him as he felt his dick begin to stiffen once more. But I really need [Comprehend Languages] if this is going to continue.

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