A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Waking up

As the sun’s rays shined through the window and across Lilith’s face, she slowly awoke from her rest. Looking around, she took stock of the room.

The walls were made of gray stone, with a window upon both the left and right walls. At the far wall, a stairwell lead downstairs. Up against the right wall was a small desk and chair, both made out of a white, wooden material. The left wall had a closet made of the same material.

The only familiar part of the whole room was the bed she was laying on; it was the same as the one in her dream. The same sheet, the same covers, the same frame. 

So, after I passed out, I was brought here for the night. 

And apparently, I had as much fun in real life as in the dream, she thought, looking down at the stains in her dress and the cover.

As she moved to use [Clean-Up], a thought occurred to her.

If I wanted to make any Acolytes, [Proselytize] costs half my MP for every use. That means, if I want to make two acolytes today, I can't use any other MP.

Or could I?

If I manage to level up today, I'll be able to refill my MP, maybe even making 3 or 4 Acolytes!

Once this idea hit Lilith, she quickly opened her menu to check how close she was to a level-up.

And what she saw was quite a shock.








Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

16 (32%)

Sexual Level

23 (2%)




















“FIVE LEVELS?” she yelled. The last time she had gotten multiple levels at once was back at the goblin camp- and that was after spending the better part of a day being raped by goblins at a quite low level. 

So, why did I get so many now?

[A number of reasons,] a voice in Lilith's head said.

Wha- Medenta? Don't I have to use [Meditate] to talk to you?

[Indeed. However, now I can initiate the conversation, too. You just have to be "at rest"- that is, not doing anything else. Like now.]

Oh. So, what 'reasons' do you mean?

[Well, the village as a whole contributed a bit. Remember, a portion of their own sexual activity gets shared with you as experience. But, far more prominent, was our own lovemaking. Doing new things grants more XP, remember? And taking a goddess's virginity, among other things, gives quite a bit, it seems.]

So, this isn't exactly a replicable amount of levels to get in one night.

[Not unless you find another goddess to deflower,] Medenta joked.

Alright. Well, in that case, I need to figure out how to spend these levels.

[Then I’ll leave you to that,] Medenta said, as her presence vanished from Lilith’s mind.

“So, let’s see what we could do.”

“I’ll most likely be able to get a third, even fourth Acolyte today, so [Minor Enhancement] would be a good idea. I could also buy a new [Major Enhancement], if someone wants one.

Beyond that, I should get [Dominant Genes] to deal with the goblin pregnancies. Actually, maybe I should wait to ask people about that one.

If I do get it, however, then I could get another level for [Penis Size], which I should get eventually. Even outside of the fun I could have with it, my SP limit will get so big I just can’t reasonably get it down without this skill eventually. So, if I get all four of those, I’ll have an extra skill point left over if anything comes up.”

Well, if I’m going to use all my MP on [Proselytize], I can’t use [Clean-Up] on this mess, she thought, looking the cum staining her sheets and dress. And all my other outfits are at Amelia and Kass’s house. So I need one of them to come over here and help me clean up.


- - -

As Kass awoke, he realized two things.


For one, Gorse was sleeping atop his chest, her head nestled between his breasts like they were pillows, as the remnants of last night leaked out of her.

For two, his head felt strange. As he sat up, he realized what had happened.


Growing from the top of his head were a pair of long red rabbit ears.


He wasn’t sure how long exactly, but they were definitely noticeable.

Do I still have human ears? Putting a hand to where his ears used to be, he felt nothing- just a strange smoothness. Well, that’s certainly something.

My ‘rabbitization’ only progresses as I level up. Therefore, I must have leveled up last night.








Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level



















Two levels? More than I expected, but I guess it makes sense. Let’s see what skills I got from that.


Type: Penis/Passive


When penetrating someone, their body becomes 15% more elastic and they feel 15% less pain from the penetration.

Comprehend Languages

Type: Miscellaneous/Passive

Level: 1

Allows you to understand other spoken languages.


Well, these both could be useful, I guess. The second one moreso. I still can't speak to Gorse, but now I can understand what she says.


Now, I should get dressed, but first I should remove myself from Gorse.

Carefully grabbing ahold of Gorse, trying to to disturb her more than necessary, he slowly pulled the goblin off his dick, unprepared for what happened next.


A massive amount of cum leaked out, like a deflating balloon. Evidently his [Deformation] skill had been put to use.


Despite this, Gorse was still fast asleep, so Kass just used [Clean-Up] to remove all the spunk staining his sheets and went to get dressed. As he stood up and got out of bed, however, he noticed that his legs had been covered with a thick layer of red fur, petering out just above his ankle. Unfortunately, it did nothing to cover his crotch, so he would still need to wear pants. However, as he pulled on his trousers, he felt an unpleasant sensation as they rubbed against his fur- similar to how it felt trying to put on his gloves after he grew fur on his arms.

"Well, that's annoying. What am I supposed to do?"


Hey, Kass. You there?

Yeah, I'm here. You alright after last night?

Yeah, I'm fine. But could I ask you to come over here?


I'm hoping to get 2 new Acolytes today, but that means I can't use MP for anything else, so I need you to come use [Clean-Up] here.

Why can't you just drink some of Amelia's milk later to refill your MP a bit?

You forgot you could do that, didn't you.

Yeah, I forgot.

Well, while you're here, could you help me figure out a problem I'm having?

Sure. What's going on?

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