A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Morning Prep

As Jens woke up, they felt a soreness in their lower back. As they drifted back into full lucidity, they remembered the cause.

“It’s morning,” they whispered to their wife. “We have to get out of bed.”

“Don’t wanna,” a half-asleep Julia mumbled. “Less’… just stay here.”

“You have to let go of my breasts eventually.”

“Fine," Julia said groggily. "Just… not yet."


Amelia, are you awake?

Yeah. Amelia had woken up a bit earlier, and squeezed out enough milk that she wouldn't be leaking for a while- at least long enough that she could have a more thorough session with Julia later.

Great. Could you quickly give Kass that skirt you had yesterday? Tell him it's from me.

Uh, okay.

Thanks. See you in a bit.

See you soon.

Grabbing her skirt out of her closet, she decided to take the laced shirt too. Couldn't hurt.


Going over to her brother's room, she called out to him. "Lilith told me to bring you this skirt, do you know wh-oh." Kass was standing near the doorway, naked from the waist down and his legs covered with thick red fur. "I take it that's why you needed this?"


"Yeah- this stuff's really sensitive. Can't exactly wear pants over it."


"Well, I also brought you a shirt if your current ones are a bit… tight around the chest area."


"No, they're alright for now. Besides, I need stuff with shorter sleeves," he said, gesturing to the fur also covering his forearms.


"Oh, okay. Well, here's- here's the skirt."




Going over to Amanda's room, Amelia saw her sister still fast asleep; not wanting to shake her awake, she left her for a while longer.


Picking up the new milk, Amelia made her way over to the church, and saw Julia and Jens on their way over too. 


"So… how was your night?"


"I'm still a bit sore," Jens said. "And I had to borrow one of Julia's dresses."


"Oh, I can help with that later. The- the clothing situation, not the other thing."




"So, what're you up to?" Julia asked.


"Just bringing some milk over to Lilith. It helps her restore magic."




"Yeah, I have a skill called [Milk Quality]- helps it stay fresh, taste nice, and it can restore magic too."


"That's a good deal more powerful than either of our skills," Jens said.


"Yeah- so, basically, me and Kass are 'acolytes'- the spell Lilith used last night transforms a large amount of people, but it doesn't give them a whole lot of power. But she has another spell that creates 'Acolytes', who have a lot more power."


"Can she use that spell on people who've already been transformed by the other one?" Jens asked.


"Not sure. Let's ask her."



"Thanks, Amelia." After taking a drink of the jug of milk and checking that her MP was full, Lilith turned to Julia and Jens.


"You guys are…"


"I'm Jens."




"Oh- Amelia's friend. Nice to meet you. Well, we sorta met last night, but- you know. So, what brings you two here?"


"We were wondering about- Amelia told us that you have a spell that gives people more power, and we were wondering whether you could use that on people who already got transformed," Julia explained.


"Lemme check."



Type: Miscellaneous/Active

Level: 1

Cost: 50% of max MP

By having a willing target who is currently filled with your seed declare their desire to join your religion, you may convert them into an Acolyte. This will transform them into a futanari, and you will be able to grant them special abilities.


"Yeah, it should work fine. So, which of you wants the- the thing?"


"I can still do hunting," Jens said. "We were asking specifically because we used to raise cows, and since-  well-"


"Since Amelia has all the milk skills and stuff, I was wondering if I could start selling milk again, through… magical means."


"Ah, got it. Well, the spell requires some of my cum inside you, so… how do you want to go about that?"


"Hmm… what do you think, Jens?"


"Do what you think is best," Jens said. "I'm going to see what I can do hunting-wise."


"Before that, I can help alter your wardrobe," Amelia offered. "Your old clothes might be a little tight in certain areas," she said, noting that Jens was wearing one of Julia's dresses.


"That'd be great, thanks."


"Okay- I'll go get my sewing stuff, then go over to your house."


"Oh- when you go back home, could you tell Amanda to come over here? I've got some stuff I want to talk to her and some of the other girls who got kidnapped about."


"Sure thing."




After Jens and Amelia left, Lilith turned to Julia. "So, how d'you wanna do this? I've got that [Condom] skill now, so I can fill a condom for you, or-"


"Does your cum taste as good as Amelia's?"


"I mean, we've got the same [Cum Quality] skill, so theoretically-"


"Perfect." As Julia got on her knees and opened her mouth, Lilith felt her dick harden. "I only got to try that stuff once and I'd love another taste."


"Well, if you say so." Pulling up the hem of her dress, Lilith exposed her hard cock and aligned it with Julia's mouth, before thrusting into the eager hole.


As Julia used her tongue and lips along Lilith's throbbing length, she heard Lilith's breaths quicken as she was about to cum. 


When the load flowed down her throat, Julia made sure to taste as much of it as she could. It did, in fact, taste just like Amelia's stuff.


"So, before I do this, you wanted milk, right?"


Julia nodded.


Okay. The milk was mostly a side effect of Amelia's [Brood Mother] transformation- a guaranteed way to get lots of milk would be…



Major Enhancement

Grants animal features.

Starts slight, progresses as Sexual Level increases.

Increases physical ability.


Well, here goes. Cow time.

I don't know how to say this without sounding rude but only comment if you have something specific to say, comments that just say 'TFTC' or something similar drive me insane

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