A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 17: Shaak Ti Redux Pt. 2

Not for the first time, Tylo steps forward and lays his cock on the upturned face of a kneeling Togruta Jedi Master. Not for the first time, he lays his cock on the face of THIS particular Togruta Jedi Master. It’s just as heady a feeling as it was previously, feeling Shaak Ti’s hot breath across the underside of his throbbing member, looking down and seeing her eyes staring up at him from around the side of his thick shaft.
“Y-You little b-beast.”
She musters a half-hearted glare up at him, but even without his special ability, Tylo can tell that she doesn’t truly mean it, or is at least conflicted. WITH his mutation, he knows exactly what’s running through Shaak Ti’s mind at the moment.
I want it. IwantitIwantitIwantit! It’s not fair that Knight Secura has gotten his cock all to herself! It’s not fair that I’m the only one who seems to be trying to hold herself back! F-Fuck, I want it so damn bad!
Lifting his cock up with one hand, Tylo brings it back down on Shaak Ti’s trembling, quivering features with a meaty and hefty smack.
“There’s nothing little about me, Master Ti. And besides… we both know how badly you want this.”
Her composure is shattered. Her poise, nonexistent. Her eyes widen as he all but calls her out on her innermost thoughts, and said thoughts take on an edge of panic.
H-How does he know? How can he tell? My shields are as strong as ever, and far beyond what a Padawan should be capable of breaching! No… he’s not reading my mind; he’s reading my face. Am I truly so contemptible that he can see how badly I want this, written across my features?
Listening to her ponder whether he’s reading her mind or not, listening to her justify how he can’t possibly be doing so, Tylo finds himself grinning savagely. She’s almost certainly right, a Jedi Master of her caliber, a High Council Member at that… there’s no way that someone like him would be able to use the Force to read her thoughts. Not without her allowing it first. But Tylo didn’t have to worry about that. Because he wasn’t using the Force. Whatever his ability was, it wasn’t a Force Technique, but a mental mutation of some sort.
With her so convinced that he can’t read her mind, Tylo decides to have a little fun with things, even as he drags his cock back and forth across her face, enjoying the way the grown Togruta woman whimpers as he rubs his dick back and forth aggressively.
“Yes, I can.”
She freezes at that, and then shivers as she experiences a minor orgasm, right there on the spot. It would seem that Master Ti gets off to humiliation and embarrassment like this… and Tylo isn’t about to deny her these innermost desires of hers. Letting out a low growl in the back of his throat, the young human padawan leans back and plants the bulbous head of his fat cock against her lips.
“You want this. I want this. So, open your mouth and suck my cock.”
Her eyes flutter as she tries her best to muster some defiance. But his bluff, that he’s able to read her true feelings through her face instead of her mind, seems to have shattered what little composure she might have had left. Any effort to present the controlled façade of a Jedi Master goes out the window for Shaak Ti as she goes cross-eyed just staring at his cock smooshed against her pillowy lips.
I need to put a stop to this. I shouldn’t, f-fuck I really shouldn’t… but by the Force I want to. I want to so badly.
She’s hesitating. With a louder, lustful growl, Tylo reaches out and grabs hold of her montrals, not missing the way her eyes roll back in her skull and her pillowy lips part in a wanton, throaty moan from his fondling of the erogenous zones that are her horns.
“Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
As he shoves forward, he’s answered by a vocalized gurgle from Shaak Ti, as well as her nonvocalized thoughts on the matter.
Yesssss~ Take control! Shove that big fat cock down my throat! I don’t deserve a choice! Wreck me, Padawan! Use me to my heart’s content!
Yeesh, Master Ti is undeniably messed up in the head, perhaps a little bit beyond that of the other female Jedi he’s had sex with at this point. But Tylo wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. And he wasn’t about to turn around and not give Shaak Ti exactly what she wanted and needed. Holding tightly to her montrals, gripping them somewhat roughly, the young Padawan begins to truly rail in and out of the Jedi Master’s unresisting throat, skull-fucking her almost viciously with all his might.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
She kneels there before him, her hands buried between her thighs, and acts more like a wanton whore then a Jedi Master. Not that Tylo is unused to experiencing such things by this point. The only female Jedi Master he’s encountered who he hasn’t bedded is Master Soara Antana. She’d proven to be an interesting sort, and he still wondered to this day what she would be like if he could defeat her in a duel.
Meanwhile, he knew exactly what Shaak Ti was like. The Togruta Jedi Master is gurgling around his cock, not fighting back, not stopping him from aggressively and roughly fucking her throat with every last inch of his shaft. Staring down at her, all Tylo knows is this… he wants to really give it to her this time, and maybe in the process, finally force her to acknowledge who and what she truly is deep down inside.
The other Jedi he’s bedded have all been able to accept that he’s on top and they’re on bottom, regardless of rank. Why should Shaak Ti be any different?
An idea comes to him, as she stares up at his face with glazed over eyes. Borne of one of her earlier thoughts, how had she put it? Aayla spending night after night pinned down, or perhaps between his legs… well, he could certainly make that first part a reality.
Reaching out with the Force, Tylo rips the Jedi Master robes off of Shaak Ti’s body. Beyond a gasping gurgle around his still-pistoning prick, the Togruta doesn’t stop him from stripping her naked. His cock, stuffed down her throat, keeps her from offering any reproach. Though, from what he hears of her true thoughts, it’s a question of whether she’d be capable even with her mouth not occupied.
S-So forceful! He knows what he wants and is just willing to take it! I can’t… I can’t get enough! I want more! Yes, keep going Padawan! Abuse me! Use me to your heart’s content!
Well, if that wasn’t permission, he didn’t know what was. With his hold on Shaak Ti’s montrals, he yanks her off of his cock and tosses her onto her back. Before the Togruta Jedi Master can recover, he’s on top of her, grabbing her by her long, toned red legs and folding them up over the rest of her body, pinning her to the floor of the classroom with his own physical strength and a liberal application of the Force.
All of that training was really paying off. He’d grown a lot since he and Master Ti had last… interacted, and judging by the mild surprise in her hazy, lust-filled eyes, she’s just starting to realize that. But his physical prowess isn’t in question here. His sexual prowess is. Would he be enough? Could he make this Jedi Master in denial finally acknowledge the truth about herself?
Only one way to find out. With a lustful growl, Tylo drives his cock downwards, spearing Shaak Ti’s cunt right then and there. With her legs pushed up on either side of her body, his hands holding her ankles aloft, her cunt is completely vulnerable and exposed. There’s no avoiding the plunge his cock makes into her depths, drawing a strangled, orgasmic cry from Shaak Ti’s lips as the red-skinned Togruta spasms beneath him, her back arching beautifully.
Speaking of her back arching, it in turn presses up her shapely red breasts, each capped with a rock-hard nipple. They push up into the air in front of him as Tylo leans forward, unable to resist such a treat. Latching onto one of the nipples with his mouth, he begins to suck and hard, suckling at her teat and even nibbling and gnawing on it as he continues to press down on her folded form from above, fucking her harder, fucking her faster.
Yes! More! Fuck me MORE! Take me! Nnngh, abuse me! Give it to me, Padawan! Your big fat cock, I’ve fantasized about it every night since our first encounter! Please, please, PLEASE!
Shaak Ti’s thoughts get more and more fevered and delirious, but it’s not good enough. Tylo wants her to admit it out loud! No, he NEEDS her to admit it out loud! Feeling almost like an animal, Tylo snarls as he pulls off of her breasts and locks gazes with her again, still plunging his cock into her again and again every second.
“Say it. Admit it!”
“Nnngh!!! W-What?!”
Seemingly caught off guard by his sudden demands, Shaak Ti looks at him, baffled. Leaning forward a bit further so that his shoulders are pinning her legs in place, Tylo moves his hands from her ankles to her lekku. Where before he’d skull fucked her while tugging on her oh-so-sensitive montrals, now he grabs hold of the brain-tails that drape down her front, their size and length showing her age and maturity, her overall experience.
Needless to say, Tylo doesn’t give one wit about her overall experience at the moment. The only cause he has for appreciating how long her lekku are, is how much easier it is for him to grab both of them and tug, yanking on the sensitive head-tails while continuing to fuck her in the mating press. Shaak Ti’s eyes widen and then go crossed from the sudden explosion of sensation, her lekku just as sensitive as her montrals and the abuse and roughness with which he’s treating them driving her over the edge, AGAIN!
“Your body doesn’t deny it! So why does your mouth?! You want this, Master Ti! You want to be treated like trash! You want to be fucked dominated by me, a boy a quarter of your age! ADMIT IT!”
He’s almost roaring at her now, and not just that… he’s pushing the Force into her with every thrust of his cock. Just as Master Unduli taught him, just as he’d used to make Master Ti cum before she could make him cum a little while before. He pistons in and out of the shuddering, climaxing, helpless and hapless Togruta now and every time he drives deep into her cunt, he makes sure to push the Force into her as well.
The bastardized and altogether twisted healing technique has its effect, driving Shaak Ti’s pleasure to greater heights, driving her wilder and wilder with every thrust he makes into her. And more than that… he can tell he’s close to finally breaking through.
He knows! He knows so easily! This young Padawan has seen through me, has seen how little I am worthy of my High Council position! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!
Internally, Shaak Ti was continuing to agree with him. But outwardly, she was too busy cumming her brains out and moaning up a storm to say a word. So, realizing what he has to do… Tylo stops. He stops dead in his tracks, though it takes every last ounce of his willpower to do so. He stops and he holds himself atop the Togruta Jedi Master, pinning her to the ground still, impaling her on his cock still, even gripping her lekku still… but otherwise not moving a single inch.
Even with his sudden cessation of any sort of movement, it takes several moments for Shaak Ti to catch up, still in the throes of one final orgasm as she is before she finally begins to come down from the pleasure high and realizes he’s stopped.
Wait, why did he stop?
Her eyes go to his, and her mouth opens, possibly to repeat exactly what she just thought, because she stops herself before she can say it, her teeth clicking shut as her eyes widen in realization. Smiling thinly, Tylo tugs firmly on her lekku.
“Admit it right now… or we stop.”
This is probably a testament to how much he’s grown as well since their first time together. The fact that he can even hold himself back this much when he’s buried ball’s deep in such a sexy, gorgeous, slutty Jedi Master is… probably a good thing? Her breath hitches and her eyes widen, her pupils tightening up and shrinking at the realization that he’s serious, that he’s going to force the issue.
For a strange moment, her thoughts are as silent as she is, like her mind goes blank for a moment. And then…
“I-I admit it.”
A shark-like smile spreads across Tylo’s face as Shaak Ti’s already red skin colors an interesting shade upon the realization that she’s just… well, as far as she knows, given the game away.
Oh no. Nononono…
“Good girl.”
And then he slams into her again, starting up fucking her all over again like he’d never stopped. Shaak Ti’s eyes roll back in her skull and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as the Jedi Master adopts a truly… stupid expression on her face, moaning beneath him in wanton ecstasy.
Yes… yesyesyes! F-Finally! I’ve given in! There’s no going back now! Do it, Padawan! Slake your lusts on my body! Take advantage of my weakened state! Record me with your datapad! Make me your fuck pet! Keep me from ever going against you, ever again!
… Tylo hadn’t gotten to where he was today by ignoring the ‘advice’ given to him by his senior Jedi. With but a thought and a small application of the Force, he floats his datapad over to him and Shaak Ti, continuing to fuck the gloriously gorgeous red-skinned Togruta Master, even as he considers said datapad for a long moment.
Was he really going to do this? Even if it was her suggestion, was he really going to record her without her permission? Use it to blackmail her into submission? It was… another step he had yet to take. If he was going to do it, he needed to decide what he truly wanted out of this. Was reducing the High Council member to his horny fuck hole all he cared about? Or did he want to use Shaak Ti in other ways, such as training? She was still a Jedi Master, after all. There was a lot more she could teach him…
Mouth dry, cock throbbing inside of her clenching, cumming cunt, Tylo considers his options, even as the Togruta quivers and convulses in wild ecstasy beneath him.

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