A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 18: Shaak Ti Redux Pt. 3


She doesn’t notice at first, lost in the throes of ecstasy as she is. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, the folded up Togruta Jedi Master he’s currently pinning to the floor doesn’t realize she’s being recorded. Probably because as far as she’s concerned, both of his hands are on her body. 

Tylo is fucking into the red-skinned alien woman for all he’s worth, while holding her by the lekku, yanking them back even as he slams forward, driving her absolutely insane with lust and pleasure. The way her body is convulsing around his cock, the way she’s shuddering and spasming beneath him… all of it makes excellent fodder for the recording he’s now making of her. But none more than her own words. And so, letting go of one of her lekku, Tylo wastes no time in bringing his down hard on one of her tits, slapping it silly.



“What are you?!”

His shouted question is instantly met with the truth.

“I’m t-trash! I’m a trashy, whorish slut who wants to be fucked and dominated by a boy a quarter my age!”

Bringing that same hand back around, this time in a backhand across her other tit, Tylo snarls aggressively.


“Who do you belong to?!”

“You! I belong to you, Padawan! I’m your horny, needy fuck pet! P-Please, please don’t stop! I want it! I want it so badly!”

Sobadsobadsobad! Wantitwantitwantit!!!

Her thoughts are a jumbled mess, but for once her mouth is speaking the truth. For once, he’s getting honesty out of Shaak Ti’s lips, so he doesn’t have to rely on reading her mind to know that she’s enjoying it. She’s professing it at the top of her lungs instead, music to his ears… and perfect for the recording he’s making.

Grabbing hold of both her tits, Tylo savages them for a moment, before pulling on the nipples in particular, tugging the gorgeous, voluptuous Jedi Master’s breasts out from her body.

“I’m not going to stop, Master Ti. Now that you’ve confessed the truth, I’m never going to stop. But you’ll have to do something for me, if you want more of this Padawan’s cock. You’re going to need to do more for me, if you don’t want the rest of the Temple seeing your face right now.”

It takes a moment for his threat to permeate, a moment for Shaak Ti to actually hear him. Her eyes flicker and finally roll forward again in her head as she focuses on him… and on the recording datapad right next to his head, floating in the air, held by the Force, by Tylo himself, taking in her fucked silly visage and slutty body all this time.

Now, Tylo was under no misconceptions. If the Jedi Master beneath him wanted to do so, she could instantly destroy this datapad and take him to task. Not to mention, he’d been inundated with sexual thoughts for as long as he could remember. What sort of blackmail was this, anyways, when almost every female Jedi he’d encountered had proven to be a huge slut, in the end?

So yes, the young Padawan was aware that all of this was little more than for show. But if it worked… if it worked, he would have a Jedi Master of the High Council as his personal tutor on the side. For that reason alone, Tylo had to give it a try. And as Shaak Ti stares up at the floating datapad, eyes wide, even as his cock continues to drill in and out of her, he once again peeks in on her thoughts to see what she’s really thinking.

He… he actually did it. He’s actually recording me. He’s trying… trying to blackmail me, to keep me under his thumb, to reduce me to nothing more than his plaything. I think… I think I’m in love.
Outwardly, Shaak Ti moans but once more, her mouth disconnects from what she’s really thinking as she feigns panic.

“Y-You can’t! You can’t j-just record me, a Jedi Master, a-and upload it to the public holonet for all to see!”

He’d really only intended to threaten to show it to others in the temple. Uploading it to the galaxy-wide holonet was not the original plan. But it seemed that Shaak Ti was happily building something in her head, a sort of scenario in which he truly and utterly shamed and humiliated her. Her pussy clenches down harder around his pistoning cock, even as the Padawan grunts from how amazing she feels wrapped around his shaft.

“P-Please… I’ll d-do anything. I’ve already submitted, Padawan. What more could you want from me?”

So many things. He could make me do anything. Oh Force, please make me debase myself for you further, Padawan.

Even as Shaak Ti mentally expounds upon all of the depraved and debauched things Tylo could make her do and could do to her, Tylo just smiles, having already made his mind up.

“Well, obviously the sex isn’t stopping. But I want more than that. I want you to train me.”

She blinks at that, clearly taken off guard by his immodest ambition. It was one thing for him to sexually dominate her… but she probably hadn’t been expecting him to turn that into something more, like more one-on-one training. But hey, Tylo was in too deep to back out at this point. In for a credit, in for a cred-stick, or so the saying went.

“In fact, as a High Council Member, you can put in a request for larger quarters that you, me, and Knight Secura can move into together, can’t you? Do so, immediately after we’re done here. From now on, I want unlimited access to you. Do you understand me, Master Ti?”

There’s always a chance that he’s reaching too far here, but Tylo isn’t remotely surprised when the Togruta’s response is immediate agreement.

“Y-Yes! I’ll d-do it!”

Snorting derisively at the disgraceful Togruta Jedi Master, Tylo just shakes his head and plunges himself as deep into her as he can. Her gorgeous body bounces and jiggles in immensely satisfying ways beneath him, her lekku slapping against her skin, her eyes rolling back in her head once more, and her tits jiggling with every thrust he makes. 

Tylo makes sure to record every last second of it, not because he’s actually expecting to be able to use it as blackmail, but for posterity’s sake. This is a wonderful moment, after all, the moment when he and Master Ti made up and became ‘friends’. It was only right to immortalize it in a recording, right?

Finally, with a loud grunt, Tylo cums inside of the Togruta Jedi Master, painting her womb white as he makes sure to zoom the floating datapad in to catch a great view of Shaak Ti’s orgasming face in high definition, even as her cunt walls squeeze down tightly around his cumming cock, milking him of every last ounce of his seed that he has.

Pulling back slowly, Tylo finally releases his hold on Shaak Ti’s body, staring down at her in wonder for a long moment. He’d really just done that, hadn’t he? And more than that, he was going to get away with it too? Well shit… 

“Thank you for the lesson, Master Ti. I look forward to seeing you later tonight for dinner in our new quarters together.”

Twitching, quivering, trembling, Shaak Ti nevertheless manages a shaky nod, already putting herself back together and showcasing the impressive endurance and stamina of a Jedi Master. While seeing her easily able to recover left him wanting to pin her back down and fuck her some more, Tylo refrains from doing so, letting out an explosive breath instead and tucking his cock away. He’d gotten everything he wanted out of this. Best to leave it at that.

Turning on his heel, he walks out of the room finally, leaving Master Ti to get up and go and prepare their new quarters…


That night, Tylo approaches the door to their new above with Aayla by his side. His Twi’lek Master could scarcely believe what she was hearing when he’d first told her that Master Ti had decided to take them both under her wing for specialized and personal training. But then the message had come through Aayla’s datapad about the change in accommodations, and it had all become all too real.

Letting the Jedi Knight go first, Tylo watches Aayla put in the door code, and he smiles when the door slides open without a fuss. He follows Aayla into the dark quarters, but just as they’re entering, the lights come on, the door sliding shut behind them. It’s certainly more spacious then their last set of quarters, with a larger living room and a bigger kitchen and a hallway with multiple doors off of it, instead of simply two bedrooms. 

But most importantly of all, Tylo grins at what he finds in the center of the room. Shaak Ti, completely of her own volition, had decided to greet the two of them by stripping down completely naked and prostrating herself before them. With her forehead pressed into the top of her hands and her ass lifted slightly in the air, she looked absolutely gorgeous, like a beautiful predator who had been tamed. All sleek lines and some soft curves, she was… she was perfect.

“O-Oh. S-So it’s like that then…”

My Padawan is insatiable. I should have known he wouldn’t be satisfied with just myself.

As Aayla sets aside her pack containing all of her belongings, she gives Tylo a knowing, seductive smile and begins to strip. Meanwhile, Shaak Ti is trembling, even as she keeps her head down.

I am naked and exposed in front of the Padawan who dominated me and the Jedi Knight he chose when I rejected him. I am less than trash. I am scum… worthless, whorish scum. I-!

Shaak Ti’s inner monologue short circuits for a moment when Aayla plops down right beside her, also entering the dogeza stance and prostrating herself before him. Shaak Ti’s head twitches in the Twi’lek’s direction, glancing over her way as widening eyes take in her actions. Chuckling at the both of them, Tylo reaches down and frees his cock from it’s confines as he steps forward, a big wide grin on his face.

He’s already at a half-chub, just anticipating something like this moment happening. He hadn’t known exactly how it would play out, but just as he and Aayla had christened their previous quarters, it only felt right to do the same now, with Shaak Ti and Aayla both participating. Here and now, Tylo would make it absolutely clear where all three of them stood in their new abode.

Arriving in front of them both, Tylo kicks off his sandals, leaving just his bare feet mere inches from their faces. They don’t even need to be told, or at least Aayla doesn’t. The slutty, blue-skinned Jedi Knight leans forward and begins to lick at his toes all of her own volition. Shaak Ti only does so after she sees what her fellow slut is doing, and she’s much more hesitant and tentative… while also being completely turned on by the degrading action.

Personally, Tylo doesn’t get any direct pleasure from having the two alien women tonguing his toes. No, rather, the pleasure comes from second-hand enjoyment as he listens to them degrade themselves in their own minds, his cock growing rock hard at THEIR arousal and enjoyment of the actions they’re both taking. However, that means that once he IS fully erect, it’s time to move on.


Hearing his command, the Twi’lek and Togruta pair rise from their positions, staying on their knees but lifting their heads up to level with his throbbing cock. Without missing a beat, Aayla tackles him from one side with Shaak Ti doing the same a moment later from the other. Reaching out, Tylo grabs hold of a lekku from Aayla and a montral from Shaak Ti, greatly enjoying their flushed faces and their glazed over eyes as their tongues slather and slobber all over his throbbing, twitching cock.

Grinning down at them both, Tylo chuckles throatily, even as he rubs and massages at their sensitive erogenous regions with his fingertips.

This was going to be the start of a beautiful relationship…


And indeed, it was. As weeks went by, things settled into a new sort of status quo. As those weeks turned into months, Tylo found himself growing, in more ways than one. He was still sprouting up in height, still filling out into the adult he would one day be. Even his cock was still getting bigger, much to the delight of his roommates. 

But more than that, Tylo was focused on his Jedi Training. Growing in skill and power… he had a goal for doing so, of course. He wanted to be able to best Master Antana in a lightsaber duel. Perhaps that was a silly, childish plan, given just who Soara Antana was and how many decades of experience she had on him, but perhaps if he got good enough, Tylo could last long enough to spark her interest and force her surrender.

All this was to say, he threw himself into his saber training more than anything else. But while Master Ti was an excellent duelist, she was predisposed to Force Techniques more than anything. Still, Tylo didn’t mind that either, not one bit. Aayla was a Jedi Knight who leaned more in the direction of the Jedi Guardians of old. Shaak Ti was a Jedi Master who leaned more in the direction of the Jedi Consulars. 

This meant that Tylo’s original plan, of trying to train in the ways of the Jedi Sentinels, was well on track because he was getting the best of both worlds and learning all sorts of things at the feet of both women, while at the same time continuing his classes. It also meant, of course, that his particular brand of saber dueling came with a lot more Force Techniques. He was prone to using the Force in his fights, prone to using it, along with his mutant ability to read minds, to get all sorts of advantages when he was dueling someone.

After months of learning under both his Jedi Master and the High Councilor that he’d managed to snare into living with them, Tylo was feeling rather confident in his burgeoning abilities. However, he needed a test of his current skill level. He couldn’t rely on his wins against Aayla and Shaak, not when he knew full well that they both were constantly thinking about his dick the entire time he was fighting them. They wanted to lose, and while they certainly gave it their all, that sort of mindset made it all too easy for him to win.

That said, he needed to decide who to approach about an actual fight. There were a few options he could think of. One, he could approach Siri Tachi for a duel. While she was now technically the same rank as Aayla, a Jedi Knight, the fact was she’d been out of the temple for years and was likely closer to his level then Aayla’s. 

Two, he could approach Darra for another duel. But he would win… so maybe if he challenged her along with some of their other classmates? As Master Antana’s Padawan, Darra SHOULD be a strong representation of how the woman fought… but she was still far too young to actually be skilled enough to give him a run for his money. Her and a few other Padawans working together could work, but would they think his idea insulting?

Three, he could try and talk to Annie Skywalker again. The so-called Chosen One was said to be the most powerful Jedi of their generation, with potential to be the strongest living Jedi in the entire Order. The rumor mill claimed she was a handful, and that Obi-Wan Kenobi, her Master, constantly struggled to keep her from running roughshod all over him.

She could be a good fight, maybe… but would that provoke Kenobi? He didn’t seem to like Tylo very much, or at least that was the vibe that the young Padawan got from him. Perhaps it would be better to go to someone like Siri or Darra over Annie, to avoid risking the Sith Killer’s ire…

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