A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 20: Annie Skywalker

For the first time since that saber lesson with Knight Secura had taken such a lewd turn, Tylo finds himself shying away from the opportunity to have sex. It’s not because of who he was about to have sex with… or perhaps, more accurately, it’s ALL about who it is. Annie Skywalker is different from the other female Jedi he’s bedded so far, even the ones closer to their age like Darra. She’s not been raised her entire life in the Temple, and that shows.
Coming to the realization that he wants to be more than just fuck buddies with the other padawan, and that having her first time be in this dirty corridor while both of them are absolutely filthy, Tylo begins to pull away from Annie, disengaging the lip lock they were both taking part in and starting to unentangle himself from her grasp.
NO! P-Please, please! Don’t pull away, you mean so much to me!
Verbally, all Annie does is make a noise of discontentment as she tries to cling to him in desperation. But her thoughts are another matter and make it all the clearer to him that he’s making the right decision. This wasn’t the place for this, and Tylo needed to make sure Annie knew that. Reaching up, he grabs her face in his hands and forces her to go still, staring her in the eye.
“Annie… Annie! Calm down. Please, it’s alright. But this… this isn’t the way to do this. This isn’t the right time for us.”
Please don’t leave me!
“P-Please don’t leave me!”
Technically, everyone was thinking the things they were about to say practically all the time. One of the first things Tylo had learned to do when his mutant ability had begun to manifest itself was tune out those thoughts that were literally about to come out of the mouth. Which is why it was a little surprising when Annie’s thoughts and her words coincided so strongly, because it meant she wasn’t thinking about anything else. Every fiber of her being was focused on that concept of abandonment.
Expelling a breath from his body, Tylo leans forward and presses his forehead into hers.
“Never. You’re my friend, Annie. I won’t leave you. I won’t abandon you. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere, alright?”
The Chosen One trembles against him, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He catches a few scraps here and there, but truth be told it’s hard. It’s hard because she’s had a life before the Jedi, one of hardship and trauma from the look of things. It wasn’t easy for Annie to get here, to get where she is. Luckily for Tylo, he knows what she needs. Not sex, not right now… but companionship. Friendship.
And so, he hugs her. He just hugs and holds her, keeping their bodies pressed together but not allowing them to go any further. And slowly but surely, Annie actually relaxes into his embrace. They’re still both very dirty and it’s still an unused corridor deep in the bowels of the Jedi Temple, but there’s peace in that moment, Annie’s mind settling down as she relaxes more and more against him.
He’s far too good for me. I-I can’t believe I didn’t scare him off, a-after tonight. Jeez, I wouldn’t be surprised if he never wanted to do this ever again.
Rolling his eyes out of her line of sight, Tylo can’t help but smile softly. Pressing a tender kiss to her forehead, he leans back enough to look her in the eye, rather pleased that she’s told him exactly what to say, even if she didn’t know it.
“You know, tonight was really great. Sure, it got a little dicey, but I don’t think my blood has ever pumped that fast before, not even in lightsaber training. I’d love to do it again some time. How often do you go out?”
Wait, really?!
For a moment, Annie just stares at him gobsmacked, the young woman’s eyes wide with surprise and disbelief. Then, she reads the truth in his tone and his smiling face and her own face splits into a wide, somewhat dopy smile as well as she beams at him a little goofily.
“I-It depends on if I can get away without Obi-Wan detecting it or not… but I usually try to get out at least once a m-month. Twice, if possible…”
Nodding, Tylo keeps smiling as he brushes some hair out of Annie’s face.
“I’d love to tag along in the future… if you’ll have me.”
“Yes! I-I mean, s-sure… that’d be great.”
She still seems a little baffled, and her thoughts range from shocked to overjoyed as she ducks her head, smiling at him shyly. Soon after though, they do have to get up from the floor and go their separate ways to get cleaned up and get back where they’re supposed to be before their absence is discovered. Of course, in Tylo’s case, his absence was always known. Aayla is fast asleep when he gets out of the fresher and feeds his freshly cleaned, thoroughly erect cock into her open mouth. She doesn’t stay asleep for long though, and they fuck for most of the night as Tylo… gets it out of his system, so to speak.
He hadn’t known he needed it. That being a normal friend. He hadn’t known how badly he needed someone who wasn’t… well, a sex partner. Admittedly, Tylo still fully intended on bedding Annie Skywalker, and from her thoughts he knew he could have had her at any time, in practically any place.
But as the days after their initial outing turned into weeks and those weeks turned into months, neither of them made any move beyond some kissing and handholding. It was kind of nice, just… exploring the relationship they were building between one another without also exploring each other’s bodies. In Tylo Vondin, the Chosen One found someone she could truly confide in… and much to his surprise, he found himself confiding in her in return.
It wasn’t long before he confessed the true nature of his relationship with the two older Jedi living in his quarters. While Annie was gobsmacked to hear about how he, Aayla, and Shaak Ti were with one another behind closed doors, she also wasn’t at all upset by it. In fact, she was rather turned on by the whole thing. Apparently, hearing that he’d bullied his way into making a Jedi Master get them quarters that all three of them could fit in was a little bit arousing for Annie.
Meanwhile, Tylo got to hear all about Annie’s strained relationship with her own Jedi Master. While there was a lot of ranting and venting about Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tylo did learn over the preceding months that his initial negative opinion of the other man wasn’t entirely fair to him. The Sith Killer might have been a little stuck up and prudish, but he was a good Jedi… and a good man.
Even when Annie was complaining about him, she was speaking in a fond tone, and via reading her thoughts, Tylo came to see Obi-Wan through her eyes. He was the father figure that the desert urchin had never gotten. He meant the galaxy to her and given the amount of time Tylo was spending with Annie, it was almost impossible not to pick up some of the girl’s admiration for her Master and make it his own.
Of course, that didn’t mean it was all good, all the time. To start, Tylo and Annie would only hang out together when they went on those outings of hers. Going out and seeing the sights, exploring a small slice of Coruscant that felt bigger than anything Tylo had ever experienced before, and ending up in more than a few close scrapes with the denizens of the City Planet’s underbelly… all of this and more, they did together.
And eventually, Tylo couldn’t bring himself to just… stay away from her while they were in the Temple. Instead, he slowly began eating with her at meals. The look of shock and surprise on Annie’s face when he first sat down at her empty table in the Mess Hall would stay with Tylo for some time and hold a special place of warmth and amusement in his heart.
Not just meals though, eventually Tylo started inviting Annie to lessons with the Jedi Masters that he’d made inroads with. As it turned out, the Sith Killer was in high demand and Annie was supposed to still be learning the things that the Padawans their age had learned years before. So, while there were several missions that Knight Kenobi did take Annie on, taking her away for weeks at a time, there were also several missions that he went on solo, leaving her to do her training alone.
Except, she wasn’t alone anymore, she had Tylo now. And when Obi-Wan came back from a mission to discover the two of them seemingly suddenly attached at the hip, he hadn’t been happy. Shaak Ti’s initial statement that Tylo shouldn’t be trained had apparently spread at least a little bit through the Temple, because that was the only reason Tylo could think that Knight Kenobi had it out for him.
In the end, it had taken Master Ti and Knight Secura’s intervention, but luckily once the dust had settled, Tylo and Annie were allowed to continue their training with one another. Shortly after that, Darra Thel-Tanis started joining them for meals and lessons as well, seeming eager to get further into Tylo’s good graces.
… He did end up fucking the strawberry-blonde in a fresher once or twice, but then what was he supposed to do when she was practically begging for it with her every action?
Regardless, they became something of a trio, which is how Annie eventually found out about his standing challenge from Master Soara Antana. Not that it was so much an open challenge, but she found out what had all happened between him, Darra, and Master Antana and Darra mentioned how often her Master asked after him, which brought everything into sharp focus.
“I think you should do it.”
Blinking, Tylo could only look at Annie in disbelief.
“Do it?”
Bobbing her head up and down, the Chosen One takes another bite of her cereal and then shrugs.
“I think you should challenge Master Antana to a duel.”
Yeah, that’s what he thought she meant. But even still…
“I’m nowhere near good enough to take on a legend like Master Antana, Annie. While I appreciate the vote of confidence, I know how such a duel would go. And I also know she’s not the kind of woman to suffer fools. She’d eat me alive.”
Of course, neither Darra nor Annie had any idea where his knowledge was coming from. He’d literally plucked the thoughts straight from Master Antana’s mind the last time he’d seen her. Still, even if Darra can’t possibly know his sources, she’s still nodding along right with him, shrugging helplessly as she backs him up.
“He’s right. Tylo has improved leaps and bounds with the saber since that time, and I think that’s in no small part because of my Master… but in the end, Master Antana is a lightsaber virtuoso. It wouldn’t even be a contest.”
Rolling her eyes, Annie takes another bite of her cereal, chewing and swallowing before pointing her spoon at him.
“I’m not saying you have to beat her at her best. I’m saying you should challenge her. Sure, she’ll probably win… or maybe she won’t.”
Darra’s face scrunches up in confusion at that. Tylo’s would be too, if he couldn’t outright read Annie’s mind.
From everything Tylo and Darra have told me, Master Antana sounds more like she’s just looking for serious improvement rather than to be outright defeated. If Tylo can show how capable he is, maybe she’ll let him win or something.
Blinking in surprise, not having considered it that way, Tylo cocks his head to the side.
“… You think she just wants me to prove myself to her, rather than actually beat her. Because I’m still at least a decade or two from being good enough to take her on, and since we’re both humans, a decade or two is far too long…”
Annie nods, beaming at him like she always does when he uses his seemingly prescient insight to read the meaning behind her words without her actually having to spell it out. Darra makes a noise of interest in her throat as he explains what Annie meant, and the table falls into silence as everyone falls deep into thought. Well, Tylo and Darra fall deep into thought. Annie just keeps eating her cereal, pleased as punch that she’s managed to get her point across.
The Chosen One might be right. Certainly, managing to actually surpass and overcome a Saber Master like Soara Antana was a lifelong goal. She was literally called a legend by her peers. In comparison, Tylo was a prodigy to be sure… but he was still very young. By the time he was old enough to perhaps surpass Master Antana, wouldn’t it be more likely because she’d grown so old that her skills had started to atrophy?
That wouldn’t be any good, to be honest. And it probably wasn’t what Master Antana had intended when she’d initially teased and tested him, and he’d backed down. Of course, not even Soara knew what he’d seen in her mind, but Tylo did and that was all the mattered. In fact, one thought that he’d gleaned from her mind now stands in stark contrast to the rest of it, crystallizing in his own mind’s eye after what Annie said.
When the time comes, if he proves himself capable… I’d be glad to submit.
Mouth dry, Tylo wonders if he could actually do it. He’d initially intended to spread out his skills and train as a Jack of All Trades sort of Jedi, but then after his encounter with Master Antana he’d ended up focusing his efforts primarily on saber-training. His skills had certainly jumped in leaps and bounds, mostly thanks to his ability to know exactly what his teachers meant when they were teaching him, and also his ability to literally read his opponent’s minds.
He’d been getting faster and stronger, that much was for certain. The only question was, was he good enough to impress Master Antana? Was he capable enough for her to be glad to submit to him?
Part of him was a little afraid, but part of him also wanted to find out. He wanted to test himself, to find the limits of his capabilities…
“I-If you’re worried, you could always just request a public spar with Master Antana, Tylo. She would understand that you didn’t mean anything beyond a simple duel and wouldn’t treat it as anything more than that.”
Blinking, Tylo looks over at Darra to see her biting her lower lip as she gazes back at him. Her thoughts make it clear she’s concerned for him, that she doesn’t want him to get taken advantage of unless that’s what he desires. She’s also… slightly worried that he’ll enjoy her Master so much he won’t want to make love to her anymore. Because of course she is, the Jedi Slut. Tylo can’t help but shake his head ruefully at Darra’s inner thoughts, even as he gives her idea the credit it deserves.
Certainly, if he challenged Master Antana privately, things would take a sexual turn. If he challenged Master Antana publicly, he could see where he measured up when it came to her skill without things escalating any further. Or… he could just not challenge her at all, perhaps. He knew he was good, but he also knew he wasn’t amazing… not yet. So maybe it was fine to just pass altogether?

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