A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 21: Master Soara Antana

After a long moment of thought, Tylo comes to a decision.
“… No, I won’t hide behind a public challenge. I want a private spar with Master Antana. Dara, do you think you could bring my request to her?”
Blushing a bit, the strawberry blonde nods her head jerkily.
Annie, meanwhile, beams at him, her own eyes dancing with excitement and her thoughts making it clear that she’s proud of him.
I knew he’d go for it. Tylo isn’t a quitter or a coward, not by a long shot.
Hearing her praise him in her mind as they finish breakfast is honestly cause enough for Tylo to be satisfied with his decision… but admittedly, part of him is still nervous. This was going to be the greatest challenge of his admittedly short life as a Jedi Padawan. Would he prove up to the task?
“Master Antana, thank you for agreeing to meet with me.”
Standing across from him in the private sparring room, the Jedi Master simply raises an eyebrow as she stands there, as calm, cool, and collected as ever both inwardly and outwardly.
“It’s my pleasure and responsibility as a Jedi Master to pass along my skills to the next generation.”
Hm, he’s certainly improved since we last spoke, I can already see it in his bearing. But does he really think he has a chance of defeating me? This Padawan might be getting a little too big for his britches…
Smiling casually, Tylo carefully shrugs off his robes and folds them, setting them aside as Soara does the same with her own, revealing her tunic underneath and the lithe form hidden within it.
“And I will appreciate your tutelage, I’m sure. I know that I still have a long ways to go before I can even hold a candle to your skill, Master. However, I have been focusing on my saber skills a lot these past few months and I would be lying if I said a part of me doesn’t want to see how far I’ve come. And how far I still have left to go.”
While she remains stoic and implacable outwardly, Soara’s thoughts contain a hint of surprise inwardly.
Oh? Perhaps not so overconfident then. At least he recognizes that there’s still a gulf between the two of us. Hm, let’s see where he’s at, shall we?
In unison, the Padawan and Master both draw their sabers, the blades of light extending from their hilts. Dialed down to such a strength that they will barely do more than numb the spot where they hit, the sabers are currently in a training mode that will prevent grievous injury from taking place.
Master Antana barely lets him drop into his stance before she flows forward and attacks, but luckily he can literally read her mind and knows she’s coming before she does it. Blocking that first strike sends a surge of satisfaction through him, especially when he feels her mild surprise. Not through the Force, because the Jedi Master is masking her presence beautifully, but through his link to her mind.
It is without a doubt Tylo’s biggest asset and greatest tool. One might think that his lightsaber or the Force itself would take the top spot in such a list, but Tylo simply couldn’t deny the truth, as it were. When one was surrounded by exceptional people, one had to rely on what one had in the way of unique traits to rise above and be even MORE exceptional than one’s peers.
Tylo’s fellow Padawans were all just as capable of using the Force and fighting with a saber. Some of them, like Annie, were even better at some things because of their increased connection to the Force. Tylo’s own connection was strong enough for him to be a capable Jedi Knight and one day a Jedi Master, he had been assured… but it was his mutation that gave him the true leg up.
From an early age, he’d been soaking up the knowledge of the adults around him like a sponge. He’d matured rapidly, far faster than any one of his peers. He’d gained greater understanding of the Force via his mental link to those around him. Rather than relying on a subpar method of communication like speech to try and get across the ideas and concepts he needed to further his ability to use the Force, Tylo could literally read the minds of his instructors.
This, of course, carried over into sparring as well. And yet, in this current set of circumstances? Tylo’s ability to read Soara Antana’s mind wasn’t as helpful as it might have been with anyone else. The human woman was a true virtuoso with a lightsaber, just as her Padawan always said. She was a Master of the Blade, something that was few and far in between these days, as the Jedi became more and more generalized in their skill sets, and less specialized.
She wasn’t just good, she was great, a legend of this generation. Tylo might be able to read her mind, but seeing her thoughts didn’t mean he could keep up with her speed. She was, at the end of the day, faster, stronger, and simply better at him on all fronts.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t give it his best. The training he’s undergone since he and Master Antana last spoke has not been for nothing. His improvement is quite obvious, and if it wasn’t obvious, Tylo would know he had improved from Soara’s thoughts on the matter.
Hm, he’s definitely gotten better. In fact, he might just be a prodigy with the blade. Would that I could take on two Padawans, I would happily take him as my second. But alas, he’s already got a Master in Knight Secura… and I already have a Padawan in dear Darra. What could have been…
Even as Soara fantasizes about a different world where he was her Padawan and she could bring him to the utmost limits of sword play, combining her skill and talent with his own to make him a true Blademaster, she’s still handing him his ass on a silver platter. There’s simply no helping it, she is his better.
After one final engagement, Tylo pulls back and after a moment of making sure she’s not going to follow after him and press the attack, he shuts down his saber with a snap-hiss and bows at the waist.
“Thank you, Master Antana. That was a very enlightening spar. You are, without a doubt, the best swordswoman in the entire Order.”
That surprises a small laugh out of the normally stoic Jedi Master, and when he straightens up her eyes are glittering with amusement.
“Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Padawan Vondin. Still… you’ve certainly impressed me.”
And then she steps forward far faster than he’s ever seen of her before, and before he can even hope to react, to reactivate his blade and try and defend himself, she flicks out her saber, having turned it up to full power when he wasn’t looking. With a yelp, Tylo falls back as his clothing parts off of him like water, cascading to the ground as he’s stripped naked in a handful of moves too fast for the eye to see.
His cock, not quite hard but certainly not completely soft, flops out between his legs, drawing Soara’s eye.
Yes, just as impressive down there as he is with a blade. Perhaps… mm, yes I think I will have my way with this young Padawan.
Well, he’d known it was always a risk, he supposed. Shutting off her own saber finally, Soara wastes no time in climbing atop him, straddling his hips and taking his cock in both hands as she strokes him up and down.
“This IS what you want, is it not young Padawan? To fuck me?”
Feeling a burst of honesty, Tylo licks his lips and replies with the truth.
“To dominate you.”
Once again, he sparks a laugh from Soara Antana as she stares down at him, her gaze filling with lust.
“You certainly are a cocky brat.”
Hm, could be fun to see what he can do. Just this once…
“… Very well. Show me then.”
For a moment, he can’t believe his luck. But only for a moment. Not willing to let this chance slip through his fingers, Tylo reaches up and grabs Master Antana by her hips, using the Force to swing them both around so she’s on her back and he’s on top of her. She looks up at him, clearly amused, as he also uses the Force to yank apart her tunic, exposing her bandage-wrapped chest and her taut, chiseled abdomen.
With his actual hands, he reaches for her breasts and yanks the bandages away, watching as her tits, bigger than he expected, spill forth from their confines. Meanwhile, he’s still using the Force as well, to yank down her pants and her underwear, revealing her long legs and her thicc, toned thighs. She could probably crush a man’s head between those thighs, but to be fair, Tylo doesn’t intend to put his head between them and find out.
As she lays there casually, Tylo shuffles forward, up her body, and plops his cock right between her tits. Quickly overcoming his momentary surprise at the size of her chest, he eagerly puts her breasts to work, pushing them and squeezing them around his cock as the cockhead in turn protrudes out from the top, mere inches from her mouth.
With a voice of command built from months of ordering Aayla and Shaak Ti around in sexual situations like this, Tylo growls lowly at Master Antana.
“Suck it.”
What he wants her to suck is clear as day, and after a moment of pause to make it clear that she’s only obeying him because SHE wants to, the Saber Master leans forward and wraps her pretty lips around his cockhead. It’s a bit of a rush, having even momentary power over one of the first women he’s met who isn’t unrepentantly slutty and submissive deep down inside.
Or maybe it’s more accurate to say Master Antana just has greater self-control then any of the other Jedi Masters he’s dominated? Because she clearly wants to give up some level of control to a capable male such as himself, or he wouldn’t be in this situation with this sort of power over her in the first place. But she’s definitely got a lot more willpower than say, Aayla or Shaak Ti…
Still, her breasts feel amazing around his shaft, and her lips feel great around his cockhead. Grabbing her by the wrists, Tylo wrenches her arms up and forces her to place her hands on either side of her own tits, pushing them together to create a tighter tunnel around his length. Even though he doesn’t verbally order her to do it, she does as expected all the same, freeing up his hands.
One of them goes to her hair, carefully gathering her locks into a makeshift ponytail that he uses to guide her mouth up and down the first couple of inches of his length. The other hand goes back behind him, down between her thighs to her pussy lips. She’s moist but not quite wet, and Tylo quickly sets to work changing that fact, even as he stares down into her eyes all the while.
It’s incredibly gratifying, watching her lazy, hooded gaze slowly morph into something wide-eyed and surprised as he works her over with his fingers. It’s all thanks to his mutation once again allowing him to see just what she likes and doesn’t like. He can literally hear her thoughts and adjust his actions in real time to make her enjoy what he’s doing to her all the more. Her surprise is expected, as is her growing pleasure.
Oh, he’s good. I can see why the others had so much trouble with him. The boy is… unexpectedly a natural at this sort of thing. Mm, I’m actually starting to enjoy myself.
That was the goal. If he couldn’t beat her in a spar, perhaps he could overwhelm her this way now that she’d given him the opportunity. To that end, Tylo only picks up the pace, thrusting his cock in and out of her cleavage and further into her lazily sucking mouth as her tongue lolls this way and that, while at the same time pistoning not one, not two, but three digits in and out of her increasingly sopping cunt.
As she gets wetter and wetter for him, Tylo pushes deeper and deeper into the extremely tight Jedi Master. Meanwhile, he’s getting close and not entirely sure where to blow his load. Still, when in doubt, best to just ask the Jedi Master what she wanted in a roundabout way, right? Groaning, he looks down into Soara’s eyes and speaks clearly and concisely.
“I’m getting close, Master. I’m going to cum soon.”
It’s not a question nor a request on the face of it, but they both know Tylo is only saying it to gauge her reaction. When Soara begins sucking harder at his cockhead as a result and her thoughts transition to something along the lines of ‘I’m going to drain this brat dry’, Tylo has his answer. Still, he can also sense her desperation… she’s getting close too, her hips lifting to meet his pistoning fingers and her lower lips twitching around his digits.
He needs to make her cum. And just before he cums himself, he manages it. He’s already at the edge, but her sudden muffled shrieking as she squirts violently all over his fingers is enough to tip him right over. She actually doesn’t manage to swallow all of his load because of it, lost in the throes of ecstasy as she orgasms around his digits. Her eyes even go crossed for half a moment, and some of his seed does end up exploding out of the sides of her mouth. She drinks down the majority, but not every last drop like she’s initially intending.
When all is said and done and they both come down from their respective pleasure highs, there’s a hint of respect in Master Antana’s gaze that wasn’t there before and it grows when Tylo doesn’t pull out of her mouth and instead continues to thrust forward slowly but with a sense of surety. As he grows hard rapidly in the warm embrace of her tits and lips, Soara gazes up at him intensely.
Do it, boy. Show me what you’re made of.
Flying by the seat of his pants, he needed to decide how to handle her quickly. She was ready to be dominated, but there were different forms of domination, weren’t there? What would be the perfect one for Master Soara Antana?

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