A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 22: Master Soara Antana Pt. 2

Coming to a decision, Tylo reaches out, refusing to second guess himself. Grabbing hold of Master Antana’s hair tightly, he grips and yanks her head back, causing her to gasp as her lips fall off his cock. Then, he collects some spit in his mouth and slowly but surely drools it down into her open maw. It’s as much a test as it is meant to be a humiliating, domineering move. He’s going slow enough that she could stop him if she wanted to…
… But she doesn’t. Instead, the Jedi Master rolls out her tongue and takes his spit, allowing him to degrade her in such a humiliating fashion without a word of protest. Inwardly, her thoughts are much the same, more focused on him rather than herself.
Heh, so that’s what the boy is into…
When it came to Soara and how hard he’d worked to get here? Yes, Tylo decided, this was indeed what he was into. That said, he was FAR from a boy… and he was damned if he wasn’t going to prove that to her. Rearing back his other hand, Tylo acts purely on instinct, slapping Soara Antana cross the face. The gorgeous, fit Blademaster takes it just as she took his spit, her face flushed and red from the orgasm he already forced out of her.
Her eyes widen slightly at the crass identifier, but Tylo doesn’t stop there, he’s just getting started. He doesn’t just let go of her hair, he releases her towards the ground, all but pushing her onto her back. Then, he drives the toes of his boot into her sopping wet cunt, grinding his foot down on her as he stands over her.
Her body, already over-sensitized, shudders beneath his words and actions. She’s already half-naked from before, with her tits out and her body exposed. But her underwear and pants are still around her ankles and her robes are still on her shoulders, just thrown open. Tylo grabs at her robes with the Force and yanks them up her arms a bit more, until the brown garment is binding her wrists together over her head most securely.

Tying her ankles together with her underwear and pants and some more liberal application of telekinesis is just as easy, leaving her laid out before him, her legs and arms pulled taut in either direction, her beautiful athletic body completely on display. The older woman is absolutely gorgeous, easily in the prime of her life… and all his at the moment.
Was there even a way that he could ruin this? While Soara wasn’t responding mentally in the fashion that he was used to most Jedi sluts responding, she also wasn’t upset with this degrading and humiliating treatment. In fact, she seemed amused, and indeed she looks up at him with a small expectant smile, as if still curious to see what he would do next.
Well, Tylo was more than willing to show her. Pulling his foot away from her cunt, he strips naked as well, removing his clothing in its entirety until he’s bared completely. His body might be more youthful, but his saber training these past several months has had an effect all the same. His physique has become rather chiseled, his abs and pectorals have never looked better.
And of course, his cock is rock hard and ready for action, twitching and throbbing even after Soara managed to make him cum, managed to make him jizz in her mouth, swallowing every last drop of it. Having the Jedi Master seemingly at his mercy is such a fucking turn on for Tylo… he had no idea how much he’d been pining after her, but now here she is, all his to do with as he pleased.
With a twist of his hand and more of the Force, he spins her around rather violently, forcing her onto her front as she gasps from the sudden jerking motion. It’s easier to move something inorganic, especially when the organic in question is a powerful Force User like Master Antana. So, Tylo uses her clothes instead, spinning them over and making her go with them as she suddenly finds herself face down.
Kneeling behind her on either side of her tied up legs, Tylo reaches out and slaps his hands down on Soara’s incredibly firm, toned buttocks, gripping both of them harshly and uncompromisingly as he yanks her hips up into the air, forcing her into a downward doggy sort of position. A grunt leaves the Blademaster’s lips as he does so, the new position not a very comfortable one with how it forces her to arch her back. Just another bit of humiliation, another bit of degradation as he doesn’t even stop to consider her feelings.
His hands come up and then back down again, punctuating his derisive insult with another pair of smacks to her buttocks. In response, Soara lets out a moan, clearly enjoying the treatment at least a little, especially with how wet she is when he rubs his cockhead against her pussy lips from behind. As he prepares to penetrate her cunt with the entirety of his throbbing shaft, he also penetrates her mind, trying to get a read on her thoughts.
Not what I would have expected. I would have thought he’d play it safe, try and stay on my good side. It seems he’s ready to burn all his bridges with me for the sake of his own pleasure…
For a moment, Tylo stiffens, eyes widening as he wonders if perhaps, he’s going too far too fast, if he should dial it back some. Luckily, Soara can’t see him right now, not with the position he has her in. Her thoughts continue to filter into his head and a feeling of relief washes over him a moment later.
… I kind of like it. It’s been a long time since any man dared to be so aggressive with me. Keep it up, Padawan. I won’t encourage or discourage your actions either way, so let’s see what you do with my complete silence, hm?
Heh, if only she knew. A wicked sort of grin spreads across Tylo’s face, and his fingers dig into Soara’s hips with renewed purpose at the knowledge that she’s… well, sort of into it. Or if she’s not into the humiliating, degrading bent he’s taken here, she’s at least into him going for it. She likes him not being afraid of her. And sure, maybe Tylo is only not afraid of her because he’s cheating and reading her mind… but hey, if you’re not willing to cheat, you’re not willing to win.
Without further ado, the young Jedi plunges into the Blademaster from behind, filling the Swordswoman with his ‘sword’, pushing every last inch of his meaty ‘saber’ into her cunt. Soara cries out, unable to remain completely silent as her pussy throbs around his cock, clenching and squeezing in pleasure. But after that, she clams up, merely grunting and groaning once in a while as he begins to fuck her.
She gives no indication of her pleasure one way or the other, and while Tylo knew that would be the case from her mind, it still bugs him. Even if he’s aware that she’s intrigued but also testing him… well, he wants to pass the test. He wants to win. Luckily, he has a few tricks up his sleeve, doesn’t he?
Splitting his concentration, Tylo reaches out with the Force in multiple ways at once. Using his telekinesis like a pair of extra hands, he grabs Master Antana’s breasts with his mind and gives them a good rhythmic, massaging squeeze before focusing on pinching and pulling her nipples away from her prone, bound body. With her ass up in the air and her face pressed into the floor, it’s not something he would normally have been able to do with his actual hands, not without lifting her up off the ground… but with the Force, all things are possible. With the Force, he can molest and mold her tits while they’re smooshed against the floor easily.
The second way he reaches out with the Force is via the Force Healing technique that Master Luminara had not only taught him but taught him how to pervert as well. Master Antana wasn’t injured or anything like that… and yet, he floods her with his energy anyways, specifically via his cock as it pistons in and out of her cunt.
The surprised moan that leaves her throat is music to his ears, as is the sound of her thoughts becoming less than clear cut. Rather than words, it’s like a melodic static fills her head, the overwhelming Force Energy he’s pulsing through her going to work. Honestly, he’s not expecting it to do as much as it does, but he supposes it makes sense.
Jedi Master that she might be, Soara Antana’s skillset is couched purely in the physical. It’s doubtful that she knows much about the intricacies of Force Healing… or indeed what a skilled Force User can use Force Healing for, rather than the obvious.
Finding a proper avenue of attack, Tylo can’t help but lean into it. Reaching up and placing his palm atop her head, splaying his fingers across her skull, he proceeds to inundate the Blademaster with more ‘Force Healing’, pushing it into her head through his hand and her body through his cock at the same time. The sputtering wet noises that Soara makes as her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth are more humiliating and degrading than anything else Tylo could possibly do to her.
Enjoying the moment for what it is, perhaps too much even, Tylo barely feels it when he finally reaches his release. He doesn’t see it coming at all, and thus can’t even stop to consider whether unloading inside of Master Antana is the right move or not. To be fair, he’s been seeding every other Jedi he’s fucked for months now…
Either way, he spills his cum inside of Master Antana’s womb, filling Soara to the brim as she cries out in ecstasy, fully unable to hold in her voice any longer. Her wanton moaning cry fills the room, before ultimately, she collapses forward, face down and prone beneath him. Slowly, Tylo pulls out of the bound Jedi Master, panting heavily as he does so.
In a flash, Soara is no longer restrained in her own clothing. Before Tylo can even get an advance warning from his connection to her mind, she’s moving faster than he can track, pushing him onto his back and impaling herself back not his cock right then and there as she pins him down.
Staring up into her wild, wide eyes, Tylo feels very small for a moment as she presses her hand to his chest, reminding him just how much stronger she is than him, just how much more powerful. He’d gotten the better of her, but only for a moment at most… indeed, there’s no denying that she’s got him at her mercy now.
That was… what WAS that? His technique was… no. I was simply caught off guard. The Padawan managed to surprise me, that’s all. I must not… overreact.
Slowly, she calms down, her breathing evening out even as her hips gyrate over his crotch, her cunt clenching down on his half-hard cock.
“… Well done, Padawan. It is not often that I am taught something new about the Force by one so young as yourself.”
Blushing, Tylo doesn’t even consider lying to her. While part of him is riding the high right now, he’s also fully aware that he’s now the one at a disadvantage.
“T-Thank you, Master. I, uh… I learned that technique from Master Unduli. She’s the one who taught me Force Healing.”
While it barely shows as anymore than a flicker on Soara’s face, her thoughts light up with surprise all the same.
That was Force HEALING?! Tch, I will need to have a long, involved talk with Luminara about just what uses she’s putting her Healing Techniques too. Very long… very involved.
Nothing of Soara’s suddenly perverted thoughts shows on her face, and Tylo tries to keep from reacting himself as he’s suddenly assailed with mental images of Soara… dominating Luminara, effectively. Staring down at him imperiously, Master Antana hums for a moment longer before nodding and finally standing up, sliding off his cock right as its getting hard again. But then, to be fair, as far as ‘punishments’ go, he knows he’s getting off lightly given he already got to nut in her twice, as it was…
“We’re done, Padawan. You’ve improved greatly, and I’m pleased by your progress. Keep up your training, and perhaps one day you will actually manage to defeat me properly. On that day… well, I will no longer have any say in what happens next, will I?”
Getting to his feet, gathering his clothes, Tylo furrows his brow.
“I-I would never… uh, force you, Master?”
Chuckling, Soara shakes her head, reaching up to touch her neck.
“On the day that you are able to lay your blade against my neck without me being capable of stopping you… you will not have to force me, Padawan.”
That’s the last thing she says to him before expelling him from his quarters. With that, Tylo finds himself heading back to Aayla and Shaak Ti, feeling somewhat… odd about everything that had happened, but also quite pleased. It was a good time all around, at the end of the day. He’d gotten what he wanted, after a fashion.
“There’s been an attempt on Senator Amidala’s life. In recognition of this threat, the Chancellor has asked for Jedi Assistance. Considering Senator Amidala’s connection to the Jedi, we’ve decided that it’s better to be safe than sorry. As such, both teams, Kenobi-Skywalker and Secura-Vondin, are to be tasked with providing the Senator with additional security.”
When the Master of the Order gives you orders, you tend to sit up and listen. Honestly, receiving this latest mission from Master Mace Windu himself still had Tylo reeling, even all these hours later. As he and Aayla stand alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi and Annie on the way up to the Senator’s Coruscant Apartment, Tylo can’t help but wonder what he and Aayla had done to be assigned this incredibly important task in the first place.
Of course, while he’s thinking, the others are conversing.
“I’m just saying, Master… with four of us, there’s no reason that we can’t split up, divide and conquer. Two of us should watch the Senator, while the other two investigate just who’s after her. The best defense is a good offense, right?”
“I’m sure I taught you better than that, Padawan. The best defense can still be a defense… and our mission parameters are clear on this one. We are to protect the Senator’s life. Anything more is outside of our purview.”
“But isn’t finding who’s doing this going to protect her better in the long run?!”
“Not if she loses her life because we were off galivanting through the underbelly of the planet in the short term.”
As Annie and her Master argue, Aayla Secura nudges him in the side, causing Tylo to blink and look at his Master questioningly. Giving him an encouraging smile, the Twi’lek nods.
“What do you think, Tylo? Should we make use of our greater numbers to spread out and tackle multiple issues at once, or to shore up our defenses? Hm, and if we do split up, what should that split look like?”
Blinking, Tylo begins to ponder the question, recognizing it as Aayla’s latest lesson, before realizing both Master Kenobi and Annie are looking his way as well. Suddenly the center of attention, he feels rather embarrassed as he considers what would work best to both protect the Senator and end the attempts on her life in as timely a manner as possible…

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