A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 3: Shaak Ti

It looks like his lesson on Force Techniques with Jedi Master Shaak Ti is scheduled first. Truth be told, Tylo has only ever heard about the Master in passing. He’s aware that she’s a female Togruta, and that she has a seat upon the Jedi High Council. That’s a fairly big deal, that a Council Member would be giving HIM a personal lesson. Isn’t it? He’s fairly sure it is, but then, when he thinks about it, Adi Gallia is ALSO on the Jedi High Council. Master Luminara Unduli isn’t, though she’s still renowned enough throughout the Order that an Initiate such as himself has heard about her.
It’s strange, isn’t it? But at the same time, he can’t just ignore his schedule. He’s an Initiate of the Jedi Order, which means he goes where he’s told to go. Still, after his experience with Aayla, there’s no denying that something has awakened in the young mutant human. He’s just not sure if he should be trying to stamp it out, or letting it grow.
Doing a bit of meditation as he approaches the room where he’s supposed to meet Jedi Master Shaak Ti, Tylo breathes in and out a few times, getting himself under control. More than anything… he supposes he’s afraid. And Jedi are not supposed to be afraid. Still, there’s plenty to be scared about. What if he makes a fool of himself before a member of the Jedi Council? Or worse… what if a member of the Jedi Council makes a fool of herself before him?
This will be the first time in Tylo Vondin’s life that he’ll be meeting a member of the Jedi High Council face to face. He’s never even been in a room before with one of them, save for a few lessons as a youngling with Master Yoda. But then, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order had a soft spot for the young ones, as Tylo had eventually learned. Plus, back then, his extrasensory ability, his mind-reading to put it bluntly, it hadn’t been fully developed yet.
Not that Tylo believed Master Yoda had THOSE kinds of thoughts. He didn’t even want to think about that. All the same, Tylo is concerned. He’s concerned that his view of the Jedi High Council will be ruined forever, if Master Shaak Ti turns out to be just like all the rest of the female Jedi he’s grown up around. If she turns out to be just like Knight Secura… Tylo really isn’t sure what he’ll do.
And yet, it’s curious. As he approaches the room where the Togruta Master is supposed to be waiting for him, Tylo doesn’t hear anything. Now to be fair, his mind-reading ability doesn’t always work well through walls. That is to say, he sort of fills a room with his presence, and then its exceedingly easy to read the minds of those in that room. That’s not to mean he can’t EVER hear through walls, though.
To put it simply, it’s like this. If someone is broadcasting their thoughts loud enough, in the same way someone yelling would carry through a wall, then Tylo hears it. Which is how he’s heard just how many female Jedi like to get fucked silly and sideways by their male counterparts. It’s why that’s mostly the ONLY thing he’s heard through walls because they tend to get so damn VOCAL when they’re getting fucked… mentally speaking, anyways.
So, it’s not too odd that he can’t hear anything coming from the room up ahead, but it is a little strange. Normally, he’d expect to at least feel vague whisperings, it was how he tended to track a lot of people around him. Was the Jedi Master not there yet? Well, if he were early, that could only be a good thing for him. And if Master Ti was late, well, that could be explained away by her no doubt serious duties as a member of the Jedi High Council.
Tylo has convinced himself that she’s not there yet, which is why he starts in surprise upon stepping into the room as the door slides open, only to realize it’s already occupied with a red-skinned Togruta who can only be Master Shaak Ti. He blushes a little in embarrassment, even as he marvels at her silence. Not just her verbal silence… but her mental silence.
The Jedi Master is obviously in deep meditation, kneeling there on the floor in the middle of the room, her eyes closed. Hesitant, Tylo steps forward, eyes wide as he stares at her serene expression. The fact that he can’t hear her thoughts, the fact that she’s not projecting anything lewd and humiliating in his direction… it’s astounding.
As Tylo takes his third step into the room however, the door shutting with a hiss behind him, things change. There’s… the softest, barest touch of wind across his genitals, a caress so light that Tylo wouldn’t have thought anything of it, despite the fact that he’s wearing clothes, so there shouldn’t be any air to hit his genitals in such a way. However, what’s actually happened is revealed a moment later when he hears what can only be Jedi Master Shaak Ti’s thoughts, loud and clear in his head.
Oh my. Young Secura was right, this Initiate IS packing a beast of a cock. Mm, I can see now she was not exaggerating his size. Only time will tell if she embellished the rest of her story.
Tylo goes rigid at Shaak Ti’s ‘voice’. Outwardly, the Jedi Master doesn’t show even a slight hint of what she’s thinking. Her eyes slowly open up, not even darting down to his crotch for a second as they instead focus on his face. A soft, mothering smile graces her lips as the red-skinned Togruta unfolds her arms out of her robes and gestures with one hand to the cushion across from her.
“Initiate Vondin. Please, have a seat.”
His eye twitches a little, but nevertheless, over a decade of indoctrination prompts him to obey, the young Jedi Initiate sitting down across from the Jedi Master with his legs crossed and his hands on his knees. He almost immediately regrets it… he should have just knelt on the cushion instead. This position leaves him in a precarious position if he, for whatever reason, begins to grow erect. Like say, the High Council Member who’s supposed to be teaching him today constantly feeling out his genitals and caressing them with the Force.
Thanks to his mind-reading ability, which because it’s seemingly not actually based in the Force, bypasses even a Council Member’s mental defenses, Tylo knows that every light touch of air he’s currently feeling across his cock and balls is actually Shaak Ti feeling him out, even as she continues to project an outward appearance as a completely composed and competent Jedi Master. Not lewd at all, no sir… except he knows better, damn it.
“Today, we will be covering an Advanced Lesson on Force Techniques. You’ve come to me highly recommended, young Initiate… I do hope you impress me.”
In more ways then one. Mm, he’s definitely got the size… but is this really the boy who turned into a beast and dominated young Secura? She gave such a glowing recommendation. I sense… discomfort in him. I wonder what he’s thinking.
It takes everything Tylo has not to flinch. Instead, he swallows thickly and bows his head, his voice a little raspy, as his mouth is incredibly dry.
“I will strive to do my best, Master Ti. Thank you for taking me into your care.”
Her mental response to that nearly has Tylo whipping his head up in surprise.
Not yet, young Initiate. If I’m to take you as my padawan, you’ll have to prove your everything Knight Secura said you could be.
Of course, the Jedi Master doesn’t actually say that. Instead, her smile grows just a bit and she begins to speak, begins to teach. Tylo… does his best to pay attention. After all, while he’s learned how to reach out and touch the Force by this point, lifting things like small rocks and even as big as holopads, this is on a whole other level.
The lesson that the Master is trying to impart on him isn’t something as asinine as trying to lift bigger objects or more objects with his mind or anything like that… it’s about finer control then that, about being able to apply the softest of touches in the most efficient ways. The examples that Master Ti gives verbally are all about being able to reach into the controls of a delicate piece of technology to fix it or make it do what you want, such as opening a secured door with just your mind rather than your lightsaber, or fixing a sparking speeder with some applied pressure in the right areas.
It really is a good lesson… he just wishes he could focus on it more. Instead, Tylo is constantly being distracted by both Shaak Ti’s thoughts and her actions. The red-skinned Togruta is saying one thing, but she’s thinking another entirely.
With finer control, you can even molest a young, unsuspecting Jedi Initiate without him being any the wiser. Mm, I do have to wonder what he thinks is causing him to grow erect right now. Does he believe he merely finds me attractive? Does he have any inkling of what I’m doing to him?
Oh yes, Tylo had every ‘inkling’ of what the Jedi Master was doing to him. Her Force Touch was exceedingly light, to be fair, the sort of thing he’d expect from a High Council Member. But Tylo had a bit of a trump card up his sleeve in that he could hear Shaak Ti’s true thoughts and thus knew exactly what she was doing to him throughout their lesson. In the end, unable to truly focus on her verbal instruction when her inner thoughts were so damn lewd, Tylo instead finds himself focusing on the way she’s touching him instead.
Concentrating, he can almost see it, even as light as her Force Touch is, he can feel her reaching out through the Force now that he’s looking for it. He finds himself studying what she’s doing, and the Jedi Master, her attention split between her lecturing and her incredibly inappropriate actions, doesn’t seem to notice she’s completely lost her pupil’s attention in one way, only to gain it in another.
As Master Ti uses her Force Touch to caress his balls for the umpteenth time, his cock tenting his pants by now and visibly standing out between his legs from where he’s seated with them crossed, Tylo’s breath hitches… and he finds himself using what he’s learned to instinctively retaliate against the Jedi Master.
Reaching out with his own Force Touch, in a way Tylo is sure is far clumsier than Master Ti’s, as well as far less gentle and soft… the young Jedi Initiate grips ahold of the red-skinned Togruta’s nipples beneath her robes and gives them a tweak. For the first time since he’s entered the room, the Jedi Master reacts outwardly to something, her eyes widening and her lips parting as a light gasp leaves her lips.
Did he just…?
Tylo immediately freezes up upon realization of what he’s just done. Both Master and Initiate stare at one another in silence, their minds whirling and racing… but only one of them can read the other like an open book.
He did. He reaches out with the Force and j-just… twisted my nipples. Never in my entire life has a young one been so daring. Never in my entire time as a Jedi Master has an Initiate been so disrespectful. Not since before I received my seat on the Jedi High Council have I been treated in such a crass manner. I think… I think I just came a little.
Tylo blushes because… wow. That was a lot. He’d started out cringing in anticipation of anger, but now he understood… Shaak Ti, deep down inside, or perhaps even closer to the surface than he thought, was just like Knight Secura. The Jedi Master truly wasn’t any different. Were all women this slutty?
Did he… do it on purpose? Has he somehow realized what I’ve been doing to him? Mm, he’s so hard, I can feel it. Force, what do I do now? The lesson has been… thoroughly derailed.
She’s still never so much as looked down at his cock. But she doesn’t have to look and see to be able to feel the massive erection he’s sporting. In the end, Tylo belatedly realizes it doesn’t matter how he sat, because Master Ti was always going to use the Force to test the hardness of his member, and there was no way for him to hide from that.
Still, she’s right, the lesson has been derailed. The red-skinned Togruta is sitting there in silence across from him, and they’re both staring at one another, eyes equally wide, as if neither knows what to do with the other. He’s… half-tempted to just get up and take out his cock again. Slap it down across the Jedi Master’s face and treat her just like he did Knight Secura.
But for all Shaak Ti’s lewd thoughts, so far she’s not acted QUITE as physical as Aayla. If he comes on too hard, too fast, it’s possible he’ll ruin any chance of the Council Member taking him as her padawan. He could… play with her some more? Obviously, he has nowhere near as fine of control as Master Ti has shown so far, but he’s actually learned quite a bit from what she’s been doing to him… he’s learned more from her actions then from her lecturing.
Perhaps he can continue to use the Force to play with her, a middle ground between complete inaction and going balls to the wall (or rather, balls to her face) as he did with Secura. Otherwise, the third option WAS complete inaction, pretending like his little act of rebellion didn’t actually happen, acting like it was just a mistake, a slip-up, and waiting for Shaak Ti to continue the lesson.
Either way, he had to make a choice soon… or else he’d just be locked into Option Number Three by default…

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