A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Shaak Ti Pt. 2

Fine, fuck it. It worked with Knight Secura, didn’t it? And really, this was all Master Ti’s fault in the first place. Rising to his feet, the Jedi Initiate wastes no time, giving the red-skinned Togruta kneeling across from him no time to react. He steps forward, and at the same time pulls at the waistband of his pants, dragging them down and letting his massive erection spring free. With his other hand, he grabs hold of said erection and pointedly slaps it across the Togruta Master’s face in a blatant display of sexual aggression and disrespect.
Shaak Ti doesn’t try to stop him, even though a Jedi Master should certainly have the reflexes to react even before he was in front of her. Instead, she’d just sat there frozen in place, offering up not one iota of resistance. Not even when he quite literally cock slaps her with his big, thick shaft does the Togruta seem to know how to react… at least outwardly anyways. Outwardly, she’s beginning to breathe a little heavier, and her wide eyes are fixated on his cock in abject shock… but inwardly, she’s much more of a mess.
O-Oh… I definitely came that time. He’s so f-forceful, just as Aayla said. I should… I should put a stop to this, I should reprimand him… but I want more, I want him to fuck me, Force I want it so badly.
Yep, just like Aayla, in the end. Gritting his teeth, a little, Tylo sets aside his irritation with the Jedi Master kneeling before him, and lets his lust run rampant. She wanted him to fuck her? That he could do. But first, he was going to make her submit. Reaching out, Tylo grabs hold of one of Shaak Ti’s montrals, the hollow horn fitting perfectly in his hand as he drags her head forward and presses the tip of his cock against her red lips.
Like with Aayla, there’s a reaction to him grabbing onto such a sensitive part of her. But whether a Jedi Master is simply more composed than a Jedi Knight, or a Togruta isn’t quite as sensitive up there as a Twi’lek is with their lekku, Shaak Ti doesn’t quite have the same earth-shattering, mind-blowing reaction of cumming on the spot in an explosion of pleasure like Aayla did. Master Ti’s eyes do still flutter a bit though, almost rolling back in her head on the spot as her lips open up and a throaty moan escapes her mouth.
Taking advantage of the opening, Tylo pushes right on in, thrusting his cock forward into the red-skinned alien woman’s mouth and groaning as her lips instinctively suction down on his cock, her tongue instinctively sliding all over his glans. His groan half-interrupts what he was about to say, but he still managers to get it out after a moment more.
“S-Suck it…”
Shaak Ti’s eyes focus on his face at that, even as he pushes further into her mouth, pressing her tongue down to the floor of her jaw and stretching said jaw nice and wide around his sizable girth. The Jedi Master still makes no movement to resist… and after a moment, she’s sucking his cock quite dutifully, even as her thoughts continue to make it clear how much she’s enjoying this.
I underestimated him. I underestimated him, and now he has me right where he wants me. He’s going to have his way with me, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Force, I haven’t felt this way since I was a Knight and I lost my lightsaber during that pirate attack. Never in my life had I thought I would find this sort of man among the initiates here at the Temple.
Hm, he doesn’t really like her thinking about other sexual encounters while he’s fucking her face, Tylo finds. It’s nice that it’s in a positive light… but shouldn’t she be more focused on the task at hand. As punishment, the young Initiate reaches up and grabs Shaak Ti’s other montral as well, holding onto both of the red-skinned Togruta’s horns now as he starts to fuck her face more aggressively, harder and faster by the moment, practically skull-fucking her at this point.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Yes, yes, yes! More! Dominate me more!
Outwardly, below the neck at least, Shaak Ti is still the picture of serenity, her hands folded in her lap as she kneels there almost calmly. Of course, her eyes are constantly fluttering, and her tongue is trying to writhe along the underside of his dick as he forces her to deep-throat her cock. Meanwhile, inwardly, she’s begging for it, literally, even if she doesn’t know he can hear her thoughts.
Still, part of him doesn’t enjoy how calm and composed the rest of her is. Almost instinctively, he finds himself putting to use the lessons Shaak Ti had tried to impart on him today in the use of Force Techniques. In a way, he finds himself continuing on where they left off, as he tears the Jedi Master’s robes down off of her shoulders with his mind, using the Force to strip Shaak Ti down to the waist as he continues to physically grip her montrals and continues to pound away into her throat.
With her gorgeous red breasts, each capped with a rock hard nipple on display, he finds he can’t hold back there either. Focusing his will, he applies a harsh Force Smack to one of Shaak Ti’s breasts, causing them both to jiggle and bounce from the force of the blow. Shaak Ti herself freezes for a moment, her eyes once more focusing on him as a surprised squeal reverberates up his length.
Did he just-
Is he-
Oh fuuuuuck~
Back and forth, again and again, Tylo finds himself aggressively slapping Shaak Ti’s gorgeous red tits with the Force. He finds he quite likes interrupting the Jedi Master’s thoughts, and it seems Shaak Ti enjoys being interrupted as well, because after a few Force Smacks across her chest, combined with him continuing to use her horns like a pair of handlebars and his cock plowing into her throat, the Jedi Master orgasms quite beautifully, her entire body shuddering from the release.
Her eyes roll up in her head, her moans reverberate up his length all the more aggressively, and her entire body bucks in pleasure, lifting her up just a little off her knees as her crotch comes up and humps the air for a few moments, no doubt gushing with pleasure beneath her robes, which are still bunched around her waist.
It's incredibly arousing, and unable to stop himself, Tylo decides to humiliate and disrespect his instructor further. Pulling out at the last second, he aggressively paints Shaak Ti in his seed, coating her in his white, hot cum from her montrals all the way down to her breasts, leaving no part of her upper body uncovered. The thick glaze looks good on her red skin, he decides, even as he stares down at her, momentarily satisfied.
A beast… he’s an utter beast, untamable, uncontrollable. No doubt he will have his way with me next. I won’t stop him, I c-can’t stop him… he’s going to fuck me, just like that Pirate did, and I’ll love every last moment of it, I’m sure. A Jedi Master of the High Council, dominated and fucked silly by a lowly initiate… what will my peers think of me?
Shaak Ti is practically convulsing in front of him even as he listens to her thoughts. Except, it’s not quite convulsing… it’s more like she’s undulating before him, like she’s unconsciously offering up her body for him to fuck by doing some sort of strange, primitive Togruta mating dance from where she is on the ground still.
There’s that damn pirate again too. Perhaps it’s the mention of that other man who’d apparently fucked a younger Knight Ti as hard as he liked that does it, but Tylo somehow finds the strength to make sure that it won’t be ‘just like that Pirate did’. After all, the pirate had presumably not had the Force at his disposal, right?
Ripping the Jedi Master’s robes the rest of the way off her body, Tylo pulls. He pulls with the Force as well as his hands, which come down to rest on Shaak Ti’s hips, before ultimately sliding around to grope at her red backside to his heart’s content. Lifting her up off of the floor with his mind, Tylo forces the Jedi Master’s legs apart as well, positioning himself in between them as he continues to Force Lift her until her gushing, sopping wet alien cunt is at cock-level.
He watches as a bleary eyed Shaak Ti, covered in his cum, looks down the length of her taut, fit body, over the slope of her fat, delicious seed-coated breasts, to where they’re about to be joined.
Yes… do it, you little beast. Fuck me…
And so, he does. With the Jedi Master’s unspoken approval, Tylo does what he’s coming to feel he does best and fucks her as hard and as fast as he dares. Given his attention is split three ways now, between holding her up with the Force, reading her mind to know how to best fuck her, and of course, the actual act of fucking her itself, Tylo can’t exactly give it his all.
But he’s still quite confident he gives the Jedi Master a great time, an utterly unique experience… something he’s gratified to hear confirmed by her thoughts as she cums again and again around his cock.
T-This is new… f-fuck, I’ve never been taken like this before. It’s like he already knows every part of me too, he’s so deep inside, and he’s hitting every single damn trigger I have. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
As the hapless Jedi Master cums around his cock yet again, Tylo doesn’t let up. If she wanted to be treated like a slut, then fine, he’d treat her like a fucking slut. Gritting his teeth, gripping hard at Shaak Ti’s ass with both hands, he slams home into her gushing, clenching cunt over and over again, railing the floating Jedi Master, even as her legs ultimately instinctively wrap around his waist.
The standing floating mating press he’s engaging in right now is something Tylo has thought up completely on the fly, but from the way Shaak Ti is singing his praises mentally and continually orgasming around his cock physically, it seems to be quite the hit. Honestly, it doesn’t matter that she hasn’t actually said a single word since they began.
He knows the truth of her, he knows that this is what she wants, what she desires. So, what if she thinks him a beast? She’s the slut who was using the Force to tease him to a full erection just a little while before! Fuck her! Fuck all of them! With a roar, Tylo cums inside, painting Shaak Ti’s womb white with his seed, his second load filling the Jedi Master to the brim.
As his back arches, the red-skinned Togruta’s does the same, her eyes rolling up in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth in quite the stupid expression. It’s certainly an expression that Tylo never expected to see on a Jedi Master of the High Council, and it’s all the more enhanced by his cum half-dried on her face and her montrals and her lekku.
Alas, all good things come to an end. As he comes down from his pleasure high, the weight of everything he’d just done hits him, and Tylo can no longer hold Shaak Ti up in the air with the Force OR with his hands. She slips away from him, crashing back down to the floor even as Tylo stumbles back, ultimately falling on his ass. His cock, softening between his legs, leaves a trail of cum droplets between the two of them, leading from the tip of his dick, all the way to the red-skinned alien’s creampied pussy, which even now is beginning to disgorge a bit of his thick load.
For a long moment, the two of them just stay where they are… for a long moment, Tylo wonders if he just needs to leave like he did with Aayla. But then, to his wide-eyed surprise, Shaak Ti stirs. She doesn’t just stir, she rises. Her face, which had looked so ridiculous a few moments before, is once again calm, collected and poised. Likewise, her robes flow up off of the floor with but a thought, much more gracefully than his own brute force way of pulling them from her body and cover her once more.
By the time she’s done… well, her face is still covered in his seed, and his cum is still leaking out of her freshly fucked cunt. But beyond that, she looks just as she did when he entered, kneeling there with all the serenity of a Jedi Master.
“This lesson is over. Dismissed.”
Acting mostly on conditioned instinct from a life of obeying orders from those above him in the Jedi Temple, Tylo gets to his feet and hastily tucks his cock away. But then he hesitates and listens to what Shaak Ti ISN’T saying out loud.
I will not be able to train this initiate. I couldn’t even stop him from filling me with his seed. If he has created life within my womb, then it will be I that deals with the consequences… but it is clear now that I am not fit to be his Master. If we were to bond, it would be he who would train me, rather than the other way around. And that is a recipe for a Dark Jedi, if ever there was one. Why… why is he staring at me like that?
Flinching a little at the tail end of her thoughts, Tylo realizes he’s been told to go by a woman who is by all intents and purposes, his superior in the Jedi Arts. No matter what they’d just done, she’s still a Jedi Master and a member of the High Council. So, the young initiate flees the room. It seemed that he’d overstepped, and while he’d had his fun and Shaak Ti had certainly enjoyed what they’d done… a Jedi Master was not necessarily a Jedi Knight. At least, a Council Member was not.
Shaak Ti as his Master… perhaps she was right in her conclusions, because immediately all Tylo can think about is what it would be like to get to live in Master-Padawan quarters alone with her, what he could get away with, given such privacy with the beautiful Jedi Master. She would… licking his lips, Tylo forces the images from his mind.
He needed to meditate, and he would spend the rest of the day doing so, doing his best to quell whatever this was, growing within him. Tomorrow, he had another lesson with another Jedi Master scheduled. Who was it again? Was it Unduli or Gallia?

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