A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 5: Luminara Unduli

The next day, Tylo breathes in and out quite slowly, even as he makes his way with sure steps down the corridor to his next private lesson. Another Jedi Master was to be teaching him today… another FEMALE Jedi Master.
Knowing what he now knew about Shaak Ti and the fact that the High Council Member was supposedly assessing him for a possible apprenticeship (one that he’d apparently ruined his chances at securing when he’d scared her away with his attitude), it left him considering what the purpose of this week’s private lessons were. Obviously, he was being felt out by a number of female Jedi after the… incident with Knight Secura.
He’d made a clear and obvious misstep when it came to Jedi Master Ti. Which meant it was important to go over what little he knew of his next teacher, even before he actually met her in the flesh. Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. She was going to be teaching him some healing techniques today, supposedly. He was a little curious, though admittedly not as excited as the prospect of learning actual force techniques from Shaak Ti had left him. Telekinesis just felt so much more powerful to the young human man then something like healing scrapes and bruises or whatever.
Regardless, what DID he know about Master Unduli? He knew… he knew she was Mirialan. From his history lessons here at the temple, Tylo was aware that Mirialans were a species considered to be ‘near-Human’. Unlike with Twi’leks and Togruta, Mirialans had a much similar appearance to humans. Their skin could be yellow-green like Unduli’s was, but beyond that, they didn’t have lekku, or montrals, or anything like that.
They were, however, supposedly naturally flexible, and agile when compared to your average human, so they had that going for them, he supposed. In the end, Master Unduli was sort of like him, in a way. Tylo was technically a human, while she was technically an alien, but his mutant genes basically made him near-Human as well, after a fashion…
On top of knowing a little bit about her species, he also knew that Master Unduli, while a full-fledged Jedi Master, was not a member of the Jedi High Council… unlike Shaak Ti and his final lesson of the week, Adi Gallia. Those two women were High Council members, while Luminara Unduli was merely a highly respected Jedi Master. And then there was Aayla, the Jedi Knight. What did it all mean? Tylo couldn’t possibly begin to say, truth be told. But it was probably relevant in some way.
Regardless, he was coming up on his ultimate destination now. This time around, more than a little curious, Tylo reaches out with his mind, not opening the door just yet as he does his best to get a read on the woman inside.
Ah, there he is now. I must admit, I find myself curious about this boy. First Aayla, and now Shaak Ti… both had some very interesting things to say. Hm, but why isn’t he coming inside?”
Before Tylo can lurch forward to correct his momentary lapse (of course a Jedi master would feel his approach and feel him hovering outside the door) the door suddenly hisses open all on its own… or rather, because Master Unduli has used the Force to apply pressure to the door switch from where she’s standing, deeper in the room. There’s a soft smile on the Mirialan Jedi’s face as she stands there, seemingly calm and composed.
“Initiate Vondin, please don’t be afraid. Come in… I promise, I don’t bite.”
The carefree smile and slight wink he’s given would probably be enough to set Tylo at ease if not for his previous experiences. He still smiles back though, swallowing nervously, even as his presence fills the room and he begins to hear more from the Jedi Master.
Oh yes. He is indeed well-endowed. I can see what Aayla means. Though, he seems far more nervous than I expected. Where is the domineering young man Shaak Ti whined about being uncontrollable and untamable, I wonder?”
A light blush spreads across Tylo’s cheeks, which he hides with a bow as he comes to a stop in front of the Jedi Master. He’s also hiding his widened eyes at the same time because her thoughts made it clear she’d somehow checked him out like Master Ti had… and yet, he hadn’t felt any sort of brush against his cock or balls from the Force? He hadn’t felt anything at all, and it wasn’t like he was presenting an erection or anything (yet) so how had she known?
“Come, let us sit. As I’m sure you already know, I am Jedi Master Luminara Unduli.”
As they both sit down, Tylo nods, keeping his gaze averted.
“Yes, Master Unduli…”
She was wondering where the ‘domineering young man’ went? Well, Tylo had meditated all day yesterday after what had happened between him and Shaak Ti. He was a bit calmer and more collected, at least for the moment. Which left him more nervous than anything else because he really wasn’t sure what to expect from the Mirialan Master.
“I’m told you learned how to harness the Force in more… physical manners yesterday with Master Ti. Today, however, we will be engaging the spiritual side of the Force. It is through the spirit, through one’s indomitable will, that Force Healing can be possible. From self-imposed Healing Trances, to the far more advanced techniques one can apply to someone else… that is what we will be working on today. Or at least, the basics.”
Of course, if he does well enough, I just might show him some of the more… advanced techniques. Mm, once you learn how to push the Force into someone else’s cells to energize and revitalize them, it’s not hard at all to learn how to use such healing techniques for things… other than healing.
And like that, Tylo is beginning to pop a woody. Luminara’s thoughts have abruptly turned to a far more… lustful bent, as she imagines the things he could do to her, that she could do to him. Force Healing could be used to save lives in amazing ways, yes… but it could also be used to bring one’s lover to orgasm in an explosive manner, or even used to bring an erection back after being finished off.
His mouth dry, Tylo keeps his head bowed as he murmurs a response to the Jedi Master across from him.
“… I am in your care.”
And so Master Unduli begins to teach him. In many ways, the lesson in healing is quite similar to the lesson in telekinesis that Master Ti gave him the day before. In many other ways, however, it’s completely different. For one, the Mirialan Jedi doesn’t spend the entire time molesting Tylo with the Force like her Togruta peer. For another, listening to Master Unduli’s thoughts is actually more helpful than not in this lesson.
Sure, Luminara is still a bit… well, perverted. She can’t stop thinking about him, though it’s less in terms of how well-endowed he is, and more in terms of how much vitality and life she can feel within him. That’s how Tylo figures out just how she can tell his cock size without actually physically feeling him out with a Force Touch like Shaak Ti did. Luminara has saturated the room with her presence, similar to how he uses his mind reading ability but with the Force instead.
She’s thus able to quite literally run a diagnostic on him like one might run a diagnostic on a malfunctioning droid brain or starship computer. It’s just as Master Unduli said at the start. Where Master Ti was all about the physical, the Mirialan Master is all about the spiritual. Where Shaak Ti was focused outward, Luminara Unduli is coaxing him to focus inward.
At the same time, he’s able to read her thoughts on everything she’s saying, and it’s helping him understand exactly what she means without having to spend precious time parsing through her words. As a result, Tylo learns fast and he learns well. In no time at all, he’s figuring out how to put himself in a basic healing trance, letting the Force suffuse every cell of his body with revitalizing energy that works to soothe his aches and pains, some that he didn’t even know he had.
“Good, very good…”
Exceptional. Now I see some of what the others saw. He has the makings of a fine Jedi to him. Though, I do not see this beast in him that both Aayla and Shaak described. Perhaps… yes, I want to see what he is truly capable of. And entice him as well…
Tylo opens his eyes from where he’d had them closed tight in concentration, just in time to watch Master Unduli draw her lightsaber from her belt. Smiling at him, she shucks off her heavy black clothing, revealing little more than a pair of tightly fitted pants and a top that exposes her bare midriff beneath her robes. She looks a lot like Knight Secura like this, though with yellow-green skin instead of blue, and no lekku of course.
“Do not be alarmed… I am going to walk you through the advanced technique now… and you will need a subject to practice on.”
And then she activates her lightsaber and turns the green bar of barely contained plasma upon her own body. Despite being told to not be alarmed, Tylo’s eyes widen all the same as Master Unduli hisses, giving herself a burn. It’s not nasty-looking, which tells him that her lightsaber is a modular one, one with multiple settings ranging from ‘stun baton’ to the more common ‘cut through almost anything’ mode.
She burns herself, but she doesn’t cut herself from what he can see. Still, the injury on her abdomen has his breath hitching in shock and horror, even as the Jedi Master draws her blade away from herself and gives him a smile with a slightly pained edge to it.
“Come here now, Initiate Vondin. Let me show you how to heal someone else.”
Licking his lips, Tylo scoots over to the still kneeling Mirialan Jedi. His hands are shaking as she walks him through the steps. She’s putting a lot of faith in him… but once again, her words are backed by her thoughts. It’s all right there in the Jedi Master’s mind, in fact. Luminara Unduli knows this technique, and as she tells him how to focus on bringing forth what he’s been internalizing up to this point to the forefront, her knowledge floats up to the surface of her mind, ripe for the picking.
Slowly, Tylo brings his hand down until it’s bare millimeters away from Luminara’s burned flesh. He does exactly as she says, and on his third try… he watches as her skin begins to clear up, the burn slowly starting to fade away. He’s doing it! He’s actually doing it! A bright, wide, happy smile splits across Tylo’s face, and he keeps it up… only to be distracted by a light gasp that comes from the Jedi Master.
The gasp alone would mean nothing… if he weren’t listening to her every thought as well.
Ooooh, there it is. By the Force, his energy feels amazing. I think I just creamed myself, though I imagine he didn’t notice. A Jedi Master must be composed in all things after all, even in the midst of an orgasm. Force knows I’ve had my fair share of… incidents during meetings with important individuals. But this young Initiate. He truly is a prodigy. It’s just too bad I can’t take him on as my padawan.
Tylo flinches at the sudden rejection and is half-tempted to demand to know what she means by that, right then and there. But he’s spent all of his young life keeping his mutant ability to read minds a secret. It was his own super-secret weapon, and he wasn’t dumb enough to give it away here and now. Even still, the young man is surprised and a little upset. He hasn’t even done anything to Luminara yet, and she’s rejecting him as Shaak Ti has rejected him?
Luckily, he gets more of an explanation as he continues listening in on her thought processes, all while continuing to heal her burn (which apparently feels amazing, if her continued quiet gasps and lustful thoughts are to be believed. He’s just healing her, but it seems that using the Force to heal another person makes them unbelievably horny… either that, or Luminara is just a slut.
Such a stupid rule. A Mirialan Jedi is expected to take a Mirialan Padawan. I’ve always thought it outdated and archaic, but the Jedi Order is built on traditions. To be fair, Barriss is a skilled young woman. She deserves to be a padawan just as much as young Tylo here… all the same, if I had an actual choice, I imagine I know who I would pick…
So that was why. Mirialan Jedi were only allowed to take other Mirialans as their Padawans? That WAS dumb, and frankly, it upset Tylo more than he would have thought. He was a little surprised, because he’d never heard anything like that before… but on the other hand, he supposed it made plenty of sense that he wouldn’t know. It seemed like the sort of thing that the Order would keep from its initiates, to avoid feelings of neglect and jealousy and envy from running rampant. All feelings that Tylo was feeling right now.
He’s tempted… he’s tempted to go further with this technique right now. He could use it to seduce Luminara with ease, he’s fairly sure. He could use it to dominate her as well, to suffuse her body with himself and then fuck her into the ground, like he’d done with Aayla Secura, like he’d done with Shaak Ti.
… It’s not like he can ruin things with Master Unduli like he did with Master Ti. She’s already rejected him, apparently. The traditions of the Order mean that he already can’t be her padawan, for such bullshit reasons too.
He wants to make Master Unduli beg for him. But maybe he should take a gentler approach. Or maybe… maybe he should just back away from all of this and let the lesson come to a close naturally. Either way, hovering over the half-naked Mirialan, with his hand above her bared abdomen, he knows he has to make a decision.

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