A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 34: R&R on Naboo

“Thank you for accepting my invitation, Padawan Vondin. I know that Annie will be most happy to see you.”
Mm, I know I am~
From the moment he steps off the ship and comes face to face with Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo, Tylo is left wondering if this was really the right call or not. And yet, he can’t help but crack a smile, at the way the Senator from Naboo is all but gobbling him up with her eyes. As she turns and leads him into the Chateau, Tylo inclines his head, keeping things… professional.
“Of course, Senator Amidala. Annie is my closest friend. I couldn’t not come, even with war on our doorstep.”

THAT brings a frown to Padme’s face, and her thoughts turn away from amorous intent and thirsty lust for a moment.
This war should never have happened. Especially not for MY sake. Honestly, it feels like I’m being used by both sides. I absolutely hate it.
Tylo winces, but he can’t exactly console her, because even if Padme is a good woman, she’s also a consummate politician. Meaning, she doesn’t speak her mind in this instance, instead turning her frown into something more playful half a moment later. Turning quite suddenly, she corners him against the wall. Now that they’re inside the Chateau, it seems she’s willing to be more… forward.
“Now that we’re out of the public eye, we can drop the formalities, Tylo. I’m Padme to you, and I won’t hear otherwise. Am I understood?”
Tylo opens his mouth to reply, but before he can respond one way or the other, Padme gets a wicked look in her eye. He doesn’t even get a warning from her mind, because she seems to be acting almost entirely on instinct when she drops to her knees in the next moment, impulsively pulling open his robes and yanking down his pants.
As his cock flops out and smacks her in the face, Padme, far from upset, just moans throatily and nuzzles into it.
Mm, I’ve missed this impressive member. Annie was great and all, but she… well, I think she’d agree that there’s something altogether special about a real man with a real cock, heh.
“I knew you’d be as happy to see me as I am to see you. We don’t have too much time… but we have enough time for this.”

Tylo opens his mouth again, but Padme takes him into HER mouth before he can speak, cutting him off again. As the Nabooian Senator goes to town on his dick, Tylo leans back against the wall she’s cornered him against and groans his appreciation, one hand coming down to rest atop her head as she bobs up and down on his cock. Soon enough, she’s wrapped her own hands around his waist and is palming the cheeks of his pants as she throats his entire cock.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Staring up at him with teary eyes, the Senator from Naboo chokes herself on his shaft, gurgling all the while, gagging noisily. Tylo wonders if they’re being too loud, wonders if there’s anyone else in the Chateau besides the obvious, Annie herself, but before he can tell Padme to slow down or even try and quiet down… he hears her.
O-Oh. Oh wow…
Tylo’s head whips up and before he can stop himself, he’s making eye contact with one Annie Skywalker. Literal ‘eye’ contact, given how his fellow Padawan is currently peeking out from behind the corner, only one of her eyes visible, along with barely half of her face. Said eye goes absurdly wide the moment they make eye contact, and she hurriedly pulls back around the corner.
But of course, he knows she’s still there… he can hear her, after all.
F-Fuck! Did he see me? Oh force, did I ruin Padme’s plan already?! Nonono, please don’t let him have seen me! I need to… I need t-to check…
With some forewarning this time, Tylo is able to keep his eyes focused firmly on Padme’s face as she continues to enthusiastically suck his cock right there in the foyer of the Chateau. Annie peeks her head back around the corner, and he very deliberately does NOT look in her direction, even though he KNOWS she’s watching them go at it.
… He’s not looking. A-Alright. Okay… so m-maybe he didn’t see. Maybe it’s fine. Everything is okay. Padme’s plan isn’t ruined. T-Thank the Force…
That was the second time a ‘plan’ of Padme’s had been mentioned. Tylo was honestly curious what exactly the Senator had in mind. Especially when said plan seemed to involve throating his cock within minutes of his arrival, while Annie watched from her hiding place. Or maybe Annie’s peeping wasn’t part of Padme’s plan, and that’s why his fellow Padawan getting caught would ruin it?
In the end, it mattered little. Sure, Tylo knew Annie was there… but he wasn’t about to call her out. Not when she was very clearly enjoying the show, if her thoughts were anything to go off of. Alas, all good things come to an end, including this show. With a low groan, Tylo speaks in a quiet voice.
“Force, Padme… here it comes…”
To her credit, the beautiful brunette Senator doesn’t hesitate. Gripping even tighter at his buttocks, she takes him all the way to the hilt and just… waits, patiently staring up at him. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say Padme Amidala was Force Sensitive, because the way she swallows his subsequent load without spilling a single damn drop is otherworldly.
Her tight little throat convulses as she gulps and gulps his seed down, until finally she’s done and can pull back off of his cock with a pop as it leaves her pillowy lips. Letting out one single gasp to indicate the difficulty of what she’d just accomplished, Padme pulls back and stands up with a smile on her lips.
Mm, nothing like a tasty treat just before dinner~
“Come along, Tylo. I’ll show you to your room. Unfortunately, we won’t have time to break in the bed. I need to make sure dinner is ready for tonight.”
“… Alright, if you say so.”
So what if Padme had a plan? Somehow, Tylo suspected he would enjoy whatever it involved. For the time being… he’d simply go with the flow.
Tylo only finally gets to see Annie properly when dinner finally comes. As they enter the dining room and make eye contact, Annie flushes for a moment and he can see from her thoughts that she’s embarrassed because of what she witnessed earlier. But she quickly shrugs that off in order to walk forward… only to hesitate again because of something ELSE she’s suddenly self-conscious about.
Oh no… my arm. Will Tylo even find me attractive, at this point?
The insecurity, coming from his best friend, is utterly ridiculous… but the thought DOES cause Tylo to instinctively look to Annie’s new prosthetic. It’s very mechanical, and maybe a particularly rude individual might even call it ‘unsightly’… but Annie was still Annie, and nothing could change that. Of course, him looking only makes her shrink in on herself.
Rolling his eyes, Tylo walks forward with purpose, and rather than stop and exchange verbal pleasantries, grabs Annie up and yanks her into a deep, affectionate, heartfelt hug. For a moment, his fellow Padawan stiffens in shock… but then, she relaxes, melting into his embrace and cautiously returning the hug.
“I missed you, Annie.”
Tylo can feel Annie’s embarrassment, not just from her mind, but through the Force. Her immense connection to the Force makes it all too easy to read her, even without his power.
“… M-Missed you too…”
“Alright you two lovebirds, if you’re done getting reunited, we’ve got a full spread for dinner waiting for us.”
At Padme’s teasing, admonishing tone, Annie jolts and immediately tries to pull away, but Tylo doesn’t let her. He holds the other Padawan fast for a lingering moment, before only letting go on his terms, which he liked to think were THEIR terms in the end. He wasn’t about to let Padme shame them into anything. Not when she’d sucked him off the moment, she got the chance. Nor when she and Annie had some sort of plan in the works.
Regardless, the plan clearly doesn’t involve dinner, because neither Padme nor Annie are thinking about it when the three of them sit down to eat. Annie is hungry, while Padme’s mind has turned to politics. Which of course, rapidly turns ANNIE to politics as well.
“This war is a travesty. If the Senate weren’t so corrupt, they would be using the Clone Army as a way to sue for peace, not opening battlefronts all across the galaxy.”
“The Separatists are attacking US, Padme! Nute Gunray wants you dead. They killed dozens upon dozens of Jedi in the Arena on Geonosis. I lost my arm to Dooku! Sometimes… sometimes you have to fight.”
Needless to say, they were both quite heated. In the end, it would likely fall to Tylo to be the deciding vote. In an effort to avoid that, he tries to change the subject.
“What was he like? Dooku, I mean?”
Annie flinches, but rapidly develops an expression of resolve across her face.
No… no, he needs to know.
“I think… I think he was a Sith Lord, like the Zabrak Master Kenobi fought on Naboo ten years ago.”
That gets Padme’s attention, of course. The Senator’s eyes widen, and her thoughts turn towards her own memories of that long ago time, when she was still young and a Queen fighting for her people… literally.
“… He acted so… sophisticated. So above it all. Like he was better than us. And… he was.”
Annie grits her teeth at that, remembering. The servos in her new mechanical arm grind as she clenches the prosthetic hand into a fist.
“But his saber was red. And he used Force Lightning, on both of us. He was more than a Dark Jedi. I think he might have even been the Zabrak’s Master, maybe.”
Padme speaks up at that, clearly having done her own research by this point.
“But I thought Count Dooku was a Jedi Master until Qui-Gon’s death. That he only left the Jedi Order because he felt the Jedi hadn’t done a good enough job of investigating the whole Naboo Incident.”
Frowning still, Annie just shakes her head.
“Maybe… or maybe he was playing with us all along. Maybe he was always the Sith Master, and he had everyone fooled.”
Dooku is a monster. He deserves to die. Next time I see him… I’ll be sure to strike him down, so he can’t hurt anyone, ever again.
Annie’s thoughts have taken a dark turn. And maybe Tylo should be addressing them. But instead, he finds himself saying something else. Something he should probably be back on Coruscant, saying to a closed session of the Jedi High Council right now.
“I think the Sith are involved with the creation of the Clone Army as well.”
Annie and Padme both look at him, wide-eyed. Their shock is such that even their minds are silent for a moment. Tylo quickly outlines what he told Master Yoda and Master Windu back on Kamino, before Master Kenobi had left. He doesn’t give away his ability to read minds, not even to Padme and Annie, but he does emphasize what he was feeling.
“I think the Kaminoans are up to no good. And I think the Clones are a trap. Doesn’t it feel like we were forced into this? Annie and I are Commanders in an Army now. We’ve spent our entire lives training to be Jedi… to be Peacekeepers.”
When both women still don’t reply, it’s obvious to Tylo he’s dropped quite the bombshell on their laps. Their minds are whirlwinds of activity, Padme’s most of all. Even as lewd and all around lusty as the Senator is, she’s still a driven, firebrand of a woman as well. And right now, he’s just handed her ammunition. Was it a good idea? Can he really know what she’ll do with it? Tylo’s not sure, but he couldn’t keep it to himself any longer.
Dinner is… quiet after that. Tylo finds himself turning inward, contemplating his own feelings on everything that had happened since they were assigned to protect Senator Amidala. It feels like it was barely any time ago at all, while also being a damn eternity ago.
In that time, he had bedded a Senator, had discovered the existence of an entire army of clones, fought one Mandalorian alongside a Jedi Master, fought another Mandalorian in hand to hand combat, bedded THAT Mandalorian… and then gone into battle alongside the Grand Master of the entire Jedi Order and the aforementioned army of Clones.
Now the whole galaxy was apparently at war, and the Republic was fractured, with these Separatists on one side and the Republic on the other. Tylo didn’t know what was going to happen next, but one thing was for certain… they were in the shit now, and he wasn’t sure there was any getting out of it. Truth be told-
Blinking, he finds himself pulled from his thoughts, only to realize Padme and Annie have both stood up and walked around to stand on either side of him. Standing as well, he looks at them both… and doesn’t honestly need to hear their thoughts to know what they’re aiming for.
Padme has a big grin on her face, as she grabs hold of one of Tylo’s hands.
Time to finally get these two lovebirds together. Annie’s certainly told me enough about her crush on Tylo to know this is what needs to happen.
Meanwhile, Annie is blushing furiously as she grabs hold of the other.
Can’t believe I’m doing this. F-Force… if Master Kenobi ever finds out…
It seemed to him that Padme’s plan was finally being enacted. As the two women lead him away from the table and down the hall to a bedroom, Tylo allows himself to be escorted, considering briefly if he was really going to let this happen or not.
Ah… who was he kidding? Yes, he was going to let this happen. Yes, he was going to finally have sex with Annie Skywalker. Though that did raise the question. SHOULD he let Padme be involved? Or should Annie’s first time with him be just the two of them? It didn’t really seem fair to cut out the Senator in her own home, but then at the same time, it wasn’t very fair to ambush him like this, now, was it? Might be exactly what Padme deserved, the naughty little minx.
In fact, he didn’t have to kick her out entirely, per say. He could take control of the situation and make her watch while he and Annie shared each other’s bodies. Hmm…

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