A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 35: R&R on Naboo Pt. 2

In the end, Tylo lets the urge to take the reins pass him by. Sure, perhaps there was some small part of him that felt like Padme was intruding, but at the same time, the far larger part of him couldn’t help but appreciate the Senator. After all, it was clear that this was all her gamble. She’d not only conspired to have Annie heal here on Naboo rather than back at the Jedi Temple, but she’d also conspired to get him along for the ride as well.

The sheer amount of favors Padme must have called in, the number of ears she’d had to bend, the influence she’d brought to bear… it was a little mind boggling to think about. So, Tylo doesn’t think too hard about it, or about whether or not he and Annie should be having their first time alone. He just relaxes and goes with the flow, curious to see what Padme has in mind.

… Of course, as the three of them reach the bedroom, he already knows what Padme has in mind, doesn’t he?

It’s time. I can’t believe these two haven’t done the deed yet, especially with how forceful Tylo proved to be with me back in my apartment on Coruscant. Honestly, he must really care about her…

Stepping into the bedroom ahead of them both, with Annie taking up the rear and closing the door behind them, Padme turns and smirks.

“You’re a little overdressed, Padawan Vondin.”

Tylo just raises an eyebrow at that, before startling when Annie’s hesitant hands suddenly fall upon his shoulders.

“L-Let me…”

Can’t believe I’m doing this. Can’t believe I’m doing this.

He doesn’t resist, as Annie slowly begins to strip him. Instead, when she comes around to his front, Tylo makes sure to catch her eye and give her an encouraging smile. Meanwhile, Padme watches the scene while biting her lower lip, excitement clear in both her face and her mind. Tylo can see it all right there, clear as day. The Senator’s Plan is simple… they’re going to team up and get him into bed together. Though…

I’m surprised he’s so compliant. I was sure we’d have to do some convincing, but he’s ready to go, isn’t he? Hah, and to think, Annie really wasn’t sure he even liked her this way!

Wait, seriously? Tylo can’t help but be a little taken aback by that. Annie didn’t think he liked her as more than a friend? That was… eh, okay, considering things from an objective point of view, maybe he could see where she was coming from. If Annie knew about his side activities with other Jedi, if she’d found out about what he and Padme had done together… then yeah, maybe she’d misinterpret his recalcitrance as a lack of interest, rather than just him not wanting to hurt her.

In which case… Tylo waits for Annie to get his shirt off, his chest now bared, and just as her hands are moving to his waist, he brings his own hands to her face, catching her cheeks with his palms and pulling her into a kiss. Annie’s eyes widen briefly, before growing lidded as she lets out the cutest of moans and leans into the kiss with an eagerness and hunger that has Tylo chuckling.

Yessss. Kiss me! Kiss me, d-damn you!

She might not have the confidence to put her thoughts into words, but she’s certainly willing to go along with him. At the same time, her hands, both the prosthetic and the flesh and blood one, remain frozen on his waist. It seems she’s not quite ready to multitask when it comes to sexual pleasure just yet.

When Tylo reaches for Annie’s clothing in turn, only then does she jolt back into motion. Her eyes go wide again, and she blushes crimson. Still, she doesn’t fight him on it. She’s clearly embarrassed, but she lets him strip her down, just as he’d let her strip him down. Piece by piece, he removes her garments, all while Padme continues to watch on. Until eventually, the Senator decides she’s watched long enough.

They’re so cute together. Moving faster than I would have thought possible though. They’re so… in sync. Still, I want my piece of the pie, for setting all of this up~

“Annie. Go ahead and move to the bed.”

For a brief moment, Annie hesitates in his arms. Then, eyes flickering as she processes Padme’s words, she pulls away from him, reluctantly but going all the same. When Tylo goes to follow, Padme meets him halfway, stopping him in his tracks and keeping him from reaching the bed, from reaching Annie once more.

Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, Annie pulls the last of her undergarments off, having already been divested of her bra at this point. Entirely naked, the female Jedi Padawan hops back up onto the bed… never once breaking eye contact with him. Tylo doesn’t break eye contact with her either, which is possible because of just how short Padme Amidala is.

The Senator from Naboo is standing right in front of him, but Tylo only has eyes for Annie. Fortunately, that seems to be within the Senator’s plan.

Good. Keep your eyes on her. Let the anticipation build. That way, when you two finally fuck, the sparks can REALLY fly.

Tylo is reminded once more of just how… lewd the Nabooian Senator is. Not just in her thoughts either, because the next action she takes is to drop down to her knees right then and there and pull his trousers and underwear down with her. Bringing them to his ankles and letting him step out of them, Padme coos as Tylo’s cock, more than half hard already, flops out onto her pretty, fae-like face.

With her high cheek bones and pixie-like beauty, Padme looks good kneeling there with his cock draped across her face. But Tylo barely spares her a moment of his time and attention. Truth be told, even as she lets her tongue roll out and swipes it along the underside of his member, Tylo’s attention, the majority of his focus… is on Annie Skywalker.

The young woman that some thought to be the Chosen One lays there on the bed, propped up on her mechanical elbow, and reaches down between her thighs with her flesh and blood arm, her fingers sliding back and forth across her slit as she watches him and Padme. Her breath hitches and she licks her lips when Padme finally takes him into her mouth, and she quivers as Tylo groans.

The two of them continue to main eye contact, even with Padme sucking his cock. The perverted Senator is enthusiastic about it too, but beyond enjoying the feeling of her mouth slurping away at his member, bobbing up and down his length, Tylo… just doesn’t care. For all he knows, Padme might be choking herself on his cock trying to get his attention. It doesn’t matter. He only has eyes for Annie.

Fuck. Tylo… I want you inside of me so bad. I wish we’d done this ages ago. Padme looks so sexy, sucking your cock. She looks so fucking hot and so do you. I wish… I wish I was whole. I wish I wasn’t this one-armed freak. I dunno how you could ever love a woman like me…

Annie’s thoughts start out a strange mixture of innocent and lewd, but quickly take a turn for the dark. Tylo can’t help but furrow his brow a bit at what he’s ‘hearing’. He doesn’t like seeing Annie’s mind go to such a dark place. Obviously, losing an arm like she had would affect anyone for the worst. She’d had an entire limb replaced by a droid arm, something that she would be getting used to for months going forward.

Even still, for her to think she wasn’t beautiful… that couldn’t be further from the truth. Tylo wouldn’t stand for it. Of course, he couldn’t exactly call her out on it without revealing his true abilities… but that didn’t mean he was all that limited in his response, now, did it?


Stiffening at hearing her name spoken, Annie looks frozen in place, her eyes wide at being directly addressed.

“You’re so beautiful. So sexy. I… I love you. I’ve loved you for years.”

There. Let’s see her try and deny it now. And indeed, the expression on Annie’s face is gobsmacked. She doesn’t seem to know WHAT to say at this point. Even Padme tenses up for a moment down below, Tylo catching a snippet of the Senator’s thoughts even with the majority of his attention on Annie.

… Damn.

The tinge to Padme’s thoughts could be described as ‘rueful’, as she suddenly pulls back off of his cock, letting him leave her mouth with a pop. Giving him a crooked smile from down below, the Senator strokes his member a couple times before nodding her head towards the bed.

“Go get her.”

He doesn’t need to be told twice. Stepping around Padme, even as the shorter woman gracefully rises to her feet, Tylo makes his way over to the bed. Annie watches him come, scooting back a bit as he approaches, but not to run away. She’s just getting into a better position for him to climb on after and move atop.

This is really happening. Force… I can’t believe this is really happening.

He’s so very tempted to say something cheesy like ‘believe it’, but he holds it in, just giving her a smile as his member, glistening with Padme’s saliva, dips down between Annie’s thighs, pressing up against her sex. Here and now, it’s finally going to happen. They’re finally going to be joined together, as one. Looking into her eyes, Tylo gives her a careful nod.

“You ready?”

Jerking her head up and down in a ‘yes’, Annie flushes… before calling out right before he can enter her.


Pausing, Tylo raises an eyebrow at her. The words spill out so fast that they almost seem to meld together with her thoughts. In that moment, Annie says exactly what she’s thinking.

I love you too.

“I love you too!”

Grinning a somewhat dopy grin, Tylo leans forward and grabs a fistful of his fellow Padawan’s hair. He pulls her into a deep, tongue-filled kiss right there on the spot. At the same time, he pushes into her, and Annie’s mind goes haywire, her thoughts becoming indecipherable as her brain turns to mush under the sudden influx of sensations she’s experiencing.


Tylo doesn’t begrudge her that though, of course. It is, after all, her first time. And frankly, as he slowly pushes in and out of her, he’s glad he waited. Doing this back then, when they’d first had that opportunity… it would have been too soon. It might have worked out for the best, but then again, it also might not have. They might have damaged their friendship before it could ever blossom into something more.

Though, what they were going to do going forward, Tylo didn’t know. The Jedi Order wasn’t exactly full of prudes. He, more than anyone, knew that much. However, there was all that pesky bullshit about attachment. Lots and lots of fucking was fine, but the words he and Annie had just said to each other… that was different. Love? Love could lead to more negative emotions. Dark Side emotions.

And Tylo had already brushed the Dark Side, hadn’t he? So really, by all accounts, he shouldn’t be continuing to toy with it, continuing to tempt fate. And yet… with it being Annie, he couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t stop himself.

He starts off slow and gentle, letting her adjust to his size as he thrusts in and out of her. But the more he fucks her, the more Annie reacts in a positive manner, first kissing him all the more insistently, and then grabbing onto him with both her flesh and blood hand and her prosthetic, eagerly dragging him in closer. In the face of such eagerness, Tylo can’t hold back. And so, he doesn’t. He continues to fuck her, plowing her into the bed.

Of course… the mastermind behind all of this hasn’t exactly gone anywhere during this time. Padme Amidala has climbed onto the bed right beside them both and is casually fingering herself as she watches Tylo and Annie go at it. As they come apart for air, Annie throws her head back and cries out in pleasure and passion alike. Meanwhile, Tylo looks over at Padme, giving her an appreciative nod that she returns with a wicked grin.

“You two are adorable together.”

And so absolutely delicious as well. Mm, they better both have enough left for me, or I’m going to be quite cross. Ahh, I could just eat them both up…

Not letting on that he’s heard what she’s thinking, Tylo says the only thing he can really think to say.

“Thank you.”

Padme just scoffs, as if it’s no big deal that she’s brought the two of them together at long last. As if the way she likely had to move heaven and earth to make this happen didn’t even matter to her. Like it was nothing special. Tylo can’t help it, he snorts in amusement at Padme’s nonchalant response, knowing full well that she’s playing it cool in order to get more from both of them.

Well, Tylo is getting close now. He’s going to cum soon. The only thing left to do is to decide where. But then, that’s not really his decision, is it? It’s Annie’s. It’s always been Annie’s. Leaning in close, Tylo slows down a bit to let Annie recover somewhat, allowing her to come back to herself and look him in the eyes with intelligence returned to her gaze.

“Annie… I’m getting close. Where do you want it?”

A simple question, one might think. With a simple answer, right? But Annie hesitates and actually thinks it over. More than that, she talks it over with him, something he’s not really encountered before. He doesn’t have a need to read her mind at the moment, because she flat out says what she’s thinking yet again.

“I want it… I want you to cum inside. But… it probably wouldn’t b-be smart, would it? If you did… it would be risky. And with the war starting… we probably shouldn’t, should we?”

She looks torn. Uncertain, to say the least. They both know what they want, but they also have their responsibilities, don’t they?

“Hmph, if you’re both so worried about all of that, I’ll happily take Tylo’s load wherever you want to put it~”

And of course, Padme steps in with a teasing grin, leaning forward as she licks her lips suggestively. Annie blushes but also smiles, and Tylo can see in his fellow Padawan’s eye as she comes to a decision, right then and there. He just has to wait for her to say it out loud…

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