A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 36: The Galaxy Moves

Bucking her hips, Annie begins to rise. There’s this sudden energy to her, and it’s mirrored in her thoughts.
Yes! Padme… Padme can be the one to take Tylo’s seed. She can take the risk! She can carry our… our child!
Pulling back as Annie’s movements become almost frantic, Tylo knows what she’s going to say before she says it, of course.
“Do it. Fill Padme. Pump her full of your essence… knock her up.”
The Senator from Naboo’s eyes widen slightly at that, as she finds herself grabbed by a very excited Jedi Padawan. Not physically either, but mentally. Where before Padme had been leaning forward with a teasing grin on her face, where before she’d been licking her lips suggestively… all of the sudden, the lithe, nubile Senator finds herself yanked further forward by the Force.
Annie drags her right into her actual hands, which then pull Padme down further. The Force Null ends up between the two of them, held in Annie’s embrace while she kisses Padme deeply. At the same time, Annie’s hands slide down Padme’s back, and grab at her thighs. She forcibly spreads Padme’s legs apart, and then uses the Force to splay her pussy lips for good measure.
Tylo doesn’t need to be told twice. The offer is right in front of him, and very enticing at that. With a grin, he leans in again, planting the head of his pulsating cock against Padme’s pussy lips and thrusting forward without hesitation. The Senator from Naboo lets out a cry into Annie’s mouth as the two women kiss, her body shuddering beneath him and her inner walls rapidly and rhythmically groping at his cock.
He HAD been getting close before, and to be fair, he was still relatively close… but the momentary indecision and the handful of seconds where his cock wasn’t buried in a sopping wet quim have left him somewhat recovered. He can hold back for a few minutes more, and so that’s exactly what Tylo does, figuring it’s only fair that they give Padme as much pleasure as they can before pumping her full of his seed.
Mm, it would be such a scandal, if I were to get pregnant. I have no significant other, no one I’m seeing. But… I could make it work. If it’s Tylo’s… if it’s for Annie… I wouldn’t mind.
Padme’s thoughts are reassuring, because even though the older woman had straight up said that she would happily take his load wherever they wanted to put it, there was no denying that Annie had come off a little strong in the wake of the offer. But Padme didn’t seem to mind… in fact, she was very much enjoying herself, and quickly regaining some of her earlier sexual confidence.

Sandwiched between the two Jedi Padawans as she is, that doesn’t stop Padme from soon giving as good as she gets. Her hips push back into his thrusting cock, and her arms come up to wrap around Annie in turn as she all but effortlessly takes control of their kiss. After all, for all Annie’s enthusiasm, she’s still the inexperienced one here. She was still the one who had come into all of this as a virgin.
Still, Annie’s own thoughts make it clear she doesn’t mind not being in charge of any of it. She’s apparently getting exactly what she wants already.
Mm… yes! Yes, cum inside of her Tylo! Nngh, kiss me, Padme! Yes! Love! L-Love you both, so much!
The intensity of Annie’s thoughts is mirrored by what Tylo is feeling through the Force. Her emotions are… incredibly powerful. Even more powerful than his own. They’d already shared their feelings with one another verbally, and Tylo didn’t doubt that Annie loved him… but he could tell, she loved this even more. The three of them, united in one beautiful moment. Him or Padme, she would love perhaps equally… but him AND Padme? It made her light up like a star in the Force, blindingly bright and oh so gorgeous in its intensity.
Was this the Dark Side? It didn’t feel like it. It felt Light, at least to Tylo’s senses. But who could say? He knows that this level of attachment… the Jedi would never accept it. If they caught even a whiff of just how attached Annie truly was to him or Padme, they would do everything in their power to keep them apart.
… Was he to keep a secret from his Master? Lying to Kenobi just seemed prudent, at least about this. But even Master Secura? For a brief moment, Tylo finds himself in a place of turmoil. But then Padme cries out into Annie’s lips, cumming upon his cock, and he’s groaning as he surges forward inside of her, brought over the edge at long last.
If this was the Dark Side, Tylo wasn’t sure he would be able to resist it. But maybe it wasn’t. Maybe a thousand years of Jedi Dogma was wrong. One thing was for certain, as he presses Padme’s nubile form into Annie’s body and fills the good Senator with his seed, he feels right in doing so. And he feels just as right in leaning forward and pressing his lips into Annie’s, as Padme disengages from his fellow Padawan’s mouth to bury her face in Annie’s neck and moan wantonly.
Yes… this all feels too damn right for him to let go of. But… while the love he has for Annie and Padme doesn’t feel like the Dark Side… the fear he has of being separated from them does. And he’s really not quite sure what to do about that.
“Knight Secura. It is the decision of this Council, upon receiving the recommendation of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, that you have performed above and beyond the expectations of your rank and shown through exemplary service that you are ready for the rank of Jedi Master.”
Standing in the center of the High Council Chambers, back ramrod straight and hands clasped behind herself, Aayla Secura feels a swelling of pride inside of her at the words spoken by Master Mace Windu. Of course, she doesn’t dwell on that pride. Instead, she accepts those emotions and lets them flow through her, and out into the Force, as is proper.
It’s not just her and the High Council, of course. For something like this, there are others. In her case, there’s Master Kenobi, standing off to the side with a soft smile on his face and warmth in his eyes. As well, her former Master Quinlan Vos stands next to him, a bright beaming smile on HIS face. Aayla can’t help but sneak a glance in his direction, a quirk upward of her lips answering his happiness.
“Under normal circumstances, a Knight even of your caliber would not be considered for the rank of Master until after your first Padawan had passed their trials, and perhaps not even then. However… these are not normal circumstances.”
Any happiness Aayla was feeling immediately dims, and even Quinlan’s face drops as a sense of pure, utter somberness fills the chamber. Even the Jedi High Council has been reduced. Aayla hadn’t known the Jedi Master Coleman Trebor personally, and he was a relatively recent addition to the Jedi High Council from what she’d heard, having only joined five years ago. However, that did not change the fact that his loss was keenly felt in these chambers.
His death in the Battle for Geonosis was only one of many, as well. The Jedi High Council had been reduced, but their loss of one member, albeit a sterling and beloved one, did not even begin to give the whole picture. Of the two-hundred and twelve Jedi that Master Windu had assembled for the Geonosis Strike Team… only thirty had survived.
It was supposed to be a show of force, of the Jedi Order’s overwhelming resolve, an intimidation tactic that would force the Separatists and Dooku to stand down. Instead, it was the single greatest loss of Jedi life to take place in a thousand years. Not since the time of the Ruusan Reformation, of Jedi Lords and the Brotherhood of Darkness and the New Sith Wars had so many Jedi been killed at once.
The Jedi Order was strong. Ten-thousand Jedi spread across the galaxy, or so Aayla had been told. But even still… the loss of nearly two hundred Jedi had put the events on Geonosis, and indeed the events taking place across the galaxy even now, into stark contrast. There was no denying it any more… the Republic was at War, and the Jedi Order with it.
Letting her emotions flow through and out of her into the Force, Aayla breathes out slowly, even as Master Windu continues on after the moment of silence passes.
“In light of recent events, all Trials have been suspended. The Supreme Chancellor, with the support of the Senate, has decided that the Jedi will be invested with the leadership of the Galactic Army of the Republic. All Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights have been conferred the rank of General. All Jedi Padawans have been conferred the rank of Commander.”
Windu’s jaw clenches at that, making it clear exactly what he thinks of the Supreme Chancellor and the Senate’s decision. There’s a rippling through the rest of the High Council as well… no one is happy. Still, he continues on.
“As such, it is the opinion of this Council that our Padawans will likely show themselves worthy of the title of Knight soon enough. In times of great strife and conflict, the Jedi have always risen to the occasion. In that regard… Master Kenobi, please step forward as well.”
Aayla glances to Obi-Wan, but he doesn’t look all that surprised… just a tad withdrawn. As he comes up to stand beside her, they both turn their attention onto Master Windu.
“Master Kenobi… Master Secura. In light of recent events, this Council wishes to ask if you believe your Padawans worthy of the title of Jedi Knight. The mission to protect the Senator from Naboo clearly became much more than was originally intended. The Council believes the threats that your Padawan’s faced, the problems they solved, are comparable to some of the harshest possible Jedi Trials one could contend with. However, as their Masters, it is your opinion that counts for the most.”
Ah. That was… hm. Aayla can’t help but grimace, as she finds herself in a place of unexpected turmoil. Before the events of the last few weeks, the Twi’lek would have happily taken this chance to see Tylo promoted to Knight. He was… well, more often than not throughout his apprenticeship, it had felt like he was the one teaching her, and not just because of their sexual relationship.
Indeed, as she stands there, indecisive, Aayla can see Shaak Ti watching her curiously. The Togruta Jedi Master who had been one of Tylo’s greatest detractors once upon a time, was clearly more than ready to support him and Aayla if she spoke up on his behalf right now. The only problem was… Aayla wasn’t sure that she could.
She knew full well what she’d felt back on Geonosis, when Tylo, in a moment of panic, had stopped Janga Fett from blowing them all to hell. Using the Force to cut off an opponent’s voice was not in and of itself inherently of the Dark Side. But that panic… that fear… it had felt of the Dark Side to Aayla. Tylo had not been merely reacting, he had been reacting with terror to something that he must have sensed or… or something.
And worst of all, they hadn’t gotten a chance to talk about it yet. If they had, maybe her own concerns would already be put at ease. Maybe her anxiety over what she’d felt would already be laid to rest. As it is… she finds herself torn between what had been an otherwise perfect apprenticeship up to this point, and what she’d felt in that moment, as well as what lay unresolved between the two of them.
“… It is my opinion that my Padawan is close, but not quite ready for Knighthood, Council Members. I believe Annie will be ready to be Knighted as soon as the next few months… but not now. Not in this moment. I would prefer to keep her at my side for a little while longer yet.”
Master Kenobi’s words wash over Aayla, and in that moment, she finds herself latching onto them like a lifeline. There had been several moments during their shared mission together where Aayla had not quite agreed with Obi-Wan’s decisions but felt obligated to support him all the same as he was the Master and she just a Knight. But in this moment… she’s surprised to find she’s wholly in agreement with him.
“Yes. Master Kenobi is correct. I do not believe it would make for a strong foundation for Tylo’s Knighthood for this to be the moment where he is elevated. A few more months… a few more months, and I’m sure he will be ready. But not now.”
Echoing Master Kenobi’s words, Aayla feels a sense of calm wash over her, even as the Jedi High Council exchange glances at their response. This… this is the right call.
After a moment, Master Windu inclines his head and speaks up.
“Very well. Wise words, from both of you. We shall table the decision for the time being and-!”
Mid-word, the chamber rocks ever so slightly. It’s barely felt, at least physically… but the spike of fear and terror from those in the Jedi Temple below is felt MUCH more clearly by all those in the high chamber. Something has happened.
Before anyone can even react beyond a slight tensing, a holocall comes in, one that Master Windu answers immediately.
“What is it?”
“Master Windu, sir! It’s… it’s the bounty hunter, Fett!”
There’s a rustle through the chamber at that, and Aayla’s eyes widen as Mace’s jaw clenches.
“Has she escaped? Has she harmed anyone?”
“N-No sir… no one else was in the room, and it’s one of the security rooms so it was reinforced…”
As the Jedi trails off, Mace Windu has to take a moment to visibly calm himself before speaking again.
“Speak clearly. What has happened?”
“An explosion, sir! We’re still trying to figure out exactly what… but it looks like she had some sort of suicide charge that was missed on the initial pass over. No one else was harmed… but the bounty hunter’s been vaporized, sir. Not a trace of her left.”
There’s a pause at that, even as Aayla feels a stab of sorrow. Not just for how hard she and her Padawan had tried to save the woman from herself… but also for the child that Fett would leave behind. That child, it would seem, is the next thing on Mace’s mind as well.
“What of the child? Her clone?”
“Let me check, sir.”
There’s a pause… and then the same Jedi comes back over the holocall.
“Missing, Master Windu! Boba Fett hasn’t been seen for hours!”
A hush falls over the Council Chamber at that. Enemy action. It was the only possibility. Enemy action in the heart of the Jedi Temple, just as war was cropping up all across the galaxy. And their greatest potential source of information, Janga Fett… was dead.
Stumbling down a corridor, Janga Fett curses, having to catch herself on a wall with her stumps, still very much bereft of hands. Frankly, death might be better than this… but it wasn’t about just her anymore. It hadn’t been, for a long time.
“Do not worry, my friend. We shall get you patched up swiftly enough. For your loyalty, a pair of new hands is the least I can do.”
Sweat dripping from her brow, teeth gritted as she glares at the back of the man escorting her through tunnels beneath the Jedi Temple that they themselves apparently didn’t fully know about or go into, Janga shakes her head, letting droplets spray everywhere.
“Don’t… care about that. Boba. What have they done with Boba?”
“I couldn’t tell you… at least, not yet. They seem to have moved Boba Fett off-world, after your latest… conversation with them did not yield the answers they wanted. But don’t fret… we shall get her back. Wherever the Jedi have hidden her, we will find her. Together.”
At that last word, Count Dooku looks back over his shoulder at her, giving her a smile that would have been almost reassuring, almost grandfatherly… if not for the stark yellow of his eyes. Still, it’s not as if Janga, a cripple with no hands and a missing daughter stashed away somewhere by the Jedi, has any other options. And so, as Dooku turns around and continues leading her through the labyrinthian tunnels under the Jedi Temple, Janga curses under her breath… and follows.

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