A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 40: A Decision Made

On the one hand, Tylo could not say he’d particularly enjoyed his time on Kamino. Bo-Katan Kryze notwithstanding, the whole place has been rather awful. First, he was with Master Kenobi and walking on egg-shells because the Jedi Master thought he was a terrible influence on Annie. If only Kenobi had realized the real terrible influence was the Senator that the Jedi Master had assigned his Padawan to guard, heh.
Then, before he could even get comfortable around Master Kenobi, they’d immediately run into a new situation that had him walking on egg-shells. The Kaminoan Prime Minister… was in league with the Sith. To say Tylo had been shocked would be an understatement. To say he was nervous, even more so. He’d been afraid, and that fear very well might have contributed to his brushes with the Dark Side.
On top of that, Kamino was also the sight of his frankly humiliating ‘fight’ with young Boba Fett. Tylo would be smarting from THAT loss for some time to come. At least with his spar against Bo-Katan he was going up against a full fledged Mandalorian Warrior. But Boba? Falling for her trap, with all of his advantages, was inexcusable. Losing his lightsaber for a time in the process, even more so.
At least he had that back now. And… even if Kamino was the last place he wanted to go, what were their other options, really? If he and Aayla rejected Shaak Ti’s offer, it wasn’t like they would just stay at the Jedi Temple, keeping out of the war. No, they would be sent into battle at the head of a Clone Trooper Battalion. They would ultimately be set up to fight in the war, just like the rest of the Jedi were… and all of it, seemingly as part of some overarching plan from the Sith.
There was only one way Tylo could be sure that they weren’t necessarily playing into the Sith’s hands at this point, and that was to follow up on the one lead they had, wasn’t it? After all, he could be sure that Lama Su at least did not know about his abilities, or else Tylo was confident he wouldn’t have gotten off of Kamino alive.
So, while going back to Kamino did fill him with a certain amount of dread… it also just made sense. There would be answers there, answers that only he might actually be able to suss out through close contact with the right individuals. And at the same time, having Aayla and him as back-up would make sure Shaak Ti and Maris were safer while they conducted their own investigations. While he might have just met his fellow Padawan, Tylo was already developing a soft spot for her, and quite easily at that. She was cute.
That all thought out, his dick still buried in the Togruta Jedi Master laid out before him, Tylo finally clears his throat and makes his opinion known.
“Master… I think we should take Master Ti up on this offer. Together, the four of us might be able to use Kamino to figure out just what’s going on with this war.”
Aayla cocks her head to the side, her eyes flicking to Tylo as he hears her thoughts.
Are you sure, Padawan? It will likely restrict our movements.
Tylo nods ever so slightly, both to show he’s sure and to acknowledge her point. He can’t answer her outright at the moment, but while she’s right that they would be restricted to Kamino specifically, the fact was, they would probably be restricted in their movements regardless. Wherever they were sent would be where they were expected to stay, presiding over some battlefield until they won the day, or guarding some pivotal location to the war’s infrastructure or something.
… In a way, Kamino WAS that latter option, but it also represented their best bet at getting the shit done that they actually wanted to get done, as well as the answers they actually wanted to find. Besides…
“And I’m sure that as a High Council Member, Master Ti can use us as her own personal attached Master-Padawan duo, sending us off-world on any missions that she can’t leave Kamino to do herself. Does that sound doable, Master Ti?”
Tylo’s polite question is met with an amused look from Shaak Ti, who IS still naked after all, as well as laid out on her back, with his throbbing cock buried inside of her. In fact, they haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet, what with the Jedi Master stopping them ahead of time and demanding an explanation. He supposes his respectful tone IS a little ridiculous, given their current circumstances and their overall relationship up to this point.
Still, the Togruta Master nods, smiling a wry smile.
“Indeed, that would make perfect sense. I can’t see anyone complaining about it, really.”
And if they do, they can take it up with me. I’m not about to lose out on access to Padawan Vondin for months or even years on end. No, better to keep him close… keep him safe. As safe as anyone can be in a galaxy that’s gone crazy.
Tylo blinks at that, surprised by the sudden selfish turn that Shaak Ti’s thoughts had taken. It would seem she had ulterior motives for wanting him and Aayla to come to Kamino, motives he’d not caught onto immediately. Still… he’s flattered, if nothing else.
“Well, if you’re sure that you can get such a proposal through Master Ti, I will bow to your wisdom on this matter.”
Aayla’s response is measured and polite as well, causing Shaak Ti to scoff.
“I am a member of the Jedi High Council. They will not deny me. Now… you two have left me waiting long enough, don’t you think?”
Fuck me already, damn you! Fuck me!
As Shaak Ti’s thoughts blare out from her, Aayla draws Tylo’s eye, and smirks at him.
Well now, it would seem our roommate is getting rather uppity, Padawan. Time to put her in her place, I’d say.
Tylo lets out a deep, throaty chuckle. Shaak Ti might assume it’s because of her words, when in actuality Aayla knows its because of her thoughts. Reaching down, he grabs the Togruta Jedi Master by her red thighs, digging his fingers in and sending a pulse of Force ‘Healing’ into her flesh at the same time. But of course, Shaak Ti is in perfect health, so the result is a lewd cry from her lips, as he charges her flesh with the living force so close to where they’re joined together, over-sensitizing her crotch and core right as he finally begins thrusting into her.
Watching her face go from haughty and expectant to contorting in pleasure and ecstasy in just a moment will honestly never get old. Nor will listening to her thoughts as she lets out a gurgling moan.
Yes! Yes, Padawan! Take me! Treat me like the trashy Togruta slut I am!
That, Tylo is more than happy to do. Thrusting into Shaak Ti harder and faster than he did her new Padawan, Maris, Tylo plows the gorgeous Jedi Master nonstop, fucking her without hesitation and without pause. He loves how tight she is around his cock, loves how even as a sitting member of the High Council, Shaak Ti makes sure to stay in shape.
But then to be fair, Togruta were a species that lived for the hunt. It was no surprise that Master Ti was so athletic, so fit and toned beneath those voluminous Jedi Robes that she wore. Tylo wasn’t so self-centered nor egotistical as to believe that Shaak Ti ONLY stayed in such glorious shape for him and Aayla to enjoy at their leisure.
… That said, he did like to think the pair of them were of great assistance to the Jedi Master in helping her stay in shape, especially with extended sessions like this one was already slowly turning into.
As he fucks Shaak Ti hard and fast, Aayla Secura is far from idle. The blue-skinned Twi’lek Jedi Master watches for a moment, letting him find his rhythm and enjoying the sight of Shaak Ti’s facial expressions contorting just as much as Tylo does… but then she enters the fray, not inclined to wait for her turn… not when she and Tylo do not need to cross paths when it comes to pleasuring themselves upon the slutty Togruta Council Member’s body.
The pleasured look on Shaak Ti’s face is abruptly replaced with Aayla’s ass, at least from Tylo’s point of view. The Twi’lek abruptly sits herself down on Shaak Ti’s face, plopping her gushing wet pussy mound right onto Shaak Ti’s mouth.
Shaak Ti certainly doesn’t mind… until, that is, Aayla goes for her weak spot. Reaching down, the Twi’lek Jedi Master grabs her peer by the montrals, yanking Shaak Ti’s head up by her sensitive, hollow horns and pulling her face into Aayla’s dripping quim all the harder. The result is immediate, as it would be if Tylo had Shaak Ti on her hands and knees and decided to use her horns as handlebars while fucking her from behind.
The Togruta Jedi’s thoughts quickly become incomprehensible, and as Tylo and Aayla double team her together, she becomes little more than a toy for them to use, her body wiggling and writhing and climaxing helplessly beneath the two of them. Aayla’s thoughts are much more coherent, though they’re nothing Tylo has not heard before.
Oh yes! Yes, take it you Togruta bitch! Ugh, you red-skinned sluts always look down on us Twi’leks, but deep down inside, you want to be fucked and dominated and enslaved just as much! Our species were MADE with our brains dangling from our heads! We were designed to submit! So SUBMIT to my Padawan, you fucking whore!
… Yeah, they were things Aayla would never in a million years say out loud, but she tended to really get into it, especially when her and he were having their fun with Shaak Ti together. That said…
Nnngh! I- oh Force. Padawan, you’re hearing all of this, aren’t you?
There it is. Tylo can’t help but grin a little bit, as Aayla abruptly spins around atop Shaak Ti’s head. Turning around to face him, Aayla has a wide-eyed, hunted look on her face as she realizes that not only can he hear her thoughts right now, but he’s ALWAYS been able to hear her thoughts every time they’ve had their way with Shaak Ti together.
… And they’ve had their way with Shaak Ti together dozens of times over the years, especially after he’d convinced the Togruta to stop running from her true feelings and they’d all moved into this set of quarters together. Tylo has heard every thought that Aayla had, every word that entered her head. He can see the true meaning of that finally hitting his beloved Master, the realization finally crashing down on her properly.
She hadn’t allowed herself to really understand what that meant until this moment, as Shaak Ti is eating her out and she’s riding the other woman while he fucks Shaak Ti hard and fast through orgasm after orgasm.
Reaching forward, Tylo plants a thumb on Aayla’s lips and presses gently, her mouth opening and her lips parting in a moment to grant him access. As he slides the thumb into her mouth, she obediently begins to suck, even as she stares at him in silence. Well, not quite silence. After all, she doesn’t need an unoccupied mouth to ‘speak’ to him anymore.
Padawan, I-!
Still, Tylo cuts off even her projected thought to him, quirking up the side of his mouth as he reaches out with his free hand and gives one of her lekku a harsh tug. Yanking her forward, Aayla’s hands fall upon Shaak Ti’s breasts as she catches herself, gasping around his thumb in her mouth as she’s brought within inches of his face.
Her thoughts grow a little incoherent, as he continues to toy with her lekku. Just the one though, so eventually she’s able to get herself under control.
Nnngh… p-please Padawan, please… t-take me. Take us both. Claim us.
Tylo understands the difference between fantasy and reality… and between delirious desire and actual want. He’s not about to collar Aayla and Shaak Ti and start parading them around the Jedi Temple, or more appropriately, Kamino, on leashes. But he doesn’t have to. In the bedroom, they all know who’s in charge here.
With a growl, Tylo pulls his thumb free of Aayla’s mouth, grabs hold of her second lekku, and pulls on both of them. As she cums on the spot, her eyes rolling back in her head, he’s jerked her forward the last fraction of distance between them, right into his waiting mouth.
Fucking Shaak Ti hard and fast, kissing Aayla deeply and lovingly, Tylo dominates each of them in some form or fashion. His tongue wrestles Aayla’s into submission, and his cock stretches Shaak Ti’s cunt out as it always does. Her pussy will no doubt tighten back up again like it always does, but for now it’s molded to the shape of his member as he thrusts into her again and again.
Tylo isn’t sure exactly how long it is that he loses himself in the two alien Jedi. He’s not sure how long it is until he hears the quiet exclamation from behind him.
“… wow…”
A glance back over his shoulder however, disengaging from his lip lock with Aayla for a moment, shows that Maris has finally awoken. She’s staring with wide eyes at the sight, her hands moving over her body, and Tylo doesn’t need to be a Mind Reader to know exactly what the cute Zabrak Padawan is thinking as she bites her lower lip. Still, he is and thus he does know exactly what she’s thinking.
I wish that were me…
While that doesn’t necessarily tell him whether she means Aayla or Shaak Ti at the moment, it doesn’t really matter. They have all the time in the world to explore BOTH options as he reaches out with the Force and yanks Maris off of the couch, bringing her to her feet and causing her to stumble in their direction. Initially, the Zabrak yelps at the sudden forced movement, but then she starts walking on her own, stumbling over to join in the fun.
And oh, what fun they have…

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