A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 41: Bo-Katan Kryze Redux

“Finally going to get a real spar out of you, Padawan. No more excuses, no holding back. Hope you’re ready to taste the floor.”
Tylo smiles softly at that, even as he twirls his practice saber around him, getting a feel for the weapon. Standing across from Bo-Katan Kryze in a private training room located within the Jedi Temple, Tylo tilts his head to the side, giving the armored Mandalorian a simple, passive stare that he knows will piss her off.
“Prepare yourself, Bo-Katan Kryze. You’re facing me at my full strength now.”
A bark of laughter emits from her helmet, as she puts her hands on her holstered blasters.
The Padawan gets one saber and suddenly he’s full of himself. Going to enjoy taking him down a notch. Little bastard deserves a wakeup call.
Tylo is very careful not to let his reaction to her thoughts show on his face. It wouldn’t do to wince and let on that he knows what she’s thinking, that he can feel the tinge of anger in her thoughts. She’s doing a good job of hiding it from him, from all the Jedi really. Even in the force, Bo-Katan is an entirely reasonable simmer, rather than the ball of fury most would expect given the circumstances.
Neither of them gives a countdown, or anything like that. One moment, they’re staring at one another… the next, violence erupts. Bo-Katan is the first to act of course, exploding up into the air on her jetpack and drawing her blasters at the same time. But unlike their first spar together back on Kamino, Tylo is no longer at a significant disadvantage.
One might think he was, given Bo-Katan was wearing full beskar armor and he was wearing your standard Padawan tunic and pants. But this time around, Tylo was wielding the one weapon he’d trained in the most extensively throughout his apprenticeship. The weapon he’d focused on so damn much that he’d gotten the attention of Master Soara Antana herself.
Rather than dodge, Tylo’s training saber comes up and easily kicks Bo-Katan’s blaster bolts right back up at her, forcing HER to take immediate evasive maneuvers.
She’s clearly caught off guard by it. Deflecting blaster bolts was easy… reflecting them was much more difficult, and thus not quite as well-known among bounty hunters and mercenaries who might have had previous run ins with Jedi and other Force-Wielding Sentients.
Regardless, Tylo doesn’t let his little trick go to waste. His moment of surprise affords him an opportunity he’s not going to let pass him by. As Bo-Katan swerves out of the way, he lowers his center of mass, bunching up his legs… and springs forth up into the air, directly at her. She’s not nearly ready for it, or for him to grab onto the top of her chestplate and use both his body weight AND the Force to slam them both down into the ground.
Little known fact… it was difficult, moving another living thing with your mind. It took either decades of experience and practice, of training and meditation… or an immense amount of power. Shoving people off their feet was another story but grabbing someone in the Force… it wasn’t something most people could do.
But at the same time, it was comparatively VERY easy to move yourself with your mind. In fact, learning to feel the flow of the Force within your body, cycling it through your form, and using it to enhance your physical attributes… why, that was one of the earliest techniques a Jedi learned, all the way back when they were still a Trainee.

Technically, this was a maneuver Tylo could have pulled on Bo-Katan back on Kamino… if he’d been in a better frame of mind. If he’d thought about it a bit more. If he’d hadn’t lost his lightsaber to a silly trap by a now-missing child. If, if, if.
Fact was, he’d had time to think about it, and had realized that even without his lightsaber, there were a dozen different things he could have done. This was just one of them.
And so, Tylo uses the Force not on Bo-Katan, but on himself… and sends them both slamming into the floor a moment later, the tip of his training saber up under the chin of the Mandalorian woman’s helmet as he grins down at her.
… This little shit.
He feels her anger rising in the actual Force, not just in the tone of her thoughts. Pushing back off of her, he’s quick to let her up, though he shows none of his anxiety as he offers her his hand. To her credit, Bo-Katan doesn’t reject it, grabbing his hand and letting him pull her to her feet as she lets out a modulated grunt.
“… Nice move, Padawan.”
He inclines his head in acknowledgment of the compliment, while inwardly breathing a sigh of relief. Still, as he retakes his position, the two of them knowing neither is done with the other quite yet, he watches her with a critical eye… before finally broaching the subject creating a small divide between them.
“I thought you’d be angrier, to be honest. I wouldn’t blame you either.”
Bo-Katan pauses at that.
Oh, so we’re doing this now. Tch, if I didn’t know better, I’d say he was trying to distract me from the spar to give himself a leg up.
And then, because of course she would, Bo-Katan gives him a crooked grin.
“What? Trying to distract me from the fight to give yourself an advantage, Padawan? How devious of you.”
Tylo shakes his head, his saber up in the guard position. They begin to circle one another, Bo-Katan’s blasters already in her hands… but she’s learned her lesson. She doesn’t go for the shot, knowing full well that said shots will come right back at her if she’s not careful.
“You know me better than that. I’m serious. What are you thinking? What are you feeling?”
“Hah! Coming from a Jedi, those sorts of questions are hilarious!”
Blasters are less than helpful in this fight. Need to go more esoteric.
Both the Force and his telepathy are enough warning that when Bo-Katan suddenly activates the flamethrower in one of her gauntlets, Tylo is able to jump backwards. Of course, she clearly expects that, because she immediately follows it up with blaster fire that he dodges or deflects.
“Fine! Yes, I’m fucking furious!”
Must be losing my touch, if he was able to pick up on that.
“But not at you. Not like a Padawan can answer for the idiocy and incompetence of your Council.”
Tylo grimaces, knowing exactly what she’s talking about… and not really having a fair reply to her accusations.
“We both know Janga didn’t kill herself. She was assassinated in the heart of your shitty fucking Temple. That’s bad enough, really. But to lose the kid too?”
Tch, your Council better hope Boba is alive out there somewhere. Better hope that she turns up healthy and whole. Because if not… there WILL be a reckoning. Maybe not today. But some day.
He’s not surprised that she keeps that last part to herself. And… it’s hard to blame her, as well. He’s frustrated himself, in a way. Obviously, the Council isn’t going to listen to a Padawan when Tylo swears to them that Janga Fett was not suicidal. In their defense, they DID have a lot on their plate right now… but that didn’t necessarily make it better.
They seemed to be of the opinion that Janga had gotten Boba into a position to escape, and then killed herself once her clone was in the wind. But then, if that were the case… why leave the Firespray behind? Janga Fett’s Slave I was still in the Temple Hangar, untouched. If Boba was going to run, she should have tried to steal it… right?
Well, the Council didn’t seem to agree. No, they considered the matter closed, beyond a token investigation to try to track where Boba ran to. But that was just it. Assuming Boba had run off of her own volition assumed that she only had her own resources. If she was taken, then the resources of her kidnappers could be limitless. ESPECIALLY if those kidnappers were the Sith that had hired Janga Fett in the first place.
It was a fucking mess, to be sure… and it was a source of inner turmoil for Tylo, if he was being honest.
Not so much that he was going to give even one ounce of ground to Bo-Katan in this spar, however. As they exchange blows, maneuvering back and forth against one another, he’s admittedly abusing the absolute hell out of his mind-reading as well as the Force, to always be one step ahead of her. And with a lightsaber firmly in his hands… well, he doesn’t dare claim to be invincible, but he’s certainly a lot better off.
It's not long before Tylo is able to get into Bo-Katan’s guard again, his low-powered saber knocking her blasters from her grasp instead of cutting them in half, before he sweeps her armored legs out from under her with a Force-enhanced kick, and turning off his saber to plant the emitter up under her chestplate in a move that would surely severe her spine, if it weren’t a training saber.
“You too, Padawan.”
His eyes narrow, and he glances down to see hidden blades protruding from her vambraces, tickling his own gut. While the lethality of such weapons was a bit more questionable than his own, she could certainly disembowel and spill his entrails from his body on her way out… so he’d give it to her.
Nodding once, Tylo gives Bo-Katan a grin… only to blink when she suddenly reaches up, one hand tearing her helmet off and the other reaching up to grab him by his hair and yank him down into a kiss.
Fucking smug little bastard. At least he’s not little where it counts, I suppose.
So, they were doing this now, apparently. Kryze’s blood was clearly up, and now it was time for the other side of their sparring, it would seem. Except, she was still wearing her armor, and thus very bulky. Reaching out with the Force, while also using his hands in the right places, Tylo fiddles with the catches and latches and straps of her beskar, unbuckling and opening up the armored shell that the beautiful red head came in.
She jolts in surprise as some parts of her armor just fall clean off of her, and when they pull back for air, she narrows her gaze at him.
“Could you do that the whole time?”
I swear by Mandalore if he says yes…
“I could… not.”
Her eyes narrow further, and Tylo laughs as he feels her up, his hands going to her chest to casually grope her until she scoffs and reaches down to his pants, grabbing his crotch and fondling him right back in return. As they get more and more heated however, she doesn’t let it go.
Shrugging, Tylo sees no harm in doing so. Bo-Katan is an ally, after all.
“It requires proximity and a lot more concentration than the heat of battle would give me. Locating the straps and latches on your armor in the Force from twenty feet away would be a lot harder. Doing anything to them while you were raining blaster fire… and literal fire as the case might be, down upon me… that would be something else entirely.”
Makes sense. Still a smug little bastard though.
He’s a little surprised she only thinks it and doesn’t say it out loud. It sounds like the kind of thing Bo-Katan wouldn’t hesitate to say to him. But instead, she just grunts and works his cock out of his pants, with Tylo helping by pushing his trousers all the way down his legs and off of his body entirely. In turn, her own legs spread… for a moment before she bucks him off of her and spins around, onto her hands and knees.
Her desire is made obvious when she yanks her own pants and underwear down to her knees, damn near ripping them in her haste before pulling one thigh aside to expose her glistening cunt. Tylo wastes no time in spearing into Bo-Katan from behind, his hands falling upon her pale hips as he begins to fuck her hard and fast right there in the training room.
Technically, this space really wasn’t made to be used for this… but it was what it was, he supposed. Luckily, he’d had the foresight to get them a private slot, because he could totally imagine the audience, they’d have had out in the more public training areas. And somehow, he half-suspected Kryze would have been tempted to go this route even if they DID have an audience of Jedi watching their every move.
Fuck, he’s as good as ever. Only one thing missing…
Tylo grunts, as Bo-Katan reaches behind her and grabs one of his wrists, yanking him forward. He ends up leaning over her, mounting her as she securely wraps his hand around her neck.
“Choke me, damn you. Fucking choke me.”

Well, it’s better than him giving into the Dark Side of the Force to do it, he supposes. Though… there’s no reason he can’t use the Force to choke her without using the Dark Side, right? It takes a moment to feel it out, and somehow Tylo feels like he does in fact need his hand around her neck to do it without succumbing to his more negative emotions… but still, he manages it.
Yessss. That’s the stuff~
She certainly seems to think so, all gagging and gurgling as he grips down on her neck with both his hand AND his mind, all while fucking her from behind. Her cunt is unbelievably tight as a result of her asphyxiation, and as Tylo satisfies Bo-Katan’s asphyxiation fetish, she cums more than once around his pistoning member. Until finally, he can hold back no further himself. Reaching the edge, he considers for a moment… before pulling out and cumming all over her backside and back, coating the Mandalorian mercenary in his jizz.
She grunts as he paints her with his cum, gasping one last time before he releases his grip on her throat. Not quite falling forward as he pulls back from her, Bo-Katan nevertheless takes a moment, resting and panting as Tylo catches his breath as well.
“… At least your shitty Council saw reason and gave me custody of Slave I. If they’d insisted on keeping Janga’s ship… I’m not sure I could have held back. Would have gone and gotten together a little Mandalorian Warband if it came to that.”
Tylo snorts, even though he can tell from her thoughts mirroring her words that she’s deadly serious. Flipping over onto her back, Bo-Katan looks at him almost lazily.
“… Heard you’re going back to Kamino. Question is… where do you want ME, huh?”

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