A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 43: Barriss Offee

He can’t help himself. But that doesn’t mean Tylo is going to be mean about it. He could have gotten all up in her face, turning hostile and aggressive… but no. That’s not appropriate even in better circumstances than this. And these are NOT good circumstances.
Instead, he remains seated in his meditation pose and gives Barriss Offee a slight smile, tilting his head to the side and staring at her knowingly.
“Is something wrong, Padawan Offee?”
Barriss immediately goes stiff, her eyes widening as though she’s been caught out in some sort of lie or something.
He knows! No… there’s no way he knows. Ah, but h-he must suspect. Damn it. Damn him. Damn the Force… damn all of this. I c-can’t give in. I can’t let him distract me from what I’m doing here. Maybe… maybe that will work. I’ll just t-tell him the truth.
“Y-You’re a distraction.”
Luckily, Tylo has a much better Sabacc face then Barriss does, because frankly, the young Mirialan’s mind is a mess. Really looking at her for a long moment, Tylo notes how she is a bit younger than him after all. Not too much younger, but definitely a year or so. It made sense, based on what he remembered of Luminara’s thoughts on the matter. The Mirialan Jedi Master had known she would be taking Barriss as her padawan very soon, but had been willing to take Tylo on first.
Was that where the problem lay? Did Barriss feel awkward around him because of what could have been? He could have been her Senior Padawan. Technically he still was, but there was a difference. They could have been as close as siblings, rather than simply two Padawans in the Jedi Temple. Or… they could have been something else.
“Am I, Padawan Offee? I’m doing my best to stay out of the way. I’m off to the side, out of most people’s sight. I’m attempting to be as unobtrusive as possible. If there’s something you need from me in particular… just say the word.”
Barriss’ blush tells him he’s right on the money, even before he hears her next thoughts.
Oh Force, he definitely suspects. Nooo… Master, why did you have to talk him up so much? I was doing so well! I hadn’t had a wet dream about Tylo Vondin in ages! No! Barriss, get ahold of yourself! This isn’t the time! These men and women… t-they need your help! Be they Jedi or Clones, you can’t abandon them to play the slut for an older Padawan!
Well, that certainly lays it out, doesn’t it? But of course, Barriss isn’t willing to say any of that. Instead, she flashes him a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes and shakes her head.
“N-No. I don’t need anything from you, Padawan Vondin. Please… carry on.”
Ah, now she’s giving up on trying to remove him. Cute… but Tylo can tell just how much of a mess the young Mirialan currently is. And more than that, he feels like there’s something he can do about it. He doesn’t want to just leave Barriss to stew in… everything she’s feeling. And so he reaches out and grabs hold of her sleeve just as she’s turning to leave.
“Wait. Barriss, please… one of the most important things a Jedi Healer can do is look after their own health. You’re stretching yourself too thin… and this war is just beginning. Let me help you.”
Stopping dead in her tracks, Barriss looks back at him with wide eyes, her green skin aflame beneath the diamond pattern tattooed across the bridge of her nose.
“H-Help me? How so?”
In her mind’s eye, Tylo reads not words, but images. And he smiles softly, because though she’s trying her hardest to deny her own desires, Barriss knows exactly what she wants from him in the end. Moving his grip from her sleeve to her hand, he intertwines his fingers with her fingers, to a complete and total lack of resistance.
“Let me show you.”
When he guides her away to an empty nearby room… Barriss follows willingly.
“O-Oh Force! We shouldn’t be d-doing this… w-what if someone walks in?”
Please don’t stop! Nnngh!
Tylo just smiles, as he toys with Barriss’ naked green body. Getting her out of her clothes hadn’t been particularly difficult, once they were alone, safely ensconced in a nearby storage room. And sure, someone might walk in on them at any moment, but that was part of the thrill. Mentally at least, Barriss agreed. She was being a lot more honest with herself, even if she wasn’t being honest with him just yet.
But that was okay. Tylo knew what she wanted, and he was all too happy to give it to her. Running his hands up and down her body, playing with her small breasts and her rock hard nipples, Tylo lowers his mouth between the Mirialan Padawan’s thighs and gives her moist, wet slit a long, languid lick that terminates with him pressing down on her clit and results in her quivering beneath him.
Pulling back, he looks up at her, shaking his head.
“Don’t fret, Barriss. No one will walk in on us. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Just relax… you’re too stressed. Your anxiety bleeds into the Force. Just as I was using my meditation to push positivity and good feelings into the infirmary, your very presence was detrimental to the recovery of the patients within.”
Barriss’ eyes widen at that, and her lower lip wobbles a bit.
I didn’t even realize. I didn’t know! Oh, Force I’m such a failure!
In truth, Tylo is somewhat talking out the side of his mouth. Any negative impact Barriss’ own stressed mental state would have on those around her would be negligible in the long run, especially when she wasn’t trying to push those feelings anywhere in particular like Tylo had been doing with his meditation. Sentient Beings were made of tougher stuff than that most of the time. Each living, breathing, thinking creature was an island unto itself.
Unless you were incredibly powerful, incredibly focused, or both, you weren’t going to force others to feel the way you were feeling. There was actually a lost Jedi Art called Battle Meditation that was said to allow such a thing, but it had been gone for quite a long time.
No, the real danger Barriss represented hadn’t been to those around her… but rather to herself. In the long run, the more she’d focused on her patients at her own expense, the more damage Tylo could see her doing to her psyche, to her mental state. The war was just starting after all, and he’d already found her in such a precarious situation.
But of course, Barriss would have been disinclined to listen to him if he said SHE was the only one in danger. It was better for her to believe his little white lie about her risking the health of her patients if she didn’t maintain a happy equilibrium within herself as well.
“Truly. But you don’t need to worry… together, we can make things right.”
Moaning, Barriss looks at him confused, her eyes already hazy and glazed over with blatant arousal. Her lower lip even trembles a bit as she quivers under his attentions.
F-Force, I just want him inside of me already and to be done with it! Master Unduli spoke so highly of Padawan Vondin… I always knew I’d end up on my back for him if we ever met! Nnngh, what’s he even talking about?!
“M-Make things right?”
Smiling toothily, Tylo just nods.
“Just relax. Focus on the pleasure. Do as I was doing… but work with me to spread positivity into the Force.”
With that simple set of instructions given, Tylo dives down, having no more time for words. The Mirialan Padawan’s eyes widen, and she gasps as Tylo’s tongue slides right into her cunt, working its way into her depths with ease and beginning to wriggle around. As he eats her out, kneeling down between her legs, his hands are on her body, moving up and down and groping her tits or sliding along her sides.
Barriss’ eyes flutter and her back arches from the pleasure, her mewling moans growing in volume.
F-Focus on the pleasure. And… and meditate? He wants me to… spread this feeling out? Like he was doing… but a dual meditation. I-I think I see. I think I understand.
To his distinct pleasure, she definitely does. It takes a couple of false starts, and he of course has to guide the endeavor… but slowly but surely, they begin to make progress. Bit by bit, Barriss comprehends what he’s trying to do and finds her way to mimicking his technique. In a way, it’s nothing like what he was doing while he was alone, to be fair.
But at the same time, it’s quite similar. There are just two of them now, taking all of the misery and heartache in the Temple Infirmary and soaking it in, only to let it all back out into the Force. But on top of that, they’re also releasing their pleasure and happiness into the Force as well. Barriss’ ecstasy flows from her, her Force presence shining brightly right alongside her melodic voice as her lewd cries fill the air.
Meanwhile, Tylo takes his pride and happiness at making HER happy, and releases that out as well. Together, they’re a small Force Beacon of Positivity, a dual meditation technique based somewhat on some of the things Luminara herself had taught Tylo all those years ago, combined with things he had trained in the years since to keep up on the subject.
He was never going to be a bonafide Jedi Healer, not like Barriss was clearly intent on being, but he understood the basic concepts… and he was all too happy to help the young Mirialan Jedi along on her path in this way.
As she cries out, cumming into his mouth, Tylo swallows her juices, accepting them while Barriss rides out the sudden orgasm. Only when she’s done and collapses backwards, panting, does he pull away and straighten up, reaching down and freeing his erection from its confines.
“Barriss. Do you want to go further?”
It takes her a second of recovery to hear him and then really look at him. Her eyes latch onto his cock and amusedly enough, he hears her thoughts both in her mind and from her lips at the same time. Her recent orgasm has left her filter completely off, apparently.
Of course, she immediately regrets it.
Oh Force, did I really just say that? N-No, I need to stop this now, I can’t let this happen, no matter how badly I want it-!
Barriss blushes a moment later and opens her mouth to take it back, but Tylo is too quick for her. He moves in between her splayed legs and spears the beautiful alien Jedi on his cock right then and there. She chokes on her own spit, the words on the tip of her tongue never coming as he fills her with his member right then and there.
“It’s alright, Barriss. Relax. Indulge. You are the Force and the Force is with you. Let it flow through you. Accept that not all things can be changed, but that you are doing your best all the same.”
Barriss moans, her eyes fluttering, her back arching, her hands going back over her head to press against the floor. Tylo thrusts in and out of her squelching cunt and watches the Mirialan positively lose control of herself. She takes his advice despite all of her apprehension and reluctance. She relaxes. She indulges.
It’s soooo good. M-Master Unduli was right, this is so much better. It’s like he knows exactly what I want! He’s playing me like a finely tuned instrument! I can’t… I can’t! I’m cummiiiiing!!!
With forewarning, Tylo can lean forward and cover Barriss’ mouth with his own, kissing his fellow Padawan as she squeals into his lips. He feels her happiness through the Force, and feels something loosen within her as well. This right here… it was more necessary than even Tylo had truly understood, he’s realizing in hindsight.
There had been a ball of building, budding resentment within Barriss Offee. Barely more than a kernel at this point perhaps, but there all the same. She was still very much a Jedi, still very much a healer… but time would not have helped her as it might help those still recovering in the infirmary. Especially not with a war going on. No, time would only have made the resentment fester within Barriss’ heart until it infected her mind.
Someone else might have noticed and done something about it before it got out of control, to be fair. Tylo wasn’t prone to labeling himself some sort of savior, or anything like that. He’s sure that Master Unduli might have stepped in before things got out of hand. But all the same, he’s happy to help Barriss in this moment. He’s happy to be able to share this with her.
As she cries out into his mouth yet again, cumming around his cock and squealing into his lips and in her mind, Tylo thrusts forward, his own ardor overcoming him. With a loud groan, he spills his seed inside of her, filling her to the brim.
From the, heh, singlemindedness of her thoughts, Barriss greatly enjoys this filling. Her eyes flutter as she gurgles haplessly beneath him. Pulling back, Tylo just smiles at her for a moment… before furrowing his brow ever so slightly in worry.
He’d said they didn’t need to worry about being discovered, but the truth was, this location and their activities within it had been… hm, risky to say the least. For a moment, he glances at the door to the storage room, a strange feeling rising up in him as though he was certain they were about to be discovered right then and there…

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