A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 44: Barriss & Luminara

His premonition turns out to be correct. Just as he’s opening his mouth to suggest that he and Barriss get dressed and end things here… the door to the storage room hisses open, and someone new walks in. Though, in truth she’s not very new at all.
As both he and Barriss freeze up at being found out in such a… scandalous situation, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli stops in her tracks, staring at them both with wide eyes for a long moment… before a slow smile spreads across her face.
Ah, I should have known. It was only a matter of time, given all the tales I told about Padawan Vondin.
“M-Master! I’m sorry, I-!”
Sweeping forward, the older Mirialan Jedi shakes her head, cutting Barriss off immediately.
“There is nothing to be sorry for, my dear. Nothing at all.”
Before Barriss can respond to that, before Tylo can even move from his position, Luminara drops to her knees beside them and takes hold of his cock, which after leaving Barriss’ cunt, has gone soft, for all that its still covered in their combined sexual fluids.
Barriss’ eyes snap to this sight, and she blushes profusely as she watches her Jedi Master begin stroking him off.
A-Ah. U-Um… ah…
Her thoughts are an outright mess at this point, even her thinking turned to sputtering unintelligibility. Luminara, on the other hand, gives them both a happy smile.
“I’m so glad that the two of you have finally gotten to meet… properly.”
Mm, and young Tylo has only gotten bigger in the time we’ve been apart. What a treat.
Tylo blinks at that. He’d never considered that before. It had been years for him and Luminara… he had always been well-endowed, but apparently he’d had some further growth in that time period, something the Jedi Master couldn’t help but notice given how long it had been for them.
“Allow me to assist with the clean-up~”
Master Unduli doesn’t wait for permission. She leans down right then and there and takes Tylo into her mouth in front of her impressionable young Padawan. Barriss gapes, her jaw hanging open as though unhinged as she stares at the both lewd AND ludicrous sight.
A Jedi Master debasing herself in such a way for a Padawan? Surely not…
And yet, even as the thought passes through Barriss’ head, she’s very much recognizing that this is reality. And… the sight is arousing her, there’s no doubt about it. Tylo, noting this, can’t help but smile as he brings a hand down atop Luminara’s head. He’s not the young Initiate she taught Force Healing Techniques to any longer. No, he’s all grown up now… he’s got even more confidence then he did back then.
Of everyone who could have walked in on them, Tylo decides that Luminara was the best case scenario. It was always going to end up like this if the Mirialan Jedi Master found them in this state, after all. With Barriss naked and covered in sweat, her insides coated with his jizz as she pants there on the floor before him, Tylo decides… Luminara is over-dressed.
He starts by pulling back the Jedi Master’s head-covering, something that causes Barriss to gasp, but Luminara to not even miss a beat. In fact, the older woman gets even more enthusiastic, her so-called ‘clean-up’ turning rapidly into a full-blown blowjob as Tylo exposes her head and runs his fingers through her hair.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
As her lips reach the base of his once-again erect cock over and over, Tylo grins… and uses the techniques SHE taught him to push his energy into her scalp directly. The Healing Technique turned towards a frankly lewd purpose makes Luminara’s eyes roll back in her head, her gurgling audible even through her gagging as she bucks her hips, cumming on the spot.
Ooooh yessss Padawan, you came to play, didn’t you? Don’t you dare stop!
He doesn’t intend to, though admittedly, he’s at least somewhat distracted by Barriss during all of this. The younger Mirialan did not fail to notice Luminara’s explosive orgasm. From the Padawan’s point of view, it looked as though her Jedi Master just shamelessly came from nothing more than sucking his dick. With Luminara bent over and angling her head to the side, the shaking of her hips and the bucking of her body were both incredibly noticeable.
Master Unduli… I c-can’t hold back any more…
Tylo has to hold back an amused snort at that, even as Barriss fully gives in to her lust, her hands descending across her naked body. When had the Mirialan Padawan ever been holding back, honestly? Still, it’s a rather arousing sight, with one of her hands on her breasts, the other down between her legs. She bites her lower lip and moans through her teeth as she fiddles with a nipple and bucks her hips up into her fingers. All while her eyes remain fixed on watching her Master deep throat his cock.
For his part, Tylo is already reaching the end of his rope. It’s his own fault, to be fair. Using the perverted version of Luminara’s Healing Techniques on the woman herself had resulted in her sucking him even more enthusiastically. Despite already cumming twice with Barriss, he was… well, it wasn’t long before he was tipping over the edge a third time. His balls churning, his cock jumping, Tylo lets out a heartfelt groan and proceeds to cum down Luminara’s throat.
Yes, Padawan! All of it!
To her credit, the Mirialan Jedi Master doesn’t miss a beat. She swallows every last drop, and not a single ounce of his semen manages to escape her lips, which are suctioned down around the base of his cock. Her gag reflex is repressed as she drinks and gulps until the job is done.
Pulling back, Luminara offers him another smile as her head leaves the reach of his hand. Then, she rises to her feet and begins to unwrap the rest of herself.
I’m not about to let an opportunity like this pass me by. I’ve been longing for a chance to do this for ages~
As she exposes her lithe, flexible, Mirialan body, Luminara’s eyes twinkle and she glances to both Tylo AND Barriss, chuckling throatily.
“Like what you see, Padawans?”
Tylo responds with a wolfish grin in response, but Barriss just sputters, incredibly embarrassed. Whether she was always intending to do what she did next, or it was Barriss’ reaction that pushed her to it, Luminara slowly lowers herself back down to the ground… and swiftly pins her Padawan in place. Covering Barriss with her body, Luminara moans as she arches her back, undulating across the younger Mirialan in a way that’s as much for Tylo as it is for her Padawan.
Don’t hesitate now, young Tylo. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.
She doesn’t say it aloud, but then she really doesn’t have to. Her actions speak for themselves, even if Tylo didn’t have the ability he has. As she pins Barriss to the ground and kisses her deeply, Luminara also lifts her hips high into he air, and reaches back down between her thighs to spready her pussy lips apart. Its an honest, earnest offering… and one Tylo wastes no time in taking advantage of.
His cock slides into the sopping wet Jedi Master without issue, sinking deep into her depths in an instant. Luminara moans into Barriss mouth in response, gurgling a bit as her pussy walls clench around his cock. Her thoughts rapidly become unintelligible, though even before then it’s all just a matter of begging and pleading in her mind for him to fuck her harder, to pound her silly.
That much, at least, Tylo can do. Focusing on the physical instead of the mental, Tylo grips Luminara’s hips hard and begins to really fuck her, pounding into her with all his might… but more than that, of course. Because as he’s fucking her, he’s also channeling the Force Healing Techniques once more, through both his fingers… and his dick.
Squealing into Barriss’ mouth, the Mirialan Jedi Master cums again and again upon his cock. Her Padawan kisses her back more and more… and as she sees her Master reduced to such a slutty state, she begins to get braver and braver, until it’s not so much that Luminara is pinning Barriss down anymore as he fucks her on top of the younger Mirialan.
No, instead it’s become Luminara being sandwiched between the two of them, effectively trapped between Tylo’s rock hard cock and Barriss’ explorative hands as the younger woman gets more and more enthusiastic about it, realizing in this moment that she has nothing to be ashamed of. After all, her Master is more than happy to make a spectacle of herself. So shouldn’t Barriss be doing the same?
It’s not all fun and games, though its definitely a whole lot of both as well. Tylo refused to let all of this pleasure and happiness that the three of them are experiencing be bottled up and contained between them. Instead, he acts as a conduit for both Barriss and Luminara, seeing as neither Mirialan is soon in a state where they can think about anything but each other, or in Luminara’s case, his big fat cock.
Funneling the positive feelings they’re all giving off into the Force, he continues his meditation from before, channeling the energy they’re producing into the Halls of Healing. Perhaps, just maybe, they’ll have an overall helpful effect on those from the Battle of Geonosis still healing within.
One thing is for sure though, as Tylo eventually slams forward and paints Luminara’s insides white with his seed. He’s left things better than he found them. He can see it in Barriss’ wonder-filled, wide-eyes as he locks gazes with her over the quaking, trembling Jedi Master’s shoulder. Whatever darkness had been seeking to take root inside of the young Mirialan woman… it’s vanquished for the time being.
He would still send Luminara a private message later on letting her know to keep an eye on her Padawan, however. He didn’t want to do it in front of Barriss, nor could he afford to linger for much longer. No. It was time. He, Aayla, Shaak Ti, and Maris… were all bound for Kamino.
“Commander CC-5052 reporting for duty, ma’am.”
Would have preferred an actual battlefield, but a good soldier follows orders…
Shaak Ti, in her position overseeing the training of the clones on Kamino, had not been assigned a proper Clone Battalion, or a Clone Commander. However, in her haste to get him and Aayla assigned to her, she hadn’t been able to stop them from receiving their Clone Battalion. Or rather, the argument she had used to have them assigned to her had been turned against her by the rest of the High Council. Mainly, if she felt more Jedi were needed to secure Kamino… then obviously, more clones were needed as well.
And so, since Aayla Secura had already had a battalion assigned to her before the change in assignment, they just kept that battalion, and the Clone Commander that came along with it, assigned. Now, here they all were on their way to Kamino, traveling on a Venerator-Class Cruiser to their destination. And of course, their new Clone Commander had seen fit to introduce herself.
This in and of itself wouldn’t normally be a problem… except, CC-5052 was a Janga Fett copy, and it was a little awkward to be face to face with one of the bounty hunter’s clones after… well, after Tylo’s actions had ultimately gotten her killed and left her child, albeit another clone, missing.
Staring into Janga Fett’s face, even knowing it wasn’t actually her… it was hard to be subjective. Though at least CC-5052’s thoughts were relatively different from the acerbic bounty hunter’s. She was trained to be a fighter yes, but not a mercenary. She was a soldier, as she’d said.
“Well met, Commander. Do you have a nickname you go by? Something besides a series of numbers?”
Tylo glances at Aayla, even as the Commander stiffens for a moment.
… They said the Jedi would probably know. No use trying to hide it, I suppose. Better to just rip off the bacta patch all at once.
“I go by Bly with my troops, General.”
There’s an almost anticipatory edge to the Clone Commander as she speaks. Almost like she expects Aayla to shut that down and tell her to never use a name ever again. It’s a weird expectation, in Tylo’s humble opinion. Especially since Aayla would never do that. Instead, the Twi’lek Jedi Master bobs her head in acknowledgment.
“Well met then, Commander Bly. I am Jedi Master Aayla Secura, and this is my Padawan, Tylo Vondin. It is a pleasure to properly make your acquaintance.”
The Clone’s lips thin out almost imperceptibly as she snaps a salute to the both of them.
“General. Commander.”
Right. Tylo was a Commander now. He wasn’t sure what to make of that, if he was being honest. It felt… odd even now, and judging from Aayla’s thoughts, she didn’t like it either.
This is going to be a whole thing, isn’t it? I’m never going to get her to not call me General.
No, he suspected she wouldn’t be able to manage that. From the look and sound of things, following orders and respecting rank was hardwired into the Clone Army. Though, just as Tylo is thinking that, a stray thought from Bly damn near turns his head.
The Jedi are interesting, so far. Some of the rumors are true, some aren’t. Makes one wonder if that rumor about their sex drive is true or not. If they’re going to need to satisfy themselves, I would prefer they only use me…
None of Bly’s contemplation shows on her face. The Clone Commander is as professional outwardly as ever. Tylo almost doesn’t even believe he’s heard what he just heard. But… he definitely had. And now he’s left wondering if they should address this now or later. He was fairly certain he could satisfy Aayla, Shaak Ti, and Maris’ needs all by himself, and that the three of them could satisfy his needs in turn.
But did Bly want them to offer? Or was it better to keep the command structure… clear, so to speak? They didn’t know all there was to even know about the clones just yet anyways, and until they did know the Sith’s plans for the Clone Army, perhaps it would be better to keep the clones at arm’s length…

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