A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 45: Commander Bly

Unaware of the thought Tylo had just read from Commander Bly’s mind, Aayla offers a soft smile to the Clone Commander.
“Was there anything else we needed to go over, Commander?”
Bly tilts her head to the side, and Tylo is once again struck by just how much she looks like Janga Fett while acting nothing like her.
“Ah, yes General.”
The Clone Commander’s thoughts turn towards logistics, something Tylo has to admit that he doesn’t have much experience with. He listens quietly as Aayla and Bly converse, the two women discussing this and that. Judging from the somewhat bewildered turn of Aayla’s own thoughts, as well as the slightly flummoxed expression on the Twi’lek Jedi Master’s face, she’s not too practiced with such things either.
In the end, it’s only another sign that this was all a trap for the Jedi Order. Nothing in Bly’s mind makes mention of her true allegiances being to the Sith at least, but that’s hardly relevant. Tylo hates to sound bigoted, even in his own internal thoughts, but the truth was, Bly and all of her many, MANY sisters had been produced by the enemy. Their very existence was enemy action, a result of the Sith making some plan to get back at the Jedi.
If he hadn’t heard it from the Kaminoan Prime Minister’s thoughts himself, Tylo might not have believed it. If not for the Zabrak that Master Kenobi was famous for fighting on Naboo, and now Count Dooku’s purported use of Sith Lightning and a red lightsaber, he still would have struggled to believe it. After all, if taken all separately, one might be able to pretend that these were just isolated incidents, someone playing at being Sith, rather than actual evidence of the Sith’s return.
But no… no, taken altogether, there was ultimately only one option. The Sith WERE back, and more than that, they were using the Clone Army to hem the Jedi Order in. They were pinning the Jedi down, confining them to the roles of military leaders, something they hadn’t been in a thousand years. The last time there had been Jedi Generals, the ancient Brotherhood of Darkness and their Sith Empire had still been around.
The fact was, Aayla was as little prepared to be a General as Tylo was a Commander. They would have to learn fast, because they had no choice… but just how many Jedi would be lost in the upcoming months, or even in the upcoming WEEKS? Just how many battlefronts would see Jedi casualties, as Masters, Knights, and even Padawans tried to lead their troops from the front, only to be cut down in their prime?
… Even if Bly didn’t seem to know anything about the Sith Conspiracy, she was a pawn in their schemes. And that was why Tylo refused to close the door, so to speak. At the same time, it wouldn’t be right to be overly blunt about it. Bly could be a great asset, but he didn’t want her or any of the other Clone Troops to feel forced into anything.
As the conversation regarding logistics between Bly and Aayla finally begins to wind down, Tylo decides to slow roll things. It shouldn’t be too bad right? He was just going to… feel Bly out a little bit.
Aayla turns to walk away, only to pause when she feels through the Force that Tylo has no intention of joining her at the moment. Giving him a glance, she raises an eyebrow in his direction.
Unable to respond mentally, Tylo just tilts his head to the side and gestures with his hand to show her he’d be fine. Nodding imperceptibly, Aayla continues on her way, leaving Tylo and Bly alone. The clone of Janga Fett stiffens up just as imperceptibly, looking at him curiously now.
Is this where the male propositions me?
Hiding the wince he wants to let spring up upon his features, Tylo instead smiles at the Clone Commander. She’s picture-perfect discipline and respect outwardly, but her thoughts… her thoughts sometimes lean towards insubordination and take on a more Janga Fett bent to them. It’s quite fascinating really.
“No need for that, Commander Bly. We’re both Commanders here, right? Let’s drop the sirs and ma’ams and just be relaxed with each other, alright?”
Bly’s eyes narrow slightly and she frowns.
“I’m not sure that would be appropriate, sir. We are not of the same rank, in fact. I am a Clone Marshall Commander… you are a Jedi Commander. They are two very different things.”
Well, point to Bly on that. Tylo inclines his head in acknowledgment of her correction.
“Still, we both answer to the same woman, right? General Secura?”
“… Yes.”
Where is he going with this?
“Then it stands to reason we don’t need to be worrying so much about rank when its just the two of us.”
He regrets the words the moment they come out of his mouth, because of course with Bly’s constant thoughts about his ‘Jedi Libido’ she would take those words the wrong way. To be fair, maybe it was his own thoughts leading him astray. Commander Bly was just as attractive as Janga Fett had been, while being surprisingly less prickly and unapproachable. Still…
“I was wondering what it was you and your troops liked to do for fun around here, Commander. I may be a Jedi, but I’m still just a Padawan… or as you call us, a Jedi Commander. I don’t think I need to be quite so… removed from the troops as my Master, right?”
Bly blinks slowly at that, parsing his words, clearly trying to find innuendos in them. Tylo resists the urge to fidget as he seeks to turn her thoughts AWAY from such things.
“Maybe you like to play cards on your off times? Look, Commander… we’ve got a short journey ahead of us, and then a long stay on Kamino. A long and uneventful stay, if all goes well. Maybe it’s foolish to hope for that, but I figured it was my duty as a… Jedi Commander, to get to know you and all of our troops a bit better.”
He’s rambling. The Jedi really aren’t trained for this sort of thing, are they? The rumors about that were true, at least.
Tylo tries not to blush too badly at Bly’s condemning thoughts. She’s not saying them out loud. She has no way of knowing her outspoken way of thinking is being observed in this moment. Still, she’s hesitating for a surprisingly long time, thinking over his words in her head.
… I should be careful until I fully understand his intentions. He doesn’t need to ‘get to know’ anyone until I know he’s not a threat to my sisters.
Tylo’s eyes DO widen a little bit at that, though he quickly marshals his expression. A threat? That was… a surprising leap in concern. Maybe Bly really was worried about Jedi Libido and what not. He would need to make it clear somehow that he would never do anything with any woman that wasn’t asked for. He would especially never force one of the Clones to do anything sexual that they didn’t want to do.
Luckily he was capable of reading minds, because it seemed to him like the Clone Troops were ultimately very loyal and very submissive to the Jedi as a general rule. How that played into the Sith’s hands, Tylo didn’t fully know. Was that why the templates had been women? To lull the Jedi into a false sense of security somehow? To get them all involved in relationships with their Clones, be they female or male?
“… Sure, Commander. We can play cards.”
Commander Bly’s response, when it comes at long last, is definitely hedged out the fucking ass. Tylo has to resist the urge to give her a deadpan look, even as she stares back at him silently.
“… Very well then, I’ll leave it to you to set up.”
He doesn’t bother reading her mind at that point, just giving her a nod and taking his leave of her. He wants to catch up with Aayla and drag the Jedi Master into a shadowed alcove… or barring that, find Maris or Shaak Ti and do the same with one of them.
In the end, it’s Maris that he runs into first, and the moment she sees him, the cute Zabrak Padawan blushes. She also smiles, as he takes her by the hand and tugs her off to the side, and without a single ounce of hesitation, she drops to her knees before him and begins fiddling with his belt.
Yessss, I was afraid we weren’t going to get to have any fun until we got to our new quarters on Kamino. How did Tylo know I wanted to suck his cock again?
He hadn’t known until now, to be fair. But of course, Tylo gives Maris a knowing smile as he runs a hand through her hair and lets her begin bobbing up and down on his cock. The conversation with Bly had left Tylo confused, if he was being honest. He really couldn’t tell if Bly was interested in getting in bed with him and Aayla, or if she was simply concerned that the Jedi were predators and whether or not she needed to protect her sisters from them.
At least he’d secured ‘cards’ from the Clone Commander, whatever that might entail. Maybe he’d learn more then. For now… Tylo enjoys Maris’ mouth to the fullest. The Zabrak Padawan might be inexperienced compared to their two Jedi Masters, but she more than makes up for it by being an enthusiastic, eager young thing.
As Tylo tilts his head back in the out of the way alcove and lets out a soft groan, Maris swirls her tongue this way and that, while playing with herself with her hands. And sure, maybe the two Padawans are playing right into the stereotype… but Tylo is keeping an ‘ear’ out so to speak. No one sees them. No one notices them having a little fun and relieving a little stress…
“This is Lieutenant Galle, my second in command.”
Twins. Alright, so maybe that’s not the most charitable first thought that could run through Tylo’s head. Still, it happens. Galle and Bly are both Janga Fett clones. He wonders if that’s on purpose or not, but whether it is or isn’t, the fact remains… they’re identically beautiful, with Janga Fett’s severe features. They’re also currently dressed down into more comfortable wear, slate grey shirts and bottoms that seem likely to be what they sleep in if nothing else.
Their ever-present armor is stowed away for the time being, and they sit across the table from him as Tylo takes his own seat, giving the introduced Lieutenant a simple nod.
… Its just the three of them in Bly’s personal quarters. Tylo supposed he should have expected as much, given how protective he knew the Clone Commander to be of her sisters. Still, he can’t help being a little surprised… and a little caught off guard when Galle gives him a wolfish smile.
“Commander Vondin, right? Pleasure.”
This is the tyke that Bly was so worried about? Heh, if she doesn’t want to do it, I will. Be more than happy handling the little guy’s ‘Jedi Libido’.
The mood whiplash between the two identical women is quite jarring. It leaves Tylo wondering how the hell Bly and Galle apparently ended up so different from one another. Bly was all business and incredibly professional. Galle was already toeing the line or propriety. But then, from the way Bly wasn’t reacting… maybe that was the point?
We’ll see how he reacts to Galle. That should tell me a lot about him.
… Yep, that was exactly the point, if Tylo was reading Bly correctly. After a beat, he gives Galle a nod.
“A pleasure to meet you as well, Lieutenant. But we can dispense with all the rank talk in here, right? I’m just Tylo. Wasn’t even a Commander a week ago, heh.”
Bly and Galle exchange a look at that, before Galle smirks.
“Sure, Tylo. And I’m Galle. She’s Bly. Don’t mind her, she’s always like this.”
Bly rolls her eyes, and Tylo can immediately tell they’ve got that sort of relationship with one another. But before he can say anything else, Galle holds up a deck of cards.
“Sabacc? You play?”
Tylo blinks, before slowly nodding. Galle’s smile becomes wolfish again, and she quickly gets them set up. He’s only played Sabacc once or twice, but he knows the rules well enough. The only question is whether he wants to completely destroy them using his ‘cheat’ or if he wants to try to play normally.
It’s hard, because once he’s started reading someone’s mind, he doesn’t usually stop hearing their thoughts until after he’s walked away. But cheating at cards wasn’t something he usually liked to do. Hm… he would try to maintain a relatively fair level of play. In the end, playing Sabacc normally was beyond him, he couldn’t help but hear Bly and Galle’s hands from their minds.
… But playing to win and lose the same amount was its own game, wasn’t it? And so Tylo takes a hand here or there, while making sure to lose just as often. All while trying not to make it obvious that that’s exactly what he’s doing. It’s a game of subterfuge for him, practicing his ability to fly under the radar.
And it seems to work too. Both Bly and Galle loosen up significantly as the card game goes on, with Galle playfully ribbing Bly and the Clone Commander seemingly taking it with relative aplomb. Of course, once in a while Bly will give Galle a surreptitious look, and the Lieutenant will turn her sights onto Tylo a moment later. But he likes to think he gives as good as he gets, the two of them bantering easily enough with one another.
It helps, knowing exactly what’s going through their minds. They ARE testing him, but Galle is taking it far less seriously than Bly at this point. She thinks he’s harmless. Perhaps that’s why she eventually pipes up with a big, shit-eating grin on her face.
“This has been fun, but why don’t we make it interesting, huh? You ever played Strip Sabacc, Padawan?”
As Tylo jolts in his chair, Bly shoots Galle a very sharp look that has the Lieutenant blinking guilelessly in response.
That wasn’t part of the plan, Galle.
Don’t worry so much Bly, I know what I’m doing~
He’s pretty confident that they can’t read each other’s minds, but that’s still what he hears from the two Janga Fett clones. Bly hesitates for a moment before staying quiet… leaving the ball firmly in Tylo’s court. How was he to respond to Galle’s question? Honesty, he supposed.
“… I have not.”
Galle’s wolfish smile returns with a vengeance.
“Want to?”
And there it is. A trap? Or an honest ask? Both, really. He could tell Bly was watching him like a hawk, but that Galle was actually interested. Hm, how did he want to play this?

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