A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 46: Strip Sabacc

In the end, his answer is obvious at least to him. As both clones look at him with differing expressions of anticipation, Tylo shakes his head, offering Galle a wry smile… before looking to Bly.
“Wouldn’t be right for me to say yes when I’m not the one hosting this little game of cards. I asked the Commander here for a way to get to know her and her troops better, but I’m not sure that’s what she had in mind. Commander?”
With that, he throws the ball into Bly’s court as gently and professionally as can be. It’s not Tylo’s decision to make. Sure, he might be a Jedi Commander or whatever, but he’s pretty sure Bly’s Marshall Commander outranks him… maybe? Shit, honestly he doesn’t know. Bly has definitely been deferring to him so far, but that was back with the newly instated ‘General’ Secura sooo…
Either way, he’s left it undeniably in Bly’s hands. Something he can tell she recognizes as she stiffens up and squares her shoulders.
You’re damn right that’s not what I had in mind.
The Clone Commander opens her mouth to say something to that effect, or so Tylo imagines. Truth be told, he never gets to find out what she WOULD have said, because before she can speak, Galle kicks her none-too-gently under the table.
Its Bly’s turn to jolt in place as her head whips around to her second in command. The Clone Lieutenant has a fixed smile on her face, but her eyes are blazing as she stares her superior down.
Don’t take this from me, Bly.
You can’t be serious, Galle.
Don’t tell me you’ve never wanted to see a Jedi naked before! We’d take him to the cleaners and you know it!
He’s just a Padawan, Galle. Based on how he’s been playing so far, we’d wring him dry. That’s no way to make a good first impression, even if he is a lecher like the rumors say.
Tylo’s eyes bounce back and forth between the two identical clone women as they once again manage to have a wordless conversation without actually having the ability to read each other’s minds. Or so Tylo thinks, anyways. It’s honestly hard to tell at this point. They’re very much in sync with one another, even as Galle’s expression becomes subtly more pleading as Bly’s stays stony and unyielding. Her thoughts are… not so subtle.
Pleeeease Bly! Pleasepleaseplease!!!
For fuck’s sake… I can’t believe I’m letting you drag me into another one of these messes.
As the two turn back to him, their silent conversation done, Tylo schools his face in a purposefully late manner. Not in a way that might make it seem like he was listening in, but in a way that made it clear he recognized there was a byplay between them and was trying to hide that he recognized it. From the way they both flush a little bit; he’s succeeded in making them ever so slightly self-conscious.
At the same time…
“… I am fine with playing Strip Sabacc… to get to know one another better.”
Bly is definitely speaking through clenched teeth, even as Galle lets out a thoroughly unsubtle whoop and thrusts her fist into the air. Gathering up the cards in front of all of them, the Clone Lieutenant begins to shuffle then and there, a wide shit-eating grin on her face as she gets them ready to start a new game.
“Hope you’re ready to lose some clothes, Padawan.”
I know I’m ready to see what you Jedi hide under those robes of yours if nothing else…
There are two things that stand out to Tylo in this moment. One, Bly’s mention of Galle getting her into other messes has him incredibly curious. What sort of messes? The unflappable Bly being flapped by Galle’s antics intrigued Tylo to no end. However, something else had caught his attention even more. The way they’d dismissed him in their minds, each in their own way.
It didn’t matter which of them it was. Both Galle and Bly believed themselves to be better than Tylo at cards by a parsec and a half. He’d thought he’d been doing pretty well so far, and that was with keeping his cheating to a minimum. But from the way they were thinking, Tylo was beginning to suspect they’d been holding back on him.
In Bly’s case, he imagined it was because she was still trying to get his measure and didn’t want to piss him off by beating him too soundly. But in Galle’s case, it sounded like the Lieutenant had been intentionally sandbagging in order to convince him that Strip Sabacc would be fun. The woman thought she was hustling him.
BOTH of them believed they would easily see him naked before he saw them naked. And as Galle deals their first hand out to them, Tylo has to admit… he’s a little wounded. A Jedi is not supposed to be overly proud, and frankly… he’s not that prideful. He knows without his mind reading, he’s probably not the BEST card player.
Still… with his mind reading, can he even be beat? Rather… shouldn’t it be his duty as a Jedi to teach these two women a lesson about their arrogance? Pride goeth before the fall, after all.
They start playing… and Tylo no longer holds back. To her credit, neither does Galle… and once Bly loses their first hand and realizes how dirty he and Galle are now playing, the Clone Commander’s skill also goes through the roof. But it doesn’t really matter, in the end. Because Tylo has the ultimate trump card, and soon enough he’s winning hands left and right.
He can tell that not only have the identical women done this before, but they also take it very seriously. It leaves Tylo imagining entire tables full of identical Janga Fett clones in various states of undress, eyeing one another suspiciously as they play out hands and strip further and further. Its what might happen after they finish stripping that really gets his imagination going though.
Of course, first he has to get past the bullshit. They start with their socks, doing them one at a time. But once they’re past those, well, there’s not much else. Galle, in a moment of schadenfreude given she was the one to suggest they play Strip Sabacc, is the first to lose her shirt. Right afterwards, she loses again and has to choose between her sports bra or removing her bottoms.
To Tylo’s mild surprise, Galle looks at him… and then with a roguish grin, removes the bra first.
Enjoy it while it lasts, Padawan. I’m coming for you.
“Like what you see, Padawan?”
As Galle leans forward and shakes her tits in Tylo’s direction, Bly reacts before he can respond, reaching over with a scowl and giving one of her Lieutenant’s proffered breasts a slap that rings through the room and makes Galle squeal.
“That’s quite enough out of you, Lieutenant. Let’s play cards.”
He’s better than I thought… tch, shouldn’t have let Galle talk me into this again.
There it is. ‘again’. Tylo was beginning to think that Bly was a woman of hidden depths, even from a man like him. His unique ability let him read minds, but Bly was muted in a way most others, including her fellow clones judging by Galle, weren’t.
Still, it’s enough to let him know what cards she has each hand, and Tylo abuses that most maliciously to continue to pick up wins from both Galle and Bly.
However, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Sabacc DOES have a random component to it, so as much as he CAN cheat by reading their minds and pulling the cards they’re going to play from their thoughts, he’s not able to read what cards are going to come up that even they don’t know about.
It makes for a more authentic experience if nothing else, Tylo supposes. He loses a couple of hands over the next few rounds, his socks coming off one by one just like Bly and Galle did. Galle moans and groans over this, whining about it, but Bly shuts her down with a smack to the back of her head and they keep playing.
Eventually, Galle loses her pants and is left in just her panties. That’s when the Lieutenant changes tactics, going from targeting the seemingly unbeatable Tylo to targeting Bly instead. If anything, the Lieutenant seems annoyed that her more conservative Commander is in more clothes then her. Tylo can commiserate with that… so he helps her out, just a little bit.
Over the course of a few hands, some of which Tylo folds early when he knows he could beat Galle but also that Galle could beat Bly, they manage to wittle the Clone Commander down. Finally, its just him who still has a shirt and bottoms on, as well as his undergarments. Three articles of clothing… to Bly and Galle’s one apiece. Sitting there in nothing but their underwear, the absolutely gorgeous clones couldn’t be more different, while also being identical.
Galle is showing off even now, though more subtly to avoid another titty spanking from her superior. Shifting this way and that, posing for Tylo whenever Bly is focused on her cards. Her nipples are rock hard and standing on end as she gives Tylo lecherous smiles. From her thoughts, he gleans that she’s really just trying to throw him off his game with her show of confidence so he’ll lose more hands, but he can also tell she’s actually quite horny, and wouldn’t mind a roll in her bunk with him. Her exact words, as it so happened.
Bly, on the other hand, is sitting still. Not hunched in or anything like that, but she’s seemingly focused entirely on the cards in front of her, not paying any mind to the fact that Tylo can see her breasts the same as he can see Galle’s. However, in contrast to her seeming focus… is the fact that HER nipples are rock hard as well. She’s turned on, even if she’s hiding it better than the Lieutenant by far.
Tch. Happy now, Galle? We’ve exposed ourselves to the Jedi Padawan. Let him see our tits. I suppose he hasn’t lunged across the table to stuff his face between them at least. He could have come over and began slobbering all over them and there w-wouldn’t be anything we could do about it… is that what you want, Galle? Is it?
Whoa. That was… a lot more than he was used to getting from Bly. Tylo doesn’t quite manage to school his surprised reaction, and Galle catches sight of it. Leaning forward, she narrows her eyes and lets a dangerous smile play across her lips. For a moment, Tylo is reminded of Janga Fett and how deadly the bounty hunter was.
“Hey… you wouldn’t be using some of those Jedi Mind Tricks I’ve heard so much about on us, would you? You’re winning an awful lot, Padawan. Would make sense if you were cheating…”
Luckily, Tylo heard her suspicions building over the course of the last several hands, and thus was more than prepared when this accusation finally came. Cool as a cucumber, he shakes his head resolutely.
“Jedi Mind Tricks only work on the weak-willed, Lieutenant. And Jedi can’t actually read your thoughts either. We’re trained to sense emotions more than anything, with the strongest of us able to pick out a creature’s emotional signature from across great distances.”
Here, Tylo smiles crookedly and shrugs in a ‘what can you do?’ manner.
“I can’t help it if you two are broadcasting your emotional states to me twenty-four-seven. It’s the same as anyone’s tells, really. I get a vague sense of when you’re excited or unhappy. That’s it. If you consider that cheating… well, I could remove one piece of clothing for you both if you wanted. Not that it would really help, would it?”
There. Nothing he’d just said was technically a lie. Jedi couldn’t read thoughts… besides him. And they were trained to sense emotions. He HAD been sensing their emotions through the course of this little venture, he’d just been largely ignoring them in favor of actually reading their minds. But they didn’t need to know that, heh.
His words have the intended effect, causing even Bly to bristle alongside Galle as the latter scoffs and answers for both of them.
“Sure, Padawan, lose the shirt. Let it not be said that we clones don’t know when to seize any tactical advantage the enemy is willing to give us.”
Tylo chuckles at that, and shucks his shirt off over his head, letting them both ogle his bare-naked chest for a moment.
There it is. He’s fit as a fiddle, isn’t he? Fuck, I wonder what a Master would be like… eh, probably too old for my tastes.
I should put a stop to this… but we’re in too deep now, aren’t we? Curse you Galle…
For a moment, he considers shaking HIS pecs at Galle in a repeat of what she did to him. But instead he settles for just meeting her eyes after she’s had herself a good, long stare and offering her a half smirk.
“Like what you see?”
Galle jolts before scowling at him.
“Let’s just play some cards.”
Play they do. And while there is that random element to Sabacc… Tylo’s ability to read minds and his luck with the cards he pulls sees him through the next two rounds as he knocks both Galle and Bly out of the running, one hand after the other. The Janga Fett clones remove their panties, first Galle and then Bly, and are suddenly sitting there naked across from him.
Their crotches are beneath the table and out of his line of sight, so technically he’s not actually seeing anything more than he was before… but all three of them know this is the end. Unless…
Looking disappointed but also amused at their predicament, Galle stretches her arms back over her head, lacing her fingers together as she lets out a heartfelt groan.
“Well… looks like we’ve both busted out completely, huh? That’s game, I guess…”
Unless the Padawan actually does have a pair of balls after all…
Bly glares at her Lieutenant, frowning deeply… but doesn’t say a word. In fact…
We’re already naked… at this point, it would be a shame to end it here, wouldn’t it?
They want to keep going. Tylo can easily imagine what route that would take. Sexual favors in place of the clothing they no longer had to ante up. And… he would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted. They HAD come this far after all, and it WOULD be a shame to end it here.
However, would that run counter to his efforts to convince Bly that Jedi weren’t all lechers out for their innocent clone bodies? More than that, now that he was sitting across from the two of them, he was reminded that their original template, Janga Fett… she was dead. Maybe not because of him, but tangentially related to his actions. And her daughter, Boba… was in the wind.
The question was, was his guilt and caution enough to see him end this here and now before it went any further? Or was he… all in?

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