A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 47: Strip Sabacc Pt. 2

Fuck it. Even Bly herself seemed turned on by what was happening at this point. Tylo was disinclined to back down now, especially when he had two gloriously gorgeous naked twins sitting right in front of him.
“Well, we don’t necessarily HAVE to stop playing, do we?”
Bly and Galle’s eyes immediately snap in his direction, their interest palpable in both their expressions and their thoughts. Tylo smiles crookedly and just shrugs.
“We could just go back to playing for fun, right? It doesn’t have to be Strip Sabacc.”
THAT gets him a pair of deadpan stares.
Seriously? Is he really that dense?
… He’s fucking with us.
Bly picks up on it before Galle, humorously enough. Tylo lets his words hang in the air just long enough to make them squirm, before chuckling and shaking his head.
“Or we could go the opposite direction and up the ante.”
… There it is.
Bly’s mental thoughts might be a little resigned, but they’re tinged with arousal. Meanwhile, Galle is all excitement, her eyes wide and her lips curled back in a wicked grin now. It’s amusing seeing the two identical women react so differently but also so similarly to one another. They both want it, after a fashion. But they have such different personalities.
“You sayin’ what I think you’re sayin’, Padawan?”
Tylo snorts at the slight drawl that Galle is affecting as she bats her eyelashes at him and thrusts out her chest. He doesn’t bother averting his gaze, but rather looks down at her tits unabashedly for a moment instead. Galle shakes them for him briefly before letting them fall still.
“… I imagine I am. A few more hands, with the winner demanding a sexual favor from the loser, perhaps?”
There. Laid out on the table. For a brief moment, his bluntness and willingness to spell it out causes both Clones to look a little taken aback and embarrassed. But in the end…
“Very well.”
They’re on board, just like that. Though Bly is still blaming it all on Galle in her head, while Galle is trying to think up the best way she can to extract a sexual favor from him. Tylo is half-tempted to let her win this next hand, just to see what she’ll demand… but in the end, he decides against it. He still remembers how they both thought they were going to rinse him. Maybe its his own pride getting the better of him, but he’s enjoying taking them to the cleaners.
The three of them start up another hand of Sabacc, and Tylo unabashedly cheats once more. He also gets rather lucky, and though Bly has the good sense to bow out early so she doesn’t outright lose the hand… Galle is a bit too gung ho for that. The Clone Lieutenant is overeager, thinking her own hand is good enough to beat him, especially with how Tylo plays a bit nervously to string her along.
When they finally reveal however, its abundantly clear that Galle never had a chance. To her credit, the Lieutenant doesn’t hesitate to hop out of her seat, sending her breasts bouncing up and down and revealing her athletic, toned, and altogether naked body in its entirety for him to stare at.
“What, Bly? I lost and he won, which means the Padawan is about to tell me what I have to do to… satisfy him. Regardless of what it is, I’ll probably have to go over there, won’t I?”
Bly just sighs and shakes her head, before sitting back in silence looking mulish. Tylo, meanwhile, considers things for a moment before smirking.
“Give me a kiss Galle and we’ll call this hand satisfied.”
That gets Bly to blink, even as Galle pouts mightily.
A kiss? All he wants is a kiss? I thought Jedi were supposed to be perverts!
… This is another trap, isn’t it? But then, how exactly? Be careful Galle.
“Ugh, boring… but fine~”
Flouncing around the table, Galle comes up to where Tylo is sitting and proceeds to bend over, lowering her mouth to his. She’s not expecting him to smoothly reach up and lace a hand through her hair as their lips connect, however. Nor, Tylo imagines, is the beautiful brunette Clone expecting for him to slide his tongue into her mouth right off the bat, swapping spit with her as he pushes a little bit of the Force into her skull with his fingertips, giving her a scalp massage while also kissing the living daylights out of her.
He's expecting a reaction, but not quite as strong as the one he gets. Galle squeals into his lips, even as her brain goes on the fritz. She then damn near collapses against him and his chair, her legs giving out from under her as they buckle and shake like crazy, an explosive orgasm taking her right there on the spot.
As she creams herself, Bly leaps from her chair as well, eyes wide in concern.
“Galle?! What did you do to her?!”
… And will he do it to me too?
Ah, despite Bly’s outward outrage, her thoughts give away her true nature more and more. She recognizes that Galle is fine, in the end, and knowing that, Tylo takes his time in letting go of the gasping, panting, flustered Clone Lieutenant, allowing her to pull back as she pushes off the arm of his chair and stumbles to her feet.
Still seated, Tylo looks between the two female clones with a raised eyebrow.
“Something the matter? We can stop here if you like.”
He’s expecting that from Galle… which is why it’s surprising when it erupts from Bly’s lips instead, her subordinate still reeling and recovering from the kiss. Bly blushes as she realizes her outburst, and ultimately the Clone Commander scowls and sits her fine ass back down in her chair.
“Let’s keep playing… Galle, take your seat.”
“… Aye-aye, ma’am.”
Tylo watches as both women sit back down and another hand of Sabacc starts up. He’s half-expecting them each to do everything in their power to lose this hand. Their arousal is through the roof, and he can hear in their thoughts how they each want something to happen. But to their credit, they’re seemingly both insanely competitive as well.
And so even though they want things to progress, they also still want to win so they can choose. They give the hand of Sabacc their all, with the difference being that neither is willing to fold early and avoid ‘losing’ the round any longer. Instead, Bly and Galle stay in until the end… as does Tylo. Thanks to his cheating and a little more luck, he wins yet again.
“Well, that’s that ladies. I guess I win.”
Looking at the cards, Bly slowly nods while Galle flushes and squirms in her chair.
“I guess you do. So… what are we both doing next?”
Tylo hums… and then stands up even as he gestures with his hands for them to stay seated. He’d heard in their thoughts their intention to rise with him, but at his gesture they sink back into their chairs. Slowly, Tylo circles the table until he’s standing between them both. Then, he reaches down and lets his pants drop. Freeing his cock from his boxers a moment later, Tylo lets the long, thick, and most importantly erect member bounce up.
As his cock stands straight at attention, both Bly and Galle stare at it with wide eyes, mere inches away in their seated positions. Tylo grins at them both… before a stray thought catches his attention and his eyes go wide.
“Neither of you have ever seen a cock before, have you?”
He can’t help blurting it out. It’s not his fault when Galle thinks something like ‘it’s so much bigger than the holos!’ and Tylo has the epiphany that these two women… they’d grown up on a planet with no men, hadn’t they? Male Kaminoans certainly didn’t count. Was the entire Clone Army… virginal?
“W-What?! Of course we’ve seen cocks before!”
“T-That’s right! We’ve got plenty of experience!”
Just because we’ve never gotten a chance to touch one doesn’t mean we don’t know what they look like…
It wasn’t fair. We just never had the opportunity like some of our sisters did…
Tylo finds himself looking at the two clone soldiers in a very different light, even as it becomes a little difficult to tell them apart from their thoughts. They’re still staring transfixed at his cock, after all. Still, their thoughts make him hesitate, something Bly notices.
“We had male trainers alongside the templates, Padawan Vondin. I assure you; we are not… inexperienced.”
And yet… Galle’s thoughts betray them.
Half a million sisters to compete with. So what if we never got any dick? Just means we’ll get all of our experience now.
In the end he hesitates for only a heartbeat more before smiling down at them both.
“I’m expecting another kiss. But I trust you both know where to deliver it to.”
They both blush, but to their credit, do not hesitate. Leaning forward in unison, the identical clones plant their lips upon Tylo’s cock length, kissing either side of it. He smiles as he places his hands atop their heads, sliding his fingers through their hair and giving them each the scalp massage he gave Galle earlier. Once again, the effect is immediate, though a little less pronounced this time around.
Moaning wantonly, both Bly and Galle begin to kiss his member more heatedly, quickly realizing that they can also kiss each other around his cock. As they slide their lips up and down his throbbing dick, they continuously meet at the head of his member to swirl their tongues around his glans as well as swapping spit with one another.
This is all your fault, Galle…
Don’t be too mad at me Bly, at least we’re finally getting some…
Once again, Tylo is wondering if the two women are somehow telepathically linked. Still, at least he understands Bly’s earlier recalcitrance better now. Her concern regarding him and his fellow Jedi wasn’t coming from a place of experience or anything like that, but the exact opposite. She was only nervous around them because she truly didn’t know what to expect.
Now, it would seem, she was learning… and coming to greatly enjoy herself at the same time. They escalate things far beyond simple kissing and are borderline fellating his cock when Tylo finally tightens his grip on their respective hair and pulls them both back with a grin.
“Very good girls… but I’d say that’s enough to qualify as a kiss.”
It’s not just Galle panting heavily this time around. Commander Bly is just as flustered as her subordinate at this point. Both the Commander and Lieutenant look up at him with incomprehensive stares for a long moment before coming back to themselves and realizing what he means. Tylo is already stepping away from them though, letting go of their heads and moving back to his chair.
Their eyes follow him, the two clones fixated on his bobbing cock until he sits down again. He doesn’t bother tucking his dick back away, but with the lip of the table hiding it from their view, they can only squirm and make surreptitious attempts to try and crane their necks. Smirking, Tylo reaches for the Sabacc Deck.
“Are you ladies still up to play cards… or are we done for the night?”
Like hell we are!
Fuck that!
Ah, he and Galle are a bad influence on Bly. Tylo can’t even tell which of those thoughts actually came from the Clone Commander as both she and Galle stare him down intensely while wordlessly slapping the table for him to deal their cards. Tylo does so, and they start one final round of Sabacc. He knows it’s going to be final, because at this point the two beautiful identical women are primed and loaded.
There’s only one outcome here… his complete and utter victory. Tylo trounces them as he’s been doing for the entirety of these Strip Rounds, and once Bly and Galle have fully put themselves out there, refusing to surrender even when it was obvious they couldn’t win, Tylo has taken them for all they’re worth yet again.
“… I guess that’s your hand, Padawan Vondin.”
“… Yep. You win. Again.”
They’re both blushing furiously and squirming in their seats at this point. But then, now that Tylo knew Bly and Galle were virgins, it made a lot more sense. Well, virgins in the sense that they’d never had a real man’s cock inside of them before. Tylo could tell they’d done plenty of things with each other and their fellow clones. Likely with all sorts of toys as well. He would have been worried that he wasn’t able to compete, but he’d already seen their reaction to his cock. He knew he was just fine in that department.
Rising from his chair again, this time Tylo gestures for Bly and Galle to join them on their feet rather than remaining sitting. The clone soldiers stand and flush, glancing at one another before looking back at him. Galle, regaining a bit of her earlier sass, gives him a particularly saucy grin.
“Going to have your way with us now, sir? After all, we couldn’t beat you. You’re just too damn good. So… really, I’d say we’re all yours for the entire night. Wouldn’t you agree Bly?”
Bly stiffens before slowly nodding, her jaw set but her eyes focused on Tylo’s dick.
“… Yes. Nothing to be done about it. We’re yours, sir.”
Tylo nods, soaking in their nude appearances now that… well, the main event is finally arriving. At their submissive attitudes, he gives them a cheeky grin.
“Then lets get to it, shall we? We’ve got a long night ahead of us, and I assure you, I’m planning on putting both of you through your paces. You’ll follow my every order to the letter, understood?”
“”Yes sir!””
After all… good soldiers follow orders.
Tylo blinks at that. Not only had they answered in unison, but he’d heard their thoughts in unison as well. It was somewhat eerie, hearing them both think the exact same thing at the exact same time. But… the majority of his blood flow is currently concentrated in Tylo’s cock, and so the young Padawan puts it out of his mind. It was time to get down to business and fuck these two beautiful women silly.

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