A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 48: Strip Sabacc Pt. 3

"Bed. Now."

This was all Galle's fault. Though Bly has to admit, even as she stands and begins moving towards a nearby bunk, that she's a little surprised. She half-expected the Jedi to take them on the table. The bed seems almost too nice and-



Bly blinks and looks over to see Galle rubbing at her butt and pouting at Jedi Vondin, even though he's too far away to have spanked her physically. In an instant, the Clone Commander pieces together what must have happened from context clues. Her Lieutenant being who she was must have been showing off or posing or wiggling on her way over to the bunk. Tylo had taken issue with this and used the Force to give her a good, hard smack across her ass.

A shudder runs down Bly's spine as she bites back a bit of jealousy. Ugh… this was seriously all Galle's fault. Bly wasn't sure what she was thinking, including Galle on this fact-finding mission. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but she should have known that cards and the Lieutenant wouldn't mix.

Reaching the bunk, Bly moves to crawl up onto it, before pausing as she realizes she doesn't exactly know how Tylo wants her and Galle. Both Clones have gotten up onto the bunk on all fours, presenting themselves like a pair of bitches in heat to the Jedi Commander.

… Not the most flattering comparison, Bly thinks to herself in admonishment. Galle was such a bad influence on her. Though… the Jedi wasn't much better.

"On your backs."

A nudge with the force sends them both onto their sides, and Bly glances over to see Galle going just as red as she is as they obey Tylo's order and roll over properly onto their backs. They stare at the Jedi with hooded eyes, his throbbing cock still standing at attention as it bobs up and down almost lazily while swinging back and forth towards the two of them. It's almost like it has a life of its own.

Tylo considers them both in silence for a moment, before moving between Bly's legs. The Clone Commander tries not to let it over-inflate her ego, even as Galle makes a disappointed noise in the back of her throat. Instead, Bly does everything in her power to maintain her calm, looking up at Tylo as she spreads her legs for him.

Not enough though, apparently. He grabs her by her ankles and lifts her legs up into the air, spreading them even wider as he brings his cock down on her slit right then and there. Bly's breath hitches. She's wet, of course. Dripping, even. She might not be as boisterous or provocative as Galle, but damn it all if this whole scenario hadn't still gotten her engine revving.

And good that it had too. The rumors about the Jedi were true. Their libidos were insane, that much was clear. And yet… Jedi Vondin wasn't the monster he could have been. She would have to pass that on to the other Commanders. She didn't know if every Jedi was like him though, or if he was just one of the good ones. Most of her sisters had been expecting to be treated like meat by their new Generals both on and off the battlefield.

Tylo had been kinder about it though. He'd let them make the decisions every step of the way until now. Really… Bly had no one to blame for this but herself and Galle. That didn't mean she wanted to be teased however. She just wanted him to-

Bly stiffens, a grunt expelled from her lips as Tylo slams into her without another word. No hesitation, no mercy, no teasing… just the way she wanted it. A shudder runs through the naked Clone Commander's body, her breasts jiggling slightly as her abs flex from the sudden… intrusion. It feels better than she could have imagined.

Yes, she was a virgin. Her and Galle both. Not that there was any evidence of that virginity in a physical sense. Clones like them were put through their paces and then some. On top of that, the Kaminoans had sterilized them all, of course. Wouldn't do to have any of them getting pregnant out on the field.

Still, for all her… experience, this was the first time having a real cock inside of her. It was lovely, Bly ultimately decided. Better than she would have thought, in fact. She didn't know if that was just because she'd had low expectations going into this, or because Tylo Vondin was just that good. Even his hands on her legs felt good, as he slides them from her ankles to her thighs, working his fingers into her flesh in a half-massage while also fucking her.

A low gurgling moan erupts from Bly's lips against her will, her eyes threatening to roll back in her skull as her hands go back above her head and slap against the wall behind her. It's not a large bunk, after all. If he fucks her any harder, she's liable to bang her head. But luckily the Jedi seems to know exactly the pace he needs to take with her. He knows exactly the angle to press her INTO the bunk, rather than pushing her back towards the wall behind her head.

… He's very, very good, Bly decides. Galle must be supremely jealous that she got to go first. Glancing over at her Lieutenant as another moan erupts from her lips, Bly expects to see the other Clone glaring at her impotently. After all, all of Tylo's attention is on HER… or so she had thought.

Instead, Galle is in the same position Bly is. On her back, legs up in the air, and moans erupting from her lips as her body shudders and shifts and jolts under the effects of an invisible touch. Bly's mouth opens but no words come out as she takes in the incredibly strange sight. It's as though Galle is being fucked right next to her… and yet, there's no one there.

Looking back to the Jedi currently pounding her into the bunk, the Clone Commander realizes what must be happening. Tylo is using the Force in quite the… lewd manner to make sure both of them are enjoying themselves. Bly's blush grows even redder at that. Is there nothing that the Jedi can't do?

With a sudden grunt, Tylo thrusts forward one final time and begins to unload inside of her. Bly's eyes widen for a moment before rolling back in her head all the way as she immediately orgasms from the sensation of sticky, hot liquid suffusing her insides. She'd fantasized about what it would feel like to be 'creampied' as they called it on the holonet. But only now was she actually getting to experience it. It felt good… amazing, even.

As Tylo pulls free of her, Bly tries to maintain her professionalism. She tries to maintain her decorum at the very least. But she can't quite help the quiet little whine that leaves her throat as he moves over to Galle. She knows that they're both due to get some, and yet she can't help wanting to monopolize all of the Jedi's time.

And yet, not a moment after he's left her, Bly feels it. What Galle must have been experiencing all this time. She rapidly realizes she was wrong to think that it was like an invisible man was fucking her. Rather, it's nothing like that at all. There are no phantom hands, no phantom cock. Instead its like a pressure, or a thousand little touches all happening simultaneously. Her breasts get it just as much as her crotch, even as her cunt walls are stretched wide, causing the semen inside of her to seep out a little faster.

Despite being much more rules oriented than her Lieutenant, Bly honestly can't bring herself to care. She's too focused on the feeling of Tylo's Force Touch all over her body. She and her sisters had all been briefed on this, of course. On what Jedi were capable of. They had to know, in order to be able to fight alongside their new Generals most effectively.

None of the briefings or lessons had prepared her for this, however. She supposed, if one tilted their head and squinted the right way, then what they'd been told could be used in this way. But it was so far out of the realm of their understanding of the Jedi that Bly hadn't even considered it. Until now. Until she was being 'touched' in all the right places by a thousand little points of pressure right after being so soundly FUCKED by Jedi Vondin.

At her side, Galle is receiving the same treatment as she is. Getting pounded into the bunk at just the right angle. Moaning up a storm, the Lieutenant's eyes flutter and she shudders in ecstasy. Despite them sharing the same template, Galle has always been a bit more wild than Bly. There's a reason her sister clone only made Lieutenant, while Bly was marked for promotion to Marshall Commander.

Perhaps that's why she cums faster and more frequently than Bly did. Where Bly only experienced one admittedly mind-melting orgasm, Galle can't seem to go more than a minute without groaning and bucking her hips in another somewhat embarrassing climax.

Still, as far as seconds went, there was no one Bly would rather have watching her six. Galle was dependable and reliable… most of the time. In this instance, the Clone Lieutenant had definitely gotten them into this mess with her antagonizing of Jedi Vondin, and her over-confidence that they would trounce the Jedi in a game of cards.

Instead, it was they who had been trounced again and again and again as soon as Galle had suggested they up the ante and Bly had foolishly agreed. The Jedi had even let HER have the final call, and she'd still walked right into his trap.

And yet, Bly can't really bring herself to mind. And as she makes eye contact with her Lieutenant, she can tell that Galle doesn't mind either. The two of them moan in unison, Bly's body being played with via the Force and Galle getting the same proper fucking that the Commander just received.

… Yes, the Jedi were quite dangerous after all. But that didn't necessarily have to be a bad thing.


Tylo makes sure to leave both Bly and Galle quite satisfied by the time he's done with them. He's not about to depart if either of them has a bad impression of his efforts, after all. Luckily, that's not a problem. They absolutely love the way he's able to pleasure them both simultaneously, and while normally it would be two on one… with the Force, Tylo is never alone.

Alright, that sounded cheesy even in the depths of his head. Still, it was true. Tylo had easily managed to handle both clones even though he only had one cock. And he had to admit, it was a truly spectacular sight, having them both on their backs on the same bunk, looking up at him with identical faces. Even if they had unique personalities, they had identical flesh. Playing with them, using them at the same time… it was quite the treat.

By the end of it all, Bly had seemed to have a relatively decent opinion of him. He had ended things with a bang, sure… but he'd taken things slowly before then and in the case of these two at least, that was exactly what the Clone Commander wanted. He had her measure now, or so he felt. She didn't want NOTHING to do with Jedi or with him personally. She just wanted to be wined and dined a little bit first.

More specifically, she didn't want to see her or her sisters treated like little more than fuckable meat to be used and then tossed into the Separatist meat grinder. And that, Tylo felt, was more than fair. For all that they were all one of four templates, for all that they were brought up and trained in pretty much the exact same way, Tylo's experience with Bly and Galle had taught him a valuable lesson.

They were not a monolith. Not truly. There was a uniqueness to each and every clone soldier. They were each their own person, with their own thoughts and feelings and their own desires and needs. Barring that strange bit of overlap where Bly and Galle had thought the exact same thing at the exact same time, they weren't identical in mind like they were in body.

That was good to know. More than that, it was important to recognize as things progressed. They would soon be at Kamino after all, and the time for playing games would come to an end. Only Tylo and a couple of others knew that this war and the entire Clone Army had been made by the Sith in order to deal a mortal blow to the Jedi.

Tylo didn't fully comprehend how exactly giving them an entire force of completely loyal clones would destroy the Jedi Order, but then, if he understood that, the Sith wouldn't have been able to apparently get away with hiding right under their noses for a thousand years.

Once they were on Kamino, he and his allies would have to be careful. Incredibly careful. Not just of the Kaminoans, but of the clones as well. As much as Tylo wanted to trust them, and as much as he detected no deceit from Bly or Galle in particular, he couldn't say for sure how the Sith would use them. And that meant they were a danger for the time being.

Taking things slowly would be their best bet, even if the situation was dire and time was not a limitless resource. They had to carefully balance moving fast enough to overturn the Sith's plans before they could come to fruition, with moving slowly enough not to tip the Sith off to their goals.

… It wasn't going to be easy, and Tylo could already see a lot of sitting around and waiting in the very near future. These next few months would probably have to be their most careful as things ramped up. With that in mind, he needed to decide what he would be doing to keep his mind occupied during that time. He wasn't a Jedi Knight yet of course, but it had been quite a while since Aayla had controlled his training. Whatever he wanted to focus on, he knew his Master would support him.

It was just a matter of making a decision.

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