A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 49: The Knighting

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Tylo groans, his head tilted back against the cool metal wall behind him and his eyes drifting shut. At the same time, his fingers navigate between the small row of horns along the top of Maris’ skull, sliding through the black dreadlocks to massage her scalp. This only serves to make the Zabrak Padawan even more enthusiastic and energetic, her efforts driving her further down his cock until her black lips are touching the base of his member with every motion.
Of course, he isn’t just getting blown by the gorgeous, eager young Jedi. He’s also meditating. These days, Tylo didn’t meditate by himself well. He did better through… active meditation like this.
And so, even though Maris is currently on her knees in front of him sucking his cock, Tylo’s mind is elsewhere, occupied with other things. His awareness is spread out through nearly the entirety of Tipoca City, in fact. Kamino’s Capital is the natives’ biggest city, however if one was to compare its size to other cities on other planets, it would more often than not be found rather lacking.
That didn’t necessarily diminish his achievement, however. Over the past few months, ever since he had arrived on Kamino with his Master as well as Master Ti and Padawan Brood, Tylo had been focused on expanding his connection with the Force and training in new Force Techniques. He had a decent enough grasp of the basics, and in terms of techniques, he could push and pull and hold with the best of them. He also had plenty of experience with Force Healing Techniques, the sort of things taught to him by Master Unduli all that time ago. Things he’d expanded on when he had the chance.
As such, when he’d asked Shaak Ti and Aayla what they thought he should focus on next when it came to the Force, they had been united in their belief that his awareness could use some training. His failure to recognize the threat young Boba Fett posed his first time on Kamino had been one of his most embarrassing moments as a Jedi Padawan after all, and if he could make sure that never happened again, Tylo would be happy.
Luckily, both Jedi Masters as well as his fellow Padawan, were all too happy to help him with such training. Active meditation like he was engaging in now… well, it could just as easily have been Master Ti riding his cock, or Master Secura bouncing her hips back into his thrusts.
There was a very good reason that it was Padawan Brood today though. That reason was also a good reason for why Tylo should probably start wrapping this up. He can, after all, feel Aayla signaling to him through the Force that they’re ready for him.
Letting out a slow breath, Tylo pulls back his awareness, bringing his meditation to a close. He brushes over Kaminoan and Clone Minds alike, the difference between the two like night and day. Of course, there’s also the difference between the fully matured Clones in the Battalions serving under his Master and Master Ti and the Clones still gestating or training in Kamino’s Training Facilities.
Tylo doesn’t let himself get too distracted by all that, however. Early on in this new awareness training he had been prone to drifting for hours, but these days he was much more in control of himself and his connection to the Force. Which was good, because it would be rather embarrassing to miss the ceremony today simply because he was too busy feeling all there was to feel in Tipoca City while getting sucked off by the enthusiastic Zabrak at his feet.
Speaking of which… Tylo opens his eyes and looks down at Maris, causing the Jedi Padawan to startle as she sees him smiling at her. Her efforts redouble and a moment later he’s groaning as he begins to cum down her throat. At the same time, now that his awareness is once again focused on this point in space and time, he starts to hear her thoughts once more.
Swallow Maris! Don’t make a fool of yourself again!
To her credit, the Jedi Padawan does an excellent job of drinking down his seed, swallowing every last bit until there’s nothing left. She doesn’t spill a drop, not that Tylo would have blamed her if she did. Still, Maris was quick to be unduly hard on herself. He’d done what he could about her self-esteem issues since they’d arrived on Kamino all those months ago, but it was a slow process.
That said, the bright, beaming smile the beautiful young Zabrak gives him as she pulls off of his cock with a pop is certainly something Tylo has no problem returning. Chuckling, he tucks his member away, even as Maris hops to her feet, red eyes glancing down the corridor.
“Are they ready for us, sir?”
Tylo nods at that, before shaking his head in amusement.
“You don’t have to call me that, Maris. We’re still both Padawans for the moment.”
Biting her lower lip, Maris just shrugs.
“Just getting used to it, I guess~”
Once you’re a Knight, I hope you bend me over and fuck me silly~
The lilting tone she ends that with and the way she bats her eyes along with those thoughts in her head… Tylo can’t help but laugh. Despite the insecurities that she and her Master were working together to overcome, Maris could be quite the little minx at times. Of that there was no doubt. He’d enjoyed getting to know her over these past few months, even as war raged across the galaxy and reports of what was happening out there got grimmer and grimmer.
Shit was fucked. There was no other way to describe it. And worst of all, Tylo was one of the few people that knew the truth. The Sith were behind everything, and the Jedi had fallen right into their trap. However, the nature of that trap had yet to be revealed. They had to figure out exactly what was going on before they made a move, or it could end up playing right into the Sith’s hands.
… Heh, he was more nervous about today then he’d thought, given how he kept finding excuses to get distracted.
“C’mon. Yes, they’re waiting for us.”
Making their way down the corridor, the door hisses open and Tylo and Maris step into a room. It’s a far cry from the Jedi High Council Chamber back on Coruscant, but these were trying times and ultimately they needed to adapt certain rituals. Such as Tylo Vondin’s Knighting Ceremony.
Waiting for him in the small room are the two Jedi Masters stationed on Kamino. His Master, Aayla Secura… and the Togruta Jedi, Master Shaak Ti. Both are women Tylo has had quite frequent sexual relations with, even before they came to Kamino. Both have done a lot to make him the Jedi he is today. Coming to a stop in the center of the room, Tylo bows to both Aayla and Shaak Ti. Sure, he might have bent both women over and fucked them silly more than once, but that didn’t mean he didn’t respect their prowess as Jedi.
On top of that, four other Masters have taken the time out of their day to holo-call in. Tylo bows to each of them in turn as well, a little surprised but pleasantly so to see them. Masters Luminara Unduli, Adi Gallia, Stass Allie, and Soara Antana all incline their heads in response to his bows, all favoring him with smiles as he descends to his knees in the center of the room, taking up a resting posture but with a back that’s ramrod straight.
It's far less than the full Jedi High Council, but also more than most Padawans were getting at their Knighting Ceremonies these past few months. In fact, several Padawans had been Knighted by just one Master, sometimes a stone’s throw away from a battlefield.
Battlefield Promotions, the Clones called them. It was something that should have been entirely antithetical to the Jedi Order, and yet here they were. Another sign that the Sith were winning.
Of course, Master Ti and Master Secura’s posting, and by extent Tylo’s as well, was far more peaceful than most of the places across the galaxy that Jedi had found themselves deployed to in recent months. As such, his Knighting Ceremony would apparently have greater attendance.
As he kneels, Aayla rises, the Twi’lek Jedi Master pulling back the hood of her robes. She doesn’t wear them often, so it’s a little odd to see her in them now, but Tylo doesn’t let that show on his face.
“Padawan Vondin. It is my will as your Master that you are ready to be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. Tell me, do you feel ready to ascend to Knighthood?”
In this moment, Tylo specifically refrains from using his innate mutant ability. It would only work on Aayla and Shaak Ti anyways, so he holds himself at bay and contains his mind reading to his own thoughts. Those are more than enough as it is. Still, looking up into Aayla’s eyes, Tylo offers a serious nod.
“Yes Master. I believe I am.”
Aayla’s smile is broad as she draws her saber from her side, lighting the blue blade for all to see. Then, she begins intoning words that sound positively ancient to Tylo’s ears. It’s clear, at least to him, that she’s repeating something she’s heard before.
“We are, all of us, Jedi. The Force speaks through us. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to knowledge what the Force has already proclaimed.”
Her blade comes down upon each of his shoulders as Tylo bows his head once more in reverence.
“By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, I dub thee Jedi, Knight of the Republic. Rise Knight Vondin.”
Pulling her saber back at that last bit, Aayla slices Tylo’s braid free before reaching out and clasping his arm with her own as he rises to his feet, her smile growing even wider still if that’s possible. But then to be fair, Tylo’s smile is also wide as all hell, almost hurting his face with how broad it is. He’s done it. He’s become a Jedi Knight. This is a momentous occasion to say the least, only overshadowed by the circumstances of his ascension to Knighthood, and the state of the galaxy.
Still, with the Knighting Ceremony over, his Padawan Braid on the floor at his feet, Tylo lets out a breath he hadn’t even known he was holding. Then, he goes to speak with the four Jedi Masters who have all holo-called in for the ceremony.
“Master Unduli. I hope that Padawan Offee is doing well.”
Smiling softly, Luminara inclines her head.
“She is, in no small part thanks to you. I don’t know what had come over me, but I very nearly left Barriss behind in the Temple Infirmary to go and wage a war I’m not even sure I believe in. Needless to say, I’m glad that I chose not to accept that posting off-world. My place is at my Padawan’s side, healing those who come to us at the Temple for healing.”
Tylo nods wordlessly, a little taken aback by the idea that he’d made the Jedi Master change her mind so dramatically. Most of the Jedi had been deployed across the galaxy… but not all of them. Next he looks to Masters Gallia and Allie. The Tholothian Jedi Masters appear to be side by side, but their separate holo-calls make it clear this isn’t the case.
“Master Gallia. Master Allie. How goes it?”
Stass Allie is the first to reply, her smile broad as she gives him an approving nod.
“Knight Vondin. It goes well. I’m currently in orbit with the fleet above the planet of Saleucami. What comes next, I cannot say, but we will not let the Separatists win, that’s for sure.”
Adi Gallia on the other hand, lets out a disgruntled sigh.
“If only thing were as simple as straight forward back here in Coruscant. At times I wonder what my purpose as Senate Liaison even is. I am considering asking for a reassignment, as day by day it seems that the Galactic Senate is almost eager to throw away their power and hand it over to the Supreme Chancellor. Chancellor Palpatine is a good man, but one man should not be in charge of the entire fate of the galaxy.”
Tylo doesn’t quite know how to respond to that, but luckily the Jedi Master isn’t expecting a response, she’s just venting. Amused by his taken aback look, Master Gallia waves him off and he bows to her before arriving in front of the last Master to holo-call in, Master Soara Antana.
“Hm… you’ve let your saber training lapse.”
Freezing up at that, Tylo doesn’t quite know what to say… how does she even know he’d been focused more on Force Training in these past few months? But Master Antana just smirks and shakes her head.
“I’m just teasing you, Knight Vondin. I imagine you’re still a sight better of a combatant than most Jedi Knights these days. And to think, all it took was the proper… motivation. Regardless, do not think that becoming a Jedi Knight means you’ve learned all there is to learn.”
“I won’t, Master. Or rather, I don’t.”
“Good. Go enjoy your celebration, Knight Vondin. I expect we will have very few things to celebrate in the coming days.”
With those final, rather ominous words, the holo-calls all come to an end, with Tylo standing with just Masters Secura and Ti for a moment until Maris steps up to join them, having been watching from the far wall of the room.
One might think they would indeed begin to ‘celebrate’, but in that moment, Tylo doesn’t feel that it’s right. Rather…
“The Kaminoans have no clue how long a Knighting Ceremony is, do they?”
Eyes flashing with amusement, Aayla shakes her head.
“No, Tylo. They were all too happy to give us the day. They were less happy when it came to our security demands, but we’ve confirmed that they followed through all the same. The sensors in this area of the city have been turned off. So have the cameras. As far as they’re concerned, we’ll be doing our ‘religious voodoo’ all day long. It’s the perfect time to make a move.”
Indeed it was. None of them had been idle these past few months, as war raged across the galaxy. They might have had it relatively nice, with the Separatists making no moves on Kamino just yet due to the over-sized garrison located here, but at the same time… they couldn’t rest on their laurels. They couldn’t afford to.
After months of prep, of moving as subtly as possible, well aware that the Kaminoans were watching their every move, it was time to finally act. Tylo’s jaw clenches and his hands curl into fists. They were going to get to the bottom of things… once and for all.

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