A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 53: The Mandalorians

… But no. Knowing what he did about Duchess Kryze and her views, it would probably be best not to antagonize her to the point of animosity. So far, Satine had given Tylo everything he could have wanted. Going for more at this point would just be greedy, and greed was not the Jedi Way.
Letting out his desire to push for more into the Force, Tylo allows a certain sense of calm and serenity to pass over himself as he bows at the waist to the Duchess.
“Thank you for your blessing, Duchess Satine. I assure you, I will do everything in my power to avoid any civilian casualties.”
Satine’s lips thin out at that, and she sharply nods. With that, the meeting is over, though as Tylo turns away from the Duchess, he finds himself connecting with Bo-Katan’s mind for a moment, catching a stray thought from the helmeted Mandalorian woman.
Oh thank fuck. For a second there I thought he was going to try to fuck my sister.
Tylo very carefully does not smirk, even as he and Bo-Katan are escorted out of the throne room. It would be… unbecoming of a Jedi to smirk. Regardless, they’re soon on the outside of the Palace altogether, standing there looking out at the rest of the city surrounding the Duchess’ estate. Looking at Bo-Katan, Tylo’s eyes twinkle.
“Would you like to talk about it.”
Normally, her face-covering armor would make it impossible to tell what Bo-Katan is thinking. But of course, Tylo is a dirty, filthy cheater who cheats.
Talk about it? Is he stupid? Of course I don’t want to talk about it!
Somehow, Tylo got the impression that this was one of those times where Bo-Katan was lying to herself as much as she was lying to him. And yet, it wasn’t really his place to try and reconcile the two sisters. He’d already decided not to push his luck with Duchess Satine. If he had, perhaps… but no. Setting that aside, it’s time to focus on the mission at hand.
“Well, we’ve gotten the Duchess’ assent to begin our investigation, but not much else. Do you have any ideas where we might get started? Your expertise in this matter will likely be quite helpful.”
Bo-Katan grunts but doesn’t immediately reply. That doesn’t mean she’s not thinking hard on coming up with an answer of course.
Need to figure out where to take him. Else he might turn around and march right back into that palace to get my sister to help after all. But who… hm, she might work. Though I can’t imagine she’d be very happy to see me… or us. Still, it’s our best bet.
After a solid moment, Bo-Katan finally looks at him, snorting in amusement through her helm.
“You have the patience of a saint sometimes, Tylo. But yes, I know someone who can help. I used to be part of a group called the Nite Owls. Their leader will probably be able to help us out.”
… If she doesn’t want to kick my ass for ‘abandoning’ her. But we can cross that bridge when we get there.
Tylo raises an eyebrow, before smiling mysteriously.
“The secret to my patience isn’t anything special. I just have a lot to think about. But very well. It sounds as good a plan as any, I would imagine.”
Giving him a sharp nod, the two begin making their way into the city below to find this Nite Owl woman. To find this… Koska Reeves that Bo-Katan is currently thinking about.
“Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.”
Holy shit its Bo-Katan. And is that… must be.
Tylo resists the urge to raise an eyebrow as Bo-Katan and Koska meet in the middle, clasping arms. None of Koska’s true thoughts are showing on her face right now as she gives the red head a crooked smile. Bo-Katan has removed her helmet, and Koska never had hers on, so they’re able to look each other right in the eye.
“Koska… sorry I’ve been out of contact for so long. Things have kept me… busy.”
Koska Reeves, Tylo discovers, is a dark-skinned Mandalorian woman with full lips, brown eyes, and her hair done up in a strange braided pattern that forms something of an X across her brow, or perhaps a circlet. She scoffs at Bo-Katan’s words, before looking at Tylo properly.
“I suppose he’s ‘Things’ is he?”
Oh yes, Bo-Katan’s communications were very interesting. She goes from bragging about her sexual conquests to not letting out a peep. I suppose I see why now though… the lightsaber makes it obvious.
As Bo-Katan sputters, Koska pays her no heed, stepping past the red head and squaring off with Tylo with her chin jutting out and her arms crossed over her chest.
Tylo inclines his head in a nod, though his eyes never leave Koska’s face.
“Guilty as charged, I suppose.”
The dark-skinned woman’s eyes widen at that.
He admits it then! Tch!
Whoops. He hadn’t actually meant to imply that he was the only thing keeping Bo-Katan busy. More he’d meant to acknowledge that he was a Jedi. But before he could even decide if he wanted to correct her or not, Koska had already stepped closer again and pushed a gauntleted finger into his chest.
“You and me, right now. Duel.”
Tylo’s second brow raises to join the first at that, even as Bo-Katan throws her hands up in the air.
“Seriously Koska?!”
But Koska Reeves just holds up a hand palm out to Bo-Katan, silencing her.
“Quiet. This is between me and the Jetii. You gave up the right to interfere when you abandoned me and the Nite Owls and left their leadership in my hands.”
Oh? Bo-Katan hadn’t said that part. Very interesting. Peering into Koska’s dark brown eyes for a moment, Tylo reads what’s on her mind… and avoids grinning overly much as he slowly nods.
“A duel it is. Hand to hand, no armor, no force techniques.”
Koska’s smirk is all the answer needed as he sets aside his lightsaber and she removes her beskar. Soon enough, they’re both ready to go… and wordlessly, without either even saying anything, they leap at one another in unison.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
The ‘duel’ was admittedly quite short. Tylo didn’t use the Force in any direct way, but then he didn’t really have to. Using it to bolster his own strength and speed to inhuman levels had allowed him to overcome the gorgeous dark-skinned Mandalorian woman in no time at all. Koska might have complained about that… if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted.
Now, sitting on the woman’s own couch, Tylo drags her head back and forth across his cock with one hand, forcing her to throat every last inch of his dick time and time again. His other hand, meanwhile, reaches out and spanks her sizable derriere, her back arching as she willingly raises her hips as high into the air as she possibly can to give him access to her impressively large ass.
Down below her, her equally massive tits swing back and forth. Apparently, she normally kept them wrapped down tightly, but after he won, he was entitled to demand anything he wanted from her… and with his ability to directly read her desires, he’d known what he wanted.
“Fuck, Koska… should have known you were just after the dick I already locked down. Greedy bitch.”
Bo-Katan had been surprised at first by Tylo’s aggression following his victory over her former subordinate. That is, until the first involuntary moans had spilt from Koska’s lips and she’d realized the truth. Even now, Bo-Katan is nearby, watching through lidded eyes and touching herself to the sight of her comrade on her knees, getting face fucked and spanked in equal measure by yours truly.
As for Koska herself?
Plrghghgbt! Y-Yes! Yes, g-give me more! Fuck! Give me that fucking cock! Spank me silly! Oh fuck, oh fuck I’m cummiiiing!!!”
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gluuuuuuughk!!!”
True to her thoughts, Koska Reeves climaxes all over the floor of her own domicile, the masochistic bitch of a Mandalorian squirting her pussy juices all across the ground between her kneeling legs. Tylo won’t lie, when Bo-Katan first suggested they find her former comrade, he hadn’t ever expected things to go in THIS direction.
But, well… here they were. And it seemed that Koska Reeves was precisely enough of a pervert to fit in well with the sort of women Tylo usually surrounded himself with. In fact…
Fuck I hope the Jetii fucks me in the ass. How do I convince him? He’ll probably switch to my cunt any second now, but maybe I can show him where I want it. Will he go for that? He did beat me fair and square. It’s not my choice. All I can do… is offer a suggestion.
One might argue she was even more of a pervert than most of the women he usually surrounded himself with. Not that Tylo was complaining. Far from it. He was both immensely amused and immensely turned on. Still, he was also incredibly curious by what she meant by ‘offering’ a suggestion.
That’s why, when he finally yanks her off of his cock by her braided hair and spins her around so her fat ass is facing him and her messy face is directed towards Bo-Katan, he doesn’t immediately thrust into her sopping wet cunt right off the bat. Instead, he waits a moment to see what Koska does. He’s not disappointed.
Here’s my chance!
With his hand in her hair holding her upper body up, her fat tits still jiggling from the rapid movement, Koska reaches back and pulls her ass cheeks apart… to reveal that nestled between them is the end of what can only be a black butt plug. Tylo’s eyes widen at the reveal, a little caught off guard… and MORE than a little aroused by what he sees.
Reaching down with his free hand, Tylo grabs the base of the butt plug and gives it a few twists and turns. He finds himself immensely turned on by the idea of Koska Reeves wearing this thing inside of her at all times. Even when she was in combat, she was plugged up wasn’t she? He can’t help wondering if Bo-Katan knew, but a quick glance at the red head shows she’s as surprised as he is, her thoughts betraying her complete ignorance to just how much of a perverted freak her former subordinate truly was.
Pulling the butt plug out of Koska’s ass inch by inch causes her to moan up a wanton storm, even as her hands fall forward to the floor again. Meanwhile, Bo-Katan surreptitiously repositions herself… so that she can fit fingers in both her cunt AND her ass as she watches things unfold across the living room. Finally, the butt plug comes out with a pop, leaving Koska’s lubricated, well-prepared back door staring Tylo right in the eye.
With no more hesitation and no further foreplay, Tylo lines up his cock, much larger than the sex toy he’d just removed, and slides it in. It’s both easier than expected and more difficult. She’s still quite tight, especially for someone of his size, but also loosened up considerably by her constant use of a butt plug. Not to mention she clearly lubes her ass every day in order to make sure the plug goes in easier.
Yessssss! Fuck me, Jetii! Fuck your little anal freak! Fuck your butt slut silly!
It’s quite a pleasurable experience to say the least and comes with no small amount of amusement as Koska thinks things that she would never in a million years say out loud, even in the throes of passion like she is now. Ultimately, she merely cries out in an ugly manner, even as he gives her an anal pounding that drives her absolutely wild.
Of course, just because he’s now fucking her ass… doesn’t mean he’s done spanking it as well. His hand in her hair stays where it is, but his free hand continues to slap across Koska’s cheeks, one after the other, back and forth in time with his thrusts into her bowels.
Gurgling and moaning, groaning her heart out, Koska cums and cums for him, her thoughts growing more and more unintelligible by the moment until there’s not much thinking going on in that head of hers at all. But then to be fair, Tylo is happily cheating by this point, using the Force to empower his dick just as Master Luminara Unduli taught him so long ago.
Finally though, as all good things do, it comes to an end. With a grunt, Tylo deposits a hot, thick load right into the little butt slut of a Mandalorian, filling the anal freak of a warrior woman with his seed and giving her bowels the creampie that they not only richly deserve, but that Koska desires with all her heart.
Once he’s done, Tylo pulls out and finally lets go of her hair, watching as she unceremoniously falls face first to the ground while he settles back on the couch, relaxing and recovering.
-ine! Mine! Mine!
Of course, that’s when Bo-Katan steps in. The red head all but pounces on the opportunity at hand, lunging across the room and hopping over Koska’s body in order to impale her greedy cunt right upon his cock. Chuckling, Tylo grabs Bo-Katan by her much paler behind and lifts her up before dropping her down, causing the red head to moan wantonly as she begins to ride him hard and fast.
Her pussy walls flex and clench around his cock, even as Tylo leans in to nibble at her breasts, paying special attention to her teats.
In the meantime, Koska proves to be… tougher than she looks. She recovers quite rapidly, slowly pulling herself up onto the couch with a huff as she watches Bo-Katan ride him with wry amusement on both her face and in her thoughts.
“… I suppose you’re forgiven for running off like you did, Bo-Katan. Especially since you brought back such good dick.”
Gasping, panting, and moaning, Bo-Katan nevertheless scowls at Koska, a readied retort on her tongue.
“I didn’t run off, y-you brat… I took a job with the last legitimate Mandalore our people might ever fucking have.”
Koska scoffs at that.
“Yes… and where is said Mandalore now, hm? Oh wait, she’s dead. Has been for months. Didn’t keep you from being all but radio silent in that time…”
Bo-Katan flushes, and it’s obvious that Koska has scored a point there. Though, despite their harsh words to one another, Tylo sees no reason to step in. He can tell from their thoughts that there’s no bad blood between them, nor is it being generated by their sniping. They’re just doing it for fun at this point.
“L-Look… Koska… we need your help.”
Over the next little while, as Bo-Katan rides him hard and fast to get it out of her system, she also explains to Koska exactly why they’re here. The dark-skinned Mandalorian looks thoughtful at this, brow furrowing as she considers their mission for several long minutes in silence. Of course, like usual, Tylo has an idea of what’s going on in that pretty head.
… We could infiltrate Death Watch, but to do so the Jetii will need armor. And to get him armor, he’ll need to become a proper Mandalorian.
Eyeing Tylo speculatively, Koska grunts.
“We’re going to need to get you armor.”
Tylo frowns at that, carefully considering his reply even with his arms full of an amorous and horny Bo-Katan.

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