A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 54: The Armorer

Gripping Bo-Katan by her hips, Tylo abruptly stands, pushing the red-haired Mandalorian into a standing position of her own, albeit one that leaves her bent over and him fucking her from behind.
“Armor. Right. I assume so that we can infiltrate Death Watch?”
Koska brightens at that, eyes lighting up and lips curling into a wide smile at how fast he gets it. And yeah, Tylo is definitely cheating on that front. Who wouldn’t?
“Exactly. But Death Watch aren’t idiots. They might round up orphan kids and grind them to death looking for that diamond in the rough, but the adults… they’re usually the cream of the crop. You going in without armor properly fitted to you will be too big of a red flag. Luckily, I know an Armorer.”
Of course, she’s a bit of a pain in the ass to work with, but we can still make this work…
Tylo’s eyebrow lifts, even as Bo-Katan’s head snaps up.
“You don’t mean…”
But Koska just nods, the dark-skinned Mandalorian licking her lips and chuckling.
“That’s exactly who I mean, Bo-Katan. Unless YOU have a different Armorer in your back pocket that you haven’t told me about…”
Bo-Katan groans, and not entirely because Tylo is still buried deep inside of her pussy.
Fuuuck… what a pain.
Looking between the two Mandalorian women, Tylo grunts and lays a moderately harsh smack across Bo-Katan’s ass.

“You both gonna fill me in on what the problem with this Armorer is?”
“She’s a f-fucking traditionalist.” “No problem!”
The two women answer at the same time, and then scowl at each other a moment later. In the end, it’s Koska who actually follows up, seeing as she actually knows this person, while Bo-Katan is… well, a little indisposed.
“Look, this Armorer is hungry for work. That’s the good part. But… yes, she’s a little bit of a traditionalist. That’s not a bad thing though! Ever since the New Mandalorians took over, some of the best Beskar Armorers have sold out. They’ll literally make Mandalorian Armor for anyone these days, including off-worlders and tourists. Or… well, they WERE.”
… Until Death Watch came knocking.
Tylo grunts and buries himself in Bo-Katan’s snatch once more.
“Sounds like there’s a story there.”
Yeah, a fucking sad one…
“Not really. New Mandalorians do all they can to shove their pacifistic views down our throats. They succeed enough that lots of Mandalorians don’t even follow the traditions or get their own armor anymore. Suddenly, Mandalorian Armorers need to make ends meet because the credits stop coming in. All of that work dries up, so what the fuck else are they supposed to do, especially when the New Mandalorians want to turn the entire Sector into a Tourist Trap?”
Shrugging, Koska scowls furiously and crosses her arms over her naked chest.
“Lots of Armorers started selling to tourists, like I said. And then Death Watch decided they didn’t like that. Now? The unaffiliated Armorers left alive aren’t selling to anyone. So yeah, an Armorer who you can count on in this day and age is pretty rare. Sure, this one is a little traditionalist, but like I said, that’s NOT a bad thing. She doesn’t sell to anyone who hasn’t gone through the verd’goten, and that means Death Watch doesn’t mess with her.”
There’s also the fact that she’s too young and small time for them to mess with, but that’s neither here nor there…
Tylo slowly nods at that, starting to reach the tipping point of his time buried inside of Bo-Katan’s snatch. His cock is being tightly squeezed by every last inch of the groaning red head’s sopping wet cunt, and he’s expecting to cum… quite soon. He also feels like he has a good impression of what they have to do now. That said…
“What’s this verd’goten about then?”
He’s already vaguely picked up its meaning from Koska’s mind, but obviously he needs to hear it from her directly so he doesn’t give himself away.
“The verd’goten is a Mandalorian Rite of Passage. It’s mostly meant for our children. They start training around the age of eight, sometimes earlier. Then, when they turn thirteen, they’re sent out into the wilderness to survive on their own with a single weapon and some basic supplies. Hunting something down in this time is customary, because if they come back empty handed, they’re considered a failure and aren’t a proper Mandalorian. So they survive, they hunt, they bring back their kill. That’s basically it.”
That’s not all of it, and obviously he’s way too old. But Tylo can see a plan for a makeshift verd’goten already forming in Koska’s mind, so he just nods… and finishes inside of Bo-Katan, filling her to the brim with his seed. As she lets out a groan and promptly falls flat on her face between them, Tylo grins at a blushing Koska who’s suddenly staring at his no longer sheathed cock unabashedly.
“… Let’s do it.”
“It’s too bad we couldn’t have him fight a Mythosaur. Ooh, or a Shriek-Hawk. Or… anything worthwhile, really.”
Bo-Katan snorts as she side-eyes her friend. Koska is holding up a set of macrobinoculars with recording functionality, even as the two are currently trailing behind Tylo on his… hunt.
“You know both of those things were extinct long before even we had our verd’gotens, right? If you’re that beat up about it, take it up with Mandalore the First for driving the Mythosaurs to extinction, and then the Jedi for blasting us to hell and back and dooming the Shriek-Hawks too.”
Sniffing haughtily, Koska looks away from her macrobinoculars for a moment.
“Maybe I will. Bet your little Jetii friend would be happy to make… reparations for their demise.”
Rolling her eyes, Bo-Katan reaches out and snatches the set of macrobinoculars from Koska’s hands, looking through them herself. Tylo is moving carefully through the market plaza… but as she expected, he’s got eyes on the target already.
“You’re such a thirsty bitch, Koska.”
“I don’t need to hear it from you, Bo-Katan. Just who’s been monopolizing that fine cock all these months, huh? Toadying for the Jetii just to get more of his dick… I thought better of you.”
If she wasn’t busy making sure they’d have a recording for Koska’s Armorer of this janky-as-fuck verd’goten, Bo-Katan would have tackled her friend to the rooftop for that remark. Koska had been playful about it back at her place, but now that it was just the two of them, she was letting a little bit of her real hurt and anger leak through.
“Whatever. We all want the same thing here, Koska. Unless I missed something and you suddenly agree with Death Watch’s shit after all this time.”
“Fuck that. I’m all for tearing Death Watch a new asshole.”
Damn straight. Still… Bo-Katan could at least wish they had a better way of doing this. Putting Tylo through this makeshift version of a verd’goten… it felt like a waste of time to her. And yet, he’d agreed before she could really give her opinion, so there was no point in crying over spilt milk.
See, Mandalore hadn’t been suitable for the verd’goten rite for a long, long time. The Mandalorian Cataclysm, an ancient war between the Jedi and the Mandalorians, had left much of the planet’s surface entirely uninhabitable. They’d had to mostly survive in hermetically sealed dome cities, because the rest of the lands were a lifeless, endless white desert.
There was no surviving a verd’goten in those kinds of conditions. It just wasn’t reasonable. As such, for a long time, Mandalorians who followed the old ways had taken their young off-world to other planets in the sector that were still more inhabitable and filled with untamed wilds and the like. From there, they were able to properly observe the verd’goten for their young.
However, they didn’t have time for that. This was already a big enough detour as it was. Which meant finding a way to do a verd’goten on Mandalore. And that meant… making shit up as they went along. Privately, Bo-Katan didn’t think that this should actually count as a verd’goten.
The verd’goten was never supposed to be about the hunt, it was about proving you could survive on your own by yourself without much help. Bringing something back that you hunted and killed was just a way of showing that you could do so. If you returned to the settlement empty handed, it wasn’t that you’d failed to hunt something, it was that you’d failed to survive on your own.
As such, having Tylo hunt down a bounty put up by the New Mandalorians and capturing a criminal for his verd’goten… it didn’t feel good enough in her opinion. But Koska… Koska seemed convinced that this would satisfy the traditionalist Armorer. And Bo-Katan had been gone a long time, so she couldn’t say whether the other Mandalorian knew what she was talking about or not.
“He’s started a chase, give them here!”
Blinking out of her thoughts, Bo-Katan hands the macrobinoculars over to Koska, even as they both rise from the roof. The other woman is correct, down below in the market, Tylo’s target has realized they’re being tailed. Bo-Katan can immediately tell that Tylo let them figure out he was hunting them, specifically so that the criminal would try to escape. Now? Now he’s running after them, just barely keeping things within the proper limits.
That was part of what they’d told him ahead of time. He needed to avoid anything that revealed himself as a Jedi. That was why he had replaced his robes with some basic gear, and that was why his lightsaber was currently in Bo-Katan’s possession. All he had on him with a simple vibroblade… not a good match up against the blaster bulge that Bo-Katan could see sticking out of the criminal’s pants.
But she wasn’t worried. Not for Tylo, anyways. He was, if nothing else, quite capable. Even downplaying his Jedi abilities, he manages to keep up with the criminal as she and Koska follow along over the rooftops. Until finally… he corners his quarry in a dead end.
That’s when the blaster comes out, of course. Bo-Katan hears Koska’s sharp intake of breath beside her, but to her credit, the other Mandalorian makes no move to try and help Tylo. Not because she believes in him like Bo-Katan does, but because she believes in their traditions like Bo-Katan once did. All in all though… the end result is the same.
The criminal barely manages to get a demand out before Tylo has stepped into their personal space and swiped the vibroblade up through the barrel of the blaster, cutting the weapon in twain. The next thing any of them know, he’s got the humming blade up against the criminal’s throat… and the criminal is raising their hands, surrendering on the spot.
Smirking at the showing, Bo-Katan glances over at Koska with a rather dry look.
“… You better have gotten a good angle of that last move.”
Koska, who’s clearly still coming to terms with what she just saw, scoffs at Bo-Katan’s accusatory tone.
“What do you take me for? Of course I did. I’m not you with your shaky camera skills, Bo-Katan.”
… Tch, they said you could never go home again. More and more, Bo-Katan finds herself wishing that were actually true…
Fuck I wish we could go back to my place for another tumble real quick.
Mm, that was so fucking hot. If that little bitch doesn’t accept this recording, I’ll fucking dunk her in her own damn forge.
Hunting the criminal, taking them down, and turning them over for the bounty on their head had been fun, Tylo wouldn’t lie. However, he had to admit… he was enjoying just how hot and bothered both Koska and Bo-Katan were now even more. As Koska leads them through some backstreets until they arrive in front of a nondescript door, he can’t help the wicked grin on his face.
Hesitating only for a moment to glance back at Tylo, Koska grunts and bangs on the metal door.
“Let me do the talking.”
Tylo just nods, watching as there’s a beat of silence… and then the sound of clattering from beyond the door, followed by it finally sliding open and revealing a pair of bright brown eyes set into a dirty face. With brown locks pulled back into a tight ponytail, the young woman they’ve come to see looks them all over for a moment before laying eyes on him, only for them to narrow as she curses.
Leaning back out of sight, Tylo hears the sounds of scrambling and something sealing into place before the young woman, who could only be the Armorer, steps back into view again, this time wearing her helmet to go along with her bronze cuirass and dark brown kilt. The helmet, made of gold-plated beskar with five small horns adorning the top of it, certainly gives her a more imposing look. Or it would… if she weren’t so damn short.
“Koska. You didn’t tell me that you were bringing an outsider with you. You know I don’t serve… tourists.”
No matter how hunky they might be.
Oh? Well, nice to know he was making an impression on the female Armorer.
“He’s not an outsider. Not a tourist either. He’s Bo-Katan’s latest apprentice, and he just finished his verd’goten.”
The Armorer’s helmeted head swivels towards Bo-Katan at that, and then to him, and then back to Koska. Wordlessly, Koska holds out the macrobinoculars that they’d recorded his little hunting trip on for the Armorer’s benefit. Snatching them out of the other woman’s hands, the Armorer watches the recording in silence.
It would have been awkward, standing there surrounded by three armored women for a good twenty minutes, but luckily for Tylo, it’s not entirely quiet. He focuses most of his attention on the Armorer, reading some incredulity and then admiration from her thoughts.
This is no verd’goten. Then again… it IS pretty impressive… and he’s so handsome too… fuck…
The recording comes to an end, Tylo knows it does… but the Armorer doesn’t look up. Instead, she rewinds it and watches the ending what feels like half a dozen times over.
F-Fast. Impressively fast. I… I cannot deny that he is a capable warrior. But is he a capable Mandalorian?
“You! The Apprentice! Do you adhere to the Resol’nare? Can you recite the tenets here and now?”

There’s a tensing from both Bo-Katan and Koska as they realize they’ve messed up. But luckily for them, Tylo has the ultimate cheat sheet. He might not have done his homework… but he can fake it till he makes it. At the Armorer’s mention of it, the Resol’nare echoes through the minds of all THREE of the Mandalorian women in front of him. And truth be told… he finds nothing objectionable there.
“I can. Education and armor, self-defense, our tribe, our language and our leader. All help us survive.”
There’s a brief pause at that… and then a derisive snort.
“Should have been in Mandalorian, but that’s a failing of the teacher, not the student. Koska. You brought the Beskar?”
Startled at being suddenly called out, Koska holds up the case of Beskar meant for his armor, which the Armorer takes without hesitation despite its heavy weight. She lifts it up and down a couple of times thoughtfully before nodding decisively.
“Good. He comes in. You two find something else to do.”
“It’s fine. We have something else to do, don’t we Bo-Katan?”
“… Right.”
From their minds, Tylo can tell that Koska isn’t entirely lying. They both need to go see about getting the identifying parts of their own armor painted over so they can infiltrate Death Watch right alongside him. However, that doesn’t mean Bo-Katan is any happier about leaving him alone. In the end though, she allows herself to be led away while Tylo steps into the Armorer’s forge, the door hissing shut behind him.
To his surprise, once they’re alone, she removes her helmet again, those brown eyes of hers sliding up and down his body briefly before she jerks her head.
Let’s see exactly what we’re working with… hehe…
Oh. So she was that kind of pervert. Hm…

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