A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 63: Onto the Next

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Satine makes her choice and Tylo makes his.


By the Force… what am I going to do?

As the credit lands face up and Satine Kryze falls on the side of belief, she also falls forward, her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands as she lets out a groan of despair. It’s quite the undignified look for the Duchess of Mandalore, but thankfully she’s alone with her sister and a Jedi Knight who has no intention of holding it against her.
In fact, upon seeing Satine lean forward and put her face in her hands, Bo-Katan moves in swiftly and drops to a knee beside her younger sister’s throne, placing a consoling hand on Satine’s shoulder. Unfortunately, when she opens her mouth to speak… the words don’t come out. Instead, the Mandalorian woman looks over at Tylo, biting her lower lip indecisively.
Damn it all. Tylo can’t help, can he? We’re on a time crunch as it is…
Bo-Katan is right, of course. For more than one reason. Still, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a solution. Hopefully it’s an acceptable one.
“Now that you’ve accepted the truth, Duchess Kryze, we can talk about actionable plans of attack.”
Lifting her head, Satine narrows her eyes at that.
He said it that way on purpose, didn’t he?
“… You do know I’m a pacifist, don’t you Knight Vondin? I do not attack.”
He did know that. And he had said it that way on purpose. Smiling softly, Tylo just shakes his head.
“A simple turn of phrase, Duchess. A simple turn of phrase. What I meant was… you’re probably wondering what you’re going to do next. Well, it’s simple. You’re going to ask the Jedi Order for help.”
Both sisters go wide-eyed at that, before each respectively narrows their eyes in confusion, not quite understanding his words. Satine in particular makes a baffled noise in the back of her throat.
“Excuse me, Master Jedi?”
Is he trying to turn this into a power play? Does he… does he want me to beg for his help? I can do that. I can beg quite effectively if its for the sake of my people. Even if I have to strip naked and get down on my hands and knees, I’ll do it…
As Satine’s thoughts once again turn randy and rather racy, Tylo sighs and shakes his head.
“As I’ve told you before, I’m no Master, Duchess. And that’s honestly rather the point and problem mixed into one. As much as I might want to personally help you, I cannot. As a Jedi Knight I am trusted with my own missions… but not with unilaterally expanding those mission parameters. I don’t have the authority to change my mission at this point in time, nor can I given its time sensitive nature. What you need, Duchess Kryze, is a Jedi Master… and I think I know just the one.”
Never in a million years did he think he’d be suggesting this, but given the man had come up in Satine’s thoughts more than once…
“You should call on Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to assist you in these matters. I understand the two of you have some… history together.”
Satine’s eyes widen all over again at that and a blush spreads across her face as she turns into a stuttering, stammering mess.
“M-Master Kenobi? I-I mean… yes, we’re acquaintances b-but… ah…”
I can’t see Obi-Wan again. I definitely can’t allow myself to lay eyes on him again, or I may do everything in my power to make sure he never leaves Mandalore. And he… he might actually stay this time. I can’t let him come here… no matter how badly I want him to.
Wow. Satine had it BAD for Obi-Wan. It clashed a little bit with Tylo’s image of the Jedi Master as a bit of a stuck-up, overly prudish prick. But then, they all had their pasts didn’t they? And even if Obi-Wan was who he was now… he’d been Tylo’s age once upon a time, hadn’t he?
Of course, Satine’s inner thoughts are only half as alarming as Bo-Katan’s.
… I might have to let Tylo leave me behind. I should… I can’t just leave Satine in this den of vipers. I understand why Tylo can’t help, but she’s my sister. If she won’t even accept the Jedi Order’s assistance, then what am I supposed to do? In the end, he’ll understand. He’s not like the other Jedi. But even if he was… well, I was never anything more than his mercenary.
Great, so one sister was a veritable mess over the thought of seeing her old flame again, while the other was considering abandoning him in order to help her sibling. Now to be fair, Bo-Katan was right. Tylo wouldn’t begrudge her if she decided to stay. However, he would prefer to keep her by his side, if possible…
To her credit, Satine recovers remarkably fast, managing to pull herself together… at least outwardly. Sitting back in her throne, the Duchess of Mandalore smiles softly as she looks at Tylo and speaks not a word of truth from those pouty lips of hers.
“A fine idea, Knight Vondin. One that I will certainly take under advisement, I assure you.”
Take under advisement… and ultimately discard. I can’t see Obi-Wan again. And… I don’t need the Jedi Order’s help. I can handle this on my own. Now that I know Saxon’s true loyalties, I can deal with the traitor myself.
Tylo resists the urge to facepalm as Satine talks herself up in her own head. And Bo-Katan isn’t unobservant either. She can tell her sister is lying, and as Satine gathers herself up to dismiss them, the older Mandalorian woman gathers HERSELF up to announce that she’ll be staying. Before either of those things can happen, Tylo decides to take matters into his own hands… literally as he pulls out his comm.
“Oh, good. Then I’ll go ahead and give him a call right now.”
Wait, no!
He never thought he would be doing this. Contacting Master Kenobi of his own volition. But here he is. The Kryze Sisters have left him no choice. Honestly, if only they knew the sacrifice he was making for them.
Before Satine can muster up a verbal protect, Tylo has already placed the call and a moment later, a small blue holographic projection of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi appears atop the circular device. Blinking owlishly at him before narrowing his eyes in suspicion, the Jedi Master frowns as he stands there with his hands in his robes.
“Knight Vondin.”
The cool reception is about what Tylo expects… but before he can respond, it’s somewhat ruined by someone pushing in off-screen.
“Master? Master, who is it? Someone you know?”
Its Tylo’s turn to blink owlishly as a young Togruta woman, clearly a Jedi herself, pushes into view, disrupting Obi-Wan something fierce and making the Jedi Master groan and rub his brow with his fingers. Tylo’s own brow ratchets up in surprise. He knew Annie had become a Jedi Knight, but he hadn’t heard that Obi-Wan got a new Padawan.
… More than that, this Togruta girl looked to only be a year or two younger than Tylo and Annie, and might even be their age. Was she not ready for her trials yet? It was incredibly easy to get promoted as a Jedi Knight right now, they were in the middle of a war after all.
Letting out a put-upon sigh, Obi-Wan… actually moves aside a little bit, making room for both him and the Togruta in the holocall much to Tylo’s surprise. He was expecting the Jedi Master to rebuke his new padawan and perhaps send her away, but instead Master Kenobi nods to the girl and then to Tylo.
“This is Jedi Knight Tylo Vondin. Knight Vondin, this is my new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.”
Ahsoka looks fit to burst, her eyes twinkling as she beams at him.
“I THOUGHT I recognized that name! Skygal talks about you all the time, Knight Vondin!”
Skygal… Annie? Tylo blinks rapidly, a little nonplussed by just how much the young Togruta is getting away with. Except he’s also once again brought back to just how NOT young she is. It’s confusing him… and clearly that confusion is visible, because Master Kenobi clears his throat and leans in to explain.
“Padawan Tano here is finishing up the rest of her apprenticeship with me after the regrettable loss of her last master. She’ll be ready to take her trials within the year.”
Ahsoka looks a little saddened by that reminder, but also bolstered by Obi-Wan’s confidence. Tylo, meanwhile, finds himself regretting not being able to read either of their true thoughts as he looks between them both for a moment before mustering up a response.
“Well… I wish you both the best then. You’re in good hands, Padawan Tano.”
Privately, he actually wishes them both the best of luck with each other, because he can already tell that Ahsoka is a handful. Still, it’s surprising to see how much Master Kenobi has mellowed out since Tylo saw the man last. Either going to war has helped put things into perspective for the Jedi Master, or Tylo has simply never seen this side of Obi-Wan before.
Either way… this wasn’t why he called.
“Unfortunately, Master Kenobi, I’m not making a social call. I’m currently on Mandalore at the moment… in the throne room of its Duchess, a woman named Satine Kryze.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes widen at that and though its hard to tell through the see-through blue of the holocall, Tylo is pretty sure that the Jedi Master actually blanches. Once again, he wishes he could hear Master Kenobi’s thoughts, but seeing as he can’t, he just settles for telling the Jedi Master about his mission so far and how dangerous Death Watch has become.
He carefully leaves out mention of Boba Fett and Rook Kast, preferring instead to lean into how the Duchess of Mandalore has been forced to take in all those Foundlings he rescued, putting something of a target on her back even more than there already was. Obi-Wan listens to all of this quietly, and Tylo finds himself worried that the Jedi Master might find an excuse not to come.
So… he walks forward as he comes to the end of his tale, moving towards Satine’s throne as the Duchess’ eyes go wide and she quickly shakes her head… right up until the point where she ends up joining the holocall, at which point the frantic cut-off motions stop and she’s the picture of politeness and grace, smiling softly… even as she grips the arms of her throne hard enough that her knuckles go white.
“Ah… Master Kenobi. So good to see you again.”
“Duchess Kryze… a pleasure, of course.”
In the background, Ahsoka begins to ask for another introduction, but this time Obi-Wan overrides her, looking grave as he stares Satine in the eye through the holocall.
“Satine… is it as bad as Knight Vondin says?”
Tylo doesn’t need to be a mind reader to know exactly how Satine is going to respond. But he is, so of course it’s not surprise when she waves a hand through the air.
“It’s nothing to be concerned with, Obi-Wan. Death Watch has always been a problem… one that will be dealt with by my security officers, like usual.”
He’s glad he held this in reserve, because he doesn’t hesitate to use it now. Clearing his throat, Tylo draws the attention of both Obi-Wan and Satine back to him.
“What the Duchess fails to mention is that we’ve uncovered more information than ever before this time around, Master Kenobi. Such as the knowledge that one of her planetary governors is the leader of Death Watch.”
As Satine stiffens, Obi-Wan jolts. Just like Tylo had hoped, that little revelation works like a charm… and lights a fire under the Jedi Master, who nods sharply.
“I’ll be there as soon as possible with the 212th, Satine.”
And then he shuts off the holocall, not even giving the Duchess time to react. Satine just stares at the empty air where Obi-Wan had been mere moments before, mouth agape. Tylo, smiling, puts away his comm and claps his hands together.
“Well now, I’m glad that’s settled! If that will be all, Duchess… I shall take my leave.”
Resting her forehead against her palm now, Satine just sighs and waves him off with her other hand. Tylo turns to leave, still not entirely sure if Bo-Katan will be joining him or not. But that’s mostly because she herself is unsure… until the moment she makes her decision.
Satine is going to have a Jedi Master and an entire Clone Battalion here within a couple of days. She’ll have more than enough of me to protect her as is… so I might as well stick with Tylo.
Stopping at the door to the throne room, Tylo looks back and smiles as Bo-Katan exchanges some quite words with her younger sister before giving her one last comforting squeeze on the shoulder. Then, the Mandalorian woman puts her helmet back on and follows after him, the two of them leaving the throne room together.
Moans fill the small cabin as flesh slaps against flesh. They’re aboard Bo-Katan’s ship in hyperspace now, and the Mandalorian has very eagerly decided to ‘reward’ him for his efforts to help her sister. As she bounces up and down on his cock, Tylo lays under her, his hands roaming across her athletic, toned, and entirely naked body.
Leaning forward, the Mandalorian woman suddenly kisses him somewhat tenderly on the lips, even caressing his face briefly afterwards before smiling at him when they pull apart.
“Thank you for all you did back there, Tylo. You didn’t have to go that far.”
He definitely did have to go that far. But then, Bo-Katan had no way of knowing that HE knew how close he’d come to her feeling like she was forced to stay behind. In the end, Bo-Katan Kryze and her sister’s New Mandalorians would have gotten on like a house on fire or oil and water. So really, while part of him WAS being selfish, he was also saving the Kryze Sisters a whole lot of headache.
If anyone could get Satine to loosen up a little bit from her pacifistic ways, it wasn’t going to be Bo-Katan. But maybe Master Kenobi could do what the older Kryze sister had failed to do.
With a chuckle, Tylo runs his hands down Bo-Katan’s sides, about to answer that he was happy to help. But before he can, she suddenly reaches down, grabs a wrist, and directs one of his hands to her throat instead. Then she leans in close and lets out a lustful growl.
“Give it to me, Tylo. Make me FEEL it.”
Need to be punished for leaving my sister behind. Even if I think she’ll be fine… I still gave into my own desires. Need to be hurt.

Oh. Well now.


The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Tylo gives her what she wants, but keeps it purely physical - 13%
[X] Tylo gives her what she wants, with a little help from Force Choke - 76%
[  ] Tylo keeps things rough, but not as violent as Bo-Katan is asking for - 10%

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