A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 64: Together Again

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

In which Tylo uses Force Choke... for good? And also the plot catches up with us~

Frowning a little bit, Tylo tightens his grip on Bo-Katan’s throat, feeling her neck convulsing under his fingers and palm as he chokes her a bit. In response, the Mandalorian woman’s breath hitches, her pussy walls clenching down around his cock as he fucks up into her from below.

Yessss… hurt me…
The thing is, as much as Bo-Katan might want to be punished for leaving her sister behind, Tylo felt a little bad about being the one to do the punishing. After all, he’d manipulated the whole situation from start to finish. Letting out a low breath, he lets his feelings go into the Force… and then he starts jackhammering up into Bo-Katan from below much faster and harder, using some Force-Assisted strength and speed to really give it to her.
Oh f-fuck! Nnngh!
Now with zero control over how fast she’s bouncing up and down on his cock, Bo-Katan can only gurgle as his hand remains wrapped around her throat. Her eyes are looking down at him though, and once he’s sure he has as much of her attention as he can possibly get, he makes sure to tell her what he really thinks.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Bo-Katan. I know you feel like you should have stayed behind and that you need to be punished for going… but you made the right call.”
Wait, what?
As his words penetrate through the hazy mixture of pleasure and pain that have fallen over her mind, Bo-Katan’s eyes flicker and flutter and properly focus on his face. She tries to speak, but Tylo doesn’t let her, gripping down even more harshly on her neck, squeezing off her capacity to form words as she bucks on top of his cock a bit.
“Think about it. If you’d stayed, how long would it have been before your sister started asking you to go weaponless to make her and her New Mandalorians happier? How long until she began asking you to forego your beskar in order to ‘fit in better’? Ten minutes? Five?”
This… little… bastard…
He’s tempted to respond, to tell her that there’s nothing ‘little’ about him and she knows it. But no, that would be giving the game away. He’s toeing the line right now, treading dangerously close to giving up information he should have no right knowing. But so far everything he’s said could just be the usual enhanced perception and observation skills that a Jedi Knight was expected to have. Yes, he’s cheating, but Bo-Katan doesn’t know that.
Of course, she’s decidedly conflicted over it all. On the one hand, he’s giving her what she asked for. Choking her out while fucking her hard and fast. On the other hand, she doesn’t like that he’s basically telling her it’s not her fault. That he’s massaging away her guilt while ‘punishing’ her physically.
Snorting in amusement as Bo-Katan tries to struggle free of him to give him a piece of her mind, Tylo proceeds to flip them both over with the help of the Force, making her gasp as he pins her to the bed and looms over her. She freezes at the look in his eyes, even as her legs naturally clamp down around his waist, his cock still pistoning in and out of her cunt.
“You’ve done nothing wrong, Bo-Katan. You might think that you’re just a mercenary, that you don’t mean anything more to the Jedi Order beyond your status as a hired gun. But you’re wrong. You mean a lot more than just that to me. And I’m glad you stayed with me.”
Bo-Katan’s eyes widen at Tylo’s heartfelt confession. They widen even further when he leans in and kisses her slightly purpling lips a moment later, having been choking her for so long that the lack of oxygen was finally starting to get to her. She might have a bruise on her neck tomorrow, but her undersuit will cover that up just fine so he’s not worried.
Still, he does release his hold on her throat as he passionately kisses her, forcing his tongue into her mouth and swapping spit with her. Instead, he brings his hands to her chest, groping and squeezing her breasts… even as Bo-Katan rides out an explosive orgasm upon his cock.
Nnnnnngh! T-This shit… he always knows how to push my damn buttons! Little fucker gives me what I want and then turns it around on me!
Despite her aggravated inner thoughts, Bo-Katan seems intent on deepening the kiss… at first. Her arms wrap around his neck and head, her fingers carding through his hair as Tylo kneads her tits and fucks her gushing, clenching, tightening pussy with every last inch of his throbbing member. But then, quite suddenly, Bo-Katan pulls them apart, suddenly gripping his hair as she yanks him back and snarls at him.
My turn to give him a piece of my mind, d-damn it! I-urk!
Bo-Katan’s eyes widen again and her hand leaves his hair to instead reach for her throat. It’s a little weird hearing her choke in her own thoughts… but then it makes some level of sense seeing as he’s currently using HIS mind to choke her in the first place. His own hands remain affixed to Bo-Katan’s chest. They haven’t gone anywhere. No, rather… they’re continuing to grope and squeeze her breasts, kneading and mauling her sensitive titflesh until its red and her nipples are rock hard.
Staring down at her with a crooked grin, Tylo continues to focus on cutting off her air with the Force. She’d asked for it after all. And its actually much easier to choke her out with his mind than it is his bare hands. He has to focus on where his fingers are located at all times, he has to manipulate his fleshy appendages properly in order to keep cutting off the airflow.
But with the Force? It’s all too easy to pinch certain bits mostly closed. Not all the way of course, he doesn’t want to actually hurt her long-term… but enough that she’s not going to get a word out edgewise.
Of course, he wouldn’t be doing this if she wasn’t enjoying the hell out of it. Bo-Katan Kryze had a massive masochism kink. Rather odd for a woman as badass as her, but Tylo knew it to be true because he could literally read her mind.
F-Fuck… he’s got me… nngh, right where he wants me. Nothing… a-ah, n-nothing I can do. Oh fuuuuuck~
Bo-Katan’s hand scrambles at her own neck for only a few moments more before falling away. Her back arches, her breasts pushing up into his questing grip as he continues to fuck her into the bed. Meanwhile, her cunt is rapidly clenching down around his cock and she very quickly reaches her next orgasm and then the one after that, and then the one after that.
Tylo grunts as he fucks her through climax after climax, choking her out with the Force but always holding himself back from sending her into unconsciousness. Still, it’s very… physical sex in the end. There’s no helping how it rapidly exhausts Bo-Katan, how she can’t even keep her eyes open after an hour of the high-intensity copulation. Finally cumming, Tylo grunts as he pulls out and leaves her laying there, at long last releasing his mental and physical grip on her body.
Her eyes flutter and then she conks out right then and there, falling asleep in the bed with her nudity on display and her sweat-covered form sprawled out before him. But Tylo feels no temptation to keep going after she’s gone unconscious. Instead, he carefully covers her up with a blanket and then gets dressed, slipping out of Bo-Katan’s quarters and down the main hall of her ship.
A glance into the common area shows a young Boba passed out on the couch, while his feet take him even further to the cockpit, where Rook Kast sits in the pilot’s seat. Of course, with them in Hyperspeed Transit, there’s not much for the Mandalorian woman to do save for watch over the sensors and what not.
Ah, the Jedi.
Rook gives him a simple nod of acknowledgment and sensing no duplicity in her thoughts, Tylo returns the nod and then steps over to the Comms Console. There, he finds that his message to the others has been received and even replied to.
While Tylo had been off on Mandalore looking into Death Watch, the others had not been entirely idle. Master Shaak Ti had remained behind on Kamino, since her role as the Jedi High Council’s representative was to keep a watchful eye on the Clone Army Production at all times. However, she’d released her Padawan into Aayla’s custody for the time being, leaving the Twi’lek Jedi Master and the Zabrak known as Maris Brood to both go off and follow up on the other side of things.
Aayla and Maris hadn’t had quite as much luck as him so far though, it looked like. They were making decent headway, but Tylo had to admit that he’d wound up blitzing his mission pretty damn fast. In comparison to Death Watch and the ease with which he’d accomplished his objective, the Banking Clan was proving to be a lot harder to get info from, like trying to draw water from a stone.
Given enough time, Tylo didn’t doubt that Aayla and Maris would probably turn up SOMETHING usable… but why leave it to them when he had a little hellion in the form of Boba Fett who was ravenously looking for any and all information on the Sith so she could have her revenge? Pointing their little group at the Banking Clan and joining forces with his old Jedi Master and Padawan Brood sounded like the best use of their time and resources at this point.
… Sure, the war continued to rage all around them, and yes, significant portions of the Banking Clan had broken away and joined the Separatists. But knowing what he knew about this war, fighting it in any way was the last thing Tylo wanted to be doing. Every battle, every fight… it was all just playing directly into the Sith’s hands. At the end of the day, the only way to win was by never playing to begin with.
Shooting off a message that he would be joining them in short order, Tylo gives Rook Kast one final nod and then heads back to Bo-Katan’s quarters to get some sleep himself. Who knew how much chance they’d have for it going forward, right?
“Apprentice. Come.”
Asajj Ventress’ head twitches to the side as her Master’s words echo through the air, laden with command and propelled all the way to her chambers by the Force. Without hesitation, the bald-headed Dathomirian female rises from her knees and strides out of her chamber within the Dooku Estate upon Serenno. A massive mansion, the place was filled with winding halls and almost no signs of life… but then, that was just the way Asajj liked it.
Quickly reaching the Main Hall, the aspiring Sith Assassin steps into the room where Count Dooku, Lord of the Sith, awaits her presence. As soon as she lays eyes on Dooku, Asajj begins to traverse the length of the hall, eager to hear what he has for her now. However, she falters for a moment at seeing a certain bounty hunter in the room as well, face and mood hidden behind a helmet like always.
Every time Asajj Ventress lays eyes on the armored visage of Janga Fett, she feels the smallest sliver of fear. She knows it’s unbecoming of her and she of course immediately stamps that fear out… but even still. As a Sith, Asajj should be inspiring and instilling fear in those around her, not feeling it herself. Yet… each and every time, she has to wonder if Janga knows.
By this point in time, Asajj imagines that the little clone she dropped off with Death Watch is probably dead. They don’t have the best track record with children that AREN’T clones of one of their most hated enemies. Even if they haven’t figured out yet that Boba is a clone of Janga Fett, it’s entirely likely that the girl is dead from the harsh conditions that Death Watch ‘trains’ their Foundlings under.
But even if Boba isn’t dead, the simple act of having been the one to hand her over to Death Watch would likely see Janga Fett coming after Asajj with the intent to kill. That shouldn’t have bothered her. She was a Sith Assassin after all. But Janga had earned her reputation and had only become more dangerous with those new prosthetics of hers…
Moving past Janga with only the smallest hitch in her step, Asajj reaches her Master and drops to her knees. Count Dooku stares out of the floor-to-ceiling window before him for a moment longer before finally turning to face her.
“Apprentice. I have a mission for you and our resident bounty hunter. A Jedi by the name of Aayla Secura is poking her nose into things that do not concern her. She has been making… inquiries with the Banking Clans. Inquiries that cannot be allowed to continue. You are to hunt her down and silence her immediately. Am I understood?”
Asajj lets out a shuddering breath as excitement fills her every pore. Hunting down Jedi was her favorite past time. She could hardly wait to begin. However, there was only one thing stifling her excitement.
“Your Will be done, Master. However… is there any reason I cannot do this myself? To prove myself to you all the more, of course.”
She would rather not have to go on a mission with Janga Fett. Not after what she did to Boba Fett. But Dooku’s yellow eyes are pitiless as they gaze down at her, as well as piercing. Almost as though he can read her fear and finds it disgusting.
“Janga Fett’s mission is intertwined with your own. She will be making sure the information that the Jedi is after is permanently destroyed while you deal with the Jedi yourself. Is there a problem with this arrangement, Apprentice?”
Hearing the threatening tone in his voice, Asajj bows her head in submission.”
“No, Master.”
“Then go. And do not return with anything less than complete success.”
“As you wish, Master.”
With that, Asajj rises and spins about, making her way back down the Main Hall with her head held high and plans already whirling through her head. At the same time though, Janga Fett also falls in behind her, making Asajj’s shoulders shift inwards just a fraction of an inch. Probably not enough that the bounty hunter notices. She hopes.

Then again, this is clearly a test from her Master. Dooku recognizes her discomfort around the dangerous woman despite Janga’s lack of a connection to the Force. He’s expecting her to overcome it, to turn any fear she might feel into strength. Well, she doesn’t have any issue turning it into anger at least. Anger at herself, anger at Janga. But getting rid of it altogether is proving easier said than done…

The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Asajj goes by the exact meaning of her Master's words, treating her and Janga's goals as separate missions - 26%

[X] Asajj goes by the spirit of her Master's words, treating her and Janga's goals as the joint-mission they are - 74%


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