A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 75: Janga Fett

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Janga and Tylo get freaky~



The Jedi’s eyes widen slightly as she just comes out and says it. But Janga doesn’t stop there. She puts words to action almost immediately, reaching up and slowly disconnecting her armor, piece by piece. She can’t help but feel a twinge of amusement as the Jedi remains silent while she strips naked right before his eyes. No attempts at stopping her. No effort made to push her away. It’s almost like he knows how badly she truly needs this.

Janga Fett is not used to feeling gratitude. In fact, she hasn’t really been grateful to anyone for a long time now. That, after all, would imply she owed someone something and she hadn’t felt like she owed anyone anything for quite a while. She’d been on her own for years and every relationship she’d had save for Boba’s was purely transactional.

She wasn’t grateful to the Kaminoans because the Cloners were just doing a job, just as she was. Boba was part of her payment for said job, so she had no reason to feel gratitude towards the aliens who had created her daughter for her. Likewise, she was not grateful to the other templates she’d found and lured to Kamino because just like her, they were all just there to do a job. None of them were True Mandalorians anyways… the True Mandalorians were gone. Dead.

Further, she wasn’t grateful to Dooku for ‘rescuing’ her from the Jedi Temple or outfitting her with prosthetic hands because at the end of the day she knew what the Count wanted out of her. Perhaps it wasn’t quite so clear cut as it was with the Kaminoans, but their relationship was also purely transactional and she’d never for an instant been grateful to Dooku. Not when she knew how much he valued her as a tool. Not after everything he’d done.

Which led to now. To Tylo Vondin, Jedi Knight. As she bares herself to him, Janga is well aware that her prosthetic hands, while a bit unsightly, are the least of it. The female Mandalorian’s body is covered in scars. Some of them from her line of work and earned in battle… and some of them from her time as a slave after the Battle of Galidraan.

And yet, he does not look away. He stares at her, looks upon her naked body, and continues to watch her with a tranquility that honestly annoys her a little bit. Though, perhaps he catches that because he speaks up a moment later.

“… Are you sure about this, Janga?”

Huffing, she strides forward, not concerned about him getting the wrong idea and cutting her down with that saber of his now. As soon as she’s close enough, the naked Mandalorian climbs right into Vondin’s lap, causing him to grunt as his hands automatically go to her hips in order to stabilize them both. The chair handles the extra weight with ease though, even as Janga drapes her prosthetics behind his neck.

“Am I sure about this? Do I feel sure, Jedi?”

She grinds her naked crotch against his clothed one, allowing him to feel her arousal. She’s not entirely wet yet, but she is rapidly getting there. And in the end, it wouldn’t even matter if she wasn’t turned on. Because Tylo Vondin’s actions demanded recompense. This… gratitude she felt towards him needed to be addressed and this was the quickest way she could think to do so.

“Janga… if we’re going to do this, I have two stipulations.”

The female Mandalorian’s eyes narrow at that, before she scoffs.

“Trust a Jedi to overcomplicate things.”

But he just shakes his head.

“They aren’t that complicated. All I want from you is to know WHY you want to do this… and for you to use my damn name.”

His grip on her hips intensifies and Janga jolts in surprise at the slight growl of irritation in his voice as he speaks that last part. Oh? The Jedi Knight wasn’t quite so saintly and pure as he might have wanted to portray. Honestly… she kind of liked that. Grinding down on his growing bulge a bit harder, the naked, scarred, and muscled Mandalorian Woman bares her teeth at him in a savage grin.

“Fine. You want to know why I want to do this? You saved my daughter, Tylo Vondin. And I will not have that remain unanswered.”

Of course, the other thing was that she saw a worthy male in Tylo. And fuck if she hadn’t encountered many of THOSE in her life. Maybe back among the True Mandalorians she could have seen herself pairing off with one of them. The only problem was that she was Mand’alor and their leader. Not to mention there was never a good time for her to be out of commission for months because one of her soldiers had knocked her up.

And then after Galidraan with all of them dead… there wasn’t a single man worthy of her left in the entire galaxy. Or so Janga had thought. The Mandalorians were split between Death Watch and those cowards in the New Mandalorian Faction, after all. In the end, getting a daughter from the Cloners had just made more sense than doing things the old fashioned way.

… But Tylo had impressed her in a way few males had managed to for a long while now. He’d stood by his convictions through thick and thin and even come back from a brush with the ‘Dark Side’. Janga might not care much for the Jedi’s religion or their fight with the Sith, but she remembered hunting down Komari Voss. She remembered how maddened the ‘Dark Jedi’ had become.

Truth be told, her gratitude vied with her desire to test just how much of a man he really was. But both meant the same thing… she was going to ride him until they were both fucking raw.

“… Alright then.”

Tylo sounds almost nonplussed… but there’s also an undercurrent of lust to his voice as he firms up his grip on her hips and begins to lift her up off his lap. Janga growls in irritation at this but far from being intimidated, the Jedi Knight just snorts in amusement.

“Can’t very well do the deed with my clothes still on, Janga.”

… He raises a good point. Fine. Pulling back, Janga climbs off of him, allowing Tylo to stand up and strip down. As he does so, she narrows her eyes. She might not have his vaunted Force, but she’s been around the block a few times. She feels like if she doesn’t act swiftly, he might just turn the tables on her and take control of this entire scenario. She needs to maintain her momentum here.

That’s why, the moment his cock is out and his pants are off, Janga moves in again and pushes the Jedi back into the chair. He doesn’t seem too surprised by what was supposed to be a ‘surprise attack’, but nevertheless, he drops back into his seat. This time, rather than climbing into his lap, Janga kneels down between his legs. Her prosthetic hands are fully functional, allowing her to wrap them around his cock and stroke it slowly up and down.

If she squeezed too tightly, she would do irreparable damage to his member. Fortunately for Tylo Vondin, Janga Fett has no desire to hurt him… much. Glancing up at the Jedi Knight, she smirks and then leans in and takes him in her mouth.

Control. Some might claim that a woman fellating a man was all about the woman’s submission. Janga had never subscribed to that way of thinking though. While it was true that she had not performed fellatio for the handful of lovers she’d had in her life very often, when she did do it… it was all about HER controlling the situation.

That’s why Tylo feels a hint of her teeth as she slides her mouth up and down his cock. That’s why one of her hands is always cupping his balls while the other rests around the base of his dick, to remind him of who’s in charge here. To his credit, the Jedi doesn’t try to fight her as she sucks his member and gets him harder and thicker by the second.

Eventually, she’s confident that he’s as big as he gets. A respectable size, the female Mandalorian notes, before redoubling her efforts to get him off. However, just when Tylo is getting close to the edge… Janga pulls back. Her mouth doesn’t leave his cock completely, but she does reel in her efforts a fair bit. Slowing down, taking her time, she pulls him from the brink of orgasm back to a state of imminent but manageable arousal.

A grunt leaves Tylo’s lips but beyond that, the Jedi Knight doesn’t complain. Not that she would have expected him to. Her technique is impeccable, her hands working over the parts of his genitals that her mouth isn’t on. But even still, she doesn’t let him cum. She wants him to beg. She wants to hear him ask her why she won’t let him fill her mouth with seed.

… That never happens. Once, twice, thrice… Janga pulls Tylo back from the edge of his release half a dozen times before realizing the Jedi Knight is going to be… aggravating about this. Looking up into his eyes, she sees a silent challenge there. An implacable mountain that she’s crashing down like a waterfall. Sure, over a longer period of time, the waterfall might be able to erode part of the mountain. But they don’t have that much time.

Janga’s eyes narrow and she reconsiders her plan of attack. Finally diving down his length for real, the female Mandalorian Warrior brings Tylo to the edge… and this time lets him tip right over it. When he cums a moment later, he does so with a groan and Janga makes sure to swallow every last drop. She has no intention of making a mess on her ship, after all. She keeps sucking as well, making sure he remains rock hard and doesn’t go soft on her.

Then, before he can do or say anything else, she pulls her mouth off of his cock and climbs right back into his lap. This go around, Janga doesn’t waste time. She grabs hold of his dick and slides herself right down his length while her other arm is hooked around his neck. Letting out a gasping, shuddering breath, the Mandalorian Woman is forced to admit it’s been quite some time… and more than that, the Jedi feels quite good inside of her.

She takes a moment to get situated, while Tylo’s hands go to her hips. Her eyes narrow at that, but he just smiles guilelessly at her, even as she grinds herself down on the base of his cock for a moment. He doesn’t SEEM to intend to take over… but she knows full well that looks can be deceiving. Still, would it be so bad if she let him have control for a bit?

… No. She refused to show weakness. She was still a warrior after all, and the bedroom could be just as much a battlefield as any other for all that they weren’t using the bed. If the Jedi wanted control, he would have to take it from her. She would accept nothing less.

With that in mind, Janga rides Tylo hard and fast, bouncing her up and down his cock as he grunts beneath her. His member throbs and pulses inside of her and Janga groans from how he stretches out her inner walls. Admittedly, he does feel quite good and it’s not long before she feels herself reaching the edge.

Which is when those hands of his come into play at long last. Suddenly, Janga goes still, all of her momentum arrested as she finds herself impaled on the Jedi’s cock but no longer moving. Not of her own volition though. A combination of his powerful physical grip on her hips and his control over the damn Force freezes Janga in place and she finds herself slowly coming down from where she’d been nearly to the peak of pleasure.

Her eyes narrow as she looks down at Tylo, but the seated Jedi Knight just grins unabashedly, wholly unashamed of what he’s done. Soon enough, he lets her go and Janga can get right back to riding him raw… but she’s no longer about to cum and that was clearly his goal. Eyes remaining narrowed, Janga begins to battle Tylo Vondin for her release. Where he exuded passivity and placidity, proving to be an immovable mountain of a man… Janga Fett has never been so tranquil.

She fights like a hyena, riding him hard and fast and fighting for that ever elusive orgasm he’s keeping her from. Every time it feels like she gets a little bit closer, only for him to freeze her in place with telekinesis at the last possible second. She doesn’t stop though. She can see the sweat beading on Tylo’s brow. She might be doing the most physical work here, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t taxing himself.

In the end, after what feels like a dozen false starts and near misses, Janga finally reaches climax at long last. After such a hard fought, hard won battle, it’s honestly the most pleasurable orgasm of the Mandalorian Woman’s entire life. She sees stars when she cums and even whites out for a moment as her eyes roll back in her head and she gurgles in the midst of her release.

She squeezes down on his cock rapidly, orgasming explosively… but Tylo himself does not cum. Her womb remains suspiciously absent of his seed and as she realizes this while in the midst of coming down from her climax, Janga grunts in acknowledgment. She might have won the battle, but that didn’t necessarily mean he’d lost.

In recognition of this fact, Janga decides that he can fuck her how he wants from here on out. She already knows enough to know he won’t bother with being gentle or slow, which is good because she’s not the type of woman who likes to be pampered. That said, her pride as a warrior won’t allow her not to have some sort of control over the situation. He’ll fuck her how he likes… but she’ll choose where it happens, Janga decides.

There are the obvious choices, of course. The bed. The table. The floor. But there’s also a fourth option. One that disgusts Janga almost as much as it arouses her. Surely not, right? And yet…

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] The Bed - 5%
[ ] The Table - 11%
[ ] The Floor - 2%

[X] In front of Asajj Ventress - 82%


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