A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 76: Asajj Ventress

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Ventress gets a wake-up call. In more ways than one.


She wakes up to the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and moaning. That’s strange enough, though first and foremost… Asajj Ventress is surprised to have woken up at all. The last thing she remembered was attacking the Yellow-Eyed Jedi Knight who’d dared to destroy a priceless Sith Holocron. It might not have been the real Darth Plagueis, but even still… Ventress could have done so much with that holocron. She could have become so much more powerful.

And that blasted Jedi, for all that he looked like he’d already fallen to the Dark Side, had destroyed it! It wasn’t fair! Even more unfair though was the way she’d gone down. Asajj had always had an… issue with electricity. A very shameful, very humiliating issue. One that Dooku had noted but never truly taken advantage of. Once the aging Sith Lord had realized she had a… predilection for being electrocuted, he’d simply turned to using other methods of hurt and torture to punish her failures and ensure her compliance.

Shame that, especially since Asajj had hear murmurings and whispers that back in his days as a Jedi Master, Dooku had been far more of a stud. But she supposed at his age…

She was getting away from the matter at hand. But then, focusing right now is very difficult for some reason. Finally managing to pry her eyes open, Asajj slowly begins to figure out WHY it’s so difficult. She’s been fitted with a Neural Disruptor. A collar-like device, it’s favored by Bounty Hunters as it completely incapacitates most humanoids. However, when it comes to Force Users, it’s a little less effective.

But the way its less effective on Force Users is more that it doesn’t completely incapacitate them. It still disables them enough to the point where you would need a connection to the Force rivaling that of the Chosen One… or decades of experience to circumvent and resist it’s effects. She could barely focus with the damn Disruptor on, and she definitely couldn’t call upon the Force no matter how angry she got.

On top of being collared, Asajj eventually establishes that she’s in a cage in Janga Fett’s hold. But then, the Neural Disruptor had already clued her in to that. But… why? She understood that she and Janga had lost to the Jedi. That they’d not only failed to save Plagueis’ Holocron, but also in their mission to kill Jedi Master Aayla Secura and her companions.

She either should have woken up in a holding cell on the Jedi’s ship heading back to Coruscant for interrogation, or she should never have woken up at all. Was it merely because Janga’s ship had better holding cells and equipment? She… she didn’t understand.

Shit gets even more incomprehensible when her scattered mind is finally able to focus on what woke her up in the first place. The feminine moans and the unmistakable sound of flesh slapping against flesh should have been Ventress’ first priority truth be told, but the Neural Disruptor is… well, disrupting things.

Now though, she finally beholds what’s practically right in front of her face. Bent over and clinging to the front of Asajj’s cage is… Janga Fett herself. The brunette Mandalorian Bounty Hunter is naked and covered in sweat that glistens in the low light of her ship’s cargohold. She’s also being soundly fucked from behind by none other than the Jedi Knight himself, Tylo Vondin.

Asajj’s eyes widen at this sight, her inhibited mind struggling to connect the dots. The last she’d seen of him… the Jedi Knight had looked like he’d already Fallen or was about to Fall. But then he’d turned around and destroyed Darth Plagueis’ holocron. Could it be that that act of defiance wasn’t enough? Could he have still turned to the Dark Side after the fact, causing a schism between him and his fellow Jedi.

“She’s awake.”

His words draw Asajj’s eyes and she realizes then and there that he’s looking right at her. There’s just one problem with her initial theory… Tylo Vondin’s eyes are completely clear of any Dark Side influence. They’re a bright blue instead of the sickly yellow she’d seen previously. Even as he’s fucking Janga Fett from behind, he’s giving Asajj an expression bordering on… pity?

“H-Heh. Hey, bitch… eyes on me. I’ve got… some things to say to you.”

As Janga Fett pants and groans, Tylo doesn’t slow down for even a moment. Slowly, Asajj focuses back on Janga’s face, blushing a little at the pleasured look she finds there. Though, it’s almost like a transformation suddenly comes over Janga, because a moment later her face clears up and she comes out of her bent over position a moment, climbing the side of the cage.

Her back still arched, her hips still in Tylo’s hands, and her cunt still sheath to the Jedi Knight’s cock, Janga nevertheless manages to look surprisingly imperious as she gazes down her nose at Asajj, eyes filled with hatred and the promise of death. Such a gaze would probably be both frightening and infuriating, but the Neural Disruptor makes it hard for Asajj to focus on more than one emotion at a time, so she’s constantly switching between the two emotions.

“I know what you did to Boba, you bitch.”

… Until that. All Asajj feels is fear then, as Janga smirks lazily, almost seeming to ignore the cock burying itself in her twat. Her composure is surprisingly strong, even as she sneers down at Asajj.

“I should kill you for that, Ventress. I should, mm, put a blaster bolt through your bald head, right fucking now.”

Putting words to action, Janga suddenly reaches over and picks up one of her signature blasters, the sleek silver nozzle slipping right through a gasp in the cage as she points it straight at Ventress’ face. The Dathomirian’s heart pounds in her chest, her fear growing.

If she had her sabers, if she didn’t have this damn Neural Disruptor, she wouldn’t be nearly so afraid… but knowing that doesn’t help very much. She can’t focus. And if she can’t focus, she can’t control her fear. It runs rampant and she lets out an involuntary whimper as Janga’s mechanical finger begins to tighten on the trigger.


And then the Jedi’s voice breaks in from behind Janga Fett and almost immediately, the finger pulls away from the trigger. Asajj watches with wide, disbelieving eyes as Janga pulls her blaster back and sets it aside again. Then, the Mandalorian Woman gives her a wide and wicked grin.

“Say thank you, Ventress. This man here… saved Boba. He rescued her from Death Watch. That makes him the only one in the universe who could ask me to spare you and possibly convince me to say yes. Lucky bitch.”

With the blaster gone, Asajj’s fear slowly recedes to more manageable levels now that she’s no longer staring death in the face. And yet… at the same time, she doesn’t know what to do. Maybe she can fight past the Neural Disruptor, but according to accounts she’s heard, doing so can take anywhere from days to weeks. She needs to be free right now. She needs to… she needs to-

“Dooku will not forgive you for this failure, Ventress.”

It’s the Jedi Knight who speaks this time, startling Asajj as she looks to see him staring at her from behind Janga’s naked, shuddering body. His eyes are filled with even more pity than before… but also a certainty that rocks her to her core.

“If you return to him, he will kill you.”

It’s said like it’s a statement of fact. Like there’s no other possible outcome. Tylo’s certainty is what finally causes Asajj to break her silence. She certainly wasn’t going to do so to ‘thank him’ like Janga had demanded. But…

“That’s… not… t-true. He wouldn’t… throw me away… that easily.”

Every word has to be fought for. The fact that she can speak at all while wearing a Neural Disruptor should be impressive as hell, but Asajj can’t really take much pride from the situation she finds herself in right now. Still, she has to believe that Vondin is lying. He’s wrong. He has to be.

But the Jedi Knight just shakes his head… and for a moment, doesn’t speak at all. Instead he picks up the pace with Janga, fucking the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter even harder from behind. It’s obvious what’s happening but Asajj still can’t help but blush some more when a few moments later he lets out a telltale groan and Janga matches him with a truly wanton moan.

It’s the Neural Disruptor that’s stopping her from tamping down on her own arousal. She’s only turned on by the view because Janga is a very beautiful woman and Tylo is a handsome man. And a well-endowed one, Asajj notes as he pulls out of Janga and lets the naked woman stumble off to the side.

Suddenly, there’s nobody between her and the Jedi Knight anymore. He steps up to the cage, his cock still out and twitching as Asajj tries not to stare at it too much.

“Asajj, he already did. He threw you away the moment he had you drop Boba off with Death Watch. He threw you away the moment he sent you on this mission with Janga. Asajj… he threw you away the moment that he picked you up. Because you were never anything but a disposable tool to him.”

The Jedi’s words rock her to her core. Probably the Neural Disruptor’s fault. Still, he’s hitting upon some of her biggest fears and insecurities. Surely not, right? Dooku… Dooku prized her. She was…

“I’m… his apprentice. Not… disposable.”

Tylo’s pity grows even further as he shakes his head.

“Dooku is the apprentice, Asajj. You’re an attack dog.”

Asajj grits her teeth at that. Did he think she didn’t know?

“I know… of Sidious. Dooku… will betray him… for me.”

That damnable pitying look gets cranked up to eleven at that point, even as Tylo lets out a sigh. There’s a brief pause as if the Jedi Knight is lost in thought… and then he changes tack.

“If you’re Dooku’s apprentice, what is your Sith Name, Ventress?”

… What?

Blue eyes blazing now, Tylo’s stare seems liable to pierce to her very soul.

“Every Sith, be they apprentice or master, has a Sith Name, Asajj. Given to them by their Master, it marks them as a true Sith. Plagueis was not always Plagueis. He was born Hego Damask. His Sith Name was Darth Plagueis. Sidious is also a Sith Name. Darth Sidious to be exact. Even Count Dooku has a Sith Name. Darth Tyrannus.”

Every use of the word ‘Darth’ causes an involuntary flinch in the Dathomirian Female. And, as if to add insult to injury, Janga pipes up at that last part.

“He’s right. Dooku hired me under the name Tyrannus. It’s all part of their secret little club. Can’t be one of them without a stupid sounding name.”

No… no, no, no…

“Dooku never intended to take you as his true apprentice, Asajj. If he did, he would have given you a Sith Name and kept you a secret from his Master. Instead… do you truly think Sidious doesn’t know about you? You’ve fought in multiple battles so far, dueling with several Jedi. The Jedi Order knows you to be one of the Separatists’ deadliest weapons. Sidious though… Sidious likely knows you as just one more of his apprentice’s disposable tools.”

The Neural Disruptor is keeping her from figuring this out. She can’t think straight with the damn thing on. If she didn’t have to contend with the Disruptor then she-


Asajj’s eyes widen as the effects of the Neural Disruptor suddenly recede. Tylo Vondin is holding out a hand in her direction, the Jedi Knight having used the Force to shut the disruptor off right then and there. Suddenly, she can think straight. She can even access the Force and-

“I wouldn’t try it, bitch.”

Asajj’s eyes flicker over to Janga to see the naked Mandalorian holding a remote and smirking wickedly. Ah, right. She’s still in a cage. A bounty hunter’s cage designed to hold dangerous bounties just like her. One push of that button and…

“Or maybe do try it. I’d love to see you make a mess of yourself from being electrocuted… again.”

Stiffening, Asajj’s lips thin out even as the Jedi speaks up again, drawing her attention back to him.

“Asajj. Dooku holds no loyalty to you. He holds no loyalty to anyone but himself and his Master. You are no Sith. You are a pet on a leash that you are only just beginning to see the true extent of. But you are not alone.”

What? What does he mean?

“You don’t know who Sidious is, do you?”

Asajj narrows her eyes at that.

“Of course not. No one does.”

Well, no one except for her Master. But it wasn’t as though Dooku was about to tell her that…

“Plagueis did. He was the one who found Sidious in the first place, after all. So of course his holocron would know Sidious’ true identity. Would you like to know who he is?”

Of course. Darth Plagueis, or at least a shade of him anyways, WOULD know. More knowledge that the Jedi had kept from her by destroying the holocron like he did. Only… Asajj had always assumed Sidious was like this shadow over the galaxy. She’d assumed that the Sith Master had all but erased his true identity from the universe, hiding himself away and using Dooku and the Separatists to do his bidding. But…

“I said it before that you’re not alone, Asajj. We’ve all been played for absolute fools. The Separatists and the Republic. The droids and the clones. You and me and everyone else. This whole war is a sham… with the Sith playing all of us against each other from the top of each pyramid. Because… Darth Sidious is none other than Sheev Palpatine, Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.”

… What? That wasn’t possible. That couldn’t be… but at the same time, it made a terrifying amount of sense. With the Neural Disruptor off and access to the Force returned to her, Asajj hates to admit it… but the Force rings true with Tylo’s words. Either he’s the most impressive manipulator she’s ever seen and his return from his brush with the Dark Side is all a clever ruse… or he’s telling the truth.

But if he’s telling the truth… what does that mean for Asajj? Because… even with the Neural Disruptor turned off, she’s forced to admit that he’s right. She has no Sith Name. She is no Sith. And if Palpatine is Sidious… then the likelihood of Dooku ever dropping his Master for her has been reduced to zero. All that power… if things go according to their plans, the two of them will soon rule the galaxy together.

And she’ll likely be used up and tossed aside along the way… like any other disposable tool.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Asajj Ventress has a breakdown, then and there - 97%

[ ] Asajj Ventress remains defiant and loyal to the Sith - 3%


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