A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 77: Asajj Ventress Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Asajj has her breakdown. Tylo is conflicted.



As Tylo watches his words truly sink in for Asajj Ventress, he can’t help but feel a modicum of pity for the bald woman. Sure, on the one hand she’d done some truly heinous things. All in the name of Dooku and the Separatist movement. All in the name of perpetuating this war. But… she’d been taken advantage of just the same as the rest of them.

It wasn’t like the Jedi were free and in the clear at this point either after all. The war hadn’t even been going on for a year yet and already Tylo could feel a taint growing in the Jedi Order. And not just because of his own personal brushes with the Dark Side. Perhaps that was part of it. Perhaps the Sith just wanted to show the Jedi that they weren’t so dissimilar after all.

… Obviously, it wasn’t quite so ‘nice’ as all of that. The Sith wanted to destroy the Jedi once and for all. And not in some spiritual way where they forced the Jedi to kill and kill until the Order was unrecognizable from what it had once been. No, that was probably just a nice side effect for them. The corruption of the Jedi Order did make it harder for them to pierce the shadows that pervaded the Force all across the Galaxy.

The Dark Side was ascendant, but the Order was so focused on helping the corrupt Republic stay intact no matter what that they didn’t even truly realize how fast they were sinking into the inky black ocean the Sith had made of the Force. It was all so… clear to Tylo now. But he was fairly confident that was only the case because of his unique advantage and personal experiences.

If he couldn’t read minds, he never would have sussed out the Sith’s plans from the Kaminoans in the first place. He never would have had the relationships he had with both Aayla Secura and Shaak Ti that allowed them all to plan out their participation in the Clone Wars in such a way that it let them track down the answers all the way to Plagueis’ base.

Likewise, meditating within the Dark Side and then coming back to the Light with Aayla’s help… it opened Tylo’s eyes to the state of the galaxy. They were all so blind to just how overwhelmingly powerful the Darkness had become. But then… that was by design.

I can’t… I can’t be betrayed again. I just can’t…

For Ventress, this was clearly the final straw. Watching her slowly begin to break down, Tylo’s lips thin out as he studies her for a moment. He could see some of it while they were talking. She’s not had an easy go of it, obviously. Her past doesn’t necessarily make up for the crimes of her present, but it does make them a bit more comprehensible.

Slowly, the bald woman slumps back onto her ass. Slowly, she pulls her legs up against her chest until she’s hugging her knees. Then… she starts to rock back and forth.

Can’t do it. Can’t do it. Nothing matters. Nothing means anything. All lies. All tricks.

The Neural Disruptor had been necessary, Tylo could admit that. But he also wished it wasn’t. He didn’t like fighting someone who couldn’t fight back, let alone someone who was disarmed… and in a battle of words, in a conflict of wits, that was precisely what the Neural Disruptor did. It was like if he’d chained her to a wall and then punched her in the gut until she spat blood.

So he’d turned it off, hoping that he could still get through to her. Only… it seemed like the combination of first barraging her WITH the Neural Disruptor on, and then continuing his verbal assault with it off… well, it was proving to be too much in the end. To be fair, it was understandable. Sidious’ true identity had rocked Tylo’s world as well. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was the Sith Master they’d been looking for. Their greatest enemy wasn’t just in control of the Separatist Movement, operating it from the shadows… he had control of the Republic as well.

But it’s worse for Ventress. Because if Sidious is Palpatine, if Sidious is Supreme Chancellor… well, the Sith don’t like to lose. But one side has to ‘lose’ the war when all is said and done. Once the Jedi Order is destroyed at long last, slaughtered by their own clones, who is supposed to come out on top? One would assume, with the Sith being far more publicly present in the Separatist Movement, that it was the Separatists who the Sith wanted to win.

But not with Sidious at the head of the Republic. Not with him in the office of Supreme Chancellor. It was now abundantly clear to all of them that the Separatists were being set up to fall just as hard as the Jedi Order. They would be the villains at the end of this war to be swept away once they were of no further use to Darth Sidious.

Can’t… can’t… can’t…

On the one hand, props to Asajj for figuring that out quite quickly. For realizing she was disposable to not just Dooku, but even more so to Sidious. Even if the Jedi Order was slotted for destruction, she was still on the losing side of the war… by design. On the other hand, this had clearly been a revelation too far for the deadly woman. There was none of the angry, aggressive femme fatale Tylo had read reports about and heard about from Annie over comm calls these past several months. Asajj Ventress… has broken.

“Tch. Really? Pathetic.”

Glancing off to the side, Tylo sees Janga leaning back against one of the crates, still naked and still leaking his cum. She’s looking at Asajj with a disgusted expression, her thoughts radiating disappointment.

Is this all the bitch was? Was she always this weak? Disgusting.

Glancing from Ventress to him, Janga raises a brow.

“She seems pretty useless to us as she is now. Should I put a bolt between her eyes after all? At this point it’d be a mercy.”

The worst part is, Janga means every word. More than that, she’s not entirely wrong. At this point, it would be more of a mercy killing than anything. But while the Jedi DID engage in mercy killings… Tylo didn’t think Asajj was that far gone, necessarily.

Crouching down so he can reach eye level with the rocking femme fatale, Tylo finds Asajj’s eyes, meeting her gaze with his own.

“Asajj. You’re not this weak, are you? You’re stronger than this. Tougher. Pull yourself together.”

He keeps his voice measured and calm. Strong. Asajj slows to a halt as she stares at him, almost seeming mesmerized in a way.

Weak… weak… s-so weak. Not strong. Not at all.

Well that wasn’t a good sign. Gritting his teeth, Tylo leans forward, pressing his forehead against the bars of her cage.

“You ARE strong. Strong enough to survive this long, right? You’ve just had a bad run of masters. Need to stop making yourself beholden to the worst sort of people. Need to stand on your own two feet.”

Master? Masters… so many bad masters. Need… need a better Master. Need a good Master. Need…

Ventress’ eyes dip away from his and at first Tylo assumes she’s averting her gaze out of shame at her own thoughts. They’re certainly not going in quite the direction Tylo was trying to push her in. But then he realizes that her eyes have become fixed on whatever she’s looking at. Not the ground… but his cock.

Tylo grimaces but before he can figure out how to respond, Ventress suddenly surges forward up against the cage. It’s a bounty hunter’s cage so it technically could be electrified. But Janga had turned that off back when she’d decided she was going to have him fuck her up against it right in front of Ventress’ face.

Now, the bounty hunter curses and jolts up from her relaxed stance, ready to leap into action… only to pause at the words that spill forth from Asajj’s lips.

“Master… you could be my Master…”

A good Master. A powerful Master. With delicious lightning…

Oh for Force’s Sake. Had he seriously hooked some Sith Wannabe just because of his lightning? Technically he could still do it. It was just gold now. He wasn’t sure whether it could be used for offense either, or if it was purely for defense. Then again, a technique like that… offense and defense became all too intertwined, didn’t they?

Still, Tylo has to shake his head.

“I can’t be your Master, Asajj.”

Her face falls but just as he’s about to follow up by explaining that she doesn’t NEED a Master, Janga suddenly pipes up.

“And why not?”

Glancing over at the bounty hunter with wide eyes, Tylo finds himself wondering what the fuck Janga thinks she’s doing. Hell, she herself had a brush with slavery, so exactly what did she want to happen here?

Bitch needs to be on a leash, obviously. Otherwise she’s no better than a rabid dog that needs to be put down. If not us, then who’s going to end up holding her leash, huh?

Straightening up and crossing her arms over her chest, Janga huffs as Tylo looks in her direction.

“Better you than Dooku. Better you than the Sith or even the Jedi.”

Tylo narrows his eyes at that.

“I am a Jedi, Janga. So I hope you can see how that might not quite make sense.”

Not like any Jedi I’ve ever run across before…

Even as her internal thoughts unsettle him something fierce, outwardly Janga rolls her eyes at him.

“Fine. Better you than the OTHER Jedi.”

Before he can muster up a response to that correction, Asajj speaks up again.

“Please… please Master, I can be good. I can be very good~”


As if to prove her point, Asajj crouches down in her cage in front of him, legs bent at the knees and spread apart as she all but rips open the crotch of her pants, exposing her sex. She stuffs two fingers up her own cunt and uses her other hand to place two fingers on either side of her mouth while wagging her tongue. It’s an incredibly lurid, lewd display that’s clearly the work of a manic woman in the midst of a breakdown.

Asajj has had her entire world torn asunder and turned upside down and she’s latching onto what she thinks she knows best… servitude to another person. To any other person. Regardless of Asajj’s internal monologue, regardless of Janga’s opinion on the subject, Tylo knows he’s just the most convenient option. There’s nothing special about him. Nothing unique. Anyone could be standing here right not telling all of this to the Dathomirian woman and she would probably be having the exact same reaction… right?

Shaking his head clear of the insidious doubts trying to worm their way into it, Tylo sets his mouth in a grim line and reaches out… but not physically. He doesn’t open Asajj’s cage or reach to touch the woman with his hands. Instead, he reaches out with the Force and presses down on Asajj’s fractured mind.


He puts as much power as he can behind the command, but she still fights him. Eyes widening, she takes his actions as a refusal, her face falling in dismay and horror as she lets out a pathetic whine. But before she can do or say anything else, Tylo reaches out again… and turns back on the Neural Disruptor. With the device hindering her mental faculties, the Force Command finally goes through and Asajj Ventress collapses backwards, unconscious and slumbering once more.

Straightening up, Tylo lets out a sigh. He probably should have put his cock away back when he and Janga had first finished, truth be told. If he had, maybe Asajj wouldn’t have zeroed in on it in the middle of her breakdown and come to the conclusion that her only option was complete and utter submission.

“Heh, well now you look more like a Jedi.”

Turning his head, Tylo scowls at Janga and lets a little of his frustration dictate his next actions. Walking over to the bounty hunter as she once more lounges against those crates, Tylo grabs her by her hair, yanking her head back. Janga lets him, her breath hitching but her hands not moving to defend herself. Instead, she reaches down and grabs his cock, giving it a good solid stroke as she smirks at him.

Better. You’re a fool… but you’re still a sight better than everyone else. Still, need to get rid of that pesky morality you suffer under.

Grabbing Janga by her hips, he lifts her off the ground entirely, setting her down on one of the lower crates and stepping between her spread legs. A moment later and he’s spearing inside of her, filling her with his cock.

“Hah… if you can fuck me this easily, why not Ventress huh? Why not just give her what she wants?”

Gritting his teeth, Tylo looks Janga in the eye.

“There’s a difference between a willing woman and a captured woman, Janga Fett. I would think you of all people would understand that.”

She stiffens up at that, before letting out a bark of laughter.

Has some bark to go with that bite of his.

“Her circumstances are nothing compared to mine. I never chose to have a Master. She can’t help but submit. Some beings are just like that, Vondin. Some are just… made for it.”

As the Mandalorian Woman bucks her hips against his thrusting cock, Tylo frowns for a moment, wondering if there might be some truth to her words. If nothing else, he certainly has a lot of submissive women in his life. Submissive alien women at that.

“… I still don’t want her to call me Master.”

“Tch. If it ain’t you. It’ll be someone else. Just make her your Padawan or something if you want to dress it up all nicely. Bitch like her… doesn’t know how to live for herself. If you don’t let her live for you, she’ll live for someone else… and you might not like who she chooses.”

And if you don’t let her choose you, well then I might just have to put her down after all. Won’t risk the cunt betraying us and harming Boba again. Won’t let that happen.

Fuck. Janga might have a point. Mostly about wanting to keep her daughter safe. But still, Ventress was damaged goods. If he fed into her delusions, wouldn’t that just damage her further? Could he really thread the needle and give her what she wanted while also giving her what she needed? Or was that doomed to fail? Just what was he going to do with Asajj Ventress now?


The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Stand his ground, refuse to be Asajj's Master in any shape or form - 3%
[X] Give in, take charge of Asajj and make her his bitch - 65%
[ ] Try to strike a middle ground, take charge of Asajj in more of a Master-Padawan fashion - 31%

[ ] Fuck all of this, kick the can down the road and have Janga keep Asajj locked up for the time being - 1%


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