A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 78: Taking Charge

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Tylo, as ever, does things HIS way.


As he fucks Janga Fett there in the cargohold, Tylo ponders his options. Based on what he’d just heard from Janga’s thoughts, completely refusing to take Asajj for himself might trigger the Bounty Hunter’s mother bear instincts and force her to kill the Dathomirian Woman whether he wanted her to or not. It was a good reminder that for all that their relationship had become intimate, Janga wasn’t his subordinate, nor was she his comrade.

They were allies of convenience for the time being and the gratitude that Janga felt towards him for saving her daughter from Death Watch extended only so far as his decision about what to do with the one who put Boba in that situation in the first place. Frankly, he should probably be grateful that Janga hadn’t already killed Asajj out of hand… and maybe if he swung things the right of way, he could make it all work out.

Ventress wasn’t the threat, not really. It was the Sith they needed to be worried about and the Sith that they needed to prepare to fight. But at the same time… Tylo grimaces. He doesn’t see a way in which he can swing taking Asajj as his Padawan. The Jedi High Council would be in an uproar over such a decision and not even Aayla and Shaak Ti would be able to protect him from the consequences.

Not to mention that Palpatine would almost certainly try to have Asajj assassinated. Though, he probably wouldn’t even have to do that. All the Supreme Chancellor would need to do was put pressure on the Jedi to turn over a known Separatist Commander, either with his own voice, or via voices in the Senate, or even via voices in the parts of the Republic Military not currently led by the Jedi themselves.

The Jedi might be Generals and Commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic now, but there were also plenty of non-jedi Commanders out there, as well as Admirals and Captains of the Republic Navy. To say nothing of the planets within the Republic that had sent their own militaries to reinforce the Clone Army.

If Tylo openly tried to take Asajj as his apprentice… hell, if word of her capture got out at all, they’d be rather fucked. She needed to be kept hidden. She needed to be kept contained.

… That was a good, solid argument for kicking the can down the space lane a little bit and deciding what to do with Ventress another day. The only real problem with THAT was Janga might take that as the same as Tylo refusing to do anything about her at all, and if he procrastinated on this subject, he still might find the bald Dathomirian Woman dead by the protective Bounty Hunter’s hands.

In the end…

“You realize, of course, that you’ve backed me into a corner here.”

Janga just smirks, giving him a languid look with slitted eyes as she enjoys his throbbing member thrusting into her cunt.

Damn straight I did.

“Knew you’d see it my way, Vondin.”

Huffing, Tylo raises an eyebrow.

“Of course, you know what this means, don’t you?”

Janga, unperturbed, rolls her shoulders.

“Means you fuck the stupid bitch silly until she can’t think straight, tell her what’s what, and leave her gasping and wanting more of course.”

Does he think I’d be opposed to that or something? Pah, I’ve already felt how good he is with his cock. Ventress is getting off way too light. But better under his thumb then anyone else’s if he’s not going to let me put a blaster bolt through her head.

“You’re right. That’s exactly what I have to do. And I have to start now, because we’re on borrowed time until we reach Mandalore.”

Janga’s eyes widen at that, but he’s already pulling out of her before she can bring her legs up and lock him in place.

What?! Don’t you fucking dare!

“Don’t you fucking dare!”

Tylo snorts as her thoughts line up perfectly with the words that spill forth from her mouth… but he’s already slipped away from her, leaving her in a state of emptiness as he starts making his way back over to the cage containing Ventress. Looking back over his shoulder, he gives Janga a shrug.

“Just following your advice, Janga.”

The Mandalorian Woman is left fuming even as Tylo focuses once again on their prisoner. He opens the cage with the Force and turns the Neural Disruptor back off. Then, pulling Asajj out of the cage and into the center of the cargohold, he places his fingers atop her bald head and lets a small jolt of golden lightning jump from their tips to her scalp.

Asajj wakes up with a gasp, her eyes shooting open. She tries to leap to her feet, but Tylo holds her in place with his hand atop her head, keeping her down. It only takes her a second to notice his cock, throbbing and twitching, mere inches from her face. Her eyes dart up to his face and then back down to his member and she gets a frantic gleam in her eyes.

Yes! Cock! Master’s cock!

All but lunging forward, Asajj takes him in her mouth right there on the spot. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she positively INHALES his member, taking him all the way down the back of her throat without pausing. Of course, she doesn’t know how to suppress her gag reflex, or perhaps simply can’t be bothered in this moment. As a result, the sounds of her enthusiastic choking and gagging soon fill the cargohold.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

“Eager little slut…”

Input from the Bounty Hunter Peanut Gallery notwithstanding, Tylo sighs as Asajj deep throats his entire member without pause and without hesitation. She gurgles as she looks up at him from beneath the hand atop her bald head, her eyes glistening with excitement… with a desire to impress.

Please be happy, please be happy, please be happy.

Hiding his wince, Tylo offers the bobbing Dathomirian a kind smile.

“Very good, Asajj.”

She jolts for a second, clearly unused to positive reinforcement. Her eyes widen and she redoubles her pace.

Yes! Master is happy! Yes, yes, YES!

In a perfect galaxy, Tylo wouldn’t be doing this. He’d rather spend weeks, months even, unraveling Ventress’ insecurities and numerous issues, walking her through each and every one of them, and helping her become a better person. A more self-reliant person. But alas, this was far from a perfect galaxy. Circumstances made it impossible. They didn’t have time.

Still, while he couldn’t take Asajj as his Padawan right now… he refused to take her as his slave either. Even if he was about to fuck her silly and make her his bitch, he wanted to avoid certain… connotations. Fuck, he’d just gotten away from the Dark Side after all. With that in mind…


Her eyes flicker up to meet his gaze as he removes his hand from the top of her head so there’s nothing obstructing their line of sight of one another. She continues to suck his cock but slows down a bit, choking more quietly as she listens intently to what he has to say.

“Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…

Master speaks. I listen.

“You will no longer use the Dark Side.”

Asajj freezes at that, her eyes widening. But Tylo just continues on.

“If you wish to swear your loyalty to me, you will forswear the Dark Side.”

But… the Dark Side makes me strong. Without the Dark Side I am weak. Too weak to help Master…

“You might think the Dark Side makes you strong, but that’s not true. The Dark Side has been feeding on you. It gives you nothing but scraps while reaping the harvest of pain and suffering you bring to it. No more.”

He leaves no room in his voice for argument. He leaves no question that he’s giving her an order. In the end, Asajj drops her eyes in clear deference and obedience, still sucking away at his cock on her knees before him.

Master speaks. I obey.

“Also, you will not call me Master under any circumstances.”

That gets a jolt not just from Ventress this time, but also from Janga as well. Both are surprised and confused by his words, but Tylo is quick to explain.

“You cannot be my Padawan… and the connotations of the title in any other circumstances would reflect poorly on both of us. As such, you will only ever address me as General, General Vondin, or Sir. Am I understood?”

Maybe it’s not the perfect solution, but then compromises never are. No, the best compromises are the ones where everyone is a little bit unhappy with the results. Well, Tylo can damn well confirm that he’s a little unhappy with having to do this to Asajj. So might as well make sure she and Janga are equally just a little unhappy.

In the end, Janga relaxes back onto the crates she’s still sat atop, not saying a word. Asajj, meanwhile, takes in his words and lowers her eyes again in deference and obedience.

General Vondin is right. Have to… have to be careful. Can’t let anyone know just how deep my loyalty to Sir runs.

He’d wondered if wording the order in the way he had would make it extend to her thoughts as well. He’d secretly hoped it would. Though at the same time, Tylo has to hide a wince. Because if she’s willing to change her thoughts on a whim for him like that, it speaks to just how fractured Ventress’ psyche truly is right now. She’s soaking up everything she can from him like a damn sponge.

At the same time, she’s sucking his cock like she wants to suck his soul straight out of his body. And Tylo was already pretty far along from fucking Janga before this. With a sudden groan, he finds himself tipping over the edge and cumming right down the back of Ventress’ throat. To her credit and his mild surprise, she’s far less caught off guard by this then he is.

Without missing a beat, Asajj begins to drink down his seed, her eyes half-rolling back in her head and half-drifting shut as she hums in enjoyment. Her throat convulses with her swallows as she gulps every last drop, only one small trickle managing to make its way out the side of her mouth. When she’s finally done and pulls back off of his cock, that trickle is taken care of as well by her tongue snaking out to swipe it up.

Then, resting back on her heels, Asajj looks up at him expectantly.

“Command me, General. Please use me to your heart’s content.”

And… if you like, punish me with that delicious lightning of yours at the same time.

Heh, she won’t ask for it out loud but she’ll definitely beg for it in what she assumes is the privacy of her own mind. Funnily enough, Tylo had been considering using the Golden Lightning on her. Not to hurt her, but…

Dropping to his knees on the cold floor of the cargohold, Tylo reaches out and caresses Asajj’s cheek for a second, much to the bald Dathomirian’s wide-eyed surprise. Then, just as gently, he pushes her onto her back. She watches him, looking a little perplexed by the lack of violence or even roughness, but spreads her legs apart for him all the same.

“The Dark Side has a hold on you, Asajj. And while I believe you will do as I told you and forsake it… it won’t let go of you quite so easily. At least… not without my help.”

When he slides his cock up inside of her, he finds her to be already quite ready for him. Wet and slick with her arousal, thought still tight from a life of physical activity and athleticism, Ventress moans beneath Tylo as he pushes deeper and deeper into her. Then… he focuses on what Aayla did for him. He’s not sure how well it will work to be honest. His Jedi Master has a lot more Light in her then he does, or so it feels at times.

But Aayla had admitted to her own brushes with the Dark Side. And she’d not only come back from them, but also been able to help him as well. So why not? Why shouldn’t he be able to do the same for Asajj?

… Well for one, he didn’t really fully understand what Aayla had done. For two, Tylo’s brush with the Dark Side really couldn’t be compared to Asajj Ventress literally drenching herself in it. So he probably shouldn’t be surprised that when he reaches out with the Force, he encounters inky blackness within her. He’s trying to get an idea of how he might be able to help Asajj through some ‘active meditation’, i.e. fucking her silly while mingling their Force Presences, but the Dark Side is quick to lash out at him, preventing him from making any real headway.

Tylo’s eyes narrow as he continues to fuck Asajj there on the floor of the cargohold. In the end… he sees no other option.

His hands come up and slap down on Ventress’ pale grey tits. She gasps at the sudden contact, her eyes glancing down just in time to see golden lightning flickering off of his fingertips. A moment later and he’s electrocuting her.

A squeal comes from Asajj’s mouth and her back arches, pushing her tits up into his hands as she shudders beneath him. Over on the crates, Janga stiffens for a moment as she watches him seemingly torture the Dathomirian Woman. But it’s not actually torture, at least not in the way Sith Lightning worked. It’s not the Golden Lightning itself that’s hurting Asajj right now. Because right now, Tylo is using the Lightning as a protective force for both of them.

No, what’s hurting Asajj… is the Darkness within her. There’s quite a lot of it and trying to remove it without the Golden Lightning was like trying to scoop out an ocean one bucket at a time. Oh, and the ocean was fighting back. But with the Golden Lightning, while the ocean is still fighting back… Tylo is able to make a lot more progress.

There’s a stain on Asajj Ventress’ soul. But it’s not irrevocable nor is it irreversible. She’s not too far gone. There CAN be a return to the Light for her. Feeling the certainty of this settling into his bones, Tylo focuses on fucking Asajj while also trying to purify her, one thrust his cock and one pulse of Golden Lightning at a time.

But it’s not going to be as easy as Aayla and him made it look. In the end, by the time he finishes inside of Asajj, Tylo has only gotten maybe a quarter of the Darkness lingering within her Force Presence. And even as he rears back, panting and sweaty, he can see the Darkness left behind trying to regain what ground it lost.

Three steps forward, two steps back. But progress is progress in the end, and Tylo doesn’t intend to give up on Asajj now that he’s firmly decided she’s his responsibility.

“T-Thank… thank you, sir…”

The General is amazing… the perfect man to pledge myself to.

Tylo blinks for a second. Even Asajj’s thoughts sound a little bit clearer, almost as if he’s repairing her psyche at the same time. Smiling down at her, he nods.

“I promise I’m going to help you, Asajj. I’m going to make you well.”

That said… he found himself with another decision to make. Because they were going to arrive on Mandalore soon. He’d already decided to keep Ventress a secret for the time being. The only question was, did he keep her hidden away on one of their ships, or hide her in plain sight under an extra set of Mandalorian Armor?


The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Keep Asajj hidden on Janga's ship - 5%
[ ] Keep Asajj hidden on his and Aayla's ship - 18%

[X] Hide Asajj in plain sight by dressing her up as a Mandalorian - 77%


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