A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 93: Padme Amidala

A/N: The last chapter of this story (Chapter 97) went up over on my Patreon today. Weekly updates will continue until it's finished on all my public websites as well!

Padme POV as things accelerate~


Victory had never been quite so bittersweet for one Padme Amidala Naberrie, Senator of Naboo. She’d been fighting against the Clone Wars long before they’d even begun, doing everything in her power to keep a galaxywide conflict from breaking out. Only to be stymied at every turn, until even she had felt like perhaps the war was just inevitable. The Separatist Leadership had been so patently unreasonable and corrupt, and the Senate hadn’t been much better in the end.

… Now she knew better, of course. From the very beginning, all the way back when she was little more than a child playing at being Queen, Padme had been the unwitting tool of a Sith Lord. Her chief advisor and the Senator of Naboo before her, Sheev Palpatine, had always seemed like a reasonable and well-meaning man. She considered him one of her closest allies in fact and had always believed that he had the best interests of their people at heart.

She’d been wrong. So very, very wrong. Palpatine had turned out to be Darth Sidious… the man behind the blockade of Naboo ten years ago in the first place. He was the one who had pushed the Trade Federation to invade her planet. He was the one who had tried to see her people and her world sold into slavery to the Nemodians. And for what? Power, of course. It always came back to power in the end.

Padme had played right into his hands back then. She’d called for the Vote of No Confidence against Chancellor Valorum. She’d set things up perfectly to see Palpatine elevated to the position of Supreme Chancellor… his true goal all along. Oh, but of course he couldn’t help her from his new position at the top of the entire Galactic Republic. Even with all his political power, such things would take time… what a load of bullshit.

If she hadn’t gone back to Naboo herself with the help of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, if she hadn’t recruited the Gungan Army to assist her in taking down the Trade Federation… and if Qui-Gon hadn’t been foolish enough to bring a child to a war-torn planet so she could destroy the Trade Federation’s control ship… then Naboo would still be under Nemodian Control to this day. All part of Palpatine’s Master Plan.

At least Padme could take some solace in that fact. For all that she’d been a Sith Lord’s unwitting patsy for what was effectively the last half of her life, she’d also been an undeniable thorn in Sidious’ side. From liberating Naboo with her own two hands, to becoming a Senator in his wake and doing her level best to resolve the Separatist Crisis through diplomacy.

It was obvious that Sidious hadn’t expected her to be such a nuisance in hindsight. Looking back, Padme couldn’t help but grin in appreciation at how hard she’d made him work for it at certain points. Even if she didn’t know who her true enemy was, she had still gone down swinging at every turn, lashing out in the dark and proving to be such a problem that Palpatine had been forced to try and have her assassinated. And when that didn’t work, he used the assassinations as an excuse to send her away so he could manipulate poor Jar Jar into doing his bidding instead.

At the end of the day, the Clone Wars were only inevitable because the Sith had been playing both sides from the start. Padme couldn’t bring herself to regret all she’d done to try and prevent them and stop them since they’d begun… even if much of it had ultimately been pointless in the end now that she knew Palpatine and Dooku would never let true peace prevail. Not unless it was THEIR peace.

Funny how Dooku became a lot less of a problem without hands. Though, his incredibly ignoble and swift defeat at Annie’s hands seemed to have done a lot to break the Sith Lord’s spirit as well. In the end, he hadn’t fought them. More than that, he’d caved rather quickly and started talking so fast that it kind of made Padme’s head spin.

He’d told them all about his and Palpatine’s plans for the Empire. Yes, an Empire. That was how the Clone Wars were to end. With the Jedi Order cleansed and the younglings handed over to Dooku for a new Academy, while the Republic transitioned to that of a Galactic Empire with Palpatine as its Emperor.

And the Separatists were to be painted as the true villains in the end, right alongside the Jedi. That was why they were all aliens, because apparently racism and xenophobia were to be the bedrock of Palpatine’s new Empire, a hefty lever for him to use to control his subjects across the galaxy.

It was all diabolical and frankly terrifying to think about. They’d come so close to the edge, so close to falling into the abyss and losing their democracy. Padme would be lying if she said it didn’t leave her shaken, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to step up.

That was easier said than done, however. Not because the Separatists or the Senate proved to be particularly averse to peace in the aftermath of Palpatine’s demise and Dooku’s capture. In fact, Dooku’s confession had been enough to bring everyone to the negotiating table. Well, that and the fact that Dooku had given them the master codes for the entirety of the Separatist Droid Army.

And no, not ones that the Separatist Council knew about and could therefore change if they were quick enough after finding out he’d been defeated and captured. These were secret codes, codes that only Palpatine and Dooku had been aware of, and codes that were only to be used at the advent of their new Sith Empire.

Obviously, the complete and total shut down of both their armies and their factories had brought the Separatists to the table faster than anything else might have, seeing as they were now all but defenseless. Meanwhile, the Republic was also happy to negotiate an end to the war, especially from such a position of strength… though the Jedi and their Clone Troops were quicker than anyone would have expected to mediate things and make sure the injustice was kept to a minimum.

The reason it was easier said than done for Padme to step up and take part in all of that was because she was dealing with personal things right alongside her responsibilities as Naboo’s Senator.

Annie was not in a good place. And the Jedi Order weren’t making things easier, though at least cooler heads were prevailing for the moment and they hadn’t tried to force anyone’s hand. They weren’t happy that Tylo had basically turned his back on the Jedi Order. They also weren’t happy that someone as ‘dangerous’ as Annie had not been brought to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple where they could keep a close eye on her.

Never mind that their options would have been to either kill her or treat her like a prisoner, lest Palpatine’s insidious voice in her head cause her to go on a massacre. Padme had seen how Annie acted when faced with just a single Jedi Knight. If she found herself in the Temple on Coruscant… it would have been like an all you can eat buffet.

Instead, Tylo had taken Annie with him back to Mandalore. And wasn’t that another smack in the face. One of her lovers had basically been infused with the Dark Side and turned into a ticking time bomb by a Sith Lord. Her other lover had apparently somehow become the ruler of the Mandalorians in less than a week since their last conversation.

The biggest problem that Padme had faced in the aftermath of all these revelations was how to be in two places at once. Because Annie undeniably needed her, but the Republic also needed her. Between the defanged Separatists, the barely humbled Senate, and the paranoid Jedi Order, there was call for voices of reason like her own more than ever before. Especially when one considered what to do with the Clone Army now that the fighting was over.

Finding out that the clones were basically meant to be Palpatine and Dooku’s grand plan to kill the Jedi en masse had been horrifying enough. But worse was finding out that the clones were purposefully designed to keep aging as rapidly as they had for the first ten years of their lives. Meaning that by the time they were in their forties, they would have the bodies of eighty year olds. They would likely all be dead before fifty.

That wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair. Nor was their usage in the first place. It had never sat well with Padme that the Republic was just willing to take custody of an army of what was effectively slaves. The clones didn’t get paid. They didn’t get a choice. And while the situation had been dire enough that Padme’s concerns on this subject had fallen on deaf ears, now that peace was on the table, so too was the emancipation of the Clone Army.

At least here the Jedi were an ally, strongly agreeing that the Kaminoans needed to provide technology that would halt the rapid aging process for the clones, as well as the clones being allowed to choose what they wanted to do with the rest of their lives.

But Padme was loath to leave such an important issue in the hands of her allies in the Senate and the Jedi Order, and that meant she had to be on Coruscant, fighting for the Clone Army’s rights in person, with her own voice. And that meant leaving Annie behind on Mandalore.

Fortunately, there’d been a solution. Shmi Skywalker. Annie’s mother had been more than willing to accept travel from Tatooine to Mandalore once she’d heard about what had happened and what her daughter was currently going through. And thankfully, Shmi’s presence proved to be just as soothing as Annie said Padme’s was.

It still meant Padme was basically bouncing back and forth between Mandalore and Coruscant almost weekly, but she didn’t mind the travel… and the work was something that needed to be done, desperately. Still, things were maybe, finally settling down now. Over a month since Palpatine’s death and Dooku’s capture had passed, and the Republic was finally making some headway on the myriad of issues that the Sith had left behind with their schemes.

Things weren’t perfect by any means, but for once the future looked brighter than it had in a long, long time.

Arriving back on Mandalore with a smile on her face and a lot less weight on her shoulders, Padme allows herself to be escorted by Asajj Ventress of all people to where Tylo and Annie are waiting for her. Once they’ve arrived, Ventress leaves and Padme steps inside. There are no words between the two of them, and there don’t need to be. Padme knows exactly what she’s getting into with today’s arrival.

Annie and Tylo are both stripped naked already inside the room, so Padme doesn’t hesitate to reach up and begin removing her own clothing as well… only to be stopped by both Tylo’s voice and the Force itself holding her fast.

“No. Come to us as you are. We’ll handle the rest.”

Padme blushes a little at the domineering tone. She never would have thought Tylo would wind up ruling a planet, let alone an entire sector of space. But she’d always known that the former Jedi Knight was quite the dominating presence in bed. As she walks forward, she notes that Annie is looking a lot better and says as much.

“You look good, Annie.”

Her other lover preens under Padme’s praise.

“I’m feeling good. Palpatine’s voice is nothing but a whisper now… Tylo has been helping me cleanse the Dark Side Taint that the Chancellor saddled me with. We’ve even… well, we’ve even done some sessions with Ventress, since she has some remaining Dark Side Taint as well.”

Annie looks to Tylo with a wry, loving look.

“Trust Tylo of all people to come up with a technique to cleanse the Dark Side that involved sex.”

Padme snickers, while Tylo just smirks and suddenly reaches around Annie, hugging her from behind as he pinches her nipples and draws them out from her body. Annie moans, even as Tylo speaks into her ear while looking at Padme.

“Focus, Annie. Reach out with the Light Side and divest Padme of her garments. Only the Light Side, just like we practiced.”

Ah, of course it was all more training. Padme is more amused than offended though, even as Annie bites her lower lip and nods, reaching out with a hand as well as the Force. This sort of thing would have been child’s play for the incredibly powerful young woman before Palpatine’s death, but these days it was far, far harder.

Not because Annie’s connection to the Force had been diminished whatsoever, of course. Rather, because she needed to avoid touching the Dark Side while using the Force, lest she allow it back in and increase the Taint that she and Tylo had spent these past few weeks lessening through copious amounts of sex.

To her credit, Annie does as she’s been told. Padme shivers as she feels Annie’s Force Touch run across her body, light as a feather as it slowly but surely unravels her like she’s a present to be unwrapped. Soon, she’s standing there in nothing but her bra and panties, biting her lower lip as she stares into Annie’s eyes. In turn, Annie is also biting her lower lip, mostly to keep from moaning as Tylo continues to play with her breasts.

Carefully, the Chosen One unclasps Padme’s bra and then hooks invisible thumbs into Padme’s panties. As her bra falls from her body with nothing holding it up anymore, her panties are slid down her legs after unsticking from her wet pussy lips. Lifting one foot and then the other, Padme helps Annie get her underwear fully off of her body, before stepping towards the bed with a coy smile.

Tylo stays quiet as Padme climbs onto the bed and right up to Annie’s kneeling form. With their other lover at Annie’s back, Padme takes the front, bringing her hands up to caress Annie’s cheeks and kiss her on the lips.

This right here was supposed to be the big one, as Padme had been told. If everything went well today, then Annie should be completely cleansed of Palpatine’s touch by the end of it. She would be free of his voice, and once again her own person. Padme could scarcely wait, but she also knew it wasn’t her place to try and take charge. This was Tylo’s show more than anything else. He was the expert here, and she would happily defer to him just as Annie was so they could help their shared lover to free her mind.

[ ] Padme on her back, Annie riding her face, Tylo fucking her, Padme connecting them - 19%
[X] Annie on her back, Padme riding her face, Tylo fucking her, the two sharing - 61%

[ ] Tylo on his back, Padme riding his face, Annie riding his cock - 20%


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