A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 94: Cleansing

A/N: Reminder that Chapter 97 will be the last chapter of this story! 3 more remain!

Padme and Tylo cleanse Annie of her Dark Side Taint~


As Padme kisses Annie and Tylo continues to reach around and play with her breasts from behind, the female Jedi mewls and moans, shuddering. At the sight of Annie’s pleasured face, Padma can’t help but reach down between her thighs, where the younger woman’s legs eagerly part for her, and begin fingering Annie’s cunt.

Moaning all the more into Padme’s lips, Annie’s hips buck and her back arches. Her body trembles between their onslaught, her moans mostly swallowed whole by Padme. Until finally, thanks to the both of them, she tips over the edge and cums right there under their ministrations.

The climax is truly something to behold, as Annie’s eyes go crossed and her body shakes and spasms its way through the explosive orgasm. Tylo’s hands fall away from her breasts for a moment, moving to her hips to steady her instead, and briefly Annie’s rock hard nipples rub against Padme’s own smaller chest as a result.

Then, just as quickly as it’s begun, despite feeling like an eternity has passed, it’s over. Annie slumps back into Tylo and Padme pulls away from their extended lip lock to give the other woman a smile. Tylo, meanwhile, hums his approval, his voice deep and husky as he nods from over Annie’s shoulder.

“Very good. Your self-control has improved in leaps and bounds, Annie.”

Padme blinks in confusion at that, prompting Tylo to grin and chuckle even as Annie flushes for some reason.

“If she wasn’t able to control herself, she would have jumped you, pinned you down, and demanded I have my way with you both, Padme. As she did a couple times with poor Asajj, before we got the orange in her eyes down to the light yellow it is now.”

Annie’s flush turns into a full blown blush, while Padme has to take a moment to process that. She of course knew that there had been lots of ‘test runs’ that doubled as actual helpful cleansing sessions before this one. She also knew that Ventress was involved in some of them after Tylo had taken the time to finish cleansing the bald woman of her own Dark Side Taint.

However, she hadn’t known the specifics. Just imagining a Dark Side Annie pushing Ventress down and ordering Tylo to fuck them both… well…

“I know I shouldn’t say it, but that sounds kind of hot.”

Annie’s blush goes damn near atomic, while Tylo lets out another chuckle.

“What? Her doing it to Ventress, or her potentially doing it to you?”

Padme makes a show of thinking about it for a long moment before answering with all the seriousness she can muster.

“… Yes.”

There’s a beat as Annie, bright red and not getting any less so, looks between them and whines in the back of her throat. Then, Padme and Tylo both break down into giggles, causing Annie to cross her arms over her chest and pout mightily.

“Hate you. Hate you both.”

Of course, then Tylo takes those arms and uncrosses them, turning her around to face him and away from Padme as he lays a gentle kiss of his own on Annie’s lips that swiftly disarms her.

“No you don’t, Annie. Or you wouldn’t have fought Palpatine so hard to spare us.”

Annie whimpers at that, even as Tylo slowly pushes her down onto her back. Padme shuffles backwards a bit until Annie’s head is right up against her knees and she’s looking up into Padme’s smiling face.


But Padme just shakes her head as she rises herself up to her full kneeling height, spreading her legs apart.

“Shush Annie. No need to talk. Just focus on getting better, yeah?”

She knows her part in this all too well, of course. And after a moment of indecision and uncertainty, Annie finally nods. As Tylo positions himself between their lover’s legs, Padme shuffles forward, positioning her crotch right above Annie’s face. Then, while she watches Tylo sink his throbbing mast into Annie’s slit, she lowers her own right atop the other woman’s face.

Despite being on the bottom, Annie doesn’t waste time. Her hands come up and latch onto Padme’s thighs and her tongue drives deep into the Senator’s sex without hesitation. Padme gasps, her eyes widening as Annie delves into her depths. Almost collapsing forward, she has to catch herself on the other woman’s breasts, giving them a good hard squeeze which just causes Annie to moan into her sex in response, driving Padme even wilder.

Not that Annie wouldn’t have been moaning soon enough regardless. Down below, Tylo is doing his part as well, thrusting in and out of their lover with increasing speed. Judging by the noises coming from the squelching of their joined bodies, Annie is loving it, and was more than wet enough to be ready for Tylo when he finally penetrated her.

Smiling at Tylo, and receiving a smile in return, Padme gyrates her hips as she rides Annie’s face. In turn, Annie’s tongue continues to drive up inside of her, making her absolutely crazy with lust and love and affection. Padme Amidala Naberrie wasn’t Force sensitive and never would be. So she couldn’t exactly sense what was happening between all of them, at least not in the same way Tylo and Annie could.

Although, she did feel a strange feeling of warmth filling her, beyond just the pleasure of Annie’s tongue on her sex. It could have been the Light Side of the Force. Or it could have just been the happiness of knowing they were finally turning a corner on Annie’s recovery and rehabilitation. They were finally bringing the finish line within sight.

Either way, Padme reaches forward after a moment and places a hand on Tylo’s chiseled jaw. She leans in as he does the same and the two of them kiss deeply, tongues exchanging spit as they complete the connection between all three of their bodies in that moment. It feels right. It feels… perfect.


This feels right. This feels perfect.

Hearing Padme’s thoughts as they kiss, Tylo smiles slightly while maintaining the lip lock. At the same time, Annie’s cunt clenches down around his thrusting cock, her pussy gushing while Padme rides her face and she eats the Nabooian Senator out.

Unlike Padme, Tylo was very much Force Sensitive and could feel every ounce of what was happening between the three of them right now. Not just on a physical level, but on a metaphysical one as well.

Shit had… well, it’d been touch and go there for a while, there was no denying that. Even now…

Tylo directs his attention down at Annie for a moment and hears the overlapping voices of her mind combined with her unwanted passenger.

Kill the Jedi… kill the Jedi… kill the Jedi…

So good. I don’t deserve this much love. I love them both so much. Have to stay strong. Can’t let the Dark Side win. Can’t let Palpatine win.

It’s a lot better than it was back on the Resolute, Annie’s flagship. That had been… well, back then Palpatine’s voice had been so loud in Annie’s head that Tylo almost couldn’t hear HIMSELF think let alone pick out the Jedi Knight’s thoughts. It had taken every ounce of his composure to push through and figure out what was going on in Annie’s mind anyways… and thank fuck he had.

Going from having to talk Annie out of killing him, to having to talk her out of killing Dooku, to having to talk her out of killing HERSELF… all in what felt like no time at all, well, it was more than a little draining. But he’d done it, in the end. Even if it cost him his ties to the Jedi Order… it was worth it.

There had been a couple of holo calls between Tylo and his former Master over the past few weeks as everything had slowly begun to settle. As well as one call with Jedi Master Shaak Ti. Needless to say, Aayla hadn’t been happy when she’d felt their bond snap. Technically, a Padawan Bond wasn’t supposed to last forever anyways.

Once a Padawan became a Knight, the Force Bond between them and their old Master was commonly expected to fade over time. Only in cases of extreme attachment, which of course was against the Jedi Code, did such Padawan Bonds persist past their expected due date.

Obviously, where Tylo and Aayla were concerned, the Master-Padawan Bond they’d shared had never really even had a chance to fade. Especially since even though Tylo had been promoted to Jedi Knight, he and his former Master had remained side by side, working together for the past several months of the Clone Wars. If anything, they’d become closer since his promotion, and the bond had grown stronger as a result.

As such, Tylo wasn’t surprised that Aayla had been hurt by him sundering that bond. Unfortunately, it was the only way for him to stop Annie from doing something drastic. Someone as powerful in the Force as Annie Skywalker was never going to be tricked or fooled into believing a lie. And so it had to be the truth. Tylo had to not only mean every word, but he also had to back those words up with actions.

Aayla had ultimately been understanding about things, even if it had directly impacted her the most and hurt her deeply. Shaak Ti had been less so and had all but ordered him back to Coruscant to answer for his actions. Tylo had rejected her orders, and leaned further into his new position as Mandalore to make it clear that he did not answer to her, the Jedi High Council, or even the Republic. After all, the Mandalore Sector was neutral in the conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy.

He wouldn’t be part of the Lost Twenty or anything like that, of course. It was a common misconception, but the Lost Twenty didn’t represent every Jedi who had ever left the Order. Rather, it represented the twenty Jedi who had made it to the rank of Master and then decided to part ways with the Order.

There were plenty of Padawans and Knights who had left the order over the centuries, and Tylo himself would not be all that special in that regard. Though he WOULD probably stand out for having left the Order only to immediately become the ruler of not just a planet, nor a star system, but an entire sector of space.

All in all, things were far from settled just yet, but they were getting there. Palpatine and Dooku’s plot to plunge the galaxy into total Darkness and erect a Galactic Empire in the ashes of both the Republic and the Confederacy had been stymied. The Separatist Movement was slowly being wound down, while the corruption within the Republic was finally getting the attention it deserved from both the Jedi and the more honorable parts of the Senate.

There would probably be some who tried to claim that Palpatine had forced them to do this or that of course. They were already hearing such things from Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. The Nemodian insisted that he’d been under Palpatine’s thumb for years and years, all the way back to the Trade Federation’s occupation of the Sith Lord’s homeworld of Naboo. He wanted to try and pretend he’d had no part in it, or that he was forced into it by Palpatine’s Dark Side powers.

The rest of the Separatist Leadership and Palpatine’s staunchest allies in the Senate were all quickly following suit in that regard, eager to put all of the blame on the Sith and their ‘Force Magic’ controlling their minds.

But all of that wasn’t Tylo’s problem. He would leave it in the capable hands of the far more awake Jedi Order, who now knew just how close they’d come to being led right into the open maw of destruction by the Sith. Everything was out in the open now in that regard, and for the first time in a long time, Tylo knew that the Jedi High Council had both eyes open.

Likewise, Padme and her fellow Senators who actually cared about the people they served in the Republic would fight hard to excise the corruption as well. He knew Padme wouldn’t rest until she’d done everything she could to remove every part of Palpatine’s influence from the galaxy. Hell, that was why she was here now.

And it was why Tylo was here as well. Peace between the Republic and the Confederacy and the punishment of those who had willfully served Palpatine might not be his concern, but Annie Skywalker and the cleansing of her mind and Force Presence definitely both were. Thrusting into her clenching, squeezing cunt harder and faster by the moment, Tylo grunts into Padme’s lips and tips over the edge.

At the same time that his seed flows into Annie, Tylo also pushes forth with the Light Side, plunging his presence into Annie’s much larger presence and seeking out the last vestiges of Darkness. It was a lot easier now then it had been at the start, mostly because Annie herself was able to call upon the Light Side and help him at this point.

Together, they chase the Darkness out of her. And with it…

Kill the Jedi

Kill… the… Jedi

Kill… the…

Palpatine’s voice fades before the last ‘Jedi’ can even be heard. Blessed silence embraces Annie’s mind, even as there are quite a lot of wanton moans, grunts and groans, and shuddering bodies in the physical world.

As Tylo pulls back from Padme’s lips, the panting Nabooian Senator drops back off of Annie’s face onto her ass. Annie, meanwhile, blinks rapidly as her eyes adjust to room’s artificial light. And then…

It… it’s gone. He’s gone!

Suddenly coming up off of the bed, Annie wraps her arms around Tylo’s neck.

“The voice is gone! We did it!”

And then she kisses him, deeply. Not that Tylo minds one bit. In fact, he’s happy to return the favor and quite thrilled to bask in Annie’s own happiness even as they exchange the taste of Padme’s pussy juices between them. Padme, of course, also joins in on the fun, and this time she’s the one hugging Annie from behind as they all share a lover’s embrace for several long moments.

Tears eventually begin to fall from Annie’s eyes, her entire body wracked with sobs of relief and joy. It radiates out into the Force, filling the air with a charged sense, an almost electrical sensation that has all of their hair standing on end.

But eventually, the emotional moment does die down. As they all come down from their respective highs, Tylo smiles softly… and a little sadly, already thinking about how both Annie and Padme will have to leave him soon. Padme to get back to the Senate, and Annie to report to the Jedi Council now that she’s cleansed.

He would never have let the Jedi have her while Palpatine’s voice was still in her head and her Force Presence was still so Dark, but now… well, he really had no right to keep her. Then again… he could offer her a place here all the same. He could offer them both a place in Clan Vondin, maybe…

The Vote:
[X] Selfishly suggest that Annie and Padme join Clan Vondin - 72%

[ ] Be selfless, let them go - 28%


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