A random pokemon journey


Metal claw on the other hand was a move her species simply wasn't supposed to be able to learn at all as far as I remember. The way she learnt it was by focusing the steel type energy from iron defense on her claw alone and striking out at a boulder. It took her an entire week to suddenly have the move itself pop up in her status screen after she first started successfully focusing the steel type energy. Rock polish though was a move she naturally learned however but it was so very broken on her.-

I don't know how exactly it works but rock polish makes the pokemon that used it two levels faster than before. Mix that with her already crazy speed and Gaia was nightmare inducingly fast for her size and power. Those were Gaia's improvements during this time but my own were no small matter either as my own stats had grown considerably since I arrived in this world. I had collected quite a few small treasures during this time and had been honing my common to the point I was now very fluent in it getting a system approved A ranking in it.-

[NAME: Alexander Drake


RACE: human-bonded

INVENTORY: 1000 poke` , Pokeball(Gaia) , silph co bag , 5x pokeballs , I.D , oran berry 12x , hardstone(g2) , everstone(g2) , tiny mushroom , dusk stone(3) , unusual claw fossil , water stone(g5) 4x , gold nugget , deepsea tooth , silverware set , nanab berry 6x , sitrus berry 5x , pecha berry 4x , leaf stone(g2) , expert belt 2x , caveman pot , wok , hammer , soothe bell , anvil , rough tongs , steel block , luminous crystal 2x ,




Pokemon: Larvitar(Gaia)(32)


SKILLS: common(A) , cleaning(N) , metal working(J) , aura(J) , cooking(J) , writing(N)

ABILITIES: Appraise(novice)(system ability) , improved body v1







As you can see my status is very different from when I originally showed up in this world. In fact every single stat of mine had grown considerably since then. Five was the base number for each stat for a normal human and I was at almost double that in each now. Ten according to the system was pretty good for humans while fifteen was the absolute pinnacle that normal humans could possibly reach via genetics and intense long term dieting and training.-

In this regard I was quite good to go at the moment stat wise so long as I don't try and compare myself to pokemon trainers with many bonded pokemon under their belt. Interestingly enough I learned that if a bonded pokemon grows stronger the trainer also does as well. It's not a huge boost honestly since even with Gaia's intense training I only got a single point in both strength and agility for it. My biggest stat increase though was definitely my aura stat that had tripled thanks to my bond with Gaia and training.-

Speaking of aura I finally succeeded in having some of the stuff manifest outside my body though only for a split second before my reserves were drained. None the less this qualified me in the systems eyes as a journeyman aura user. I couldn't really show it off or anything yet but progress was progress and I was happy to have it. And now you are all caught up on the stuff that's changed throughout the month. Today was not any different from another when I woke up as I roused Gaia and revived the fire while she was opening the caves boulder door.

It was only at that point that things got screwy as Gaia stiffened halfway through opening the door. There standing outside the cave was two Entei with one being considerably larger than the other but otherwise looked nearly identical. I myself didn't notice that something was wrong since I was focusing on the fire at the time until the system decided to give me late heads up.

[Quest conditions established!

Description: You have gained the approval of an Entei that has brought a newborn member of it's species to challenge you.

Objectives: Spar with the newborn Entei , earn it's approval(optional) , catch it(optional)

Rewards: 5x random item ticket , 1x ability ticket(optional) , 1x guaranteed skill ticket]

I felt the blood drain out of my face while reading this quest description before slowly turning my head to the entrance of the cave and seeing the two legendries sitting patiently for me. I sighed and stood up from my squat before walking over to Gaia who was extremely tense. Not because of the older legendary but rather from the smaller one that was practically radiating fighting intent. It was painfully obvious why they were here and I could only pat Gaia reassuringly.-

"I take it you two aren't merely here to chat before leaving huh?" I asked despite knowing what the answer I should expect. 'Not this time little human. We are here to determine if you are worthy to take this youngster with you on your journey.' The older Entei spoke into my mind and I could only sigh. "Are you sure about this , I am sure there are many more worthy than me after all?" I ask seriously. 'I am certain that you'll prove perfect." the older Entei said firmly and I could once again only sigh.-

[Pokemon species: Entei


Moveset: Bite(j) , Leer(n) , Ember(n) , roar(n) , fire spin(n) , Stomp(n) , flamethrower(n) , sunny day(n)

Variations: none



Sp. Atk:110

Sp. Def:80


Ability: Inner focus(n)]

I appraised the young Entei and quickly ran through the chances of victory in my head and surprisingly enough Gaia and I were slightly more likely to win. Sure the Entei had considerably better stats than Gaia did across the board but she had most of her skills on adept or expert level mastery which was worth a considerable amount of extra damage. Even more so in the case of super effective moves such as rock slide , sandstorm and sand bomb that stacked with her expert belt.-

The factor that really decides this fight was experience in battle at this point and the fact the younger Entei is only at forty means it probably has none at all but rather is indeed a freshly born legendary. Thankfully Gaia is fairly resistant to normal type and dark type moves while fire type moves are nearly pointless against her so she has type advantage as well. "Fine then follow us to our usual training area , a fight here may ruin our home." I said and had Gaia follow me to the training area.-

I wasn't joking about it destroying the area either as two roughly equally matched pokemon fighting can change the landscape of a small area if they are decently strong. Gaia's attacks were strong enough to create small craters if she went all out on some of them and I very much doubted the Entei was much different. Rather than risk having my current home leveled in the cross fire I would rather the training area get demolished.

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