A random pokemon journey


Unlike when Gaia was pushing the boulder to our cave there was absolutely no pokemon stupid or ignorant enough to stick around once we passed by. Not that I blamed them considering the two legendries following behind Gaia and I. "No matter what happens make sure you keep sandstorm up and keep your distance as best you can." I coached Gaia as we walked and she listened seriously. The two Entei could probably hear us as well but I honestly didn't care since telling her this now or after we start made little difference.-

The reason for this was because majority of the younger Entei's moves were up close and personal in nature so it would be trying to close the distance any chance it got anyways. It didn't take us very long to arrive at the training ground that looked very different then it did when we first started using it. At the moment it looked like a small patch of desert had been placed here as it was covered in thick sand and jagged shattered boulder pieces. No plants had survived Gaia's training at all so it was just like a desert.-

The older Entei raised an eyebrow at this and had likely figured out that Gaia was by no means as weak as she was a month ago. It didn't say anything about it however so that little detail was still hidden from the inexperienced Entei. Gaia and I stood on one side and the young Entei eagerly stood ten feet away. The elder Entei started the match and immediately sand got kicked up with a brown glow from Gaia as she set up our usual sandstorm start. "Rock polish double!" I call out and Gaia starts to glow brown on her full body while she rubs herself down with her claws.-

The Entei's unfamiliarity with it's moves shows at this point as by the time it finally pops off a sunny day Gaia has already completed her sandstorm and is almost done with the rock polish as well. Like actual weather phenomena sunny day didn't cancel the sandstorm but rather stacked on top of it. The move sunny day itself was actually an orb of fire energy floating high over head that imitated the actual sun but increased the ambient fire energy in the air. This meant that the sunny day did not clash with the sandstorm that was close to the ground at all.-

The Entei seemed confused about this as it thought using one weather move canceled another and admittedly I was right alongside it in that thought. Still besides noting this down as a possible way to fuck with my opponents in the future I ignored it. Gaia finished her Rock polish thanks to this moment of distraction on the Entei's part which meant that her speed stat was temporarily almost the same as the Entei's. Add on the sand veil evasion up she had at the moment and it suddenly became a lot harder for the Entei to hit her.-

The Entei dashed forward at very fast speed to try and close the distance as it's front paws both glowed white. Just before it it was going to reach her it leapt up making it clear what move it was planning to use. Gaia didn't dodge though but rather her right claw started to glow brown and an orb of sand from the surrounding sandstorm quickly condensed and she thrust it right into the Entei's belly as it used stomp on her. "CRASH! BANG!" the two moves struck at the same time and Gaia staggered with several bleeding cracks on her carapace and several smaller ones as well.-

The Entei got off from that collision far worse than Gaia as it's belly was pouring out blood since it's skin had been shredded. I was surprised the damage was so light to be honest since the last pokemon that had been hit point blank with a sand bomb was blown to pieces. 'Looks like legendries are much tougher than normal pokemon by default.' I noted to myself. Gaia was gritting her teeth in pain which meant it was my turn to direct the fight fully since she will get distracted by the pain and make mistakes.-

"Screech and scary face!" I call and she obeyed while the Entei was still reeling from the pain it was in. The screech hit the dazed legendary forcing it's body to relax which dropped it's defenses before the scary face hit it and it got muscle tremors as well. From my guess I'd say that in game terms it was at about half a bar of health while Gaia was at three quarters. The Entei also seemed to realize it was losing and began to glow red in it's mouth "Dodge!" I yelled right as the Entei unleashed a torrent of fire at Gaia.-

Gaia wasted no time at all falling to all fours and charging out of the way of the stream of fire. I also moved out of the way as the fire shot out of the area of the sandstorm by about seven extra feet which was right where I was standing before. The Entei swung it's head and the stream of fire followed the movement to chase after the fleeing Gaia. This was where the evasion and speed advantage Gaia currently had came in handy.-

She moved just fast enough to stay out of the flame until the Entei had no choice but to stop as it's energy reserves were getting low. It was stumbling at this point from exhaustion from blood and energy loss. I knew we had it on the ropes "Sand bomb , finish this!" I called out and Gaia's right claw started to glow brown and sand from the storm condensed above the claw that she pushed towards the Entei whose eyes narrowed. It jumped to the side so the sand bomb didn't directly hit it but it still got hit pretty hard by the super effective move.-

'STOP!' the voice of the elder Entei echoed through my head right when I was about to have Gaia go for the double tap. I wish it wasn't necessary but pokemon can be really stubborn sometimes and simply refuse to get knocked out. I'd seen it firsthand a few times from the spars with the other pokemon over this month. Still Gaia made no further moves and even ended the sandstorm to show that she was complying. As the dust settled I saw why the elder Entei had stopped us as the younger one was knocked out and bleeding heavily from it's side now.-

Gaia stumbled over to me clearly exhausted after using two different sand bombs in such a short amount of time. Unlike in the game there was no pp in reality but rather each pokemon had a reserve of neutral energy in them that was expended when a move was used. For very powerful moves like flamethrower or sand bomb the moves take a lot of energy to use. Thankfully the energy reserves were like a muscle and grew the more a pokemon used it which was also why pokemon grew stronger faster with a trainer as they were always well nourished and constantly using their reserves.

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